;;; url-http-ntlm.el --- NTLM authentication for the url library

;; Copyright (C) 2008, 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

;; Author: Tom Schutzer-Weissmann <tom.weissmann@gmail.com>
;; Maintainer: Thomas Fitzsimmons <fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
;; Version: 2.0.4
;; Keywords: comm, data, processes, hypermedia
;; Homepage: https://code.google.com/p/url-http-ntlm/
;; Package-Requires: ((cl-lib "0.5") (ntlm "2.1.0"))

;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.

;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

;;; Commentary:
;; This package provides a NTLM handler for the URL package.
;; Installation:
;; M-x package-install RET url-http-ntlm RET
;; Acknowledgements:
;; Taro Kawagishi <tarok@transpulse.org> wrote ntlm.el and md4.el,
;; which are parts of FLIM (Faithful Library about Internet Message).
;; http://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb/contrib/emacs/packages/flim-1.14.7/ntlm.el
;; http://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb/contrib/emacs/packages/flim-1.14.7/md4.el

;;; Code:
(require 'url-auth)
(require 'url-http)
(require 'url-util)
(require 'mail-parse)
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'ntlm)

;; Remove authorization after redirect.
(when (and (boundp 'emacs-major-version)
	   (< emacs-major-version 25))
  (defvar url-http-ntlm--parsing-headers nil)
  (defadvice url-http-parse-headers (around clear-authorization activate)
    (let ((url-http-ntlm--parsing-headers t))
  (defadvice url-http-handle-authentication (around clear-authorization
    (let ((url-http-ntlm--parsing-headers nil))
  (defadvice url-retrieve-internal (before clear-authorization activate)
    (when (and url-http-ntlm--parsing-headers
	       (eq url-request-extra-headers url-http-extra-headers))
      ;; This retrieval is presumably in response to a redirect.
      ;; Do not automatically include an authorization header in the
      ;; redirect.  If needed it will be regenerated by the relevant
      ;; auth scheme when the new request happens.
      (setq url-http-extra-headers
	    (cl-remove "Authorization"
		       url-http-extra-headers :key #'car :test #'equal))
      (setq url-request-extra-headers url-http-extra-headers))))

;;; Private variables.
(defvar url-http-ntlm--auth-storage nil
  "Authentication storage.
An alist that maps a server name to a pair of \(<username> <ntlm

The hashes are built using `ntlm-get-password-hashes'.")

(defvar url-http-ntlm--last-args nil
  "The last `url-http-ntlm--get-stage' arguments and result.
This is used to detect multiple calls.")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'url-http-ntlm--last-args)

(defvar url-http-ntlm--loop-timer-counter nil
  "A hash table used to detect NTLM negotiation errors.
Keys are urls, entries are (START-TIME . COUNTER).")

(defvar url-http-ntlm--default-users nil
  "An alist that stores one default username per server.")

;;; Private functions.
(defun url-http-ntlm--detect-loop (url)
  "Detect potential infinite loop when NTLM fails on URL."
  (when (not url-http-ntlm--loop-timer-counter)
    (setq url-http-ntlm--loop-timer-counter (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
  (let* ((url-string (url-recreate-url url))
	 (last-entry (gethash url-string url-http-ntlm--loop-timer-counter))
	 (start-time (car last-entry))
	 (counter (cdr last-entry)))
    (if last-entry
	  (if (< (-  (float-time) start-time) 10.0)
	      (if (< counter 20)
		  ;; Still within time window, so increment count.
		  (puthash url-string (cons start-time (1+ counter))
		;; Error detected, so remove entry and clear.
		(url-http-ntlm--authorization url-string :clear)
		(remhash url-string url-http-ntlm--loop-timer-counter)
		 (format (concat "Access rate to %s is too high,"
				 " indicating an NTLM failure;"
				 " to debug, re-run with url-debug set to 1")
	    ;; Timeout expired, so reset counter.
	    (puthash url-string (cons (float-time) 0)
      ;; New access, so initialize counter to 0.
      (puthash url-string (cons (float-time) 0)

