import shape_object , colors , ../vk/[ vulkan , vulkan_record , pipeline_record , buffer ] , glm , ../camera type Space_Type* = enum Empty Spawner Space* = object render*: bool the_type*: Space_Type shape*: Shape Static_Row[N] = array[N, Space] Static_Grid_Object[R, C] = object of RootObj spaces*: array[R, Static_Row[C]] space_size*: int Dynamic_Row = seq[Space] Dynamic_Grid_Object = object of RootObj rows*: seq[Dynamic_Row] space_size*: int Static_Grid* = ref object of Static_Grid_Object Dynamic_Grid* = ref object of Dynamic_Grid_Object #[ proc a_dynamic_grid*( rows: int , columns: int , rec: var Vulkan_Record , render_pass: VkRenderPass , pipeline_record: Pipeline_Record , current_entity_id: int , parent_buffer: var Buffer ): Dynamic_Grid = result = Dynamic_Grid() result.rows.setlen rows for row in result.rows.mitems: row.setlen columns for row in result.rows.mitems: for space in row.mitems: space.shape = a_shape( parent_buffer , rec , pipeline_record , render_pass , current_entity_id , 4 , "plane0_quad" , theSize = vec2f( 80 , 40 ) , being_color = dark_purple , deshn_color = yellow , camera_type = Camera_Kind.Perspective , hollow = false ) ]#