(defpackage :slynk-mrepl
(:use :cl :slynk-api)
(:import-from :slynk
(:export #:create-mrepl
(in-package :slynk-mrepl)
(defclass mrepl (channel listener)
((remote-id :initarg :remote-id :accessor mrepl-remote-id)
(mode :initform :eval :accessor mrepl-mode)
(pending-errors :initform nil :accessor mrepl-pending-errors))
(:documentation "A listener implemented in terms of a channel.")
:initial-env (copy-tree `((cl:*package* . ,cl:*package*)
. ,cl:*default-pathname-defaults*)
(*) (**) (***)
(/) (//) (///)
(+) (++) (+++)
(*history* . ,(make-array 40 :fill-pointer 0
:adjustable t))))))
(defmethod print-object ((r mrepl) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (r stream :type t)
(format stream "mrepl-~a-~a" (channel-id r) (mrepl-remote-id r))))
(defmethod initialize-instance :before ((r mrepl) &key)
(setf (slot-value r 'slynk::in) (make-mrepl-input-stream r)))
(defvar *history* nil)
(defvar *saved-objects* nil)
(defmethod slynk::drop-unprocessed-events ((r mrepl))
"Empty REPL of events, then send prompt to Emacs."
(with-slots (mode) r
(let ((old-mode mode))
(setf mode :drop)
(process-requests t)
(setf mode old-mode)))))
(defun mrepl-get-history-entry (entry-idx)
(let ((len (length *history*)))
(assert (and entry-idx
(integerp entry-idx)
(< -1 entry-idx len))
"Illegal history entry ~a for ~a-long history"
(aref *history* entry-idx)))
(defun mrepl-get-object-from-history (entry-idx &optional value-idx)
(let* ((entry (mrepl-get-history-entry entry-idx))
(len (length entry)))
(assert (or (not value-idx)
(and (integerp value-idx)
(< -1 value-idx len)))
"History entry ~a is only ~a elements long."
(if (numberp value-idx)
(nth value-idx entry)
(values-list entry))))
(defparameter *backreference-character* #\v
"Character used for #v<entry>:<value> backreferences in the REPL.
Set this to some other value if it conflicts with some other reader
macro that you wish to use in the REPL.
Set this to NIL to turn this feature off.")
(defun backreference-reader (stream subchar arg)
"Reads #rfoo:bar into (MREPL-GET-OBJECT-FROM-HISTORY foo bar)."
(declare (ignore subchar arg))
(let* ((*readtable*
(let ((table (copy-readtable nil)))
(set-macro-character #\: (lambda (&rest args) nil) nil table)
(when (eq #\: (peek-char nil stream nil nil))
(error 'reader-error
:stream stream
:format-control "~a found in unexpected place in ~a"
:format-arguments `(#\: backreference-reader)))
(read-preserving-whitespace stream)))
(value-idx (progn
(and (eq #\: (peek-char nil stream nil nil))
(read-char stream)
(read stream)))))
,entry-idx ,value-idx)))
(defun backreference-reader-tests ()
(let ((expectations
'(("#v:something" error)
("#vnotanumber:something" (notanumber something))
("#vnotanumber" (notanumber nil))
("#v2 :something" (2 nil) :something)
("#v2:99 :something-else" (2 99) :something-else)))
(*readtable* (let ((table (copy-readtable)))
(if *backreference-character*
#'backreference-reader table))
(loop for (input expected-spec following) in expectations
(with-input-from-string (s input)
(let* ((observed (read s))
(if (eq 'error expected-spec )
(error "oops, ~a was supposed to have errored, but returned ~a"
input observed))
`(mrepl-get-object-from-history ,@expected-spec)))
(observed-second (and following
(read s))))
(unless (equal observed expected)
(error "oops, ~a was supposed to have returned ~a, but returned ~a"
input expected observed))
(unless (equal observed-second following)
(error "oops, ~a was have read ~a after, but read ~a"
input following observed-second))
(list observed observed-second))))
(reader-error (e)
