-- Making a database change:
-- 1. Update this schema document to match what the end result should be.
-- 2. If you're making a new database table, edit `update-dbix.pl` and
--    add a map of the lowercase name of your table to the CamelCase
--    version of your table.
-- 3. Run `make -C src/sql update-dbix` in the root
--    of the project directory, and git add / git commit the changed,
--    generated files.
-- 4. Create a migration in this same directory, named `upgrade-N.sql`

-- Singleton table to keep track of the schema version.
create table SchemaVersion (
    version       integer not null

create table Users (
    userName      text primary key not null,
    fullName      text,
    emailAddress  text not null,
    password      text not null, -- sha256 hash
    emailOnError  integer not null default 0,
    type          text not null default 'hydra', -- either "hydra", "google" or "github"
    publicDashboard boolean not null default false

create table UserRoles (
    userName      text not null,
    role          text not null,
    primary key   (userName, role),
    foreign key   (userName) references Users(userName) on delete cascade on update cascade

create table Projects (
    name          text primary key not null, -- project id, lowercase (e.g. "patchelf")
    displayName   text not null, -- display name (e.g. "PatchELF")
    description   text,
    enabled       integer not null default 1,
    hidden        integer not null default 0,
    owner         text not null,
    homepage      text, -- URL for the project
    declfile      text, -- File containing declarative jobset specification
    decltype      text, -- Type of the input containing declarative jobset specification
    declvalue     text, -- Value of the input containing declarative jobset specification
    foreign key   (owner) references Users(userName) on update cascade

create table ProjectMembers (
    project       text not null,
    userName      text not null,
    primary key   (project, userName),
    foreign key   (project) references Projects(name) on delete cascade on update cascade,
    foreign key   (userName) references Users(userName) on delete cascade on update cascade

-- A jobset consists of a set of inputs (e.g. SVN repositories), one
-- of which contains a Nix expression containing an attribute set
-- describing build jobs.
create table Jobsets (
    name          text not null,
    id            serial not null,
    project       text not null,
    description   text,
    nixExprInput  text, -- name of the jobsetInput containing the Nix or Guix expression
    nixExprPath   text, -- relative path of the Nix or Guix expression
    errorMsg      text, -- used to signal the last evaluation error etc. for this jobset
    errorTime     integer, -- timestamp associated with errorMsg
    lastCheckedTime integer, -- last time the evaluator looked at this jobset
    triggerTime   integer, -- set if we were triggered by a push event
    enabled       integer not null default 1, -- 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled, 2 = one-shot, 3 = one-at-a-time
    enableEmail   integer not null default 1,
    hidden        integer not null default 0,
    emailOverride text not null,
    keepnr        integer not null default 3,
    checkInterval integer not null default 300, -- minimum time in seconds between polls (0 = disable polling)
    schedulingShares integer not null default 100,
    fetchErrorMsg text,
    forceEval     boolean,
    startTime     integer, -- if jobset is currently running
    type          integer not null default 0, -- 0 == legacy, 1 == flake
    flake         text,
    constraint jobsets_schedulingshares_nonzero_check check (schedulingShares > 0),
    constraint jobsets_type_known_check   check (type = 0 or type = 1),
    -- If the type is 0, then nixExprInput and nixExprPath should be non-null and other type-specific fields should be null
    -- Otherwise the check passes
    constraint jobsets_legacy_paths_check check ((type = 0) = (nixExprInput is not null and nixExprPath is not null and flake is     null)),
    -- If the type is 1, then flake should be non-null and other type-specific fields should be null
    -- Otherwise the check passes
    constraint jobsets_flake_paths_check  check ((type = 1) = (nixExprInput is     null and nixExprPath is     null and flake is not null)),
    primary key   (project, name),
    foreign key   (project) references Projects(name) on delete cascade on update cascade,
    constraint    Jobsets_id_unique UNIQUE(id)

create function notifyJobsetSharesChanged() returns trigger as 'begin notify jobset_shares_changed; return null; end;' language plpgsql;
create trigger JobsetSharesChanged after update on Jobsets for each row
  when (old.schedulingShares != new.schedulingShares) execute procedure notifyJobsetSharesChanged();

