That means **none** of that GUI stuff; I promote using the command-line as much as possible.
Because using the command-line **rocks**!
Besides practical stuff like this, we also discuss the pros and cons of distributed version control systems and how they compare to the earlier version control system, like CVS and Subversion.
Among other things, we discuss the pros and cons of distributed version control systems and how they compare to the earlier version control system, like CVS and Subversion.
So I turned around and looked at the chart for a while, thinking "Huh!"
"Funny how it seems we can't look any further, after we think we've got it all figured out."
Because if you look at the chart and you look beyond what you've already seen (the year 2005), then it becomes painfully obvious -- that in version control land, **nothing** seems to have happened after 2006.
This is one of those things that, once you see it, you can't **unsee** it.
<> <!-- .element: class="attribution" -->
When Linus Torvalds was asked why he called the new software, "git," British slang meaning "a rotten person," he said:
"I'm an egotistical bastard, so I name all my projects after myself. First Linux, now git."
I think slide deck designs are a lot like fashion.
If you would just wait another fifteen years, they will be popular again.
Don't you think so?
Maybe slide deck designs are like fashion.
If we just wait for another fifteen years, they will be popular again.
These three Version Control Systems have been published after the large Distributed Version Control wave in March/April 2005.
These two Version Control Systems have been published after the large Distributed Version Control wave in March/April 2005.
If that would be true, it should have happened already.
And... it didn't!
# Plastic
* Fast branching <!-- .element: class="fragment fade-in-then-semi-out" -->
* Merge previews <!-- .element: class="fragment fade-in-then-semi-out" -->
* Both central and distributed <!-- .element: class="fragment fade-in-then-semi-out" -->
* Comes with a lot of GUI stuff <!-- .element: class="fragment fade-in-then-semi-out" -->
![Plastic logo](img/logos/plastic.png) <!-- .element: class="no-background" -->
<> <!-- .element: class="attribution" -->
Git has most of these features already.
It just lacks the GUI stuff.
## Focus on artists and designers
* 'Plastic Gluon' is a version control component meant for artists and designers <!-- .element: class="fragment fade-in-then-semi-out" -->
* Image diffing <!-- .element: class="fragment fade-in-then-semi-out" -->
* References on their website are exclusively from game studios <!-- .element: class="fragment fade-in-then-semi-out" -->
In game studios a lot of different expertise is joined in a team.
Programmers, designers, artists.
And they all need to use the same code repository.
So for them it seems to make sense to add GUI tools to help their source code management.
<!-- .slide: data-background="img/plastic-image-compare.png" -->
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## But
#### Plastic is not going to be 'the Git killer'
* it's not open-source software <!-- .element: class="fragment fade-in-then-semi-out" -->
* Git users are not changing their VCS just for some eye candy <!-- .element: class="fragment fade-in-then-semi-out" -->
* **not open-source software**
* apparently, the story of BitKeeper has not taught the people of Plastic **anything**
* Git users are not changing their VCS just for some *eye candy*
* most of them are used to using the command-line.
* those who are not are probably using a web-based product, or SourceTree or GitHub Desktop.
I used to have a VCS called 'Plastic' on this list.
But that one focuses primarily on game studios, where contributors work with graphics and other binary files.
Also, it's proprietary software. Apparently they haven't heard the BitKeeper story yet.
So it's a nice addition to the market as it fills a niche, but because of that and the closed-source license I highly doubt it will replace Git in the end.
<li class="fragment fade-in-then-semi-out">repository UI (<code>fossil ui</code>)</li>
<li class="fragment fade-in-then-semi-out">wiki, ticketing & bug tracking</li>
<li class="fragment fade-in-then-semi-out">embedded documentation</li>
<li class="fragment fade-in-then-semi-out">technical notes</li>
<li class="fragment fade-in-then-semi-out">forum</li>
<li>repository UI (<code>fossil ui</code>)</li>
<li>wiki, ticketing & bug tracking</li>
<li>embedded documentation</li>
<li>technical notes</li>