;;; svg-lib.el --- SVG tags, progress bars & icons -*- lexical-binding: t -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

;; Maintainer: Nicolas P. Rougier <Nicolas.Rougier@inria.fr>
;; URL: https://github.com/rougier/svg-lib
;; Version: 0.2.5
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "27.1"))
;; Keywords: svg, icons, tags, convenience

;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.

;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
;; any later version.

;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; For a full copy of the GNU General Public License
;; see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

;;; Commentary:
;; Usage example:
;; (insert-image (svg-lib-tag "TODO"))
;; (insert-image (svg-lib-progress-bar 0.33))
;; (insert-image (svg-lib-icon "star"))
;; Icons ares created by parsing remote collections whose license are
;; compatibles with GNU Emacs:
;; - Boxicons (https://github.com/atisawd/boxicons), available under a
;;   Creative Commons 4.0 license. As of version 2.07 (December 2020),
;;   this collection offers 1500 icons in two styles (regular & solid).
;;   Gallery is available at https://boxicons.com/
;; - Octicons (https://github.com/primer/octicons), available under a
;;   MIT License with some usage restriction for the GitHub logo. As of
;;   version 11.2.0 (December 2020), this collection offers 201 icons.
;;   Gallery available at https://primer.style/octicons/
;; - Material (https://github.com/google/material-design-icons),
;;   available under an Apache 2.0 license. As of version 4.0.0
;;   (December 2020), this collection offers 500+ icons in 4 styles
;;   (filled, outlined, rounded, sharp). Gallery available at
;;   https://material.io/resources/icons/?style=baseline
;; - Bootstrap (https://github.com/twbs/icons), available under a MIT
;;   license.  As of version 1.2.1 (December 2020), this collection
;;   offers 1200+ icons in 2 styles (regular & filled).  Gallery
;;   available at https://icons.getbootstrap.com/
;; The default size of an icon is exactly 2x1 characters such that it
;; can be inserted inside a text without disturbing alignment.
;; Note: Each icon is cached locally to speed-up loading the next time
;;       you use it. If for some reason the cache is corrupted you can
;;       force reload using the svg-icon-get-data function.
;; If you want to add new collections (i.e. URL), make sure the icons
;; are monochrome and that their size is consistent.

;;; NEWS:

;; Version 0.2.5
;; - Bug fix in text size computation

;; Version 0.2.4
;; - Better error handling if SVG support is missing

;; Version 0.2.2
;; - Added a left/righ crop style argument to allow for tags collage.

;; Version 0.2.1
;; - Added an alignment parameter for moving tags inside margins.

;; Version 0.2
;; - Fix most of the warnings.

;; Version 0.1:
;; - Submission to ELPA

;;; Code:
(require 'svg)
(require 'xml)
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'color)

;; Check if Emacs has been compiled with svg support
(defun svg-lib--image (&rest args)
  ;; FIXME: Should `svg-image' perform this check instead?
  (unless (image-type-available-p 'svg)
     (error "svg-lib.el requires Emacs to be compiled with svg support.\n"))
  (apply #'svg-image args))

(defgroup svg-lib nil
  "SVG tags, bars & icons."
  :group 'convenience
  :prefix "svg-lib-")

;; Default icon collections
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
(defcustom  svg-lib-icon-collections
  '(("bootstrap" .
    ("simple" .
    ("material" .
    ("octicons" .
    ("boxicons" .
  "Various icons collections stored as (name . base-url).

The name of the collection is used as a pointer for the various
icon creation methods.  The base-url is a string containing a %s
such that is can be replaced with the name of a specific icon.
User is responsible for finding/giving proper names for a given
collection (there are way too many to store them)."

  :type '(alist :key-type (string :tag "Name")
                :value-type (string :tag "URL"))
  :group 'svg-lib)

(defcustom svg-lib-icons-dir
  (expand-file-name (concat user-emacs-directory ".cache/svg-lib/"))
  "svg-lib icons directory."
  :group 'svg-lib
  :type 'directory)

;; Default style for all objects
(defun svg-lib-style-compute-default (&optional face)
  "Compute the default style according to face (which defaults
to the default face)."