create function notifyJobsetsAdded() returns trigger as 'begin notify jobsets_added; return null; end;' language plpgsql;
create trigger JobsetsAdded after insert on Jobsets execute procedure notifyJobsetsAdded();

create function notifyJobsetsDeleted() returns trigger as 'begin notify jobsets_deleted; return null; end;' language plpgsql;
create trigger JobsetsDeleted after delete on Jobsets execute procedure notifyJobsetsDeleted();

create function notifyJobsetSchedulingChanged() returns trigger as 'begin notify jobset_scheduling_changed; return null; end;' language plpgsql;
create trigger JobsetSchedulingChanged after update on Jobsets for each row
  when (((old.triggerTime is distinct from new.triggerTime) and (new.triggerTime is not null))
        or (old.checkInterval != new.checkInterval)
        or (old.enabled != new.enabled))
  execute procedure notifyJobsetSchedulingChanged();

create table JobsetRenames (
    project       text not null,
    from_         text not null,
    to_           text not null,
    primary key   (project, from_),
    foreign key   (project) references Projects(name) on delete cascade on update cascade,
    foreign key   (project, to_) references Jobsets(project, name) on delete cascade on update cascade

create table JobsetInputs (
    project       text not null,
    jobset        text not null,
    name          text not null,
    type          text not null, -- "svn", "path", "uri", "string", "boolean", "nix"
    emailResponsible integer not null default 0, -- whether to email committers to this input who change a build
    primary key   (project, jobset, name),
    foreign key   (project, jobset) references Jobsets(project, name) on delete cascade on update cascade

create table JobsetInputAlts (
    project       text not null,
    jobset        text not null,
    input         text not null,
    altnr         integer not null,

    -- urgh
    value         text, -- for most types, a URI; for 'path', an absolute path; for 'string', an arbitrary value
    revision      text, -- for repositories

    primary key   (project, jobset, input, altnr),
    foreign key   (project, jobset, input) references JobsetInputs(project, jobset, name) on delete cascade on update cascade

create table Builds (
    id            serial primary key not null,

    finished      integer not null, -- 0 = scheduled, 1 = finished

    timestamp     integer not null, -- time this build was added

    -- Info about the inputs.
    jobset_id     integer not null,
    job           text not null,

    -- Info about the build result.
    nixName       text, -- name attribute of the derivation
    description   text, -- meta.description
    drvPath       text not null,
    system        text not null,

    license       text, -- meta.license
    homepage      text, -- meta.homepage
    maintainers   text, -- meta.maintainers (concatenated, comma-separated)
    maxsilent     integer default 3600, -- meta.maxsilent
    timeout       integer default 36000, -- meta.timeout

    isChannel     integer not null default 0, -- meta.isHydraChannel
    isCurrent     integer default 0,

    -- Priority within a jobset, set via meta.schedulingPriority.
    priority      integer not null default 0,

    -- Priority among all builds, used by the admin to bump builds to
    -- the front of the queue via the web interface.
    globalPriority integer not null default 0,

    -- FIXME: remove startTime?
    startTime     integer, -- if busy/finished, time we started
    stopTime      integer, -- if finished, time we finished

    -- Information about finished builds.
    isCachedBuild integer, -- boolean

    -- Status codes used for builds and steps:
    --   0 = succeeded
    --   1 = regular Nix failure (derivation returned non-zero exit code)
    --   2 = build of a dependency failed [builds only]
    --   3 = build or step aborted due to misc failure
    --   4 = build or step cancelled
    --   5 = [obsolete]
    --   6 = failure with output (i.e. $out/nix-support/failed exists) [builds only]
    --   7 = build timed out
    --   8 = cached failure [steps only; builds use isCachedBuild]
    --   9 = unsupported system type
    --  10 = log limit exceeded
    --  11 = NAR size limit exceeded
    --  12 = build or step was not deterministic
    buildStatus   integer,

    size          bigint,
    closureSize   bigint,

    releaseName   text, -- e.g. "patchelf-0.5pre1234"

    keep          integer not null default 0, -- true means never garbage-collect the build output

    notificationPendingSince integer,

    check (finished = 0 or (stoptime is not null and stoptime != 0)),
    check (finished = 0 or (starttime is not null and starttime != 0)),

