ADD COLUMN nixExprPath text;
-- This migration took 4.5 hours on a server
-- with 5400RPM drives, against a copy of hydra's
-- production dataset. It might take a significantly
-- less amount of time there, and not justify a
-- batched migration.
UPDATE jobsetevals
SET (nixexprinput, nixexprpath) = (
SELECT builds.nixexprinput, builds.nixexprpath
FROM builds
LEFT JOIN jobsetevalmembers
ON jobsetevalmembers.build = builds.id
WHERE jobsetevalmembers.eval = jobsetevals.id
WHERE jobsetevals.id in (
SELECT jobsetevalsprime.id
FROM jobsetevals as jobsetevalsprime
WHERE jobsetevalsprime.nixexprinput IS NULL
-- AND jobsetevalsprime.id > ? --------- These are in case of a batched migration
ORDER BY jobsetevalsprime.id ASC -- /
-- LIMIT ? -- ----------------------
DROP COLUMN nixexprinput,
DROP COLUMN nixexprpath; JobsetEvals
ADD COLUMN nixExprInput