# FORKED from https://github.com/liquidev/datarray

##     Data oriented design made easy.
## Datarray provides a simple to use array of objects designed for cache
## efficiency. It can be used to build fast programs that manipulate lots of
## data, without sacrificing readability.
## Unlike manual solutions, indexing a datarray is done just like any old array
## or seq out there, although it cannot be passed around as an openArray as it
## breaks assumptions about the order of data in memory.
## The elements returned by datarrays are rather limited compared to ordinary
## objects. Because the memory layout is completely different,
## a wrapper object – `Element[T]` is used. `Element[T]` stores a pointer to
## the datarray's memory, the datarray's size, and the index of the relevant
## element. Field lookups are desugared to reading from the datarray's memory.
## Objects stored in datarrays cannot use UFCS out of the box, and do not have
## destructors. The object fields' destructors get run once the datarray is
## destroyed, which, depending on the allocation type, may be when it goes out
## of scope, or is swept by the GC.
## Note that this package is quite experimental and uses the experimental
## dot operator overloading feature of Nim. It is possible to use `{}` instead,
## which may not be as convenient, but is better supported.
## Use `-d:datarrayNoDots` to disable this feature and make the usage of `.`
## into an error.

{.experimental: "codeReordering".}

import std/macros
import std/sugar

  Mem = ptr UncheckedArray[byte]

  Datarray*[N: static int, T] {.byref.} = object
    ## Stack-allocated datarray with a fixed size.
    ## Note that `T` **must not** be ref!
    # i tried to constrain `T` but then the compiler yells at me in packedSize
    # so whatever
    mem: array[packedSize(T) * N, byte]

  DynDatarrayObj[T] = object
    mem: Mem
    len: int

  DynDatarray*[T] = ref DynDatarrayObj[T]
    ## A dynamically allocated datarray with a constant size determined at
    ## runtime.

  AnyDatarray* = Datarray | DynDatarray
    ## Either a stack-allocated or dynamically allocated datarray.

  Element*[T] = object
    ## A short-lived pointer to an element in a datarray.
    ## Note that this must not outlive the datarray. In practice this is not
    ## hard to enforce - simply make sure that the element is not written to
    ## any variable that can outlive the datarray this element points to.
    ## This is partially mitigated by `=copy` being unavailable on `Element`\s.
    # once view types become stable, this may be enforced a little bit more
    # easily, by using openArray instead of ptr UncheckedArray and relying on
    # nim's borrow checker.
    # right now view types don't work all that well, so let's just not.
    mem: Mem
    arrlen: int
    index: int

  VarElement*[T] = object
    ## An Element pointing to mutable data.
    mem: Mem
    arrlen: int
    index: int

proc packedSize(T: type): int {.compileTime.} =
 # calculate the packed size (size with byte alignment) of a type
 for x in T.default.fields:
  result += x.sizeof

{.push inline.}

# raw operations
# every type of datarray must implement the mem procedure.
# mem must return a *valid, non-nil* pointer to the raw bytes backing a
# datarray.

# template mem*[N, T](arr: Datarray[N, T]): ptr UncheckedArray[byte] =
#   ## Implementation detail, do not use.
#   cast[ptr UncheckedArray[byte]](arr.data[0].addr)

# info

# Returns the lower bound of the datarray (always 0).
proc low*[N, T](arr: Datarray[N, T]): int = 0

# Returns the upper bound of the datarray (always N - 1).
proc high*[N, T](arr: Datarray[N, T]): int = N - 1

# Returns the length of the datarray (always N).
proc len*[N, T](arr: Datarray[N, T]): int = N

# Returns the lower bound of the datarray (always 0).
proc low*[T](arr: DynDatarray[T]): int = 0

# Returns the upper bound of the datarray (always len - 1)
proc high*[T](arr: DynDatarray[T]): int = arr.len - 1

# Returns the length of the datarray.
proc len*[T](arr: DynDatarray[T]): int = arr.len

# Creates a new dynamic datarray with the given length.
proc newDynDatarray*[T](len: int): DynDatarray[T] =
  result = DynDatarray[T]( mem: alloc0(len * packedSize(T))
                         , len: len

template cleanupElements(arr: AnyDatarray) =
 var offset = 0
 for x in T.default.fields:
  for _ in 1..arr.len:
   `=destroy`(cast[ptr typeof(x)](arr.mem[offset].addr)[])
   offset += sizeof(x)