(unless (eq 'error expected-spec)
(error "oops, ~a wasn't supposed to error with ~a" input e)))))))
(defun make-results (objects)
(loop for value in objects
collect (list (present-for-emacs value #'slynk-pprint)
(1- (length *history*))
(cond ((symbolp value)
(with-output-to-string (s)
(unless (keywordp value) (princ "'" s))
(write value :stream s :case :downcase)))
((numberp value)
(princ-to-string value))))))
(defun mrepl-eval (repl string)
(let ((aborted t)
(setf (mrepl-mode repl) :busy)
(let* ((previous-hook *debugger-hook*)
(lambda (condition hook)
(setq aborted condition)
(cond ((eq condition (car (mrepl-pending-errors repl)))
(funcall previous-hook condition hook))
(push condition (mrepl-pending-errors repl))
(unless error-prompt-sent
(setq error-prompt-sent t)
(with-listener-bindings repl
(send-prompt repl condition)))
(funcall previous-hook condition hook)
(pop (mrepl-pending-errors repl))))))))
(setq results (mrepl-eval-1 repl string)
aborted nil))
(unless (eq (mrepl-mode repl) :teardown)
(flush-listener-streams repl)
(saving-listener-bindings repl
(cond (aborted
(send-to-remote-channel (mrepl-remote-id repl)
(:object aborted :stream nil)
(prin1-to-string aborted)))))
(when results
(setq /// // // / / results
*** ** ** * * (car results))
(vector-push-extend results *history*))
(mrepl-remote-id repl)
`(:write-values ,(make-results results)))))
(send-prompt repl))))))
(defun prompt-arguments (repl condition)
`(,(package-name *package*)
,(package-string-for-prompt *package*)
,(length (mrepl-pending-errors repl))
,(length *history*)
,@(when condition
(list (write-to-string condition
:escape t
:readably nil)))))
(defun send-prompt (&optional (repl *channel*) condition)
(send-to-remote-channel (mrepl-remote-id repl)
`(:prompt ,@(prompt-arguments repl condition)))
(setf (mrepl-mode repl) :eval))
(defun mrepl-eval-1 (repl string)
"In REPL's environment, READ and EVAL forms in STRING."
(with-listener-bindings repl
(with-retry-restart (:msg "Retry SLY mREPL evaluation request.")
(with-input-from-string (in string)
(loop with values
for form =
(let ((*readtable* (let ((table (copy-readtable)))
(if *backreference-character*
#'backreference-reader table))
(read in nil in))
until (eq form in)
do (let ((- form))
(setq values (multiple-value-list
(saving-listener-bindings repl
(setq +++ ++ ++ + + form))))))
(return values))))
(dolist (special-sym '(*package* *default-pathname-defaults*))
(setf (cdr (assoc special-sym (slot-value repl 'slynk::env)))
(symbol-value special-sym)))))))
(defun set-external-mode (repl new-mode)
(with-slots (mode remote-id) repl
(unless (eq mode new-mode)
(send-to-remote-channel remote-id `(:set-read-mode ,new-mode)))
(setf mode new-mode)))
(defun read-input (repl)
(with-slots (mode remote-id) repl
(assert (not (eq mode :read)) nil "Cannot pipeline READs")
(let ((tid (slynk-backend:thread-id (slynk-backend:current-thread)))
(old-mode mode))
(cond ((and (eq (channel-thread-id repl) tid)
(eq mode :busy))
(flush-listener-streams repl)
(set-external-mode repl :read)
(catch 'mrepl-read (process-requests nil))
(set-external-mode repl :finished-reading)))
(setf mode :read)
(with-output-to-string (s)
(format s
(or (slynk::read-from-minibuffer-in-emacs
(format nil "Input for thread ~a? " tid))
(error "READ for thread ~a interrupted" tid)))
(terpri s))))
(setf mode old-mode)))))
(define-channel-method :inspect-object ((r mrepl) entry-idx value-idx)
(with-listener-bindings r
(mrepl-remote-id r)
(mrepl-get-object-from-history entry-idx value-idx))))))
(define-channel-method :process ((c mrepl) string)