(defun url-http-ntlm--ensure-user (url)
  "Return URL with its user slot set.
If URL's user slot is nil, set it to the last user that made a
request to the host in URL's server slot."
  (let ((new-url url))
    (if (url-user new-url)
      (setf (url-user new-url)
	    (cdr (assoc (url-host new-url) url-http-ntlm--default-users)))

(defun url-http-ntlm--ensure-keepalive ()
  "Report an error if `url-http-attempt-keepalives' is not set."
  (cl-assert url-http-attempt-keepalives
	     (concat "NTLM authentication won't work unless"
		     " `url-http-attempt-keepalives' is set!")))

(defun url-http-ntlm--clean-headers ()
  "Remove Authorization element from `url-http-extra-headers' alist."
  (cl-declare (special url-http-extra-headers))
  (setq url-http-extra-headers
	(url-http-ntlm--rmssoc "Authorization" url-http-extra-headers)))

(defun url-http-ntlm--get-stage (args)
  "Determine what stage of the NTLM handshake we are at.
ARGS comes from `url-ntlm-auth''s caller,
`url-get-authentication'.  Its meaning depends on the current
implementation -- this function is well and truly coupled."
  (cl-declare (special url-http-extra-headers))
  (let* ((response-rxp	   "^NTLM TlRMTVNTUAADAAA")
	 (challenge-rxp	   "^TLRMTVNTUAACAAA")
	 (auth-header	   (assoc "Authorization" url-http-extra-headers))
	 (case-fold-search t)
    (url-debug 'url-http-ntlm "Buffer: %s" (current-buffer))
    (url-debug 'url-http-ntlm "Arguments: %s" args)
    (url-debug 'url-http-ntlm "Previous arguments: %s" url-http-ntlm--last-args)
    (if (eq args (car url-http-ntlm--last-args))
	;; multiple calls, return the same argument we returned last time
	  (url-debug 'url-http-ntlm "Returning previous result: %s"
		     (cdr url-http-ntlm--last-args))
	  (cdr url-http-ntlm--last-args))
      (let ((stage
	     (cond ((and auth-header (string-match response-rxp
						   (cdr auth-header)))
		   ((and (= (length args) 2)
			 (cl-destructuring-bind (challenge ntlm) args
			   (and (string-equal "ntlm" (car ntlm))
				(string-match challenge-rxp
					      (car challenge)))))
	(setq url-http-ntlm--last-args (cons args stage))

(defun url-http-ntlm--authorization (url &optional clear realm)
  "Get or clear NTLM authentication details for URL.
If CLEAR is non-nil, clear any saved credentials for server.
Otherwise, return the credentials, prompting the user if
necessary.  REALM appears in the prompt.

If URL contains a username and a password, they are used and
stored credentials are not affected."
  (let* ((href   (if (stringp url)
		     (url-generic-parse-url url)
	 (type   (url-type href))
	 (user   (url-user href))
	 (server (url-host href))
	 (port   (url-portspec href))
	 (pass   (url-password href))
	 (stored (assoc (list type user server port)
	 (both   (and user pass)))
    (if clear
	;; clear
	(unless both
	  (setq url-http-ntlm--default-users
		(url-http-ntlm--rmssoc server url-http-ntlm--default-users))
	  (setq url-http-ntlm--auth-storage
		(url-http-ntlm--rmssoc '(type user* server port)
      ;; get
      (if (or both
	      (and stored user (not (equal user (cl-second (car stored)))))
	      (not stored))
	  (let* ((user* (or user
			    (url-do-auth-source-search server type :user)
			    (read-string (url-auth-user-prompt url realm)
					 (or user (user-real-login-name)))))
		 (pass* (if both
			  (or (url-do-auth-source-search server type :secret)
			      (read-passwd (format "Password [for %s]: "
						   (url-recreate-url url))))))
		 (key   (list type user* server port))
		 (entry `(,key . (,(ntlm-get-password-hashes pass*)))))
	    (unless both
	      (setq url-http-ntlm--default-users
		     `(,server . ,user*)
		     (url-http-ntlm--rmssoc server
	      (setq url-http-ntlm--auth-storage
		    (cons entry

