Example of CSS sprites (a black token and a white token, 20x20px each, embedded in the same "tokens.png" 40x20px image):
.white_token {
background-image: url('img/tokens.png');
background-position: 0px 0px;
.black_token {
background-image: url('img/tokens.png');
background-position: -20px 0px;
.token {
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
background-repeat: none;
return 0;
$max = self::getGameStateValue("minigame") * 33;
// Very naive, but we rarely should exhaust the deck in one minigame, so
// let's treat the drawn cards as an indicator.
$progress = ($this->cards->countCardInLocation('discard')
+ $this->cards->countCardInLocation('player_display')) / $this->constants['EVIDENCE_DECK_SIZE'];
$progress *= $max;
return floor($progress);
// Get all tiles, shuffle them in two decks, associate them with
// location slots. Decks are called "cri_tile_d" (crime tile deck) and
// "sus_tile_d" (suspect tile deck). VARCHAR(16) ftw!
$this->cards->moveCards(array_pluck($this->cards->getCardsOfType('tile_crime'), 'id'), 'cri_tile_d');
$this->cards->moveCards(array_pluck($this->cards->getCardsOfType('tile_suspect'), 'id'), 'sus_tile_d');
foreach($this->locations as $loc_id => $loc) {
$this->cards->pickCardForLocation('cri_tile_d', 'locslot', $loc['slots']['crime']['id']);
$this->cards->pickCardForLocation('sus_tile_d', 'locslot', $loc['slots']['suspect']['id']);
function getCardNames($ids)
return array_pluck(
array_filter($this->cardBasis, function($k) {
return in_array($k, $ids);
* Return if it is the last turn for this minigame.
* It's the last turn if all other players have already solved their cases.
function isLastTurn() {
// // Setup tiles
// for( var id in gamedatas.intersections )
// {
// var intersection = gamedatas.intersections[id];
for (i in this.gamedatas.tiles) {
var tile = this.gamedatas.tiles[i];
this.format_block('jstpl_tile', {tile: tile, name: this.gamedatas.tileinfos[tile.type_arg].name}),
dojo.place( $('tile_' + tile.id), $('locslot_' + tile.location_arg) );
// this.slideToObject( $('tile_' + tile.id), $('locslot_' + tile.location_arg) ).play();
// var slide = this.slideToObject( $( 'stone_' + notif.args.coord_x + '_' + notif.args.coord_y ), $( 'intersection_' + notif.args.coord_x + '_' + notif.args.coord_y ), 1000 );
// var x_pix = this.getXPixelCoordinates(intersection.coord_x);
// var y_pix = this.getYPixelCoordinates(intersection.coord_y);
// if (intersection.stone_color != null) {
// // This intersection is taken, it shouldn't appear as clickable anymore
// dojo.removeClass( 'intersection_' + intersection.coord_x + '_' + intersection.coord_y, 'clickable' );
// }
// }
// // Place it on the player panel
// this.placeOnObject( $( 'stone_' + notif.args.coord_x + '_' + notif.args.coord_y ), $( 'player_board_' + notif.args.player_id ) );
// // Animate a slide from the player panel to the intersection
// dojo.style( 'stone_' + notif.args.coord_x + '_' + notif.args.coord_y, 'zIndex', 1 );
// var slide = this.slideToObject( $( 'stone_' + notif.args.coord_x + '_' + notif.args.coord_y ), $( 'intersection_' + notif.args.coord_x + '_' + notif.args.coord_y ), 1000 );
// dojo.connect( slide, 'onEnd', this, dojo.hitch( this, function() {
// // At the end of the slide, update the intersection
// dojo.removeClass( 'intersection_' + notif.args.coord_x + '_' + notif.args.coord_y, 'no_stone' );
// dojo.addClass( 'intersection_' + notif.args.coord_x + '_' + notif.args.coord_y, 'stone_' + notif.args.color );
// dojo.removeClass( 'intersection_' + notif.args.coord_x + '_' + notif.args.coord_y, 'clickable' );
// // We can now destroy the stone since it is now visible through the change in style of the intersection
// dojo.destroy( 'stone_' + notif.args.coord_x + '_' + notif.args.coord_y );
// }));
// slide.play();
// Connect user actions
console.log( 'onUpdateActionButtons: '+stateName );
if( this.isCurrentPlayerActive() )
switch( stateName )
case 'myGameState':
// Add 3 action buttons in the action status bar:
this.addActionButton( 'button_1_id', _('Button 1 label'), 'onMyMethodToCall1' );
this.addActionButton( 'button_2_id', _('Button 2 label'), 'onMyMethodToCall2' );
this.addActionButton( 'button_3_id', _('Button 3 label'), 'onMyMethodToCall3' );
if (this.isCurrentPlayerActive()) {
switch (stateName) {
case "playerTurn":
// TODO: if player.hasInvestigatorsLeft ... else show
// inactive button that simply spits a warning if
// clicked
dojo.string.substitute(_('Send investigator (${n} left)'), {n: 99}),
_('Solve case'),
onSendInvestigatorClicked: function () {
// Alert: "Click on a location to send your investigator (X left)."
