use clap::{Parser, Subcommand};

// An example command-line definition for prototyping
#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
#[command(author, version, about, long_about = None, name = "pijul")]
pub struct MockApp {
    /// Name of the person to greet
    /// A longer explanation.
    /// This explanation takes up multiple lines!
    /// Wow!
        short = 'n',
        visible_alias = "nom",
        alias = "hidden-should-not-appear",
        env = "NAME_ENV_VAR"
    name: String,

    /// Number of times to greet
    #[arg(short, long, default_value_t = 1)]
    count: u8,

    // Subcommand
    subcommand: Option<Subcmd>,

#[derive(Subcommand, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum Subcmd {
    /// First subcommand
    /// This explanation is also quite long.
    /// It takes up multiple lines
    One {
        times: u32,

    /// Second subcommand
    /// Another, even longer explanation.
    /// Would it not be crazy
    /// if this took up 3 lines??
    Two {
        #[arg(short = 'a', long)]
        amount: i64,