
 * BGA framework: © Gregory Isabelli <gisabelli@boardgamearena.com> & Emmanuel Colin <ecolin@boardgamearena.com>
 * P.I. implementation: © Fabian Neumann <fabian.neumann@posteo.de>
 * This code has been produced on the BGA studio platform for use on http://boardgamearena.com.
 * See http://en.boardgamearena.com/#!doc/Studio for more information.
 * -----
 * gameoptions.inc.php
 * pi game options description
 * In this file, you can define your game options (= game variants).
 * Note: If your game has no variant, you don't have to modify this file.
 * Note²: All options defined in this file should have a corresponding "game state labels"
 *        with the same ID (see "initGameStateLabels" in pi.game.php)
 * !! It is not a good idea to modify this file when a game is running !!

$game_options = array(

    /* Example of game variant:
    // note: game variant ID should start at 100 (ie: 100, 101, 102, ...). The maximum is 199.
    100 => array(
                'name' => totranslate('my game option'),    
                'values' => array(

                            // A simple value for this option:
                            1 => array( 'name' => totranslate('option 1') )

                            // A simple value for this option.
                            // If this value is chosen, the value of "tmdisplay" is displayed in the game lobby
                            2 => array( 'name' => totranslate('option 2'), 'tmdisplay' => totranslate('option 2') ),

                            // Another value, with other options:
                            //  beta=true => this option is in beta version right now.
                            //  nobeginner=true  =>  this option is not recommended for beginners
                            3 => array( 'name' => totranslate('option 3'),  'beta' => true, 'nobeginner' => true ),) )