    foreign key (jobset_id) references Jobsets(id) on delete cascade

create function notifyBuildsDeleted() returns trigger as 'begin notify builds_deleted; return null; end;' language plpgsql;
create trigger BuildsDeleted after delete on Builds execute procedure notifyBuildsDeleted();

create function notifyBuildRestarted() returns trigger as 'begin notify builds_restarted; return null; end;' language plpgsql;
create trigger BuildRestarted after update on Builds for each row
  when (old.finished = 1 and new.finished = 0) execute procedure notifyBuildRestarted();

create function notifyBuildCancelled() returns trigger as 'begin notify builds_cancelled; return null; end;' language plpgsql;
create trigger BuildCancelled after update on Builds for each row
  when (old.finished = 0 and new.finished = 1 and new.buildStatus = 4) execute procedure notifyBuildCancelled();

create function notifyBuildBumped() returns trigger as 'begin notify builds_bumped; return null; end;' language plpgsql;
create trigger BuildBumped after update on Builds for each row
  when (old.globalPriority != new.globalPriority) execute procedure notifyBuildBumped();

create table BuildOutputs (
    build         integer not null,
    name          text not null,
    path          text not null,
    primary key   (build, name),
    foreign key   (build) references Builds(id) on delete cascade

-- TODO: normalize this. Currently there can be multiple BuildSteps
-- for a single step.
create table BuildSteps (
    build         integer not null,
    stepnr        integer not null,

    type          integer not null, -- 0 = build, 1 = substitution

    drvPath       text,

    -- 0 = not busy
    -- 1 = building
    -- 2 = preparing to build
    -- 3 = connecting
    -- 4 = sending inputs
    -- 5 = receiving outputs
    -- 6 = analysing build result
    busy          integer not null,

    status        integer, -- see Builds.buildStatus

    errorMsg      text,

    startTime     integer,
    stopTime      integer,

    machine       text not null default '',
    system        text,

    propagatedFrom integer,

    -- Time in milliseconds spend copying stuff from/to build machines.
    overhead      integer,

    -- How many times this build step was done (for checking determinism).
    timesBuilt    integer,

    -- Whether this build step produced different results when repeated.
    isNonDeterministic boolean,

    primary key   (build, stepnr),
    foreign key   (build) references Builds(id) on delete cascade,
    foreign key   (propagatedFrom) references Builds(id) on delete cascade

create table BuildStepOutputs (
    build         integer not null,
    stepnr        integer not null,
    name          text not null,
    path          text not null,
    primary key   (build, stepnr, name),
    foreign key   (build) references Builds(id) on delete cascade,
    foreign key   (build, stepnr) references BuildSteps(build, stepnr) on delete cascade

-- Inputs of builds.
create table BuildInputs (
    id            serial primary key not null,

    -- Which build this input belongs to.
    build         integer,

    -- Copied from the jobsetinputs from which the build was created.
    name          text not null,
    type          text not null,
    uri           text,
    revision      text,
    value         text,
    emailResponsible integer not null default 0,
    dependency    integer, -- build ID of the input, for type == 'build'

    path          text,

    sha256hash    text,

    foreign key   (build) references Builds(id) on delete cascade,
    foreign key   (dependency) references Builds(id)

create table BuildProducts (
    build         integer not null,
    productnr     integer not null,
    type          text not null, -- "nix-build", "file", "doc", "report", ...
    subtype       text not null, -- "source-dist", "rpm", ...
    fileSize      bigint,
    sha256hash    text,
    path          text,
    name          text not null, -- generally just the filename part of `path'
    defaultPath   text, -- if `path' is a directory, the default file relative to `path' to be served
    primary key   (build, productnr),
    foreign key   (build) references Builds(id) on delete cascade

create table BuildMetrics (
    build         integer not null,
    name          text not null,

    unit          text,
    value         double precision not null,

    -- Denormalisation for performance: copy some columns from the
    -- corresponding build.
    project       text not null,
    jobset        text not null,
    job           text not null,
    timestamp     integer not null,

    primary key   (build, name),
    foreign key   (build) references Builds(id) on delete cascade,
    foreign key   (project) references Projects(name) on update cascade,
    foreign key   (project, jobset) references Jobsets(project, name) on update cascade