(with-slots (mode) c
(case mode
(:eval (mrepl-eval c string))
(:read (throw 'mrepl-read string))
(define-channel-method :teardown ((r mrepl))
(setf (mrepl-mode r) :teardown)
(define-channel-method :clear-repl-history ((r mrepl))
(saving-listener-bindings r
(setf *history* (make-array 40 :fill-pointer 0
:adjustable t)
* nil ** nil *** nil
+ nil ++ nil +++ nil
/ nil // nil /// nil)
(send-to-remote-channel (mrepl-remote-id r) `(:clear-repl-history))
(send-prompt r)))
(defslyfun create-mrepl (remote-id)
(let* ((mrepl (make-instance
:remote-id remote-id
:name (format nil "mrepl-remote-~a" remote-id)
:out (make-mrepl-output-stream remote-id))))
(let ((target (maybe-redirect-global-io *emacs-connection*)))
(saving-listener-bindings mrepl
(format *standard-output* "~&; SLY ~a (~a)~%"
((and target
(not (eq mrepl target)))
(format *standard-output* "~&; Global redirection setup elsewhere~%"))
((not target)
(format *standard-output* "~&; Global redirection not setup~%"))))
(flush-listener-streams mrepl)
(send-prompt mrepl)
(list (channel-id mrepl) (channel-thread-id mrepl)))))
(defslyfun globally-save-object (slave-slyfun &rest args)
"Apply SLYFUN to ARGS and save the value.
The saved value should be visible to all threads and retrieved via
the COPY-TO-REPL slyfun."
(setq *saved-objects* (multiple-value-list (apply slave-slyfun args)))
(defun copy-to-repl-in-emacs (values &key
(blurb "Here are some values")
(pop-to-buffer t))
"Copy any user object to SLY's REPL. Requires
`sly-enable-evaluate-in-emacs' to be true."
(with-connection ((default-connection))
(apply #'slynk-mrepl:globally-save-object #'cl:values values)
(slynk:eval-in-emacs `(sly-mrepl--copy-globally-saved-to-repl
:before ,blurb :pop-to-buffer ,pop-to-buffer))
(defmacro with-eval-for-repl ((remote-id &optional mrepl-sym
update-mrepl) &body body)
(let ((mrepl-sym (or mrepl-sym
`(let ((,mrepl-sym (find-channel ,remote-id)))
(assert ,mrepl-sym)
(eq (slynk-backend:thread-id
(channel-thread-id ,mrepl-sym))
"This SLYFUN can only be called from threads belonging to MREPL")
,(if update-mrepl
`(saving-listener-bindings ,mrepl-sym
`(with-listener-bindings ,mrepl-sym
(defslyfun eval-for-mrepl (remote-id slave-slyfun &rest args)
"A synchronous form for evaluation in the mREPL context.
Calls SLAVE-SLYFUN with ARGS in the MREPL of REMOTE-ID. Both the
target MREPL's thread and environment are considered.
SLAVE-SLYFUN is typically destructive to the REPL listener's
This function returns a list of two elements. The first is a list
of arguments as sent in the :PROMPT channel method reply. The second
is the values list returned by SLAVE-SLYFUN transformed into a normal
(with-eval-for-repl (remote-id mrepl 'allow-destructive)
(let ((objects (multiple-value-list (apply slave-slyfun args))))
(prompt-arguments mrepl nil)
(defslyfun inspect-entry (remote-id entry-idx value-idx)
(with-eval-for-repl (remote-id)
(mrepl-get-object-from-history entry-idx value-idx))))
(defslyfun describe-entry (remote-id entry-idx value-idx)
(with-eval-for-repl (remote-id)
(mrepl-get-object-from-history entry-idx value-idx))))
(defslyfun pprint-entry (remote-id entry-idx value-idx)
(with-eval-for-repl (remote-id)
(list (mrepl-get-object-from-history entry-idx value-idx)))))
(defslyfun guess-and-set-package (package-name)
(let ((package (slynk::guess-package package-name)))
(if package
(setq *package* package)
(error "Can't find a package for designator ~a" package-name))
(defslyfun copy-to-repl (&optional entry-idx value-idx)
"Recall objects in *HISTORY* or *SAVED-OBJECTS* as the last entry."
