package Hydra::Plugin::SoTest;

use strict;
use warnings;
use parent 'Hydra::Plugin';
use Hydra::Helper::CatalystUtils;
use HTTP::Request;
use LWP::UserAgent;

=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

SoTest - hydra-notify plugin for scheduling hardware tests


This plugin submits tests to a SoTest controller for all builds that contain
two products matching the subtypes "sotest-binaries" and "sotest-config".

Build products are declared by the file "nix-support/hydra-build-products"
relative to the root of a build, in the following format:

 file sotest-binaries /nix/store/…/
 file sotest-config /nix/store/…/config.yaml


The plugin is configured by a C<sotest> block in the Hydra config file
(services.hydra.extraConfig within NixOS).

 uri = https://sotest.example # defaults to
 authfile = /var/lib/hydra/sotest.auth # file containing «username»:«password»
 priority = 1 # optional

=head1 AUTHOR

Emery Hemingway <>


sub _logIfDebug {
    my ($msg) = @_;
    print {*STDERR} "SoTest: $msg\n" if $ENV{'HYDRA_DEBUG'};

sub isEnabled {
    my ($self) = @_;

    if ( defined $self->{config}->{sotest} ) {
        _logIfDebug 'plugin enabled';
    else {
        _logIfDebug 'plugin disabled';
        return 0;

    my $sotest = $self->{config}->{sotest};
    die 'SoTest authfile is not specified'
      unless ( defined $sotest->{authfile} );

    open( my $authfile, "<", $sotest->{authfile} )
      or die "Cannot open Sotest authfile \${\$sotest->{authfile}}";

    return 1;

sub buildFinished {
    my ( $self, $build, $dependents ) = @_;
    my $baseurl = $self->{config}->{'base_uri'} || 'http://localhost:3000';
    my $sotest  = $self->{config}->{sotest};

    my $sotest_boot_files_url;
    my $sotest_config;

    for my $product ( $build->buildproducts ) {
        if ( 'sotest-binaries' eq $product->subtype ) {
            $sotest_boot_files_url = join q{/}, $baseurl, 'build', $build->id,
              'download', $product->productnr, $product->name;
        elsif ( 'sotest-config' eq $product->subtype ) {
            $sotest_config = $product->path;

    unless ( defined $sotest_boot_files_url and defined $sotest_config ) {
        _logIfDebug 'skipping build ', showJobName $build;

    my $sotest_name     = showJobName $build;
    my $sotest_url      = "${\$baseurl}/build/${\$build->id}";
    my $sotest_priority = int( $sotest->{priority} || '0' );
    my $sotest_username;
    my $sotest_password;

    my $authfile;
    open( $authfile, "<", $sotest->{authfile} )
      or die "Cannot open Sotest authfile \${\$sotest->{authfile}}";

    while (my $line = <$authfile>) {
        if ( $line =~ /(.+):(.+)/m ) {
            $sotest_username = $1;
            $sotest_password = $2;


    die "failed to parse username and password from ${\$sotest->{authfile}}"
      unless ( defined $sotest_username and defined $sotest_password );

    _logIfDebug "post job for $sotest_name";

    my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
    $ua->default_headers->authorization_basic( $sotest_username,
        $sotest_password );

    my $res = $ua->post(
        ( $sotest->{uri} || '' ) . '/api/create',
        'Content-Type' => 'multipart/form-data',
        Content        => [
            boot_files_url => $sotest_boot_files_url,
            name           => $sotest_name,
            url            => $sotest_url,
            config         => ["$sotest_config"],
            priority       => $sotest_priority,

    _logIfDebug $res->status_line;
    _logIfDebug $res->decoded_content;

    die "${\$res->status_line}: ${\$res->decoded_content}"
      unless ( $res->is_success );