-- Cache for inputs of type "path" (used for testing Hydra), storing
-- the SHA-256 hash and store path for each source path.  Also stores
-- the timestamp when we first saw the path have these contents.
create table CachedPathInputs (
    srcPath       text not null,
    timestamp     integer not null, -- when we first saw this hash
    lastSeen      integer not null, -- when we last saw this hash
    sha256hash    text not null,
    storePath     text not null,
    primary key   (srcPath, sha256hash)

create table CachedSubversionInputs (
    uri           text not null,
    revision      integer not null,
    sha256hash    text not null,
    storePath     text not null,
    primary key   (uri, revision)

create table CachedBazaarInputs (
    uri           text not null,
    revision      integer not null,
    sha256hash    text not null,
    storePath     text not null,
    primary key   (uri, revision)

create table CachedGitInputs (
    uri           text not null,
    branch        text not null,
    revision      text not null,
    isDeepClone   boolean not null,
    sha256hash    text not null,
    storePath     text not null,
    primary key   (uri, branch, revision, isDeepClone)

create table CachedDarcsInputs (
    uri           text not null,
    revision      text not null,
    sha256hash    text not null,
    storePath     text not null,
    revCount      integer not null,
    primary key   (uri, revision)

create table CachedHgInputs (
    uri           text not null,
    branch        text not null,
    revision      text not null,
    sha256hash    text not null,
    storePath     text not null,
    primary key   (uri, branch, revision)

create table CachedCVSInputs (
    uri           text not null,
    module        text not null,
    timestamp     integer not null, -- when we first saw this hash
    lastSeen      integer not null, -- when we last saw this hash
    sha256hash    text not null,
    storePath     text not null,
    primary key   (uri, module, sha256hash)

create table EvaluationErrors (
    id            serial primary key not null,
    errorMsg      text,    -- error output from the evaluator
    errorTime     integer  -- timestamp associated with errorMsg

create table JobsetEvals (
    id            serial primary key not null,
    jobset_id     integer not null,

    evaluationerror_id integer,

    timestamp     integer not null, -- when this entry was added
    checkoutTime  integer not null, -- how long obtaining the inputs took (in seconds)
    evalTime      integer not null, -- how long evaluation took (in seconds)

    -- If 0, then the evaluation of this jobset did not cause any new
    -- builds to be added to the database.  Otherwise, *all* the
    -- builds resulting from the evaluation of the jobset (including
    -- existing ones) can be found in the JobsetEvalMembers table.
    hasNewBuilds  integer not null,

    -- Used to prevent repeated Nix expression evaluation for the same
    -- set of inputs for a jobset.  In the evaluator, after obtaining
    -- the current inputs for a jobset, we hash the inputs together,
    -- and if the resulting hash already appears in this table, we can
    -- skip the jobset.  Otherwise we proceed.  The hash is computed
    -- over the command-line arguments to hydra-eval-jobs.
    hash          text not null,

    -- Cached stats about the builds.
    nrBuilds      integer,
    nrSucceeded   integer, -- set lazily when all builds are finished

    flake         text, -- immutable flake reference
    nixExprInput  text, -- name of the jobsetInput containing the Nix or Guix expression
    nixExprPath   text, -- relative path of the Nix or Guix expression

    foreign key   (jobset_id) references Jobsets(id) on delete cascade,
    foreign key   (evaluationerror_id) references EvaluationErrors(id) on delete set null

create table JobsetEvalInputs (
    eval          integer not null references JobsetEvals(id) on delete cascade,
    name          text not null,
    altNr         integer not null,