  (let* ((face        (or face 'default))
         (font-family (face-attribute face :family nil 'default))
         (font-weight (face-attribute face :weight nil 'default))
         (font-size   (face-attribute face :height nil 'default))
         (font-size   (round (* font-size 0.085)))
         (foreground  (face-attribute face :foreground nil 'default))
         (background  (face-attribute face :background nil 'default)))

    `(:background    ,background
      :foreground    ,foreground

      :padding       1      ;; In characters (tag and icons) or pixels (progress)
      :margin        0      ;; In characters
      :stroke        2      ;; In pixels
      :radius        3      ;; In pixels
      :alignment     0.5    ;; Horizontal alignment (in fraction of margin)
      :width         20     ;; In characters
      :height        0.90   ;; Ratio of text line height
      :scale         0.75   ;; Icon scaling
      :crop-left     nil    ;; Wheter to crop on left (for collage with other tags)
      :crop-right    nil    ;; Wheter to crop on righ (for collage with other tags)

      :collection    "material" ;; Icon collection
      :font-family   ,font-family
      :font-size     ,font-size
      :font-weight   ,font-weight)))

(defcustom svg-lib-style-default
  "Default style"
  :type '(plist :key-type   (string :tag "Property")
                :value-type (string :tag "Value"))
  :group 'svg-lib)

;; Convert Emacs color to SVG color
(defun svg-lib-convert-color (color-name)
  "Convert Emacs COLOR-NAME to #rrggbb form.
If COLOR-NAME is unknown to Emacs, then return COLOR-NAME as-is."
  (let ((rgb-color (color-name-to-rgb color-name)))
    (if rgb-color
        (apply #'color-rgb-to-hex (append rgb-color '(2)))

;; SVG Library style build from partial specification
(defun svg-lib-style (&optional base &rest args)
  "Build a news style using BASE and style elements ARGS."
  (let* ((default svg-lib-style-default)
         (base (or base default))
         (keys (cl-loop for (key value) on default by 'cddr
                        collect key))
         (style '()))

    (dolist (key keys)
      (setq style (if (plist-member args key)
                      (plist-put style key (plist-get args key))
                    (plist-put style key (plist-get base key)))))

    ;; Convert emacs colors to SVG colors
    (plist-put style :foreground
               (svg-lib-convert-color (plist-get style :foreground)))
    (plist-put style :background
               (svg-lib-convert-color (plist-get style :background)))

    ;; Convert emacs font weights to SVG font weights
    (let ((weights
           '((thin       . 100) (ultralight . 200) (light      . 300)
             (regular    . 400) (medium     . 500) (semibold   . 600)
             (bold       . 700) (extrabold  . 800) (black      . 900))))
      (plist-put style :font-weight
                 (or (cdr (assoc (plist-get style :font-weight) weights))
                     (plist-get style :font-weight))))

;; Create an image displaying LABEL in a rounded box.
(defun svg-lib-tag (label &optional style &rest args)
  "Create an image displaying LABEL in a rounded box using given STYLE
and style elements ARGS."

  (let* ((default svg-lib-style-default)
         (style (if style (apply #'svg-lib-style nil style) default))
         (style (if args  (apply #'svg-lib-style style args) style))

         (foreground  (plist-get style :foreground))
         (background  (plist-get style :background))

         (crop-left   (plist-get style :crop-left))
         (crop-right  (plist-get style :crop-right))

         (alignment   (plist-get style :alignment))
         (stroke      (plist-get style :stroke))
         ;; (width       (plist-get style :width))
         (height      (plist-get style :height))
         (radius      (plist-get style :radius))
         ;; (scale       (plist-get style :scale))
         (margin      (plist-get style :margin))
         (padding     (plist-get style :padding))
         (font-size   (plist-get style :font-size))
         (font-family (plist-get style :font-family))
         (font-weight (plist-get style :font-weight))

