<title>Using LDAP as authentication backend (optional)</title>
Instead of using Hydra's built-in user management you can optionally use LDAP to manage roles and users.
The <command>hydra-server</command> accepts the environment
variable <emphasis>HYDRA_LDAP_CONFIG</emphasis>. The value of
the variable should point to a valid YAML file containing the
Catalyst LDAP configuration. The format of the configuration
file is describe in the
<link xlink:href="">
<emphasis>Catalyst::Authentication::Store::LDAP</emphasis> documentation</link>.
An example is given below.
Roles can be assigned to users based on their LDAP group membership
(<emphasis>use_roles: 1</emphasis> in the below example).
For a user to have the role <emphasis>admin</emphasis> assigned to them
they should be in the group <emphasis>hydra_admin</emphasis>. In general
any LDAP group of the form <emphasis>hydra_some_role</emphasis>
(notice the <emphasis>hydra_</emphasis> prefix) will work.
class: Password
password_field: password
password_type: self_check
class: LDAP
ldap_server: localhost
ldap_server_options.timeout: 30
binddn: "cn=root,dc=example"
bindpw: notapassword
start_tls: 0
verify: none
user_basedn: "ou=users,dc=example"
user_filter: "(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(cn=%s))"
user_scope: one
user_field: cn
deref: always
use_roles: 1
role_basedn: "ou=groups,dc=example"
role_filter: "(&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member=%s))"
role_scope: one
role_field: cn
role_value: dn
deref: always