    -- Copied from the jobsetinputs from which the build was created.
    type          text not null,
    uri           text,
    revision      text,
    value         text,
    dependency    integer, -- build ID of the input, for type == 'build'

    path          text,

    sha256hash    text,

    primary key   (eval, name, altNr),
    foreign key   (dependency) references Builds(id)

create table JobsetEvalMembers (
    eval          integer not null references JobsetEvals(id) on delete cascade,
    build         integer not null references Builds(id) on delete cascade,
    isNew         integer not null,
    primary key   (eval, build)

create table UriRevMapper (
    baseuri       text not null,
    uri           text not null,
    primary key   (baseuri)

create table NewsItems (
    id            serial primary key not null,
    contents      text not null,
    createTime    integer not null,
    author        text not null,
    foreign key   (author) references Users(userName) on delete cascade on update cascade

create table AggregateConstituents (
    aggregate     integer not null references Builds(id) on delete cascade,
    constituent   integer not null references Builds(id) on delete cascade,
    primary key   (aggregate, constituent)

create table StarredJobs (
    userName      text not null,
    project       text not null,
    jobset        text not null,
    job           text not null,
    primary key   (userName, project, jobset, job),
    foreign key   (userName) references Users(userName) on update cascade on delete cascade,
    foreign key   (project) references Projects(name) on update cascade on delete cascade,
    foreign key   (project, jobset) references Jobsets(project, name) on update cascade on delete cascade

-- Events processed by hydra-notify which have failed at least once
-- The payload field contains the original, unparsed payload.
-- One row is created for each plugin which fails to process the event,
-- with an increasing retry_at and attempts field.
create table TaskRetries (
    id            serial primary key not null,
    channel       text not null,
    pluginname    text not null,
    payload       text not null,
    attempts      integer not null,
    retry_at      integer not null
create index IndexTaskRetriesOrdered on TaskRetries(retry_at asc);

-- Records of RunCommand executions
-- The intended flow is:
-- 1. Create a RunCommandLogs entry when the task is "queued" to run
-- 2. Update the start_time when it begins
-- 3. Update the end_time and exit_code when it completes
create table RunCommandLogs (
    id            serial primary key not null,
    job_matcher   text not null,
    build_id      integer not null,
    -- TODO: evaluation_id integer not null,
    -- can we do this in a principled way? a build can be part of many evaluations
    -- but a "bug" of RunCommand, imho, is that it should probably run per evaluation?
    command         text not null,
    start_time      integer,
    end_time        integer,
    error_number    integer,
    exit_code       integer,
    signal          integer,
    core_dumped     boolean,

    foreign key (build_id) references Builds(id) on delete cascade,
    -- foreign key (evaluation_id) references Builds(id) on delete cascade,

    constraint RunCommandLogs_not_started_no_exit_time_no_code check (
        -- If start time is null, then end_time, exit_code, signal, and core_dumped should be null.
        -- A logical implication operator would be nice :).
        (start_time is not null) or (
            end_time is null
            and error_number is null
            and exit_code is null
            and signal is null
            and core_dumped is null
    constraint RunCommandLogs_end_time_has_start_time check (
        -- If end time is not null, then end_time, exit_code, and core_dumped should not be null
        (end_time is null) or (start_time is not null)

    -- Note: if exit_code is not null then signal and core_dumped must be null.
    -- Similarly, if signal is not null then exit_code must be null and
    -- core_dumped must not be null. However, these semantics are tricky
    -- to encode as constraints and probably provide limited actual value.

-- The output paths that have permanently failed.
create table FailedPaths (
    path text primary key not null

-- Needed because Postgres doesn't have "ignore duplicate" or upsert
-- yet.
create rule IdempotentInsert as on insert to FailedPaths
  where exists (select 1 from FailedPaths where path = new.path)
  do instead nothing;

create table SystemStatus (
    what text primary key not null,
    status json not null

-- Cache of the number of finished builds.
create table NrBuilds (
    what  text primary key not null,
    count integer not null

insert into NrBuilds(what, count) values('finished', 0);

create function modifyNrBuildsFinished() returns trigger as $$
    if ((tg_op = 'INSERT' and new.finished = 1) or
        (tg_op = 'UPDATE' and old.finished = 0 and new.finished = 1)) then
      update NrBuilds set count = count + 1 where what = 'finished';
    elsif ((tg_op = 'DELETE' and old.finished = 1) or
           (tg_op = 'UPDATE' and old.finished = 1 and new.finished = 0)) then
      update NrBuilds set count = count - 1 where what = 'finished';
    end if;
    return null;
$$ language plpgsql;

create trigger NrBuildsFinished after insert or update or delete on Builds
  for each row
  execute procedure modifyNrBuildsFinished();

-- Some indices.