         (txt-char-width  (window-font-width))
         (txt-char-height (window-font-height))
         (txt-char-height (if line-spacing
                              (+ txt-char-height line-spacing)
         (font-info       (font-info (format "%s-%d" font-family font-size)))
         (font-size       (aref font-info 2)) ;; redefine font-size
         (ascent          (aref font-info 8))
         (tag-char-width  (aref font-info 11))
         ;; (tag-char-height (aref font-info 3))
         (tag-width       (* (+ (length label) padding) txt-char-width))
         (tag-height      (* txt-char-height height))

         (svg-width       (+ tag-width (* margin txt-char-width)))
         (svg-height      tag-height)

         (tag-x  (* (- svg-width tag-width)  alignment))
         (text-x (+ tag-x (/ (- tag-width (* (length label) tag-char-width)) 2)))
         (text-y ascent)

         (tag-x      (if crop-left  (- tag-x     txt-char-width) tag-x))
         (tag-width  (if crop-left  (+ tag-width txt-char-width) tag-width))
         (text-x     (if crop-left  (- text-x (/ stroke 2)) text-x))
         (tag-width  (if crop-right (+ tag-width txt-char-width) tag-width))
         (text-x     (if crop-right (+ text-x (/ stroke 2)) text-x))
         (svg (svg-create svg-width svg-height)))

    (if (>= stroke 0.25)
        (svg-rectangle svg tag-x 0 tag-width tag-height
                           :fill foreground :rx radius))
    (svg-rectangle svg (+ tag-x (/ stroke 2.0)) (/ stroke 2.0)
                       (- tag-width stroke) (- tag-height stroke)
                       :fill background :rx (- radius (/ stroke 2.0)))
    (svg-text svg label
              :font-family font-family :font-weight font-weight  :font-size font-size
              :fill foreground :x text-x :y  text-y)
    (svg-lib--image svg :ascent 'center)))

;; Create a progress pie
(defun svg-lib-progress-pie (value &optional style &rest args)
  "Create a progress pie image with value VALUE using given STYLE
and style elements ARGS."

  (let* ((default svg-lib-style-default)
         (style (if style (apply #'svg-lib-style nil style) default))
         (style (if args  (apply #'svg-lib-style style args) style))

         (foreground  (plist-get style :foreground))
         (background  (plist-get style :background))
         (stroke      (plist-get style :stroke))
         ;; (width       (plist-get style :width))
         (height      (plist-get style :height))
         ;;  (scale       (plist-get style :scale))
         (margin      (plist-get style :margin))
         (padding     (plist-get style :padding))
         ;; (font-size   (plist-get style :font-size))
         ;; (font-family (plist-get style :font-family))
         ;; (font-weight (plist-get style :font-weight))
         (txt-char-width  (window-font-width))
         (txt-char-height (window-font-height))
         ;; (font-info       (font-info (format "%s-%d" font-family font-size)))
         ;; (ascent          (aref font-info 8))
         ;; (tag-char-width  (aref font-info 11))
         ;; (tag-char-height (aref font-info 3))

         (tag-width       (* 2 txt-char-width))
         (tag-height      (* txt-char-height height))

         (svg-width       (+ tag-width (* margin txt-char-width)))
         (svg-height      tag-height)

         ;; (tag-x           (/ (- svg-width tag-width) 2))

         (cx              (/ svg-width  2))
         (cy              (/ svg-height 2))
         (radius          (- (/ tag-height 2) (/ stroke 2)))

         (iradius         (- radius stroke (/ padding 2)))

         (angle0          (- (/ float-pi 2)))
         (x0              (+ cx (* iradius (cos angle0))))
         (y0              (+ cy (* iradius (sin angle0))))

         (angle1          (+ angle0 (* value 2 float-pi)))
         (x1              (+ cx (* iradius (cos angle1))))
         (y1              (+ cy (* iradius (sin angle1))))

