;;; project-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads  -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;;; Code:

(add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name
                         (or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path))))

;;;### (autoloads nil "project" "project.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from project.el

(autoload 'project-current "project" "\
Return the project instance in DIRECTORY, defaulting to `default-directory'.

When no project is found in that directory, the result depends on
the value of MAYBE-PROMPT: if it is nil or omitted, return nil,
else ask the user for a directory in which to look for the
project, and if no project is found there, return a \"transient\"
project instance.

The \"transient\" project instance is a special kind of value
which denotes a project rooted in that directory and includes all
the files under the directory except for those that match entries
in `vc-directory-exclusion-list' or `grep-find-ignored-files'.

See the doc string of `project-find-functions' for the general form
of the project instance object.

\(fn &optional MAYBE-PROMPT DIRECTORY)" nil nil)

(defvar project-prefix-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map "!" 'project-shell-command) (define-key map "&" 'project-async-shell-command) (define-key map "f" 'project-find-file) (define-key map "F" 'project-or-external-find-file) (define-key map "b" 'project-switch-to-buffer) (define-key map "s" 'project-shell) (define-key map "d" 'project-find-dir) (define-key map "D" 'project-dired) (define-key map "v" 'project-vc-dir) (define-key map "c" 'project-compile) (define-key map "e" 'project-eshell) (define-key map "k" 'project-kill-buffers) (define-key map "p" 'project-switch-project) (define-key map "g" 'project-find-regexp) (define-key map "G" 'project-or-external-find-regexp) (define-key map "r" 'project-query-replace-regexp) (define-key map "x" 'project-execute-extended-command) (define-key map "\2" 'project-list-buffers) map) "\
Keymap for project commands.")
 (define-key ctl-x-map "p" project-prefix-map)

(autoload 'project-other-window-command "project" "\
Run project command, displaying resultant buffer in another window.

The following commands are available:

\\{project-other-window-map}" t nil)
 (define-key ctl-x-4-map "p" #'project-other-window-command)

(autoload 'project-other-frame-command "project" "\
Run project command, displaying resultant buffer in another frame.

The following commands are available:

\\{project-other-frame-map}" t nil)
 (define-key ctl-x-5-map "p" #'project-other-frame-command)

(autoload 'project-other-tab-command "project" "\
Run project command, displaying resultant buffer in a new tab.

The following commands are available:

\\{project-prefix-map}" t nil)

(when (bound-and-true-p tab-prefix-map) (define-key tab-prefix-map "p" #'project-other-tab-command))

(autoload 'project-find-regexp "project" "\
Find all matches for REGEXP in the current project's roots.
With \\[universal-argument] prefix, you can specify the directory
to search in, and the file name pattern to search for.  The
pattern may use abbreviations defined in `grep-files-aliases',
e.g. entering `ch' is equivalent to `*.[ch]'.  As whitespace
triggers completion when entering a pattern, including it
requires quoting, e.g. `\\[quoted-insert]<space>'.

\(fn REGEXP)" t nil)

(autoload 'project-or-external-find-regexp "project" "\
Find all matches for REGEXP in the project roots or external roots.
With \\[universal-argument] prefix, you can specify the file name
pattern to search for.

\(fn REGEXP)" t nil)

(autoload 'project-find-file "project" "\
Visit a file (with completion) in the current project.

The filename at point (determined by `thing-at-point'), if any,
is available as part of \"future history\".

If INCLUDE-ALL is non-nil, or with prefix argument when called
interactively, include all files under the project root, except
for VCS directories listed in `vc-directory-exclusion-list'.

\(fn &optional INCLUDE-ALL)" t nil)

(autoload 'project-or-external-find-file "project" "\
Visit a file (with completion) in the current project or external roots.

The filename at point (determined by `thing-at-point'), if any,
is available as part of \"future history\".

If INCLUDE-ALL is non-nil, or with prefix argument when called
interactively, include all files under the project root, except
for VCS directories listed in `vc-directory-exclusion-list'.

\(fn &optional INCLUDE-ALL)" t nil)

(autoload 'project-find-dir "project" "\
Start Dired in a directory inside the current project." t nil)

(autoload 'project-dired "project" "\
Start Dired in the current project's root." t nil)

(autoload 'project-vc-dir "project" "\
Run VC-Dir in the current project's root." t nil)

(autoload 'project-shell "project" "\
Start an inferior shell in the current project's root directory.
If a buffer already exists for running a shell in the project's root,
switch to it.  Otherwise, create a new shell buffer.
With \\[universal-argument] prefix arg, create a new inferior shell buffer even
if one already exists." t nil)

