constraint jobsets_type_known_check check (type = 0 or type = 1);
Jobsets add constraint jobsets_legacy_paths_check check ((type = 0) = (nixExprInput is not null and nixExprPath is not null and flake is null));
Jobsets add constraint jobsets_flake_paths_check check ((type = 1) = (nixExprInput is null and nixExprPath is null and flake is not null));
Jobsets add constraint jobsets_schedulingshares_nonzero_check check (schedulingShares > 0);
Jobsets drop constraint if exists jobsets_schedulingshares_check;
Jobsets drop constraint if exists jobsets_check;
Jobsets drop constraint if exists jobsets_check1;
Jobsets drop constraint if exists jobsets_check2;
Jobsets add