         (large-arc       (if (>= (- angle1 angle0) pi) t nil))
         (svg (svg-create svg-width svg-height)))

    (if (>= stroke 0.25)
        (svg-circle svg cx cy radius :fill foreground))

    (svg-circle svg cx cy (- radius (/ stroke 2.0)) :fill background)

    (if (>= (- angle1 angle0) (* pi 2))
        (svg-circle svg cx cy iradius :fill foreground)
      (svg-path svg `((moveto ((,cx . ,cy)))
                    (lineto ((,x0 . ,y0)))
                    (elliptical-arc ((,iradius ,iradius ,x1 ,y1
                                      :sweep t :large-arc ,large-arc))))
              :fill foreground))
    (svg-lib--image svg :ascent 'center)))

;; Create a progress bar
(defun svg-lib-progress-bar (value &optional style &rest args)
  "Create a progress bar image with value VALUE using given STYLE
and style elements ARGS."

  (let* ((default svg-lib-style-default)
         (style (if style (apply #'svg-lib-style nil style) default))
         (style (if args  (apply #'svg-lib-style style args) style))

         (foreground  (plist-get style :foreground))
         (background  (plist-get style :background))
         (stroke      (plist-get style :stroke))
         (width       (plist-get style :width))
         (height      (plist-get style :height))
         (radius      (plist-get style :radius))
         ;; (scale       (plist-get style :scale))
         (margin      (plist-get style :margin))
         (padding     (plist-get style :padding))
         ;; (font-size   (plist-get style :font-size))
         ;; (font-family (plist-get style :font-family))
         ;; (font-weight (plist-get style :font-weight))

         (txt-char-width  (window-font-width))
         (txt-char-height (window-font-height))
         ;; (font-info       (font-info (format "%s-%d" font-family font-size)))
         ;; (ascent          (aref font-info 8))
         ;; (tag-char-width  (aref font-info 11))
         ;; (tag-char-height (aref font-info 3))

         (tag-width       (* width txt-char-width))
         (tag-height      (* txt-char-height height))

         (svg-width       (+ tag-width (* margin txt-char-width)))
         (svg-height      tag-height)

         (tag-x (/ (- svg-width tag-width) 2))
         (svg (svg-create svg-width svg-height)))

    (if (>= stroke 0.25)
        (svg-rectangle svg tag-x 0 tag-width tag-height
                       :fill foreground :rx radius))
    (svg-rectangle svg (+ tag-x (/ stroke 2.0))
                       (/ stroke 2.0)
                       (- tag-width stroke)
                       (- tag-height stroke)
                       :fill background :rx (- radius (/ stroke 2.0)))
    (svg-rectangle svg (+ tag-x (/ stroke 2.0) padding)
                       (+ (/ stroke 2.0) padding)
                       (- (* value tag-width) stroke (* 2 padding))
                       (- tag-height stroke (* 2 padding))
                       :fill foreground :rx (- radius (/ stroke 2.0)))
    (svg-lib--image svg :ascent 'center)))

;; Create a rounded box icon
(defun svg-lib--icon-get-data (collection name &optional force-reload)
  "Retrieve icon NAME from COLLECTION.

Cached version is returned if it exists unless FORCE-RELOAD is t."

  ;; Build url from collection and name without checking for error
  (let ((url (format (cdr (assoc collection svg-lib-icon-collections)) name)))
    ;; create the svg-lib-icons-dir if not exists
    (unless (file-exists-p svg-lib-icons-dir)
      (make-directory svg-lib-icons-dir t))
    (let* ((filename (expand-file-name (format "%s_%s.svg" collection name) svg-lib-icons-dir))
           (buffer (if (or force-reload (not (file-exists-p filename)))
                       (with-current-buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously url)
                         (goto-char (point-min))
                         (search-forward "\n\n")
                         (write-region (point) (point-max) filename)
                     (with-current-buffer (generate-new-buffer " *temp*")
                       (insert-file-contents filename)
      (with-current-buffer buffer
        (xml-parse-region (point-min) (point-max))))))

(defun svg-lib-icon (icon &optional style &rest args)
  "Create a SVG image displaying icon NAME from COLLECTION using
given STYLE and style elements ARGS."

