;;; ein-process.el --- Notebook list buffer    -*- lexical-binding:t -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2018- John M. Miller

;; Authors: Takafumi Arakaki <aka.tkf at gmail.com>
;;          John M. Miller <millejoh at mac.com>

;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.

;; ein-process.el is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.

;; ein-process.el is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with ein-process.el.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

;;; Commentary:

;;; Code:

(require 'ein-jupyter)

(defcustom ein:process-jupyter-regexp "\\(jupyter\\|ipython\\)\\(-\\|\\s-+\\)note"
  "Regexp by which we recognize notebook servers."
  :type 'string
  :group 'ein)

(defcustom ein:process-lsof "lsof"
  "Executable for lsof command."
  :type 'string
  :group 'ein)

(defun ein:process-divine-dir (pid args &optional error-buffer)
  "Returns notebook-dir or cwd of PID.  Supply ERROR-BUFFER to capture stderr"
  (if (string-match "\\bnotebook-dir\\(=\\|\\s-+\\)\\(\\S-+\\)" args)
      (directory-file-name (match-string 2 args))
    (if (executable-find ein:process-lsof)
           (shell-command (format "%s -p %d -a -d cwd -Fn | grep ^n | tail -c +2"
                                  ein:process-lsof pid)
                          standard-output error-buffer))))))

(defun ein:process-divine-port (pid args &optional error-buffer)
  "Returns port on which PID is listening or 0 if none.
Supply ERROR-BUFFER to capture stderr."
  (if (string-match "\\bport\\(=\\|\\s-+\\)\\(\\S-+\\)" args)
      (string-to-number (match-string 2 args))
    (if (executable-find ein:process-lsof)
            (shell-command (format "%s -p %d -a -iTCP -sTCP:LISTEN -Fn | grep ^n | sed \"s/[^0-9]//g\""
                                   ein:process-lsof pid)
                           standard-output error-buffer)))))))

(defun ein:process-divine-ip (_pid args)
  "Returns notebook-ip of PID"
  (if (string-match "\\bip\\(=\\|\\s-+\\)\\(\\S-+\\)" args)
      (match-string 2 args)

(defcustom ein:process-jupyter-regexp "\\(jupyter\\|ipython\\)\\(-\\|\\s-+\\)note"
  "Regexp by which we recognize notebook servers."
  :type 'string
  :group 'ein)

(defcustom ein:process-lsof "lsof"
  "Executable for lsof command."
  :type 'string
  :group 'ein)

(cl-defstruct ein:$process
  "Hold process variables.

`ein:$process-pid' : integer

`ein:$process-url': string

`ein:$process-dir' : string
  Arg of --notebook-dir or 'readlink -e /proc/<pid>/cwd'."

(ein:deflocal ein:%processes% (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
  "Process table of `ein:$process' keyed on dir.")

(defun ein:process-processes ()
  (hash-table-values ein:%processes%))

(defun ein:process-alive-p (proc)
  (process-attributes (ein:$process-pid proc)))

(defun ein:process-suitable-notebook-dir (filename)
  "Return the uppermost parent dir of DIR that contains ipynb files."
  (let ((fn (expand-file-name filename)))
    (cl-loop with directory = (directory-file-name
                            (if (file-regular-p fn)
                                (file-name-directory (directory-file-name fn))
          with suitable = directory
          until (string= (file-name-nondirectory directory) "")
          do (if (directory-files directory nil "\\.ipynb$")
                 (setq suitable directory))
          (setq directory (directory-file-name (file-name-directory directory)))
          finally return suitable)))

