use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Hydra::Base::Controller::REST';
use List::SomeUtils qw(any);
use Nix::Store;
use Hydra::Helper::Nix;
use Hydra::Helper::CatalystUtils;
my ($c, $checkValidity) = @_;
my @storePaths = ();
$c->stash->{ } = [];
my @builds = $c->stash->{ }->all;
for (my $n = 0; $n < scalar @builds; ) {
# Since channelData is a join of Builds and BuildOutputs, we
# need to gather the rows that belong to a single build.
my $build = $builds[$n++];
my @outputs = ($build);
push @outputs, $builds[$n++] while $n < scalar @builds && $builds[$n]->id == $build->id;
@outputs = grep { $_->get_column("outpath") } @outputs;
my $outputs = {};
foreach my $output (@outputs) {
my $outPath = $output->get_column("outpath");
next if $checkValidity && !isValidPath($outPath);
$outputs->{$output->get_column("outname")} = $outPath;
push @storePaths, $outPath;
# Put the system type in the manifest (for top-level
# paths) as a hint to the binary patch generator. (It
# shouldn't try to generate patches between builds for
# different systems.) It would be nice if Nix stored this
# info for every path but it doesn't.
$c->stash->{ }->{$outPath} = $build->system;
next if !%$outputs;
my $pkgName = $build->nixname . "-" . $build->system . "-" . $build->id;
push @{$c->stash->{ }}, { build => $build, name => $pkgName, outputs => $outputs };
$c->stash->{ } = [@storePaths];
: Chained('nix') PathPart {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
$c->stash->{ } = 'NixClosure';
getChannelData($c, 1);
# FIXME: get the closure of the selected path only.
# !!! quick hack; this is to make HEAD requests return the right
# MIME type. This is set in the view as well, but the view isn't
# called for HEAD requests. There should be a cleaner solution...
: Chained('nix') PathPart("MANIFEST") Args(0) {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
$c->stash->{ } = 'NixManifest';
$c->stash->{ } = $c->uri_for($c->controller('Root')->action_for("nar"));
getChannelData($c, 1);
: Chained('nix') PathPart('nixexprs.tar.bz2') Args(0) {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
$c->stash->{ } = 'NixExprs';
getChannelData($c, 1);
: Chained('nix') PathPart('binary-cache-url') Args(0) {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
$c->stash->{'plain'} = { data => $c->uri_for('/') };
my ($build) = @_;
return $build->releasename || $build->nixname;
# Sort by name, then id.
return sort
{ lc(name($a->{ })) cmp lc(name($b->{ }))
or $a->{ }->id <=> $b->{ }->id } @_;
: Chained('nix') PathPart('') Args(0) {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
# Optimistically assume that none of the packages have been
# garbage-collected. That should be true for the "latest"
# channel.
getChannelData($c, 0);
$c->stash->{ } = 1;
$c->stash->{ } = '';
$c->stash->{ } = [sortPkgs @{$c->stash->{ }}];