(autoload 'project-eshell "project" "\
Start Eshell in the current project's root directory.
If a buffer already exists for running Eshell in the project's root,
switch to it.  Otherwise, create a new Eshell buffer.
With \\[universal-argument] prefix arg, create a new Eshell buffer even
if one already exists." t nil)

(autoload 'project-async-shell-command "project" "\
Run `async-shell-command' in the current project's root directory." t nil)

(function-put 'project-async-shell-command 'interactive-only 'async-shell-command)

(autoload 'project-shell-command "project" "\
Run `shell-command' in the current project's root directory." t nil)

(function-put 'project-shell-command 'interactive-only 'shell-command)

(autoload 'project-search "project" "\
Search for REGEXP in all the files of the project.
Stops when a match is found.
To continue searching for the next match, use the
command \\[fileloop-continue].

\(fn REGEXP)" t nil)

(autoload 'project-query-replace-regexp "project" "\
Query-replace REGEXP in all the files of the project.
Stops when a match is found and prompts for whether to replace it.
At that prompt, the user must type a character saying what to do
with the match.  Type SPC or `y' to replace the match,
DEL or `n' to skip and go to the next match.  For more directions,
type \\[help-command] at that time.
If you exit the `query-replace', you can later continue the
`query-replace' loop using the command \\[fileloop-continue].

\(fn FROM TO)" t nil)

(autoload 'project-compile "project" "\
Run `compile' in the project root." t nil)

(function-put 'project-compile 'interactive-only 'compile)

(autoload 'project-switch-to-buffer "project" "\
Display buffer BUFFER-OR-NAME in the selected window.
When called interactively, prompts for a buffer belonging to the
current project.  Two buffers belong to the same project if their
project instances, as reported by `project-current' in each
buffer, are identical.

\(fn BUFFER-OR-NAME)" t nil)

(autoload 'project-display-buffer "project" "\
Display BUFFER-OR-NAME in some window, without selecting it.
When called interactively, prompts for a buffer belonging to the
current project.  Two buffers belong to the same project if their
project instances, as reported by `project-current' in each
buffer, are identical.

This function uses `display-buffer' as a subroutine, which see
for how it is determined where the buffer will be displayed.

\(fn BUFFER-OR-NAME)" t nil)

(autoload 'project-display-buffer-other-frame "project" "\
Display BUFFER-OR-NAME preferably in another frame.
When called interactively, prompts for a buffer belonging to the
current project.  Two buffers belong to the same project if their
project instances, as reported by `project-current' in each
buffer, are identical.

This function uses `display-buffer-other-frame' as a subroutine,
which see for how it is determined where the buffer will be

\(fn BUFFER-OR-NAME)" t nil)

(autoload 'project-list-buffers "project" "\
Display a list of project buffers.
The list is displayed in a buffer named \"*Buffer List*\".

By default, all project buffers are listed except those whose names
start with a space (which are for internal use).  With prefix argument
ARG, show only buffers that are visiting files.

\(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)

(autoload 'project-kill-buffers "project" "\
Kill the buffers belonging to the current project.
Two buffers belong to the same project if their project
instances, as reported by `project-current' in each buffer, are
identical.  Only the buffers that match a condition in
`project-kill-buffer-conditions' will be killed.  If NO-CONFIRM
is non-nil, the command will not ask the user for confirmation.
NO-CONFIRM is always nil when the command is invoked

Also see the `project-kill-buffers-display-buffer-list' variable.

\(fn &optional NO-CONFIRM)" t nil)

(autoload 'project-remember-project "project" "\
Add project PR to the front of the project list.
Save the result in `project-list-file' if the list of projects
has changed, and NO-WRITE is nil.

\(fn PR &optional NO-WRITE)" nil nil)

(autoload 'project-forget-project "project" "\
Remove directory PROJECT-ROOT from the project list.
PROJECT-ROOT is the root directory of a known project listed in
the project list.

\(fn PROJECT-ROOT)" t nil)

(autoload 'project-known-project-roots "project" "\
Return the list of root directories of all known projects." nil nil)

(autoload 'project-execute-extended-command "project" "\
Execute an extended command in project root." t nil)

(function-put 'project-execute-extended-command 'interactive-only 'command-execute)

(autoload 'project-switch-project "project" "\
\"Switch\" to another project by running an Emacs command.
The available commands are presented as a dispatch menu
made from `project-switch-commands'.

When called in a program, it will use the project corresponding
to directory DIR.

\(fn DIR)" t nil)

(register-definition-prefixes "project" '("project-"))

;;;### (autoloads nil nil ("project-pkg.el") (0 0 0 0))

;; Local Variables:
;; version-control: never
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; no-update-autoloads: t
;; coding: utf-8
;; End:
;;; project-autoloads.el ends here