;;; consult-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads  -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;;; Code:

(add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name
                         (or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path))))

;;;### (autoloads nil "consult" "consult.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from consult.el

(autoload 'consult-completion-in-region "consult" "\
Use minibuffer completion as the UI for `completion-at-point'.

The function is called with 4 arguments: START END COLLECTION PREDICATE.
The arguments and expected return value are as specified for
`completion-in-region'.  Use as a value for `completion-in-region-function'.

The function can be configured via `consult-customize'.

    (consult-customize consult-completion-in-region
                       :completion-styles (basic)
                       :cycle-threshold 3)

These configuration options are supported:

    * :cycle-threshold - Cycling threshold (def: `completion-cycle-threshold')
    * :completion-styles - Use completion styles (def: `completion-styles')
    * :require-match - Require matches when completing (def: nil)
    * :prompt - The prompt string shown in the minibuffer

\(fn START END COLLECTION &optional PREDICATE)" nil nil)

(autoload 'consult-outline "consult" "\
Jump to an outline heading, obtained by matching against `outline-regexp'.

This command supports narrowing to a heading level and candidate preview.
The symbol at point is added to the future history." t nil)

(autoload 'consult-mark "consult" "\
Jump to a marker in MARKERS list (defaults to buffer-local `mark-ring').

The command supports preview of the currently selected marker position.
The symbol at point is added to the future history.

\(fn &optional MARKERS)" t nil)

(autoload 'consult-global-mark "consult" "\
Jump to a marker in MARKERS list (defaults to `global-mark-ring').

The command supports preview of the currently selected marker position.
The symbol at point is added to the future history.

\(fn &optional MARKERS)" t nil)

(autoload 'consult-line "consult" "\
Search for a matching line.

Depending on the setting `consult-point-placement' the command
jumps to the beginning or the end of the first match on the line
or the line beginning.  The default candidate is the non-empty
line next to point.  This command obeys narrowing.  Optional
INITIAL input can be provided.  The search starting point is
changed if the START prefix argument is set.  The symbol at point
and the last `isearch-string' is added to the future history.

\(fn &optional INITIAL START)" t nil)

(autoload 'consult-line-multi "consult" "\
Search for a matching line in multiple buffers.

By default search across all project buffers.  If the prefix
argument QUERY is non-nil, all buffers are searched.  Optional
INITIAL input can be provided.  The symbol at point and the last
`isearch-string' is added to the future history.In order to
search a subset of buffers, QUERY can be set to a plist according
to `consult--buffer-query'.

\(fn QUERY &optional INITIAL)" t nil)

(autoload 'consult-keep-lines "consult" "\
Select a subset of the lines in the current buffer with live preview.

The selected lines are kept and the other lines are deleted.  When called
interactively, the lines selected are those that match the minibuffer input.  In
order to match the inverse of the input, prefix the input with `! '.  When
called from elisp, the filtering is performed by a FILTER function.  This
command obeys narrowing.

FILTER is the filter function.
INITIAL is the initial input.

\(fn &optional FILTER INITIAL)" t nil)

(autoload 'consult-focus-lines "consult" "\
Hide or show lines using overlays.

The selected lines are shown and the other lines hidden.  When called
interactively, the lines selected are those that match the minibuffer input.  In
order to match the inverse of the input, prefix the input with `! '.  With
optional prefix argument SHOW reveal the hidden lines.  Alternatively the
command can be restarted to reveal the lines.  When called from elisp, the
filtering is performed by a FILTER function.  This command obeys narrowing.

FILTER is the filter function.
INITIAL is the initial input.

\(fn &optional SHOW FILTER INITIAL)" t nil)

(autoload 'consult-goto-line "consult" "\
Read line number and jump to the line with preview.

Jump directly if a line number is given as prefix ARG.  The command respects
narrowing and the settings `consult-goto-line-numbers' and

\(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)

(autoload 'consult-recent-file "consult" "\
Find recent file using `completing-read'." t nil)

(autoload 'consult-mode-command "consult" "\
Run a command from any of the given MODES.

If no MODES are specified, use currently active major and minor modes.

\(fn &rest MODES)" t nil)

(autoload 'consult-yank-from-kill-ring "consult" "\
Select STRING from the kill ring and insert it.
With prefix ARG, put point at beginning, and mark at end, like `yank' does.