  (let* ((default svg-lib-style-default)
         (style (if style (apply #'svg-lib-style nil style) default))
         (style (if args  (apply #'svg-lib-style style args) style))

         (collection  (plist-get style :collection))
         (root (svg-lib--icon-get-data collection icon))

         (foreground  (plist-get style :foreground))
         (background  (plist-get style :background))
         (stroke      (plist-get style :stroke))
         (height      (plist-get style :height))
         (radius      (plist-get style :radius))
         (scale       (plist-get style :scale))
         (margin      (plist-get style :margin))
         (padding     (plist-get style :padding))
         ;; (font-size   (plist-get style :font-size))
         ;; (font-family (plist-get style :font-family))
         ;; (font-weight (plist-get style :font-weight))
         (width      (+ 2 padding))
         (txt-char-width  (window-font-width))
         (txt-char-height (window-font-height))
         (box-width       (* width txt-char-width))
         (box-height      (* height txt-char-height))
         (svg-width       (+ box-width (* margin txt-char-width)))
         (svg-height      box-height)
         (box-x           (/ (- svg-width box-width) 2))
         (box-y           0)

         ;; Read original viewbox
         (viewbox (cdr (assq 'viewBox (xml-node-attributes (car root)))))
         (viewbox (mapcar #'string-to-number (split-string viewbox)))
         (icon-x      (nth 0 viewbox))
         (icon-y      (nth 1 viewbox))
         (icon-width  (nth 2 viewbox))
         (icon-height (nth 3 viewbox))
         (scale       (* scale (/ (float box-height) (float icon-height))))
          (format "translate(%f,%f) scale(%f) translate(%f,%f)"
                  (- icon-x )
                  (- icon-y )
                  (- (/ svg-width 2 scale) (/ icon-width 2))
                  (- (/ svg-height 2 scale) (/ icon-height 2))))

         (svg (svg-create svg-width svg-height)))

    (if (>= stroke 0.25)
        (svg-rectangle svg box-x box-y box-width box-height
                       :fill foreground :rx radius))
    (svg-rectangle svg (+ box-x (/ stroke 2.0))
                       (+ box-y (/ stroke 2.0))
                       (- box-width stroke)
                       (- box-height stroke)
                       :fill background :rx (- radius (/ stroke 2.0)))
    (dolist (item (xml-get-children (car root) 'path))
      (let* ((attrs (xml-node-attributes item))
             (path (cdr (assoc 'd attrs)))
             ;; (fill (or (cdr (assoc 'fill attrs)) foreground))
        (svg-node svg 'path :d path
                            :fill foreground
                            :transform icon-transform)))
    (svg-lib--image svg :ascent 'center)))

;; Create an image displaying LABEL in a rounded box.
(defun svg-lib-button (icon label &optional style &rest args)
  "Create an image displaying LABEL in a rounded box using given STYLE
and style elements ARGS."

  (let* ((default svg-lib-style-default)
         (style (if style (apply #'svg-lib-style nil style) default))
         (style (if args  (apply #'svg-lib-style style args) style))

         (collection (plist-get style :collection))
         (root (svg-lib--icon-get-data collection icon))
         (foreground  (plist-get style :foreground))
         (background  (plist-get style :background))
         (stroke      (plist-get style :stroke))
         ;; (width       (plist-get style :width))
         (height      (plist-get style :height))
         (radius      (plist-get style :radius))
         (scale       (plist-get style :scale))
         (margin      (plist-get style :margin))
         (padding     (plist-get style :padding))
         (font-size   (plist-get style :font-size))
         (font-family (plist-get style :font-family))
         (font-weight (plist-get style :font-weight))