# Cleans up the datarray and its elements.
proc `=destroy`*[N, T](arr: var Datarray[N, T]) = cleanupElements(arr)

# Cleans up the dynamic datarray and its elements.
proc `=destroy`*[T](arr: var DynDatarrayObj[T]) =
 if arr.data != nil:

# # system.rangeCheck but the error message doesn't suck
# template rangeCheck(i: int, range: Slice[int]) =
#  when compileOption("rangeChecks"):
#   if i notin range:
#    raise newException(IndexDefect,
#         "index " & $i & " out of bounds (" & $range & ")")

# returns the index of the first field
template firstIndex[T](arrlen: int, field: untyped): int =
 var size = 0
 for name, x in T.default.fieldPairs:
  if name == astToStr(field): break
  size += x.sizeof * arrlen

template nthIndex[T, F](arrlen: int, field: untyped, i: int): int =
 firstIndex[T](arrlen, field) + sizeof(F) * i

template ithImpl(T, arr: untyped, index: int, field: untyped): auto =
 type F = T.default.`field`.typeof
 #rangeCheck index, 0..<arr.len
 cast[ptr F](arr.mem[nthIndex[T, F](arr.len, field, index)].addr)[]

# Indexes into a field of an object in the datarray, and returns it.
template ith*[N, T]( arr: Datarray[N, T]
                   , index: int
                   , field: untyped
                   ): auto = ithImpl(T, arr, index, field)

template ith*[N, T]( arr: var Datarray[N, T]
                   , index: int
                   , field: untyped{ident}
                   ): auto = ithImpl(T, arr, index, field)

template ith*[T]( arr: DynDatarray[T]
                , index: int
                , field: untyped{ident}
                ): auto = ithImpl(T, arr, index, field)
template ith*[T](arr: var DynDatarray[T]
                , index: int
                , field: untyped{ident}
                ): auto = ithImpl(T, arr, index, field)

template indexImpl(T, arr: untyped, i: int): Element[T] =
  #rangeCheck i, 0..<arr.len
  Element[T]( mem: cast[Mem](arr.mem[0].addr)
            , arrlen: arr.len
            , index: i

template varIndexImpl(T, arr: untyped, i: int): VarElement[T] =
 #rangeCheck i, 0..<arr.len
 VarElement[T]( mem: cast[Mem](arr.mem[0].addr)
              , arrlen: arr.len
              , index: i

# Indexes into the array and returns an `Element[T]` for an object with the given index.
template `[]`*[N, T](arr: Datarray[N, T], index: int): Element[T] = indexImpl(T, arr, index)

# Indexes into the array and returns a `VarElement[T]` for an object with the
# given index. Unlike the non-var version, `VarElement` allows for mutation
# of the object's fields.
template `[]`*[N, T](arr: var Datarray[N, T], index: int): VarElement[T] = varIndexImpl(T, arr, index)

template itemsImpl(T, arr: untyped) =
 for i in 0..<arr.len:
  yield arr[i]

# Iterates through the elements in the datarray.
iterator items*[N, T](arr: Datarray[N, T]): Element[T] = itemsImpl(T, arr)

# Mutably iterates through the elements in the datarray.
iterator items*[N, T](arr: var Datarray[N, T]): VarElement[T] = itemsImpl(T, arr)

iterator items*[T](arr: DynDatarray[T]): Element[T] = itemsImpl(T, arr)

iterator items*[T](arr: var DynDatarray[T]): VarElement[T] = itemsImpl(T, arr)

template pairsImpl(T, arr: untyped) =
 for i in 0..<arr.len:
  yield (i, arr[i])

# Iterates through the elements in the datarray, also yielding their indices.
iterator pairs*[N, T](arr: Datarray[N, T]): (int, Element[T]) = pairsImpl(T, arr)

# Mutably Iterates through the elements in the datarray, also yielding their indices.
iterator pairs*[N, T](arr: var Datarray[N, T]): (int, VarElement[T]) = pairsImpl(T, arr)

iterator pairs*[T](arr: DynDatarray[T]): (int, Element[T]) =  pairsImpl(T, arr)

iterator pairs*[T](arr: var DynDatarray[T]): (int, VarElement[T]) = pairsImpl(T, arr)