(defun url-http-ntlm--get-challenge ()
  "Return the NTLM Type-2 message in the WWW-Authenticate header.
Return nil if the NTLM Type-2 message is not present."
    (let ((www-authenticate (mail-fetch-field "www-authenticate")))
      (when (string-match "NTLM\\s-+\\(\\S-+\\)"
	(base64-decode-string (match-string 1 www-authenticate))))))

(defun url-http-ntlm--rmssoc (key alist)
  "Remove all elements whose `car' match KEY from ALIST."
  (cl-remove key alist :key 'car :test 'equal))

(defun url-http-ntlm--string (data)
  "Return DATA encoded as an NTLM string."
  (concat "NTLM " (base64-encode-string data :nobreak)))

;;; Public function called by `url-get-authentication'.
(defun url-ntlm-auth (url &optional prompt overwrite realm args)
  "Return an NTLM HTTP authorization header.
Get the contents of the Authorization header for a HTTP response
using NTLM authentication, to access URL.  Because NTLM is a
two-step process, this function expects to be called twice, first
to generate the NTLM type 1 message (request), then to respond to
the server's type 2 message (challenge) with a suitable response.

url-get-authentication' calls `url-ntlm-auth' once when checking
what authentication schemes are supported (PROMPT and ARGS are
nil), and then twice for every stage of the handshake: the first
time PROMPT is nil, the second, t; ARGS contains the server
response's \"WWW-Authenticate\" header, munged by

If PROMPT is not t then this function just returns nil.  This is
to avoid calculating responses twice.

OVERWRITE and REALM are ignored.

ARGS is expected to contain the WWW-Authentication header from
the server's last response.  These are used by
`url-http-get-stage' to determine what stage we are at."
  (when (eq prompt t)
    (let* ((user-url (url-http-ntlm--ensure-user url))
	   (stage (url-http-ntlm--get-stage args)))
      (url-debug 'url-http-ntlm "Stage: %s" stage)
      (cl-case stage
	;; NTLM Type 1 message: the request
	 (url-http-ntlm--detect-loop user-url)
	 (cl-destructuring-bind (&optional key hash)
	     (url-http-ntlm--authorization user-url nil realm)
	   (when (cl-third key)
	      ;; Match Mozilla behavior by omitting user and domain
	      ;; from Type 1 message.
	      (ntlm-build-auth-request nil)))))
	;; NTLM Type 3 message: the response
	 (url-http-ntlm--detect-loop user-url)
	 (let ((challenge (url-http-ntlm--get-challenge)))
	   (cl-destructuring-bind (key hash)
	       (url-http-ntlm--authorization user-url nil realm)
	      (ntlm-build-auth-response challenge
					(cl-second key)
	 (url-http-ntlm--authorization user-url :clear))))))

;;; Register `url-ntlm-auth' HTTP authentication method.
(url-register-auth-scheme "ntlm" nil 8)

;;;; ChangeLog:

