package Hydra::Plugin::EmailNotification;

use utf8;
use strict;
use warnings;
use parent 'Hydra::Plugin';
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Template;
use Hydra::Helper::Nix;
use Hydra::Helper::CatalystUtils;
use Hydra::Helper::Email;

sub isEnabled {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return ($self->{config}->{email_notification} // 0) == 1;

my $template = <<EOF;

The status of Hydra job ‘[% showJobName(build) %]’ [% IF showSystem %](on [% build.system %]) [% END %][% IF prevBuild && build.buildstatus != prevBuild.buildstatus %]has changed from "[% showStatus(prevBuild) %]" to "[% showStatus(build) %]"[% ELSE %]is "[% showStatus(build) %]"[% END %].  For details, see

  [% baseurl %]/build/[% %]

[% IF dependents.size > 0 -%]
The following dependent jobs also failed:

[% FOREACH b IN dependents -%]
* [% showJobName(b) %] ([% baseurl %]/build/[% %])
[% END -%]

[% END -%]
[% IF nrCommits > 0 && authorList -%]
This may be due to [% IF nrCommits > 1 -%][% nrCommits %] commits[%- ELSE -%]a commit[%- END -%] by [% authorList %].

[% END -%]
[% IF build.buildstatus == 0 -%]
[% ELSE -%]
Go forth and fix [% IF dependents.size == 0 -%]it[% ELSE %]them[% END %].
[% END -%]


The Hydra build daemon.

sub buildFinished {
    my ($self, $topbuild, $dependents) = @_;

    die unless $topbuild->finished;

    # Figure out to whom to send notification for each build.  For
    # each email address, we send one aggregate email listing only the
    # relevant builds for that address.
    my %addresses;
    foreach my $build ($topbuild, @{$dependents}) {
        my $prevBuild = getPreviousBuild($build);
        # Do we want to send mail for this build?
        unless ($ENV{'HYDRA_FORCE_SEND_MAIL'}) {
            next unless $build->jobset->enableemail;

            # If build is cancelled or aborted, do not send email.
            next if $build->buildstatus == 4 || $build->buildstatus == 3;

            # If there is a previous (that is not cancelled or aborted) build
            # with same buildstatus, do not send email.
            next if defined $prevBuild && ($build->buildstatus == $prevBuild->buildstatus);

        my $to = $build->jobset->emailoverride ne "" ? $build->jobset->emailoverride : $build->maintainers;

        foreach my $address (split ",", ($to // "")) {
            $address = trim $address;

            $addresses{$address} //= { builds => [] };
            push @{$addresses{$address}->{builds}}, $build;

    my ($authors, $nrCommits, $emailable_authors) = getResponsibleAuthors($topbuild, $self->{plugins});
    my $authorList;
    my $prevBuild = getPreviousBuild($topbuild);
    if (scalar keys %{$authors} > 0 &&
        ((!defined $prevBuild) || ($topbuild->buildstatus != $prevBuild->buildstatus))) {
        my @x = map { "$_ <$authors->{$_}>" } (sort keys %{$authors});
        $authorList = join(" or ", scalar @x > 1 ? join(", ", @x[0..scalar @x - 2]): (), $x[-1]);
        $addresses{$_} = { builds => [ $topbuild ] } foreach (@{$emailable_authors});

    # Send an email to each interested address.
    for my $to (keys %addresses) {
        print STDERR "sending mail notification to ", $to, "\n";
        my @builds = @{$addresses{$to}->{builds}};

        my $tt = Template->new({});

        my $vars =
            { build => $topbuild, prevBuild => getPreviousBuild($topbuild)
            , dependents => [grep { $_->id != $topbuild->id } @builds]
            , baseurl => getBaseUrl($self->{config})
            , showJobName => \&showJobName, showStatus => \&showStatus
            , showSystem => index($topbuild->get_column('job'), $topbuild->system) == -1
            , nrCommits => $nrCommits
            , authorList => $authorList

        my $body;
        $tt->process(\$template, $vars, \$body)
            or die "failed to generate email from template";

        # stripping trailing spaces from lines
        $body =~ s/[\ ]+$//gm;

        my $subject =
            showStatus($topbuild) . ": Hydra job " . showJobName($topbuild)
            . ($vars->{showSystem} ? " on " . $topbuild->system : "")
            . (scalar @{$vars->{dependents}} > 0 ? " (and " . scalar @{$vars->{dependents}} . " others)" : "");

            $self->{config}, $to, $subject, $body,
            [ 'X-Hydra-Project'  => $topbuild->get_column('project'),
            , 'X-Hydra-Jobset'   => $topbuild->get_column('jobset'),
            , 'X-Hydra-Job'      => $topbuild->get_column('job'),
            , 'X-Hydra-System'   => $topbuild->system
