This directory contains files for running Tramp related tests.

        This file is a test suite.  Interactively, you can run the
        test suite by "M-x tramp-test-all".  The environment variable
        $REMOTE_TEMPORARY_FILE_DIRECTORY can be set in order to run
        the tests on another remote host, see
        `tramp-test-temporary-file-directory' for the default value.

The Makefile in this directory supports the following targets:

* make all  -or-  make check
  Run all tests declared in tramp-tests.el.  If
  $REMOTE_TEMPORARY_FILE_DIRECTORY is set, only tramp-tests.el is

* make <filename>
  Run all tests declared in <filename>.el.  <filename> is tramp-tests.

ERT offers selectors, which make it possible to filter out which test
cases shall run.  The make variable $(SELECTOR) gives you a simple
mean to use your own selectors.  The ERT manual describes how
selectors are constructed, see (info "(ert)Test Selectors") or

If your test file contains the tests "test-foo", "test2-foo" and
"test-foo-remote", and you want to run only the former two tests, you
could use a selector regexp.

    make <filename> SELECTOR='"foo$$"'

If you want to run just the non-expensive tests, you might apply

    make check SELECTOR='(not (tag :expensive-test))'

The tag `:unstable' marks tests which do not run as expected, and are
still under test by the developers.  In order to exclude those tests
from run, you might call

    make check SELECTOR='(not (tag :unstable))'

The environment variable ${TRAMP_TEST_ARGS} allows to add further
arguments to the Emacs test run.

    make check TRAMP_TEST_ARGS="--eval 'some lisp code'"