;; 2017-08-14  Thomas Fitzsimmons	<fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
;; 	url-http-ntlm: Bump version to 2.0.4
;; 	* packages/url-http-ntlm/url-http-ntlm.el: Bump version to 2.0.4.
;; 2017-08-14  Thomas Fitzsimmons	<fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
;; 	url-http-ntlm.el: Omit user and domain in Type 1 message
;; 	* packages/url-http-ntlm/url-http-ntlm.el (url-ntlm-auth): Omit user and
;; 	domain in Type 1 message.
;; 2016-10-05  Thomas Fitzsimmons	<fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
;; 	url-http-ntlm: Bump version to 2.0.3
;; 	* packages/url-http-ntlm/url-http-ntlm.el: Bump version to 2.0.3.
;; 2016-10-05  Thomas Fitzsimmons	<fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
;; 	url-http-ntlm: Bump ntlm required version to 2.1.0
;; 2016-10-05  Thomas Fitzsimmons	<fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
;; 	url-http-ntlm: Avoid calculating responses twice
;; 	* packages/url-http-ntlm/url-http-ntlm.el
;; 	(url-http-ntlm--get-stage): Update docstring.
;; 	(url-ntlm-auth): Return immediately if prompt is not t.	 Update 
;; 	docstring.
;; 2016-07-11  Paul Eggert	 <eggert@cs.ucla.edu>
;; 	Fix some quoting problems in doc strings
;; 	Most of these are minor issues involving, e.g., quoting `like this' 
;; 	instead of 'like this'.	 A few involve escaping ` and ' with a preceding
;; 	\= when the characters should not be turned into curved single quotes.
;; 2016-02-21  Thomas Fitzsimmons	<fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
;; 	url-http-ntlm: Bump version to 2.0.2
;; 	* packages/url-http-ntlm/url-http-ntlm.el: Bump version to 2.0.2.
;; 2016-02-21  Stefan Monnier  <monnier@iro.umontreal.ca>
;; 	Remove url-http-ntlm-parse-header-NN.MM.el files
;; 	* packages/url-http-ntlm/url-http-ntlm.el: Add advice around 
;; 	url-http-parse-headers, url-http-handle-authentication and 
;; 	url-retrieve-internal to clear HTTP Authorization header.
;; 	* packages/url-http-ntlm/url-http-ntlm-parse-headers-24.1.el, 
;; 	packages/url-http-ntlm/url-http-ntlm-parse-headers-24.2.el, 
;; 	packages/url-http-ntlm/url-http-ntlm-parse-headers-24.3.el, 
;; 	packages/url-http-ntlm/url-http-ntlm-parse-headers-24.4.el, 
;; 	packages/url-http-ntlm/url-http-ntlm-parse-headers-24.5.el: Remove
;; 	files.
;; 2016-02-17  Thomas Fitzsimmons	<fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
;; 	url-http-ntlm.el: Bump version to 2.0.1
;; 2016-02-17  Thomas Fitzsimmons	<fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
;; 	url-http-ntlm.el: Update copyright years
;; 2016-02-17  Thomas Fitzsimmons	<fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
;; 	url-http-ntlm.el: Bump version to 2.0.0
;; 2016-02-17  Thomas Fitzsimmons	<fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
;; 	url-http-ntlm: Add cl-lib to Package-Requires
;; 	* url-http-ntlm.el: Add cl-lib to Package-Requires.
;; 2016-02-17  Thomas Fitzsimmons	<fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
;; 	url-http-ntlm: Add `url-debug' debugging messages
;; 	* url-http-ntlm.el: Require url-util.
;; 	(url-http-ntlm--get-stage, url-ntlm-auth): Add debugging messages.
;; 2016-02-17  Thomas Fitzsimmons	<fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
;; 	url-http-ntlm: Shorten first line of some docstrings
;; 	* url-http-ntlm.el (url-http-ntlm--last-args)
;; 	(url-http-ntlm--default-users, url-http-ntlm--get-challenge): Shorten
;; 	first line of documentation string.
;; 2016-02-17  Thomas Fitzsimmons	<fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
;; 	url-http-ntlm.el: Require ntlm 2.0.0
;; 2016-02-17  Thomas Fitzsimmons	<fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
;; 	url-http-ntlm: Change spelling of authorization function
;; 	* url-http-ntlm.el (url-http-ntlm--detect-loop): Update call to 
;; 	url-http-ntlm--authorization.
