;;; font-utils.el --- Utility functions for working with fonts
;; Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Roland Walker
;; Author: Roland Walker <walker@pobox.com>
;; Homepage: http://github.com/rolandwalker/font-utils
;; URL: http://raw.githubusercontent.com/rolandwalker/font-utils/master/font-utils.el
;; Package-Version: 20210405.1149
;; Package-Commit: abc572eb0dc30a26584c0058c3fe6c7273a10003
;; Version: 0.7.8
;; Last-Updated: 23 January 2021
;; EmacsWiki: FontUtils
;; Package-Requires: ((persistent-soft "0.8.8") (pcache "0.2.3"))
;; Keywords: extensions
;; Simplified BSD License
;;; Commentary:
;; Quickstart
;;     (require 'font-utils)
;;     (font-utils-exists-p "Courier")
;; Explanation
;; Font-utils is a collection of functions for working with fonts.
;; This library has no user-level interface; it is only useful
;; for programming in Emacs Lisp.
;; The following functions are provided, most of which deal with
;; font names rather than font objects:
;;     `font-utils-exists-p'
;;     `font-utils-first-existing-font'
;;     `font-utils-is-qualified-variant'
;;     `font-utils-lenient-name-equal'
;;     `font-utils-list-names'
;;     `font-utils-name-from-xlfd'
;;     `font-utils-normalize-name'
;;     `font-utils-parse-name'
;;     `font-utils-read-name'
;; The most generally useful of these is `font-utils-exists-p', which
;; tests whether a font matching the given name is currently available
;; for use.
;; To use font-utils, place the font-utils.el library somewhere
;; Emacs can find it, and add the following to your ~/.emacs file:
;;     (require 'font-utils)
;; See Also
;;     M-x customize-group RET font-utils RET
;; Notes
;; Compatibility and Requirements
;;     GNU Emacs version 24.4-devel     : yes, at the time of writing
;;     GNU Emacs version 24.3           : yes
;;     GNU Emacs version 23.3           : yes
;;     GNU Emacs version 22.3 and lower : no
;;     Uses if present: persistent-soft.el (Recommended)
;; Bugs
;;     Behavior/echo messages are not sane when font-utils-use-memory-cache
;;     is nil, or pcache is not available.
;;     Checking for font availability is slow on most systems.
;;     Workaround: where supported, font information will be cached
;;     to disk.  See customize for more.
;;     font-utils-exists-p only supports two styles of font
;;     name.  This page
;;         http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Fonts.html#Fonts
;;     describes four styles of font name.
;;     Better support for disabling caching.
;;     Possibly return a font object instead of font-info vector
;;     from font-utils-exists-p.
;;     Test whether (find-font (font-spec :name "Name")) is faster
;;     than font-info.
;;     font-utils-create-fuzzy-matches is not exhaustive enough
;;     to catch many typos.
;;; License
;; Simplified BSD License:
;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
;; without modification, are permitted provided that the following
;; conditions are met:
;;    1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above
;;       copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
;;       disclaimer.
;;    2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
;;       copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
;;       disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
;;       provided with the distribution.
;; This software is provided by Roland Walker "AS IS" and any express
;; or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied
;; warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
;; purpose are disclaimed.  In no event shall Roland Walker or
;; contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental,
;; special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not
;; limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of
;; use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused
;; and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict
;; liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in
;; any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the
;; possibility of such damage.
;; The views and conclusions contained in the software and
;; documentation are those of the authors and should not be
;; interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed
;; or implied, of Roland Walker.
;;; Code:

;;; requirements

;; for callf, callf2, intersection, remove-if-not
(require 'cl-lib)

(autoload 'persistent-soft-store             "persistent-soft" "Under SYMBOL, store VALUE in the LOCATION persistent data store."    )
(autoload 'persistent-soft-fetch             "persistent-soft" "Return the value for SYMBOL in the LOCATION persistent data store."  )
(autoload 'persistent-soft-exists-p          "persistent-soft" "Return t if SYMBOL exists in the LOCATION persistent data store."    )
(autoload 'persistent-soft-flush             "persistent-soft" "Flush data for the LOCATION data store to disk."                     )
(autoload 'persistent-soft-location-readable "persistent-soft" "Return non-nil if LOCATION is a readable persistent-soft data store.")
(autoload 'persistent-soft-location-destroy  "persistent-soft" "Destroy LOCATION (a persistent-soft data store)."                    )

;;; customizable variables

(defgroup font-utils nil
  "Utility functions for working with fonts."
  :version "0.7.8"
  :link '(emacs-commentary-link :tag "Commentary" "font-utils")
  :link '(url-link :tag "GitHub" "http://github.com/rolandwalker/font-utils")
  :link '(url-link :tag "EmacsWiki" "http://emacswiki.org/emacs/FontUtils")
  :prefix "font-utils-"
  :group 'extensions)

(defcustom font-utils-less-feedback nil
  "Give less echo area feedback."
  :type 'boolean
  :group 'font-utils)

(defcustom font-utils-use-persistent-storage "font-utils"
  "Use persistent disk storage when available.

