#! /usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Path;
use File::stat;
use File::Basename;
use Nix::Store;
use Hydra::Schema;
use Hydra::Helper::Nix;
use Hydra::Model::DB;
use POSIX qw(strftime);

my $db = Hydra::Model::DB->new();
my $config = getHydraConfig();

my %roots;

sub addRoot {
    my ($path) = @_;
    $roots{$path} = 1;

my @columns =
    ( "id", "project", "jobset", "job", "system", "finished", "drvpath", "timestamp", "buildstatus"
    , { "outpaths" => \ "(select string_agg(path, ' ') from BuildOutputs where build = me.id)" }

my %seenBuilds;

sub keepBuild {
    my ($build, $keepFailedDrvs) = @_;
    return if defined $seenBuilds{$build->id};
    $seenBuilds{$build->id} = 1;
    print STDERR "  keeping ", ($build->finished ? "" : "scheduled "), "build ", $build->id, " (",
        $build->get_column('project'), ":", $build->get_column('jobset'), ":", $build->get_column('job'), "; ",
        $build->system, "; ",
        strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime($build->timestamp)), ")\n";
    if (isLocalStore &&
        $build->finished && ($build->buildstatus == 0 || $build->buildstatus == 6))
        foreach my $path (split / /, $build->get_column('outpaths')) {
            if (isValidPath($path)) {
                addRoot $path;
            } else {
                print STDERR "    warning: output ", $path, " has disappeared\n" if $build->finished;
    if (!$build->finished || ($keepFailedDrvs && $build->buildstatus != 0)) {
        if (isValidPath($build->drvpath)) {
            addRoot $build->drvpath;
        } else {
            print STDERR "    warning: derivation ", $build->drvpath, " has disappeared\n";

# Read the current GC roots.
print STDERR "*** reading current roots...\n";
my $gcRootsDir = getGCRootsDir;
opendir my $dir, $gcRootsDir or die;
my @roots = readdir $dir;
closedir $dir;

# For scheduled builds, we register the derivation as a GC root.
print STDERR "*** looking for scheduled builds\n";
keepBuild($_, 0) foreach $db->resultset('Builds')->search({ finished => 0 }, { columns => [ @columns ] });

# Keep all builds that have been marked as "keep".
print STDERR "*** looking for kept builds\n";
my @buildsToKeep = $db->resultset('Builds')->search(
    { finished => 1, keep => 1 }, { order_by => ["project", "jobset", "job", "id"], columns => [ @columns ] });
keepBuild($_, 0) foreach @buildsToKeep;

# Go over all projects.
foreach my $project ($db->resultset('Projects')->search({}, { order_by => ["name"] })) {

    # Go over all jobsets in this project.
    foreach my $jobset ($project->jobsets->search({}, { order_by => ["name" ]})) {
        my $keepnr = $jobset->keepnr;

        # If the jobset has been hidden and disabled for more than one
        # week, then don't keep its builds anymore.
        if ($jobset->enabled == 0 && ($project->hidden == 1 || $jobset->hidden == 1) && (time() - ($jobset->lastcheckedtime || 0) > (7 * 24 * 3600))) {
            print STDERR "*** skipping disabled jobset ", $project->name, ":", $jobset->name, "\n";

        print STDERR "*** looking for all builds in the unfinished and $keepnr most recent finished evaluations of jobset ",
            $project->name, ":", $jobset->name, "\n";

        my @evals;

        # Get the unfinished evals.
        push @evals, $_->get_column("eval") foreach $jobset->builds->search(
            { finished => 0 },
            { join => "jobsetevalmembers", select => "jobsetevalmembers.eval", as => "eval", distinct => 1 });

        # Get the N most recent finished evals.
        if ($keepnr) {
            push @evals, $_->get_column("id") foreach $jobset->jobsetevals->search(
                { hasNewBuilds => 1 },
                { where => \ "not exists (select 1 from builds b join jobsetevalmembers m on b.id = m.build where m.eval = me.id and b.finished = 0)"
                , order_by => "id desc", rows => $keepnr });

        # Note: we also keep the derivations of failed builds so that
        # they can be restarted.
        keepBuild($_, 1) foreach $jobset->builds->search(
            { id => { -in => $db->resultset('JobsetEvalMembers')->search({ eval => { -in => [@evals] } }, { select => "build" })->as_query }
            , finished => 1
            { order_by => ["job", "id"], columns => [ @columns ] });

        print STDERR "*** looking for the most recent successful builds of current jobs in ",
            $project->name, ":", $jobset->name, "\n";

        # Keep the most recently succeeded build of a current job. Oh
        # I really need to stop using DBIx::Class.
        keepBuild($_, 1) foreach $jobset->builds->search(
            { id => { -in => $jobset->builds->search(
                { finished => 1
                , buildstatus => [0, 6]
                , job => { -in => $jobset->builds->search(
                                { eval => { -in => [@evals] } },
                                { select => "job", distinct => 1, join => "jobsetevalmembers" }
                               )->as_query }
                { group_by => 'job'
                , select => [ { max => 'id', -as => 'm' } ]
                })->as_query }
            { columns => [ @columns ] });

# Remove existing roots that are no longer wanted.
print STDERR "*** removing unneeded GC roots\n";

my $rootsKept = 0;
my $rootsDeleted = 0;
my $now = time();

foreach my $link (@roots) {
    next if $link eq "." || $link eq "..";
    my $path = "/nix/store/$link";
    if (!defined $roots{$path}) {
        # Don't delete roots that are less than a day old, to prevent
        # a race where hydra-eval-jobs has added a root but
        # hydra-evaluator hasn't added them to the database yet.
        my $st = lstat("$gcRootsDir/$link");
        if (!defined $st) {
            print STDERR "skipping link $link: $!\n";
        } elsif ($st->ctime < $now - 24 * 60 * 60) {
            print STDERR "removing root $path\n";
            unlink "$gcRootsDir/$link" or warn "cannot remove $gcRootsDir/$link";
        } else {
            print STDERR "NOT removing recent root $path\n";
    } else {

print STDERR "kept $rootsKept roots, deleted $rootsDeleted roots\n";