package Hydra::Plugin::RunCommand;

use strict;
use warnings;
use parent 'Hydra::Plugin';
use experimental 'smartmatch';
use JSON::MaybeXS;

sub isEnabled {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return defined $self->{config}->{runcommand};

sub configSectionMatches {
    my ($name, $project, $jobset, $job) = @_;

    my @elems = split ':', $name;

    die "invalid section name '$name'\n" if scalar(@elems) > 3;

    my $project2 = $elems[0] // "*";
    return 0 if $project2 ne "*" && $project ne $project2;

    my $jobset2 = $elems[1] // "*";
    return 0 if $jobset2 ne "*" && $jobset ne $jobset2;

    my $job2 = $elems[2] // "*";
    return 0 if $job2 ne "*" && $job ne $job2;

    return 1;

sub eventMatches {
    my ($conf, $event) = @_;
    for my $x (split " ", ($conf->{events} // "buildFinished")) {
        return 1 if $x eq $event;
    return 0;

sub fanoutToCommands {
    my ($config, $event, $project, $jobset, $job) = @_;

    my @commands;

    my $cfg = $config->{runcommand};
    my @config = defined $cfg ? ref $cfg eq "ARRAY" ? @$cfg : ($cfg) : ();

    foreach my $conf (@config) {
        my $matcher = $conf->{job} // "*:*:*";
        next unless eventMatches($conf, $event);
        next unless configSectionMatches(

        if (!defined($conf->{command})) {
            warn "<runcommand> section for '$matcher' lacks a 'command' option";

        push(@commands, {
            matcher => $matcher,
            command => $conf->{command},

    return \@commands;

sub makeJsonPayload {
    my ($event, $build) = @_;
    my $json = {
        event => $event,
        build => $build->id,
        finished => $build->get_column('finished') ? JSON::MaybeXS::true : JSON::MaybeXS::false,
        timestamp => $build->get_column('timestamp'),
        project => $build->project->get_column('name'),
        jobset => $build->jobset->get_column('name'),
        job => $build->get_column('job'),
        drvPath => $build->get_column('drvpath'),
        startTime => $build->get_column('starttime'),
        stopTime => $build->get_column('stoptime'),
        buildStatus => $build->get_column('buildstatus'),
        nixName => $build->get_column('nixname'),
        system => $build->get_column('system'),
        homepage => $build->get_column('homepage'),
        description => $build->get_column('description'),
        license => $build->get_column('license'),
        outputs => [],
        products => [],
        metrics => [],

    for my $output ($build->buildoutputs) {
        my $j = {
            name => $output->name,
            path => $output->path,
        push @{$json->{outputs}}, $j;

    for my $product ($build->buildproducts) {
        my $j = {
            productNr => $product->productnr,
            type => $product->type,
            subtype => $product->subtype,
            fileSize => $product->filesize,
            sha256hash => $product->sha256hash,
            path => $product->path,
            name => $product->name,
            defaultPath => $product->defaultpath,
        push @{$json->{products}}, $j;

    for my $metric ($build->buildmetrics) {
        my $j = {
            name => $metric->name,
            unit => $metric->unit,
            value => 0 + $metric->value,
        push @{$json->{metrics}}, $j;

    return $json;

sub buildFinished {
    my ($self, $build, $dependents) = @_;
    my $event = "buildFinished";

    my $commandsToRun = fanoutToCommands(

    if (@$commandsToRun == 0) {
        # No matching jobs, don't bother generating the JSON

    my $tmp = File::Temp->new(SUFFIX => '.json');
    print $tmp encode_json(makeJsonPayload($event, $build)) or die;
    $ENV{"HYDRA_JSON"} = $tmp->filename;

    foreach my $commandToRun (@{$commandsToRun}) {
        my $command = $commandToRun->{command};

        # todo: make all the to-run jobs "unstarted" in a batch, then start processing
        my $runlog = $self->{db}->resultset("RunCommandLogs")->create({
            job_matcher => $commandToRun->{matcher},
            build_id => $build->get_column('id'),
            command => $command


        system("$command") == 0
            or warn "notification command '$command' failed with exit status $? ($!)\n";

        $runlog->completed_with_child_error($?, $!);