(let ((objects
(cond ((and entry-idx value-idx)
(list (mrepl-get-object-from-history entry-idx value-idx)))
(mrepl-get-history-entry entry-idx))
(error "Doesn't make sense"))
(setq /// // // / / objects
*** ** ** * * (car objects))
(vector-push-extend objects *history*)
(values-list (make-results objects))))
(defslyfun sync-package-and-default-directory (&key package-name directory)
(when directory
(slynk:set-default-directory directory))
(when package-name
(guess-and-set-package package-name))
(values (package-name *package*) (slynk-backend:default-directory)))
(defvar *use-dedicated-output-stream* :started-from-emacs
"When T, dedicate a second stream for sending output to Emacs.")
(defvar *dedicated-output-stream-port* 0
"Which port we should use for the dedicated output stream.")
(defvar *dedicated-output-stream-buffering*
(if (eq slynk:*communication-style* :spawn) :line nil)
"The buffering scheme that should be used for the output stream.
Be advised that some Lisp backends don't support this.
Valid values are nil, t, :line.")
(defun use-dedicated-output-stream-p ()
(case *use-dedicated-output-stream*
(:started-from-emacs slynk-api:*m-x-sly-from-emacs*)
(t *use-dedicated-output-stream*)))
(defun make-mrepl-output-stream (remote-id)
(or (and (use-dedicated-output-stream-p)
(open-dedicated-output-stream remote-id))
(lambda (string)
(send-to-remote-channel remote-id `(:write-string ,string)))))))
(defun make-mrepl-input-stream (repl)
(lambda () (read-input repl))))
(defun open-dedicated-output-stream (remote-id)
"Establish a dedicated output connection to Emacs.
Emacs's channel at REMOTE-ID is notified of a socket listening at an
ephemeral port. Upon connection, the listening socket is closed, and
the resulting connecion socket is used as optimized way for Lisp to
deliver output to Emacs."
(let ((socket (slynk-backend:create-socket slynk::*loopback-interface*
(ef (or (some #'slynk::find-external-format '("utf-8-unix" "utf-8"))
(error "no suitable coding system for dedicated stream"))))
(let ((port (slynk-backend:local-port socket)))
(send-to-remote-channel remote-id
`(:open-dedicated-output-stream ,port nil))
(let ((dedicated (slynk-backend:accept-connection
:external-format ef
:buffering *dedicated-output-stream-buffering*
:timeout 30)))
(slynk:authenticate-client dedicated)
(slynk-backend:close-socket socket)
(setf socket nil)
(let ((result
#+(or sbcl cmucl)
#-(or sbcl cmucl)
(lambda (string)
(write-sequence string dedicated)
(force-output dedicated)))))
(prog1 result
(format result
"~&; Dedicated output stream setup (port ~a)~%"
(force-output result)))))
(when socket
(slynk-backend:close-socket socket)))))
(defvar *globally-redirect-io* :started-from-emacs
"If non-nil, attempt to globally redirect standard streams to Emacs.
If the value is :STARTED-FROM-EMACS, do it only if the Slynk server
was started from SLYNK:START-SERVER, which is called from Emacs by M-x
(defvar *saved-global-streams* '()
"A plist to save and restore redirected stream objects.
E.g. the value for '*standard-output* holds the stream object
for *standard-output* before we install our redirection.")
(defvar *standard-output-streams*
'(*standard-output* *error-output* *trace-output*)
"The symbols naming standard output streams.")
(defvar *standard-input-streams*
"The symbols naming standard input streams.")
