;;; lentic-chunk.el --- Comment chunks in one buffer -*- lexical-binding: t -*-

;;; Header:

;; This file is not part of Emacs

;; Author: Phillip Lord <phillip.lord@russet.org.uk>
;; Maintainer: Phillip Lord <phillip.lord@russet.org.uk>

;; The contents of this file are subject to the LGPL License, Version 3.0.

;; Copyright (C) 2014-2022  Free Software Foundation, Inc.

;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;; under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
;; option) any later version.

;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
;; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
;; for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

;;; Commentary:

;; Lentic-chunk provides support for editing lentic buffers where there are large
;; documentation chunks in one view which must be commented out in the other,
;; where the chunks are demarked with some kind of delimitor.

;; This form is generally useful for forms of literate programming. For example,
;; we might embed Emacs-Lisp within LaTeX like so:

;; \begin{code}
;; (message "hello")
;; \end{code}

;; In this case, the =\begin{code}= macro defines the start of the code chunk. In
;; the code-centric view any lines not enclosed by the markers will be
;; commented-out, ensure that the documentation does not interfere with whatever
;; programming language is being used.

;; The implementation provided here is reasonably efficient, with only small
;; change regions being percolated.

;; This package does not provide any direct end-user configurations. These are
;; provided elsewhere.

;;; Code:

;; The implementation

;; ** Chunk Configuration

;; #+begin_src emacs-lisp
(require 'm-buffer)
(require 'm-buffer-at)
(require 'lentic)

(defclass lentic-chunk-configuration (lentic-default-configuration)
  ((comment :initarg :comment
            :documentation "The comment character")
   (comment-start :initarg :comment-start
                  "Demarcation for the start of the commenting region")
   (comment-stop :initarg :comment-stop
                "Demarcaction for the end of the commenting region.")
   (case-fold-search :initarg :case-fold-search
                     "Should match be case sensitive"
                     :initform :default)
   (valid :initarg :valid
          :documentation "True if markers in the buffer are valid"
          :initform t))
  :documentation "Base configuration for chunked lentics.
A chunked lentic is one where chunks of the buffer have a
start of line chunk comment in one buffer but not the other."
  :abstract t)

(cl-defmethod lentic-mode-line-string ((conf lentic-chunk-configuration))
  (if (not
       (oref conf valid))
    (cl-call-next-method conf)))

(cl-defmethod lentic-chunk-comment-start-regexp
  ((conf lentic-chunk-configuration))
  ;; todo -- what does this regexp do?
  (format "^\\(%s\\)?%s"
          (oref conf comment)
          (oref conf comment-start)))

(cl-defmethod lentic-chunk-comment-stop-regexp
  ((conf lentic-chunk-configuration))
  (format "^\\(%s\\)?%s"
          (oref conf comment)
          (oref conf comment-stop)))

(cl-defmethod lentic-chunk-line-start-comment
  ((conf lentic-chunk-configuration))
  (concat "^"
          (oref conf comment)))

(defun lentic-chunk-uncomment-region (conf begin end buffer)
  "Given CONF,  remove start-of-line characters in region.
Region is between BEGIN and END in BUFFER. CONF is a
function `lentic-configuration' object."
  ;;(lentic-log "uncomment-region (%s,%s)" begin end)
         (lentic-chunk-line-start-comment conf)
         :begin begin :end end)))
    (m-buffer-replace-match comments "")))

(defun lentic-chunk-uncomment-buffer (conf markers begin end buffer)
  "Given CONF, a `lentic-configuration' object, remove all
start of line comment-characters in appropriate chunks. Changes
should only have occurred between BEGIN and END in BUFFER."
   (lambda (pairs)
         ((chunk-begin (car pairs))
          (chunk-end (cadr pairs)))
           (and (>= end chunk-begin)
                (>= chunk-end begin))
          conf chunk-begin chunk-end buffer))))

(defun lentic-chunk-comment-region (conf begin end buffer)
  "Given CONF, a `lentic-configuration' object, add
start of line comment characters beween BEGIN and END in BUFFER."
         :begin begin :end end))
         ;; start to end of line which is what this regexp above matches
          (lentic-chunk-line-start-comment conf)
         :begin begin :end end)))
     (m-buffer-match-exact-subtract line-match comment-match)
     (oref conf comment) nil nil 1)))

(defun lentic-chunk-comment-buffer (conf markers begin end buffer)
  "Given CONF, a `lentic-configuration' object, add
start of line comment-characters. Changes should only have occurred
between BEGIN and END in BUFFER."
  ;; we need these as markers because the begin and end position need to
  ;; move as we change the buffer, in the same way that the marker boundary
  ;; markers do.
      ((begin (set-marker (make-marker) begin buffer))
       (end (set-marker (make-marker) end buffer)))
     ;; comment each of these regions
     (lambda (pairs)
           ((chunk-begin (car pairs))
            (chunk-end (cadr pairs)))
             (and (>= end chunk-begin)
                  (>= chunk-end begin))
            conf chunk-begin chunk-end buffer))))

