#+title: vertico.el - Changelog
#+author: Daniel Mendler
#+language: en

* Version 1.1 (2023-02-17)

- Add =vertico-preselect= configuration option.
- =vertico-directory-up= moves up even if point is not located directly after /.
- Use =cl-defgeneric= internally as mechanism to allow extensions to override
  functionality, e.g., the candidate formatting and display.
- =vertico-multiform-mode=: Add =vertico-multiform-map= with default key bindings.

* Version 1.0 (2022-12-22)

- Emacs 29: Add support for =REQUIRE-MATCH= functions
- =vertico-directory-enter=: Handle selection of ./ and ../ candidates specially.

* Version 0.29 (2022-11-22)

- Start of changelog.