# Template from https://nix-community.github.io/home-manager/index.xhtml#sec-usage-configuration { config, pkgs, ... }: let python-packages = ps: with ps; [ requests discordpy pandas numpy nose matplotlib seaborn basemap geopandas pyshp jupyter notebook ipython ipykernel openpyxl pyarrow sympy ]; in { home.username = "finchie"; home.homeDirectory = "/home/finchie"; home.stateVersion = "23.11"; programs.home-manager.enable = true; services.gnome-keyring.enable = true; home.packages = with pkgs; [ (rust-bin.selectLatestNightlyWith (toolchain: toolchain.default.override { extensions = [ "rust-src" "llvm-tools" "rustc-codegen-cranelift" ]; targets = [ "riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf" "x86_64-unknown-none" "wasm32-unknown-unknown" "wasm32-wasi" "x86_64-unknown-linux-musl" ]; })) (python3.withPackages python-packages) latest.firefox-nightly-bin latest.thunderbird-daily-bin neofetch nushellFull pandoc biome alacritty helix direnv discord-canary vscode git steam sidequest ripgrep bat bottom du-dust asciinema lapce fontconfig zoxide fd tokei hotspot onlyoffice-bin hyperfine topgrade cargo-update cargo-watch cargo-dist cargo-binutils cargo-bloat cargo-cache cargo-bisect-rustc cargo-diet cargo-edit cargo-expand cargo-machete cargo-udeps cargo-unused-features cargo-modules cargo-depgraph mdbook samply trunk wasm-bindgen-cli measureme wasm-pack steam-run lutris mdbook difftastic lurk typst pkg-config openssl libiconv zstd xxHash yarn nodejs libudev-zero qemu # llvmPackages.bintools xorg.libX11 xorg.libxkbfile libsecret mold # clang_14 cmake fontconfig freetype ninja ruff libsodium ffmpeg tk zip gdb sccache gcc dogdns gnomeExtensions.pop-shell # lldb gnumake lld notion-app-enhanced nixpkgs-fmt jujutsu bitwarden-desktop nix-output-monitor nh nil spotify ]; }