(cl-defmethod lentic-chunk-marker-boundaries ((conf lentic-chunk-configuration)
  "Given CONF, a `lentic-configuration' object, find
demarcation markers. Returns a list of start end cons pairs.
`point-min' is considered to be an implicit start and `point-max'
an implicit stop."
  (let* ((match-chunk
           conf buffer))
          (car match-chunk))
          (cadr match-chunk)))
        (= (length match-start)
           (length match-end))
              (oref conf valid)
            (oset conf valid t)
          (with-current-buffer buffer
             ;; start comment markers
             ;; plus the start of the region
              (set-marker (make-marker) (point-min) buffer)
             ;; end comment markers
             ;; plus the end of the buffer
              (list (set-marker (make-marker) (point-max) buffer))))))
      ;; delimiters do not match so return error value
      (lentic-log "delimiters do not match")
      (when (oref conf valid)
        (oset conf valid nil)

(cl-defmethod lentic-chunk-match ((conf lentic-chunk-configuration)
    (lentic-chunk-comment-start-regexp conf)
    :case-fold-search (oref conf case-fold-search))
    (lentic-chunk-comment-stop-regexp conf)
    :case-fold-search (oref conf case-fold-search))))

(cl-defmethod lentic-convert ((conf lentic-chunk-configuration)
  "Converts a LOCATION in buffer FROM into one from TO.
This uses a simple algorithm; we pick the same line and then
count from the end, until we get to location, always staying on
the same line. This works since the buffers are identical except
for changes to the beginning of the line. It is also symmetrical
between the two buffers; we don't care which one has comments."
  ;; current information comes inside a with-current-buffer. so, we capture
  ;; data as a list rather than having two with-current-buffers.
  (let ((line-plus
             (lentic-this conf)
             ;; move to location or line-end-position may be wrong
             (goto-char location)
              ;; we are converting the location, so we need the line-number
              (line-number-at-pos location)
              ;; and the distance from the end
              (- (line-end-position)
        (lentic-that conf)
        (goto-char (point-min))
        ;; move forward to the line in question
        (forward-line (1- (car line-plus)))
        ;; don't move from the line in question
        (max (line-beginning-position)
             ;; but move in from the end
             (- (line-end-position)
                (cadr line-plus)))))))

(defclass lentic-commented-chunk-configuration
  "Configuration for chunked lentic with comments.")

(defclass lentic-uncommented-chunk-configuration
  "Configuration for chunked lentic without comments.")

(cl-defmethod lentic-clone
  ((conf lentic-commented-chunk-configuration)
   &optional start stop length-before start-converted stop-converted)
  "Update the contents in the lentic without comments"
  ;;(lentic-log "chunk-clone-uncomment (from):(%s)" conf)
      ;; we need to detect whether start or stop are in the comment region at
      ;; the beginning of the file. We check this by looking at :that-buffer
      ;; -- if we are in the magic region, then we must be at the start of
      ;; line. In this case, we copy the entire line as it is in a hard to
      ;; predict state. This is slightly over cautious (it also catches first
      ;; character), but this is safe, it only causes the occasional
      ;; unnecessary whole line copy. In normal typing "whole line" will be
      ;; one character anyway
            (and start
                  (lentic-that conf)
           (lentic-this conf)
       (start (or start-in-comment start))
        (if start-in-comment
           (lentic-that conf)
       ;; likewise for stop
            (and stop
                  (lentic-that conf)
              (lentic-this conf)
       (stop (or stop-in-comment stop))
        (if stop-in-comment
                (lentic-that conf)
    ;; log when we have gone long
    (if (or start-in-comment stop-in-comment)
        (lentic-log "In comment: %s %s"
                           (when start-in-comment
                           (when stop-in-comment
    ;; now clone the buffer, recording the return value unless either the
    ;; start or the stop is in comment, in which case we need a nil.
    (let* ((clone-return
            (cl-call-next-method conf start stop length-before
                                 start-converted stop-converted))
            (unless (or start-in-comment stop-in-comment)
           ;; record the validity of the buffer as it was
           (validity (oref conf valid))
             (lentic-that conf))))
          ;; we are unmatched, but we used to be valid, which means that we
          ;; have just become invalid, so we want to do a full clone
          ;; straight-away to make sure that both buffers are now identical
            (equal :unmatched
           (cl-call-next-method conf))
          ;; we are unmatched, and we were unmatched before. We have already
          ;; done the incremental clone, so stop.
          ((equal :unmatched markers)
          ;; we have matched delimiters but we were not matched before. This
          ;; means we will have done an identity clone which means that other
          ;; buffer will be all commented up. So remove all comments and clean
          ;; up all the markers
          ((not validity)
               ((markers markers))
              (lentic-convert conf (point-min))
              (lentic-convert conf (point-max))
              (lentic-that conf))
           ;; just uncomment the bit we have cloned.
            ;; the buffer at this point has been copied over, but is in an
            ;; inconsistent state (because it may have comments that it should
            ;; not). Still, the convertor should still work because it counts from
            ;; the end
             ;; point-min if we know nothing else
             (or start (point-min)))
             ;; if we have a stop
             (if stop
                 ;; take stop (if we have got longer) or
                 ;; start length before (if we have got shorter)
                 (max stop
                      (+ start length-before))
            (lentic-that conf))))