This command behaves like `yank-from-kill-ring' in Emacs 28, which also offers
a `completing-read' interface to the `kill-ring'.  Additionally the Consult
version supports preview of the selected string.

\(fn STRING &optional ARG)" t nil)

(autoload 'consult-yank-pop "consult" "\
If there is a recent yank act like `yank-pop'.

Otherwise select string from the kill ring and insert it.
See `yank-pop' for the meaning of ARG.

This command behaves like `yank-pop' in Emacs 28, which also offers a
`completing-read' interface to the `kill-ring'.  Additionally the Consult
version supports preview of the selected string.

\(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)

(autoload 'consult-yank-replace "consult" "\
Select STRING from the kill ring.

If there was no recent yank, insert the string.
Otherwise replace the just-yanked string with the selected string.

There exists no equivalent of this command in Emacs 28.

\(fn STRING)" t nil)

(autoload 'consult-bookmark "consult" "\
If bookmark NAME exists, open it, otherwise create a new bookmark with NAME.

The command supports preview of file bookmarks and narrowing.  See the
variable `consult-bookmark-narrow' for the narrowing configuration.

\(fn NAME)" t nil)

(autoload 'consult-complex-command "consult" "\
Select and evaluate command from the command history.

This command can act as a drop-in replacement for `repeat-complex-command'." t nil)

(autoload 'consult-history "consult" "\
Insert string from HISTORY of current buffer.
In order to select from a specific HISTORY, pass the history
variable as argument.  INDEX is the name of the index variable to
update, if any.  BOL is the function which jumps to the beginning
of the prompt.  See also `cape-history' from the Cape package.

\(fn &optional HISTORY INDEX BOL)" t nil)

(autoload 'consult-isearch-history "consult" "\
Read a search string with completion from the Isearch history.

This replaces the current search string if Isearch is active, and
starts a new Isearch session otherwise." t nil)

(autoload 'consult-minor-mode-menu "consult" "\
Enable or disable minor mode.

This is an alternative to `minor-mode-menu-from-indicator'." t nil)

(autoload 'consult-theme "consult" "\
Disable current themes and enable THEME from `consult-themes'.

The command supports previewing the currently selected theme.

\(fn THEME)" t nil)

(autoload 'consult-buffer "consult" "\
Enhanced `switch-to-buffer' command with support for virtual buffers.

The command supports recent files, bookmarks, views and project files as
virtual buffers.  Buffers are previewed.  Narrowing to buffers (b), files (f),
bookmarks (m) and project files (p) is supported via the corresponding
keys.  In order to determine the project-specific files and buffers, the
`consult-project-function' is used.  The virtual buffer SOURCES
default to `consult-buffer-sources'.  See `consult--multi' for the
configuration of the virtual buffer sources.

\(fn &optional SOURCES)" t nil)

(autoload 'consult-project-buffer "consult" "\
Enhanced `project-switch-to-buffer' command with support for virtual buffers.
The command may prompt you for a project directory if it is invoked from
outside a project.  See `consult-buffer' for more details." t nil)

(autoload 'consult-buffer-other-window "consult" "\
Variant of `consult-buffer' which opens in other window." t nil)

(autoload 'consult-buffer-other-frame "consult" "\
Variant of `consult-buffer' which opens in other frame." t nil)

(autoload 'consult-grep "consult" "\
Search with `grep' for files in DIR where the content matches a regexp.

The initial input is given by the INITIAL argument.  DIR can be
nil, a directory string or a list of file/directory paths.  If
`consult-grep' is called interactively with a prefix argument,
the user can specify the directories or files to search in.
Multiple directories must be separated by comma in the
minibuffer, since they are read via `completing-read-multiple'.
By default the project directory is used if
`consult-project-function' is defined and returns non-nil.
Otherwise the `default-directory' is searched.

The input string is split, the first part of the string (grep
input) is passed to the asynchronous grep process and the second
part of the string is passed to the completion-style filtering.

The input string is split at a punctuation character, which is
given as the first character of the input string.  The format is
similar to Perl-style regular expressions, e.g., /regexp/.
Furthermore command line options can be passed to grep, specified
behind --.  The overall prompt input has the form
`#async-input -- grep-opts#filter-string'.