This speeds some operations between sessions.

Internally, this value is a string which is used for the filename
of the persistent data store."
  :type '(choice
          (const :tag "Yes"  "font-utils")
          (const :tag "No"   nil))
  :group 'font-utils)

(defcustom font-utils-use-memory-cache (not (or (eq window-system 'x)
                                                (eq window-system 'w32)))
  "Run `font-family-list' at first call of `font-utils-exists-p'.

Take as canonical the list of family names produced.

This is generally a speed benefit.  However, some font names
will later be missed by `font-utils-exists-p', as the font
backend usually has the ability to recognize some alternate

Disabled on X11 and MS Windows by default, because `font-family-list'
often gives truncated results before Emacs is fully initialized.

The MS Windows Emacs port responds to `font-info' requests
quickly, so the cache is less needed, leaving the X11 port as
the pathological case with regard to startup time."
  :type 'boolean
  :group 'font-utils)

;;; variables

;; note: variable outside font-utils- namespace
(defvar font-name-history nil "History of font names entered in the minibuffer.")

(defvar font-utils-all-names nil
  "Hash of all font names.")

(defvar font-utils-list-names-mem nil
  "Memoization data for `font-utils-list-names'.")

(defvar font-utils-exists-p-mem (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
  "Memoization data for `font-utils-exists-p'.")

;;; compatibility functions

(unless (fboundp 'string-match-p)
  ;; added in 23.x
  (defun string-match-p (regexp string &optional start)
    "Same as `string-match' except this function does not change the match data."
    (let ((inhibit-changing-match-data t))
      (string-match regexp string start))))

(defun persistent-softest-store (symbol value location &optional expiration)
  "Call `persistent-soft-store' but don't fail when library not present."
  (ignore-errors (persistent-soft-store symbol value location expiration)))
(defun persistent-softest-fetch (symbol location)
  "Call `persistent-soft-fetch' but don't fail when library not present."
  (ignore-errors (persistent-soft-fetch symbol location)))
(defun persistent-softest-exists-p (symbol location)
  "Call `persistent-soft-exists-p' but don't fail when library not present."
  (ignore-errors (persistent-soft-exists-p symbol location)))
(defun persistent-softest-flush (location)
  "Call `persistent-soft-flush' but don't fail when library not present."
  (ignore-errors (persistent-soft-flush location)))
(defun persistent-softest-location-readable (location)
  "Call `persistent-soft-location-readable' but don't fail when library not present."
  (ignore-errors (persistent-soft-location-readable location)))
(defun persistent-softest-location-destroy (location)
  "Call `persistent-soft-location-destroy' but don't fail when library not present."
  (ignore-errors (persistent-soft-location-destroy location)))

;;; utility functions

;; copied from string-utils
(defun font-utils--repair-split-list (list-val separator)
  "Repair list LIST-VAL, split at string SEPARATOR, if SEPARATOR was escaped."
  (let ((ret-val nil))
    (while list-val
      (let ((top (pop list-val)))
        (while (string-match-p "\\\\\\'" top)
          (cl-callf concat top separator)
          (when list-val
            (cl-callf concat top (pop list-val))))
        (push top ret-val)))
    (setq ret-val (nreverse ret-val))))

(defun font-utils-client-hostname nil
  "Guess the client hostname, respecting $SSH_CONNECTION."
  (let ((default "localhost"))
    (or (car (split-string (or (getenv "SSH_CONNECTION") default)))

(defun font-utils-name-from-xlfd (xlfd)
  "Return the font-family name from XLFD, a string.

This function accounts for the fact that the XLFD
delimiter, \"-\", is a legal character within fields."
  (let ((elts (font-utils--repair-split-list
                 "\\-\\(semi\\|demi\\|half\\|double\\|ultra\\|extra\\)-" "-\\1_" xlfd) "-") "-")))
    (if (>= (length elts) 15)
        (mapconcat 'identity
                      (nthcdr 2 elts)))) "-")
      (nth 2 elts))))

;; todo validation of specifications,
;;  - detection of duplication
;;  - expansion of aliases
(defun font-utils-parse-name (font-name)
  "Parse FONT-NAME which may contain fontconfig-style specifications.