create index IndexBuildInputsOnBuild on BuildInputs(build);
create index IndexBuildInputsOnDependency on BuildInputs(dependency);
create index IndexBuildMetricsOnJobTimestamp on BuildMetrics(project, jobset, job, timestamp desc);
create index IndexBuildProducstOnBuildAndType on BuildProducts(build, type);
create index IndexBuildProductsOnBuild on BuildProducts(build);
create index IndexBuildStepsOnBusy on BuildSteps(busy) where busy != 0;
create index IndexBuildStepsOnDrvPath on BuildSteps(drvpath);
create index IndexBuildStepsOnPropagatedFrom on BuildSteps(propagatedFrom) where propagatedFrom is not null;
create index IndexBuildStepsOnStopTime on BuildSteps(stopTime desc) where startTime is not null and stopTime is not null;
create index IndexBuildStepOutputsOnPath on BuildStepOutputs(path);
create index IndexBuildsOnFinished on Builds(finished) where finished = 0;
create index IndexBuildsOnIsCurrent on Builds(isCurrent) where isCurrent = 1;
create index IndexBuildsJobsetIdCurrentUnfinished on Builds(jobset_id) where isCurrent = 1 and finished = 0;
create index IndexBuildsJobsetIdCurrentFinishedStatus on Builds(jobset_id, buildstatus) where isCurrent = 1 and finished = 1;
create index IndexBuildsJobsetIdCurrent on Builds(jobset_id) where isCurrent = 1;
create index IndexBuildsOnTimestamp on Builds(timestamp);
create index IndexBuildsOnFinishedStopTime on Builds(finished, stoptime DESC);
create index IndexBuildsOnJobsetIdFinishedId on Builds(jobset_id, job, finished, id DESC);
create index IndexFinishedSuccessfulBuilds on Builds(jobset_id, job, finished, buildstatus, id DESC) where buildstatus = 0 and finished = 1;
create index IndexBuildsOnDrvPath on Builds(drvPath);
create index IndexCachedHgInputsOnHash on CachedHgInputs(uri, branch, sha256hash);
create index IndexCachedGitInputsOnHash on CachedGitInputs(uri, branch, sha256hash);
create index IndexCachedSubversionInputsOnUriRevision on CachedSubversionInputs(uri, revision);
create index IndexCachedBazaarInputsOnUriRevision on CachedBazaarInputs(uri, revision);
create index IndexJobsetEvalMembersOnBuild on JobsetEvalMembers(build);
create index IndexJobsetEvalMembersOnEval on JobsetEvalMembers(eval);
create index IndexJobsetInputAltsOnInput on JobsetInputAlts(project, jobset, input);
create index IndexJobsetInputAltsOnJobset on JobsetInputAlts(project, jobset);
create index IndexProjectsOnEnabled on Projects(enabled);
create index IndexBuildOutputsPath on BuildOutputs using hash(path);

--  For hydra-update-gc-roots.
create index IndexBuildsOnKeep on Builds(keep) where keep = 1;

-- To get the most recent eval for a jobset.
create index IndexJobsetEvalsOnJobsetId on JobsetEvals(jobset_id, id desc) where hasNewBuilds = 1;
create index IndexJobsetIdEvals on JobsetEvals(jobset_id) where hasNewBuilds = 1;

create index IndexBuildsOnNotificationPendingSince on Builds(notificationPendingSince) where notificationPendingSince is not null;

-- The pg_trgm extension has to be created by a superuser. The NixOS
-- module creates this extension in the systemd prestart script. We
-- then ensure the extension has been created before creating the
-- index. If it is not possible to create the extension, a warning
-- message is emitted to inform the user the index creation is skipped
-- (slower complex queries on builds.drvpath).
do $$
    create extension if not exists pg_trgm;
    -- Provide an index used by LIKE operator on builds.drvpath (search query)
    create index IndexTrgmBuildsOnDrvpath on builds using gin (drvpath gin_trgm_ops);
exception when others then
    raise warning 'Can not create extension pg_trgm: %', SQLERRM;
    raise warning 'HINT: Temporary provide superuser role to your Hydra Postgresql user and run the script src/sql/upgrade-57.sql';
    raise warning 'The pg_trgm index on builds.drvpath has been skipped (slower complex queries on builds.drvpath)';