console.log('sending investigator')
onSolveCaseClicked: function () {
// Alert: "Click the correct location, crime, and suspect to solve your case..."
console.log('trying to solve the case')
In this method, you associate each of your game notifications with your local method to handle it.
Note: game notification names correspond to "notifyAllPlayers" and "notifyPlayer" calls in
your fabiantest.game.php file.
In this method, you associate each of your game notifications with
your local method to handle it.
<!-- BEGIN locslot -->
<div id="locslot_{STRID}" class="locslot"
style="top:{TOP}px; left:{LEFT}px; transform:rotate({ROTATION}deg);"></div>
<!-- END locslot -->
<!-- <div id="locslot_centralstation_suspect" class="locslot" style="top:50.8%; left:25.8%; transform:rotate(2.5deg);"></div>
<div id="locslot_littleitaly_crime" class="locslot" style="top:30.4%; left:29.7%; transform:rotate(2.5deg);"></div>
<div id="locslot_littleitaly_suspect" class="locslot" style="top:30.8%; left:15.8%; transform:rotate(2.5deg);"></div>
<div id="locslot_mainstreet_crime" class="locslot" style="top:50.4%; left:64.7%; transform:rotate(0deg);"></div>
<div id="locslot_mainstreet_suspect" class="locslot" style="top:50.8%; left:50.8%; transform:rotate(0deg);"></div> -->
// crime
array('strid' => $loc['strid'] . '_crime',
'coords' => array(calcY($this->constants['BOARD_H'] * ($top / 100), $angle, $this->constants['BOARD_H'] * 0.07),
calcX($this->constants['BOARD_W'] * ($left / 100), $angle, $this->constants['BOARD_W'] * 0.07),
// suspect
array('strid' => $loc['strid'] . '_suspect',
'coords' => array(calcY($this->constants['BOARD_H'] * ($top / 100), $angle, $this->constants['BOARD_H'] * -0.07),
calcX($this->constants['BOARD_W'] * ($left / 100), $angle, $this->constants['BOARD_W'] * -0.07),
'crime' => array(
'id' => $loc_id * 100 + 1,
'strid' => $loc['strid'] . '_crime',
'coords' => array(calcY($this->constants['BOARD_H'] * ($top / 100), $angle, $this->constants['BOARD_H'] * 0.07),
calcX($this->constants['BOARD_W'] * ($left / 100), $angle, $this->constants['BOARD_W'] * 0.07),
'suspect' => array(
'id' => $loc_id * 100 + 3,
'strid' => $loc['strid'] . '_suspect',
'coords' => array(calcY($this->constants['BOARD_H'] * ($top / 100), $angle, $this->constants['BOARD_H'] * -0.07),
calcX($this->constants['BOARD_W'] * ($left / 100), $angle, $this->constants['BOARD_W'] * -0.07),
"transitions" => array( "endGame" => 99, "nextPlayer" => 10 )
10 => array(
"name" => "playerTurn",
"description" => clienttranslate('${actplayer} must play a card or pass'),
"descriptionmyturn" => clienttranslate('${you} must play a card or pass'),
"type" => "activeplayer",
"possibleactions" => array( "playCard", "pass" ),
"transitions" => array( "playCard" => 2, "pass" => 2 )
"transitions" => array(