;; 	(url-http-ntlm--authorization): Rename from 
;; 	url-http-ntlm--authorisation.
;; 	(url-ntlm-auth): Update call to url-http-ntlm--authorization.
;; 2016-02-17  Thomas Fitzsimmons	<fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
;; 	url-http-ntlm.el: Add home page header
;; 2016-02-17  Thomas Fitzsimmons	<fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
;; 	url-http-ntlm: Add auth-source support
;; 	* url-http-ntlm.el (url-http-ntlm--authorisation): Try to read user and
;; 	password using auth-source library.
;; 2016-02-17  Thomas Fitzsimmons	<fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
;; 	url-http-ntlm: Autoload url-ntlm-auth and its registration
;; 	* url-http-ntlm.el Autoload call to url-register-auth-scheme.
;; 	(url-ntlm-auth): Autoload function.
;; 2016-02-17  Thomas Fitzsimmons	<fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
;; 	url-http-ntlm: Declare url-http-extra-headers special
;; 	* url-http-ntlm.el (url-http-ntlm--clean-headers): Declare 
;; 	url-http-extra-headers special.
;; 	(url-http-ntlm--get-stage): Likewise.
;; 2016-02-17  Thomas Fitzsimmons	<fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
;; 	url-http-ntlm: Remove limit of one username and password per server
;; 	* url-http-ntlm.el: Remove comment about only supporting one username
;; 	and password.  Do not make url-http-ntlm--last-args a buffer-local
;; 	variable.
;; 	(url-http-ntlm--auth-storage): Change docstring to not mention one user
;; 	and password limitation.
;; 	(url-http-ntlm--default-users): New variable.
;; 	(url-http-ntlm--ensure-user): New function.
;; 	(url-http-ntlm--get-stage): Take a url argument.  Store a key in 
;; 	url-http-ntlm--last-args.
;; 	(url-http-ntlm--authorisation): Take a realm argument.	Use a key when
;; 	accessing url-http-ntlm--last-args.
;; 	(url-ntlm-auth): Ensure the received URL has its user slot set before
;; 	processing it.
;; 2016-02-17  Thomas Fitzsimmons	<fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
;; 	url-http-ntlm: Prevent infinite loops
;; 	* url-http-ntlm.el (url-http-ntlm--loop-timer-counter): New variable.
;; 	(url-http-ntlm--detect-loop): New function.
;; 	(url-ntlm-auth): Call url-http-ntlm--detect-loop before handling a 
;; 	request or response.
;; 2016-02-17  Thomas Fitzsimmons	<fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
;; 	url-http-ntlm: Override url-http-parse-headers redirect handling
;; 	* url-http-ntlm.el: Require versioned url-http-ntlm-parse-headers 
;; 	feature when emacs-major-version is less than 25.
;; 	* url-http-ntlm-parse-headers-24.1.el, 
;; 	url-http-ntlm-parse-headers-24.2.el, 
;; 	url-http-ntlm-parse-headers-24.3.el, 
;; 	url-http-ntlm-parse-headers-24.4.el, 
;; 	url-http-ntlm-parse-headers-24.5.el: New files.
;; 2016-02-17  Thomas Fitzsimmons	<fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
;; 	url-http-ntlm: Port to cl-lib
;; 	* url-http-ntlm.el: Require cl-lib.
;; 	(url-http-ntlm--ensure-keepalive): Use cl-assert.
;; 	(url-http-ntlm--get-stage): Use cl-destructuring-bind.
;; 	(url-http-ntlm--authorisation): Use cl-second.
;; 	(url-http-ntlm--rmssoc): Use cl-remove.
;; 	(url-ntlm-auth): Use cl-case and cl-destructuring-bind.
;; 2016-02-17  Thomas Fitzsimmons	<fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
;; 	url-http-ntlm.el: Add comment headings
;; 2016-02-17  Thomas Fitzsimmons	<fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
;; 	url-http-ntlm: Use double dash naming convention for private symbols
;; 	* url-http-ntlm.el (url-http-ntlm--auth-storage): Rename from 
;; 	url-http-ntlm-auth-storage.
;; 	(url-http-ntlm-last-args): Rename from url-http-ntlm-last-args.
;; 	(url-http-ntlm--ensure-keepalive): Rename from 
;; 	url-http-ntlm-ensure-keepalive.
;; 	(url-http-ntlm--clean-headers): Rename from url-http-ntlm-clean-headers.
