Analyze dependencies of cargo projects
use charming::element::{ColorBy, ItemStyle, Label};
use charming::series::{Bar, Graph, GraphLayoutForce, Sankey, Series, Treemap};
use charming::{Chart, HtmlRenderer};

mod graph;
mod histogram;
mod sankey;
mod treemap;

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub enum Style {

pub fn for_style(style: Style, annotations: &crate::AnnotationGraph) {
    let series: Series = match style {
        Style::Graph => {
                // Use charming's force-directed layout, in combination with
                // `graph::layout()` using `forceatlas2`, as they seem to get the best results
                // when used together.
        Style::Sankey => Sankey::new()
        Style::Histogram => Bar::new()
            // TODO: charming does not support relative bar widths, but echarts does.
            // This is an exact value, NOT a percentage, and is wrong - each bar overlaps
            // itself. This is "fine" for a histogram, so leaving for now,
            // but should change eventually.
        Style::Treemap => {
            let data = treemap::data(annotations, annotations.roots().collect::<Vec<_>>());
                // TODO: this is a hack that sets the levels to be a complete worst-case

    let mut chart = Chart::new().series(series);

    // Use custom axes for histogram
    if matches!(style, Style::Histogram) {
        let (x_axis, y_axis) = histogram::axes(annotations);
        chart = chart.x_axis(x_axis).y_axis(y_axis);

    let mut renderer = HtmlRenderer::new("Cargo dependencies", 1000, 800);, "target/dist/index.html").unwrap();