# making copies of elements is illegal
proc `=copy`*[T](dest: var Element[T], src: Element[T]) {.error.}
proc `=copy`*[T](dest: var VarElement[T], src: VarElement[T]) {.error.}

# Accesses a field in the element.
template `{}`*[T](e: Element[T], field: untyped{ident}): auto =
 type F = T.default.`field`.typeof
 cast[ptr F](e.mem[nthIndex[T, F](e.arrlen, field, e.index)].addr)[]

# Mutably accesses a field in the var element.
template `{}`*[T](e: VarElement[T], field: untyped{ident}): auto =
 type F = T.default.`field`.typeof
 cast[ptr F](e.mem[nthIndex[T, F](e.arrlen, field, e.index)].addr)[]

# Writes to a field in the object pointed to by the var element.
template `{}=`*[T](e: VarElement[T], field: untyped{ident}, value: sink auto) =
 type F = T.default.`field`.typeof
 cast[ptr F](e.mem[nthIndex[T, F](e.arrlen, field, e.index)].addr)[] = value

when not defined(datarrayNoDots):
 {.push experimental: "dotOperators".}

 # Dot access operator for Elements. Sugar for `e{field}`.
 template `.`*[T](e: Element[T], field: untyped{ident}): auto =  e{field}

 # Dot access operator for VarElements. Sugar for `e{field}`.
 template `.`*[T](e: VarElement[T], field: untyped{ident}): auto = e{field}

 # Dot equals operator for VarElements. Sugar for `e{field} = value`.
 template `.=`*[T](e: VarElement[T], field: untyped{ident}, value: untyped) =
  e{field} = value

 {.pop.} # ?

{.pop.} # ?

proc verify(node: NimNode, predicate: bool, error: string) =
 if not predicate:
  error(error, node)

macro select*(loop: ForLoopStmt): untyped =
 # Selects fields from a datarray. Refer to the example for usage.
  import std/random

   Example = object
     a, b, c: int
  var arr: Datarray[10, Example]

  # there must be two loop variables:
  # 1. the index
  # 2. the fields that should get unpacked
  # the index may be _ if it's not used, but it must always be present.
  # the unpacked fields are desugared to ith() calls.
  for i, (a, b) in select arr:
    a = rand(1.0) < 0.5
    b = a div 2 + i
  # if only one field is needed, the () may be omitted:
  for _, c in select(arr):
    c += 1
  # basic checks
  loop.verify loop.len == 4
  , "select must have two loop variables"
  loop[2].verify loop[2].kind in {nnkCall, nnkCommand}
  , "select can only be used like a normal call or a command call"
  loop[2].verify loop[2].len == 2
  , "select accepts a single argument with the datarray to select from"
  # unpack the AST
   indexVar = loop[0]
   fields = loop[1]
   arr = loop[2][1]
   body = loop[3]
  # check the unpacked AST
  indexVar.verify indexVar.kind == nnkIdent
  , "the index variable's name must be an identifier"
  if fields.kind == nnkIdent:
   fields = nnkVarTuple.newTree(fields, newEmptyNode())
  fields.verify fields.kind == nnkVarTuple
  , "fields must be wrapped in parentheses"
  # generate a forvar for the index if it is _
  if $indexVar == "_":
   indexVar = genSym(nskForVar, "index")
  # generate the templates
  var iths = newStmtList()
  for field in fields[0..^2]:
   field.verify field.kind == nnkIdent
   , "every field must be a single identifier"
   let tmpl = nnkTemplateDef.newTree( field                                   # name
                                    , newEmptyNode()                          # patterns
                                    , newEmptyNode()                          # generic params
                                    , newTree(nnkFormalParams, bindSym"auto")
                                    , newEmptyNode()                          # pragmas
                                    , newEmptyNode()                          # -
                                    , quote do:
                                       `arr`.ith(`indexVar`, `field`)
  # put it all together
  result = quote do:
   for `indexVar` in 0..<`arr`.len:
  # wrap the result in a block, because better safe than sorry
  result = newBlockStmt(newEmptyNode(), result)

#nim r --passC:-march=native --passC:-flto -d:danger --exceptions:goto tests/benchmark.nim
 For some reason, not using LTO and goto-based exceptions tanks the performance of Element[T]
 but I'm yet to discover the reason behind this
 or potentially a better solution that doesn't have such high performance overhead.
 Thus, try to avoid Element[T] in performance-critical code
 and use ith and select instead of it.