# Called when build $build has been queued.
sub buildQueued {
my ($self, $build) = @_;
# To implement behaviors in response to the following events, implement
# the function in your plugin and it will be executed by hydra-notify.
# See the tests in t/Event/*.t for arguments, and the documentation for
# notify events for semantics.
# # Called when build $build has been queued.
# sub buildQueued {
# my ($self, $build) = @_;
# }
# Called when build $build has finished. If the build failed, then
# $dependents is an array ref to a list of builds that have also
# failed as a result (i.e. because they depend on $build or a failed
# dependeny of $build).
sub buildFinished {
my ($self, $build, $dependents) = @_;
# # Called when build $build has finished. If the build failed, then
# # $dependents is an array ref to a list of builds that have also
# # failed as a result (i.e. because they depend on $build or a failed
# # dependeny of $build).
# sub buildFinished {
# my ($self, $build, $dependents) = @_;
# }
# Called when step $step has finished. The build log is stored in the
# file $logPath (bzip2-compressed).
sub stepFinished {
my ($self, $step, $logPath) = @_;
# # Called when step $step has finished. The build log is stored in the
# # file $logPath (bzip2-compressed).
# sub stepFinished {
# my ($self, $step, $logPath) = @_;
# }
subtest "interested" => sub {
my $event = Hydra::Event::BuildFinished->new(123, []);
subtest "A plugin which does not implement the API" => sub {
my $plugin = {};
my $mock = mock_obj $plugin => ();
is($event->interestedIn($plugin), 0, "The plugin is not interesting.");
subtest "A plugin which does implement the API" => sub {
my $plugin = {};
my $mock = mock_obj $plugin => (
add => [
"buildFinished" => sub {}
subtest "interested" => sub {
my $event = Hydra::Event::BuildQueued->new(123, []);
subtest "A plugin which does not implement the API" => sub {
my $plugin = {};
my $mock = mock_obj $plugin => ();
is($event->interestedIn($plugin), 0, "The plugin is not interesting.");
subtest "A plugin which does implement the API" => sub {
my $plugin = {};
my $mock = mock_obj $plugin => (
add => [
"buildQueued" => sub {}
is($event->interestedIn($plugin), 1, "The plugin is interesting.");
subtest "interested" => sub {
my $event = Hydra::Event::BuildStarted->new(123, []);
subtest "A plugin which does not implement the API" => sub {
my $plugin = {};
my $mock = mock_obj $plugin => ();
is($event->interestedIn($plugin), 0, "The plugin is not interesting.");
subtest "A plugin which does implement the API" => sub {
my $plugin = {};
my $mock = mock_obj $plugin => (
add => [
"buildStarted" => sub {}
is($event->interestedIn($plugin), 1, "The plugin is interesting.");
subtest "interested" => sub {
my $event = Hydra::Event::StepFinished->new(123, []);
subtest "A plugin which does not implement the API" => sub {
my $plugin = {};
my $mock = mock_obj $plugin => ();
is($event->interestedIn($plugin), 0, "The plugin is not interesting.");
subtest "A plugin which does implement the API" => sub {
my $plugin = {};
my $mock = mock_obj $plugin => (
add => [
"stepFinished" => sub {}
is($event->interestedIn($plugin), 1, "The plugin is interesting.");