         (label-length    (+ (length label) 2))
         (txt-char-width  (window-font-width))
         (txt-char-height (window-font-height))
         ;; (box-width       (* width txt-char-width))
         ;; (box-height      (* height txt-char-height))

         (font-info       (font-info (format "%s-%d" font-family font-size)))
         (ascent          (aref font-info 8))
         (tag-char-width  (aref font-info 11))
         ;; (tag-char-height (aref font-info 3))
         (tag-width       (* (+ label-length padding) txt-char-width))
         (tag-height      (* txt-char-height height))

         (svg-width       (+ tag-width (* margin txt-char-width)))
         (svg-height      tag-height)
         (tag-x (/ (- svg-width tag-width) 2))
         (text-x (+ tag-x (/ (- tag-width (* (length label) tag-char-width)) 2)))
         (text-x (+ text-x tag-char-width))
         (text-y ascent)

         ;; ;; Read original viewbox
         (viewbox (cdr (assq 'viewBox (xml-node-attributes (car root)))))
         (viewbox (mapcar 'string-to-number (split-string viewbox)))
         (icon-x      (nth 0 viewbox))
         (icon-y      (nth 1 viewbox))
         (icon-width  (nth 2 viewbox))
         (icon-height (nth 3 viewbox))
         (scale       (* scale (/ (float tag-height) (float icon-height))))
          (format "translate(%f,%f) scale(%f) translate(%f,%f)"
                  (- icon-x )
                  (- icon-y )
                  (- (/ (- text-x (* tag-char-width 1.25)) scale) (/ icon-width 2))
                  (- (/ svg-height 2 scale) (/ icon-height 2))))
         (svg (svg-create svg-width svg-height)))

    (if (>= stroke 0.25)
        (svg-rectangle svg tag-x 0 tag-width tag-height
                           :fill foreground :rx radius))
    (svg-rectangle svg (+ tag-x (/ stroke 2.0)) (/ stroke 2.0)
                       (- tag-width stroke) (- tag-height stroke)
                       :fill background :rx (- radius (/ stroke 2.0)))
    (svg-text svg label
              :font-family font-family :font-weight font-weight  :font-size font-size
              :fill foreground :x text-x :y text-y)

    (dolist (item (xml-get-children (car root) 'path))
      (let* ((attrs (xml-node-attributes item))
             (path (cdr (assoc 'd attrs)))
             ;; (fill (or (cdr (assoc 'fill attrs)) foreground))
        (svg-node svg 'path :d path
                            :fill foreground
                            :transform icon-transform)))
    (svg-lib--image svg :ascent 'center)))

(defun svg-lib-concat (svg-image-1 svg-image-2)
  "Concatenate two svg images horizontally."

 (let* ((svg (car (with-temp-buffer
 	                (insert (plist-get (cdr svg-image-1) :data))
 	                (xml-parse-region (point-min) (point-max)))))
        (attrs (xml-node-attributes svg))
        (width-1 (string-to-number (cdr (assq 'width attrs))))
        (height-1 (string-to-number (cdr (assq 'height attrs))))
        (children-1 (xml-node-children svg))
        (svg (car (with-temp-buffer
 	                (insert (plist-get (cdr svg-image-2) :data))
 	                (xml-parse-region (point-min) (point-max)))))
        (attrs (xml-node-attributes svg))
        (width-2 (string-to-number (cdr (assq 'width attrs))))
        (height-2 (string-to-number (cdr (assq 'height attrs))))
        (children-2 (xml-node-children svg))

        (width (+ width-1 width-2))
        (height (max height-1 height-2))
        (transform (format "translate(%f,0)" width-1))
        (svg (svg-create width height)))

   (dolist (child children-1)
     (dom-append-child svg child))

   (dolist (child children-2)
     (if (not (stringp child))
         (dom-set-attribute child 'transform transform))
     (dom-append-child svg child))

(provide 'svg-lib)
;;; svg-lib.el ends here