(defvar *standard-io-streams*
'(*debug-io* *query-io* *terminal-io*)
"The symbols naming standard io streams.")
(defvar *target-listener-for-redirection* nil
"The listener to which standard I/O streams are globally redirected.
NIL if streams are not globally redirected.")
(defun setup-stream-indirection (stream-var &optional stream)
"Setup redirection scaffolding for a global stream variable.
Supposing (for example) STREAM-VAR is *STANDARD-INPUT*, this macro:
1. Saves the value of *STANDARD-INPUT* in `*SAVED-GLOBAL-STREAMS*'.
2. Creates *CURRENT-STANDARD-INPUT*, initially with the same value as
3. Assigns *STANDARD-INPUT* to a synonym stream pointing to
This has the effect of making *CURRENT-STANDARD-INPUT* contain the
effective global value for *STANDARD-INPUT*. This way we can assign
the effective global value even when *STANDARD-INPUT* is shadowed by a
dynamic binding."
(let ((current-stream-var (prefixed-var '#:current stream-var))
(stream (or stream (symbol-value stream-var))))
(setf (getf *saved-global-streams* stream-var) stream)
(proclaim `(special ,current-stream-var))
(set current-stream-var stream)
(let ((stream (make-synonym-stream current-stream-var)))
(set stream-var stream)
(slynk::set-default-initial-binding stream-var `(quote ,stream)))))
(defun prefixed-var (prefix variable-symbol)
(let ((basename (subseq (symbol-name variable-symbol) 1)))
(intern (format nil "*~A-~A" (string prefix) basename) :slynk)))
(defun init-global-stream-redirection ()
(cond (*saved-global-streams*
(warn "Streams already redirected."))
(mapc #'setup-stream-indirection
(append *standard-output-streams*
(defun globally-redirect-to-listener (listener)
"Set the standard I/O streams to redirect to LISTENER.
Assigns *CURRENT-<STREAM>* for all standard streams."
(saving-listener-bindings listener
(dolist (o *standard-output-streams*)
(set (prefixed-var '#:current o)
(dolist (i *standard-input-streams*)
(set (prefixed-var '#:current i)
(connection.user-input connection)))
(dolist (io *standard-io-streams*)
(set (prefixed-var '#:current io)
(defun revert-global-io-redirection ()
"Set *CURRENT-<STREAM>* to *REAL-<STREAM>* for all standard streams."
(format slynk:*log-output* "~&; About to revert global IO direction~%")
(when *target-listener-for-redirection*
(flush-listener-streams *target-listener-for-redirection*))
(dolist (stream-var (append *standard-output-streams*
(set (prefixed-var '#:current stream-var)
(getf *saved-global-streams* stream-var))))
(defun globally-redirect-io-p ()
(case *globally-redirect-io*
(:started-from-emacs slynk-api:*m-x-sly-from-emacs*)
(t *globally-redirect-io*)))
(defun maybe-redirect-global-io (connection)
"Consider globally redirecting output to CONNECTION's listener.
Return the current redirection target, or nil"
(let ((l (default-listener connection)))
(when (and (globally-redirect-io-p)
(null *target-listener-for-redirection*)
(unless *saved-global-streams*
(setq *target-listener-for-redirection* l)
(globally-redirect-to-listener l)
(with-listener-bindings l
(format *standard-output* "~&; Redirecting all output to this MREPL~%")
(flush-listener-streams l)))
(defmethod close-channel :before ((r mrepl) &key force)
(with-slots (mode remote-id) r
(unless (or force (eq mode :teardown))
(send-to-remote-channel remote-id `(:server-side-repl-close)))
(close-listener r)
(when (eq r *target-listener-for-redirection*)
(setq *target-listener-for-redirection* nil)
(maybe-redirect-global-io (default-connection))
(unless *target-listener-for-redirection*
(format slynk:*log-output* "~&; Reverted global IO direction~%")))))
(provide :slynk/mrepl)