;; 	 Update private function calls.
;; 	(url-http-ntlm--get-stage): Rename from url-http-ntlm-get-stage. Update
;; 	private function calls and variable references.
;; 	(url-http-ntlm--authorisation): Rename from url-http-ntlm-authorisation.
;; 	 Update private function calls and variable references.
;; 	(url-http-ntlm--get-challenge): Rename from url-http-ntlm-get-challenge.
;; 	(url-http-ntlm--rmssoc): Rename from url-http-ntlm-rmssoc.
;; 	(url-http-ntlm--string): Rename from url-http-ntlm-string.
;; 	(url-ntlm-auth): Update private function calls and variable references.
;; 2016-02-17  Thomas Fitzsimmons	<fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
;; 	url-http-ntlm.el (url-http-ntlm-last-args): Group defvar with others
;; 2016-02-17  Thomas Fitzsimmons	<fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
;; 	url-http-ntlm.el (url-ntlm-auth): Move defun near end of file
;; 2016-02-17  Thomas Fitzsimmons	<fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
;; 	url-http-ntlm: Use url-http-ntlm namespace consistently
;; 	* url-http-ntlm.el (url-ntlm-auth): Call url-http-ntlm-ensure-keepalive
;; 	and url-http-ntlm-get-stage.
;; 	(url-http-ntlm-ensure-keepalive): Rename from url-ntlm-ensure-keepalive.
;; 	(url-http-ntlm-clean-headers): Rename from url-ntlm-clean-headers.
;; 	(url-http-ntlm-last-args): Rename from url-ntlm-last-args.
;; 	(url-http-ntlm-get-stage): Rename from url-ntlm-get-stage.
;; 	(url-http-ntlm-get-stage): Reference url-http-ntlm-last-args. Call
;; 	url-http-ntlm-clean-headers.
;; 2016-02-17  Thomas Fitzsimmons	<fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
;; 	url-http-ntlm.el: Update author's email address
;; 2016-02-17  Thomas Fitzsimmons	<fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
;; 	url-http-ntlm.el: Update installation instructions
;; 2016-02-17  Thomas Fitzsimmons	<fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
;; 	url-http-ntlm.el: Add maintainer header
;; 2016-02-17  Thomas Fitzsimmons	<fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
;; 	url-http-ntlm.el: Update copyright owner and years
;; 2016-02-17  Thomas Fitzsimmons	<fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
;; 	url-http-ntlm.el: Reindent whole file
;; 2016-02-17  Thomas Fitzsimmons	<fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
;; 	url-http-ntlm: Remove blank comment lines
;; 	* url-http-ntlm.el (url-ntlm-auth, url-ntlm-get-stage): Remove blank 
;; 	comment lines.
;; 2016-02-17  Thomas Fitzsimmons	<fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
;; 	url-http-ntlm: Fix checkdoc errors
;; 	* url-http-ntlm.el (url-http-ntlm-auth-storage, url-ntlm-auth)
;; 	(url-ntlm-ensure-keepalive, url-ntlm-clean-headers)
;; 	(url-ntlm-get-stage, url-http-ntlm-authorisation)
;; 	(url-http-ntlm-get-challenge, url-http-ntlm-rmssoc)
;; 	(url-http-ntlm-string): Fix checkdoc errors.
;; 2016-02-17  Thomas Fitzsimmons	<fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
;; 	url-http-ntlm: Wrap lines at column 80
;; 	* url-http-ntlm.el (url-ntlm-ensure-keepalive, url-ntlm-last-args)
;; 	(url-ntlm-get-stage, url-http-ntlm-authorisation): Wrap lines at column
;; 	80.
;; 2016-02-17  Thomas Fitzsimmons	<fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
;; 	url-http-ntlm.el: Adjust blank lines
;; 2016-02-17  Thomas Fitzsimmons	<fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
;; 	url-http-ntlm: Remove trailing whitespace
;; 	* url-http-ntlm.el (url-http-ntlm-authorisation): Remove trailing 
;; 	whitespace.
;; 2016-02-17  Tom Schutzer-Weissmann  <tom.weissmann@gmail.com>
;; 	url-http-ntlm: New package
;; 	* url-http-ntlm.el: Import from 
;; 	https://url-http-ntlm.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/url-http-ntlm.el, 
;; 	revision r2.

(provide 'url-http-ntlm)

;;; url-http-ntlm.el ends here