(defun ein:process-refresh-processes ()
  "Use `jupyter notebook list --json` to populate ein:%processes%"
  (clrhash ein:%processes%)
  (cl-loop for line in (condition-case err
                           (apply #'process-lines
                                  (append (aif ein:jupyter-server-use-subcommand
                                              (list it))
                                          '("list" "--json")))
                         ;; often there is no local jupyter installation
                         (error (ein:log 'info "ein:process-refresh-processes: %s" err) nil))
           do (cl-destructuring-bind
                  (&key pid url notebook_dir &allow-other-keys)
                  (ein:json-read-from-string line)
                (puthash (directory-file-name notebook_dir)
                         (make-ein:$process :pid pid
                                            :url (ein:url url)
                                            :dir (directory-file-name notebook_dir))

(defun ein:process-dir-match (filename)
  "Return ein:process whose directory is prefix of FILENAME."
  (cl-loop for dir in (hash-table-keys ein:%processes%)
        when (cl-search dir filename)
        return (gethash dir ein:%processes%)))

(defun ein:process-url-match (url-or-port)
  "Return ein:process whose url matches URL-OR-PORT."
  (cl-loop with parsed-url-or-port = (url-generic-parse-url url-or-port)
        for proc in (ein:process-processes)
        for parsed-url-proc = (url-generic-parse-url (ein:process-url-or-port proc))
        when (and (string= (url-host parsed-url-or-port) (url-host parsed-url-proc))
                  (= (url-port parsed-url-or-port) (url-port parsed-url-proc)))
        return proc))

(defsubst ein:process-url-or-port (proc)
  "Naively construct url-or-port from ein:process PROC's port and ip fields"
  (ein:$process-url proc))

(defsubst ein:process-path (proc filename)
  "Construct path by eliding PROC's dir from filename."
  (cl-subseq filename (length (file-name-as-directory (ein:$process-dir proc)))))

(defun ein:process-open-notebook* (filename callback)
  "Open FILENAME as a notebook and start a notebook server if necessary.
CALLBACK with arity 2 (passed into `ein:notebook-open--callback')."
  (let* ((proc (ein:process-dir-match filename)))
    (if proc
        (let* ((url-or-port (ein:process-url-or-port proc))
               (path (ein:process-path proc filename))
               (callback2 (apply-partially (lambda (path* callback* _buffer url-or-port)
                                              url-or-port path* nil callback*))
                                           path callback)))
          (if (ein:notebooklist-list-get url-or-port)
              (ein:notebook-open url-or-port path nil callback)
            (ein:notebooklist-login url-or-port callback2)))
      (let* ((nbdir (read-directory-name "Notebook directory: "
                                         (ein:process-suitable-notebook-dir filename)))
              (concat (if ein:jupyter-use-containers
                          (file-name-as-directory (file-name-base ein:jupyter-docker-mount-point))
                      (cl-subseq (expand-file-name filename)
                                 (length (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name nbdir))))))
             (callback2 (apply-partially (lambda (path* callback* buffer url-or-port)
                                           (pop-to-buffer buffer)
                                           (ein:notebook-open url-or-port
                                                              path* nil callback*))
                                         path callback)))
        (ein:jupyter-server-start (executable-find ein:jupyter-server-command)
                                  nbdir nil callback2)))))

(defun ein:process-open-notebook (&optional filename buffer-callback)
  "When FILENAME is unspecified the variable `buffer-file-name'
is used instead.  BUFFER-CALLBACK is called after notebook opened."
  (unless filename (setq filename buffer-file-name))
  (cl-assert filename nil "Not visiting a file")
  (let ((callback2 (apply-partially (lambda (buffer buffer-callback* _notebook _created
                                                    &rest _args)
                                      (when (buffer-live-p buffer)
                                        (funcall buffer-callback* buffer)))
                                    (current-buffer) (or buffer-callback #'ignore))))
    (ein:process-open-notebook* (expand-file-name filename) callback2)))

(defun ein:process-find-file-callback ()
  "A callback function for `find-file-hook' to open notebook."
  (-when-let* ((filename buffer-file-name)
               (match-p (string-match-p "\\.ipynb$" filename)))
    (ein:process-open-notebook filename #'kill-buffer-if-not-modified)))

(provide 'ein-process)

;;; ein-process.el ends here