Note that the grep input string is transformed from Emacs regular
expressions to Posix regular expressions.  Always enter Emacs
regular expressions at the prompt.  `consult-grep' behaves like
builtin Emacs search commands, e.g., Isearch, which take Emacs
regular expressions.  Furthermore the asynchronous input split
into words, each word must match separately and in any order.
See `consult--regexp-compiler' for the inner workings.  In order
to disable transformations of the grep input, adjust
`consult--regexp-compiler' accordingly.

Here we give a few example inputs:

#alpha beta         : Search for alpha and beta in any order.
#alpha.*beta        : Search for alpha before beta.
#\\(alpha\\|beta\\) : Search for alpha or beta (Note Emacs syntax!)
#word -- -C3        : Search for word, include 3 lines as context
#first#second       : Search for first, quick filter for second.

The symbol at point is added to the future history.

\(fn &optional DIR INITIAL)" t nil)

(autoload 'consult-git-grep "consult" "\
Search with `git grep' for files in DIR with INITIAL input.
See `consult-grep' for details.

\(fn &optional DIR INITIAL)" t nil)

(autoload 'consult-ripgrep "consult" "\
Search with `rg' for files in DIR with INITIAL input.
See `consult-grep' for details.

\(fn &optional DIR INITIAL)" t nil)

(autoload 'consult-find "consult" "\
Search for files in DIR matching input regexp given INITIAL input.
See `consult-grep' for details regarding the asynchronous search
and the arguments.

\(fn &optional DIR INITIAL)" t nil)

(autoload 'consult-locate "consult" "\
Search with `locate' for files which match input given INITIAL input.

The input is treated literally such that locate can take advantage of
the locate database index.  Regular expressions would often force a slow
linear search through the entire database.  The locate process is started
asynchronously, similar to `consult-grep'.  See `consult-grep' for more
details regarding the asynchronous search.

\(fn &optional INITIAL)" t nil)

(autoload 'consult-man "consult" "\
Search for man page given INITIAL input.

The input string is not preprocessed and passed literally to the
underlying man commands.  The man process is started asynchronously,
similar to `consult-grep'.  See `consult-grep' for more details regarding
the asynchronous search.

\(fn &optional INITIAL)" t nil)

(register-definition-prefixes "consult" '("consult-"))

;;;### (autoloads nil "consult-compile" "consult-compile.el" (0 0
;;;;;;  0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from consult-compile.el

(autoload 'consult-compile-error "consult-compile" "\
Jump to a compilation error in the current buffer.

This command collects entries from compilation buffers and grep
buffers related to the current buffer.  The command supports
preview of the currently selected error." t nil)

(register-definition-prefixes "consult-compile" '("consult-compile--"))

;;;### (autoloads nil "consult-flymake" "consult-flymake.el" (0 0
;;;;;;  0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from consult-flymake.el

(autoload 'consult-flymake "consult-flymake" "\
Jump to Flymake diagnostic.
When PROJECT is non-nil then prompt with diagnostics from all
buffers in the current project instead of just the current buffer.

\(fn &optional PROJECT)" t nil)

(register-definition-prefixes "consult-flymake" '("consult-flymake--"))

;;;### (autoloads nil "consult-icomplete" "consult-icomplete.el"
;;;;;;  (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from consult-icomplete.el

(register-definition-prefixes "consult-icomplete" '("consult-icomplete--refresh"))

;;;### (autoloads nil "consult-imenu" "consult-imenu.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from consult-imenu.el

(autoload 'consult-imenu "consult-imenu" "\
Select item from flattened `imenu' using `completing-read' with preview.

The command supports preview and narrowing.  See the variable
`consult-imenu-config', which configures the narrowing.
The symbol at point is added to the future history.

See also `consult-imenu-multi'." t nil)

(autoload 'consult-imenu-multi "consult-imenu" "\
Select item from the imenus of all buffers from the same project.

In order to determine the buffers belonging to the same project, the
`consult-project-function' is used.  Only the buffers with the
same major mode as the current buffer are used.  See also
`consult-imenu' for more details.  In order to search a subset of buffers,
QUERY can be set to a plist according to `consult--buffer-query'.

