use anyhow::{bail, Result};
use crate::DEPTH;
use crate::data::FreeVar;
use crate::{
data::{Context, ContextEntry, Term, Type},
pub fn app_ctx(ctx: &Context, ty: &Type) -> Result<Type> {
match ty {
Type::Existential(a) => match ctx.lookup_existential(a) {
Some(Some(m)) => Ok(m.into_poly()),
Some(None) => Ok(Type::Existential(a.clone())),
None => bail!("existential variable {a} doesn't exist in context"),
Type::Polytype(_, _) => todo!(),
Type::Arrow(a, b) => Ok(Type::Arrow(
Box::new(app_ctx(ctx, a)?),
Box::new(app_ctx(ctx, b)?),
_ => todo!("shiiet"),
pub fn subtype(ctx: &Context, a: &Type, b: &Type) -> Result<Context> {
match (a, b) {
(Type::Unit, Type::Unit) => Ok(ctx.clone()),
(Type::Var(x), Type::Var(y)) if x == y => {
if ctx.lookup_type(x).is_none() {
bail!("name {x} not in context");
(Type::Existential(x), Type::Existential(y)) if x == y => {
if ctx.lookup_existential(x).is_none() {
bail!("name {x} not in context");
(Type::Existential(a), ty_a)
if !b.free_vars().contains(&FreeVar::Existential(a.to_string()))
&& ctx.lookup_existential(a).is_some() =>
let ctx_delta = instantiate_left(ctx, a, ty_a)?;
(Type::Existential(_), Type::Unit) => todo!(),
(Type::Existential(_), Type::Var(_)) => todo!(),
(Type::Existential(_), Type::Polytype(_, _)) => todo!(),
(Type::Existential(_), Type::Arrow(_, _)) => todo!(),
(Type::Polytype(_, _), Type::Unit) => todo!(),
(Type::Polytype(_, _), Type::Var(_)) => todo!(),
(Type::Polytype(_, _), Type::Existential(_)) => todo!(),
(Type::Polytype(_, _), Type::Polytype(_, _)) => todo!(),
(Type::Polytype(_, _), Type::Arrow(_, _)) => todo!(),
(Type::Arrow(_, _), Type::Unit) => todo!(),
(Type::Arrow(_, _), Type::Var(_)) => todo!(),
(Type::Arrow(_, _), Type::Existential(_)) => todo!(),
(Type::Arrow(_, _), Type::Polytype(_, _)) => todo!(),
(Type::Arrow(_, _), Type::Arrow(_, _)) => todo!(),
_ => bail!("subtyping relation failed between {a:?} and {b:?} (ctx = {ctx:?})"),
pub fn instantiate_left(ctx: &Context, a: &str, ty_a: &Type) -> Result<Context> {
match ty_a {
Type::Existential(b) if ctx.has_existential(a) && ctx.has_existential(b) => {
Type::Existential(b) => todo!(),
Type::Unit => todo!(),
Type::Var(_) => todo!(),
Type::Polytype(_, _) => todo!(),
Type::Arrow(_, _) => todo!(),
pub fn typecheck(ctx: &Context, term: &Term, ty: &Type) -> Result<Context> {
match (term, ty) {
(Term::Unit, Type::Unit) => Ok(ctx.clone()),
(e, Type::Polytype(x, tyA)) => todo!(),
(Term::Lam(x, e), Type::Arrow(ty_a, ty_b)) => {
let mut aug_ctx = ctx.clone();
(term, ty) => {
let (ty_a, ctx_theta) = synthesize(ctx, term)?;
let a = app_ctx(&ctx_theta, &ty_a)?;
let b = app_ctx(&ctx_theta, ty)?;
let ctx_delta = subtype(&ctx_theta, &a, &b)?;
pub fn synthesize(ctx: &Context, term: &Term) -> Result<(Type, Context)> {
match term {
Term::Var(name) => {
let ty = match ctx.lookup_type(name) {
Some(v) => v,
None => bail!("could not find name {name}"),
Ok((ty, ctx.clone()))
Term::Unit => Ok((Type::Unit, ctx.clone())),
Term::Annot(e, ty_a) => {
let ctx_delta = typecheck(ctx, &e, ty_a)?;
Ok((ty_a.clone(), ctx_delta))
Term::Lam(x, e) => {
let ex_a_s = gensym_prefix("ex");
let ex_b_s = gensym_prefix("ex");
let ex_a = Type::Existential(ex_a_s.clone());
let ex_b = Type::Existential(ex_b_s.clone());
let aug_ctx = ctx.add(vec![
ContextEntry::TermAnnot(x.clone(), ex_a.clone()),
let wtf_ctx = typecheck(&aug_ctx, &e, &ex_b)?;
println!("the wtf ctx is {wtf_ctx:?}");
Ok((Type::Arrow(Box::new(ex_a), Box::new(ex_b)), ctx.clone()))
Term::App(e1, e2) => {
let (ty_a, ctx_theta) = synthesize(ctx, e1)?;
let app_a = app_ctx(&ctx_theta, &ty_a)?;
let (ty_c, ctx_delta) = app_synthesize(&ctx_theta, &app_a, &e2)?;
Ok((ty_c, ctx_delta))
pub fn app_synthesize(ctx: &Context, fun_ty: &Type, term: &Term) -> Result<(Type, Context)> {
match (fun_ty, term) {
(Type::Arrow(ty_a, ty_c), e) => {
typecheck(ctx, e, ty_a)?;
Ok((*ty_c.clone(), ctx.clone()))
(Type::Polytype(_, _), _) => todo!(),
(Type::Existential(_), _) => todo!(),
_ => bail!("trying to appSynthesize with a non-function type"),