(cl-defmethod lentic-invert
  ((conf lentic-commented-chunk-configuration))
   :this-buffer (lentic-that conf)
   :that-buffer (lentic-this conf)
   :comment (oref conf comment)
   :comment-start (oref conf comment-start)
   :comment-stop (oref conf comment-stop)))

(cl-defmethod lentic-clone
  ((conf lentic-uncommented-chunk-configuration)
   &optional start stop length-before start-converted stop-converted)
  "Update the contents in the lentic without comments."
  ;;(lentic-log "chunk-clone-comment conf):(%s)" conf)
            (and start
                  (lentic-this conf)
              (lentic-that conf)
       (start-converted (or start-at-bolp start-converted)))
    (if (or start-at-bolp)
        (lentic-log "In comment: %s"
                           (when start-at-bolp
    (let* ((clone-return
            (cl-call-next-method conf start stop length-before
                                 start-converted stop-converted))
            (unless start-at-bolp
           (validity (oref conf valid))
             (lentic-that conf))))
       ((and (equal :unmatched markers)
        (cl-call-next-method conf))

       ((equal :unmatched markers)

       ((not validity)
            ((markers markers))
           (lentic-convert conf (point-min))
           (lentic-convert conf (point-max))
           (lentic-that conf))))

         ;; the buffer at this point has been copied over, but is in an
         ;; inconsistent state (because it may have comments that it should
         ;; not). Still, the convertor should still work because it counts from
         ;; the end
          ;; point-min if we know nothing else
          (or start (point-min)))
          ;; if we have a stop
          (if stop
              ;; take stop (if we have got longer) or
              ;; start length before (if we have got shorter)
              (max stop
                   (+ start length-before))
         (lentic-that conf))))

(cl-defmethod lentic-invert
  ((conf lentic-uncommented-chunk-configuration))
   :this-buffer (lentic-that conf)
   :that-buffer (lentic-this conf)
   :comment (oref conf comment)
   :comment-start (oref  conf comment-start)
   :comment-stop (oref conf comment-stop)))

;; #+end_src

;; ** Unmatched Chunk Configuration

;; Unmatched chunks are those when the number of "start" delimitors and "end"
;; delimitors are not the same. The motivating example here was org-mode where
;; the =begin_src= tags name the language but the =end_src= do not. Hence, one
;; org file with two languages break lentic.

;; The solution is to search for the start tags and then take just the next stop
;; tag, a solution we already use for asciidoc. The disadvantage is that the
;; buffer can no longer become invalid which is useful for detecting accidentally
;; mis-matched tags.

;; The implementation is provided by the `lentic-unmatched-chunk-configuration'
;; class, which is then mixed-in with the two subclasses.

;; #+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defclass lentic-unmatched-chunk-configuration ()
  :documentation "Configuration for chunked lentics where the
markers are not necessarily paired. Instead for every open chunk
marker, the next close marker is used, and all others are
  :abstract t)

(cl-defmethod lentic-chunk-marker-boundaries
  ((conf lentic-unmatched-chunk-configuration)
  "Given CONF, a `lentic-configuration' object, find
demarcation markers. Returns a list of start end cons pairs.
`point-min' is considered to be an implicit start and `point-max'
an implicit stop."
  (let* ((match-chunk
           conf buffer))
          (car match-chunk))
          (cadr match-chunk)))
    (let* ((part
             (lambda (n)
               (not (car n)))
              match-start match-end)))
            (with-current-buffer buffer
               (cons (point-min-marker)
                     (-map #'cadr part))
                (-map #'car part)

(defclass lentic-unmatched-commented-chunk-configuration

(cl-defmethod lentic-invert
  ((conf lentic-unmatched-commented-chunk-configuration))
   :this-buffer (lentic-that conf)
   :that-buffer (lentic-this conf)
   :comment (oref conf comment)
   :comment-start (oref conf comment-start)
   :comment-stop (oref conf comment-stop)))

(defclass lentic-unmatched-uncommented-chunk-configuration

(cl-defmethod lentic-invert
  ((conf lentic-unmatched-uncommented-chunk-configuration))
   :this-buffer (lentic-that conf)
   :that-buffer (lentic-this conf)
   :comment (oref conf comment)
   :comment-start (oref conf comment-start)
   :comment-stop (oref conf comment-stop)))

(provide 'lentic-chunk)

;;; lentic-chunk.el ends here
;; #+end_src