\(fn &optional QUERY)" t nil)

(register-definition-prefixes "consult-imenu" '("consult-imenu-"))

;;;### (autoloads nil "consult-info" "consult-info.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from consult-info.el

(autoload 'consult-info "consult-info" "\
Full text search through info MANUALS.

\(fn &rest MANUALS)" t nil)

(register-definition-prefixes "consult-info" '("consult-info--"))

;;;### (autoloads nil "consult-kmacro" "consult-kmacro.el" (0 0 0
;;;;;;  0))
;;; Generated autoloads from consult-kmacro.el

(autoload 'consult-kmacro "consult-kmacro" "\
Run a chosen keyboard macro.

With prefix ARG, run the macro that many times.
Macros containing mouse clicks are omitted.

\(fn ARG)" t nil)

(register-definition-prefixes "consult-kmacro" '("consult-kmacro--"))

;;;### (autoloads nil "consult-org" "consult-org.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from consult-org.el

(autoload 'consult-org-heading "consult-org" "\
Jump to an Org heading.

MATCH and SCOPE are as in `org-map-entries' and determine which
entries are offered.  By default, all entries of the current
buffer are offered.

\(fn &optional MATCH SCOPE)" t nil)

(autoload 'consult-org-agenda "consult-org" "\
Jump to an Org agenda heading.

By default, all agenda entries are offered.  MATCH is as in
`org-map-entries' and can used to refine this.

\(fn &optional MATCH)" t nil)

(register-definition-prefixes "consult-org" '("consult-org--"))

;;;### (autoloads nil "consult-register" "consult-register.el" (0
;;;;;;  0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from consult-register.el

(autoload 'consult-register-window "consult-register" "\
Enhanced drop-in replacement for `register-preview'.

BUFFER is the window buffer.
SHOW-EMPTY must be t if the window should be shown for an empty register list.

\(fn BUFFER &optional SHOW-EMPTY)" nil nil)

(autoload 'consult-register-format "consult-register" "\
Enhanced preview of register REG.
This function can be used as `register-preview-function'.
If COMPLETION is non-nil format the register for completion.

\(fn REG &optional COMPLETION)" nil nil)

(autoload 'consult-register "consult-register" "\
Load register and either jump to location or insert the stored text.

This command is useful to search the register contents.  For quick access
to registers it is still recommended to use the register functions
`consult-register-load' and `consult-register-store' or the built-in
built-in register access functions.  The command supports narrowing, see
`consult-register--narrow'.  Marker positions are previewed.  See
`jump-to-register' and `insert-register' for the meaning of prefix ARG.

\(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)

(autoload 'consult-register-load "consult-register" "\
Do what I mean with a REG.

For a window configuration, restore it.  For a number or text, insert it.
For a location, jump to it.  See `jump-to-register' and `insert-register'
for the meaning of prefix ARG.

\(fn REG &optional ARG)" t nil)

(autoload 'consult-register-store "consult-register" "\
Store register dependent on current context, showing an action menu.

With an active region, store/append/prepend the contents, optionally
deleting the region when a prefix ARG is given.  With a numeric prefix
ARG, store or add the number.  Otherwise store point, frameset, window or

\(fn ARG)" t nil)

(register-definition-prefixes "consult-register" '("consult-register-"))

;;;### (autoloads nil "consult-vertico" "consult-vertico.el" (0 0
;;;;;;  0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from consult-vertico.el

(register-definition-prefixes "consult-vertico" '("consult-vertico--"))

;;;### (autoloads nil "consult-xref" "consult-xref.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from consult-xref.el

(autoload 'consult-xref "consult-xref" "\
Show xrefs with preview in the minibuffer.

This function can be used for `xref-show-xrefs-function'.
See `xref-show-xrefs-function' for the description of the
FETCHER and ALIST arguments.

\(fn FETCHER &optional ALIST)" nil nil)

(register-definition-prefixes "consult-xref" '("consult-xref--"))

;;;### (autoloads nil nil ("consult-pkg.el") (0 0 0 0))

;; Local Variables:
;; version-control: never
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; no-update-autoloads: t
;; coding: utf-8
;; End:
;;; consult-autoloads.el ends here