Returns two-element list.  The car is the font family name as a string.
The cadr is the specifications as a normalized and sorted list."
    (let ((specs nil))
      (when (string-match "[^\\]\\(:.+\\)\\'" font-name)
        (cl-callf or specs "")
        (setq specs (match-string 1 font-name))
        (setq font-name (replace-match "" 'fixedcase 'literal font-name 1)))
      (when (string-match "[^\\]\\(-\\([0-9]+\\(?:\\.[0-9]+\\)?\\)\\)\\'" font-name)
        (cl-callf or specs "")
        (cl-callf concat specs (format ":size=%s" (match-string 2 font-name)))
        (setq font-name (replace-match "" 'fixedcase 'literal font-name 1)))
      (when specs
        (setq specs
               (mapcar 'downcase
                        (split-string specs ":" t) ":"))
      (list font-name specs))))

(defun font-utils-normalize-name (font-name)
  "Normalize FONT-NAME which may contain fontconfig-style specifications."
  (let ((parsed (font-utils-parse-name font-name)))
    (mapconcat 'identity (cons (car parsed) (cadr parsed)) ":")))

(defun font-utils-lenient-name-equal (font-name-a font-name-b)
  "Leniently match two strings, FONT-NAME-A and FONT-NAME-B."
  (setq font-name-a (car (font-utils-parse-name font-name-a)))
  (setq font-name-b (car (font-utils-parse-name font-name-b)))
  (setq font-name-a (replace-regexp-in-string "[ \t_'\"-]+" "" font-name-a))
  (setq font-name-b (replace-regexp-in-string "[ \t_'\"-]+" "" font-name-b))
  (string-equal (upcase font-name-a) (upcase font-name-b)))

(defun font-utils-is-qualified-variant (font-name-1 font-name-2)
  "Whether FONT-NAME-1 and FONT-NAME-2 are different variants of the same font.

Qualifications are fontconfig-style specifications added to a
font name, such as \":width=condensed\".

To return t, the font families must be identical, and the
qualifications must differ.  If FONT-NAME-1 and FONT-NAME-2 are
identical, returns nil."
  (let ((parsed-name-1 (font-utils-parse-name font-name-1))
        (parsed-name-2 (font-utils-parse-name font-name-2)))
      ((and (null (cadr parsed-name-1))
            (null (cadr parsed-name-2)))
      ((not (font-utils-lenient-name-equal (car parsed-name-1) (car parsed-name-2)))
      ((not (equal (cadr parsed-name-1) (cadr parsed-name-2)))

(defun font-utils-create-fuzzy-matches (font-name &optional keep-size)
  "Return a list of approximate matches to FONT-NAME.

If KEEP-SIZE is set, do not strip point sizes in the form

   Font Name-pointsize"
  (let ((case-fold-search  nil)
        (font-name-uncamel nil)
        (fuzzy-match-list (list font-name)))
    (setq font-name (replace-regexp-in-string "\\`[ \t_]+" ""
                       (replace-regexp-in-string "[ \t_]+\\'" ""
                          (replace-regexp-in-string ":[^:]*\\'" ""
    (unless keep-size
      (setq font-name (replace-regexp-in-string "[ \t]*-[0-9.]+\\'" "" font-name)))
    (setq font-name-uncamel (replace-regexp-in-string "\\([a-z]\\)\\([A-Z]\\)" "\\1 \\2" font-name))
    (push font-name                                                   fuzzy-match-list)
    (push (replace-regexp-in-string "[ \t_]+"  ""  font-name        ) fuzzy-match-list)
    (push (replace-regexp-in-string "[ \t]"    "_" font-name        ) fuzzy-match-list)
    (push (replace-regexp-in-string "[ \t_]+"  " " font-name        ) fuzzy-match-list)
    (push (replace-regexp-in-string "[ \t_]+"  "_" font-name        ) fuzzy-match-list)
    (push (replace-regexp-in-string "[ \t]"    "-" font-name        ) fuzzy-match-list)
    (push (replace-regexp-in-string "[ \t]+"   "-" font-name        ) fuzzy-match-list)
    (push (replace-regexp-in-string "[ \t_-]+" "-" font-name        ) fuzzy-match-list)
    (push font-name-uncamel                                           fuzzy-match-list)
    (push (replace-regexp-in-string "[ \t]"    "_" font-name-uncamel) fuzzy-match-list)
    (push (replace-regexp-in-string "[ \t_]+"  " " font-name-uncamel) fuzzy-match-list)
    (push (replace-regexp-in-string "[ \t_]+"  "_" font-name-uncamel) fuzzy-match-list)
    (push (replace-regexp-in-string "[ \t]"    "-" font-name-uncamel) fuzzy-match-list)
    (push (replace-regexp-in-string "[ \t]+"   "-" font-name-uncamel) fuzzy-match-list)
    (push (replace-regexp-in-string "[ \t_-]+" "-" font-name-uncamel) fuzzy-match-list)
    (setq fuzzy-match-list (nreverse fuzzy-match-list))
    (delete-dups fuzzy-match-list)
    (cl-remove-if-not #'(lambda (x) (string-match-p "[^ \t]" x)) fuzzy-match-list)))

(defun font-utils-list-names ()
  "Return a list of all font names on the current system."
  (when (display-multi-font-p)
    (if font-utils-list-names-mem
      (setq font-utils-list-names-mem
            (delete-dups (remove "nil" (remq nil (font-family-list))))))))

(defun font-utils-load-names (&optional progress regenerate)
  "Populate the hash `font-utils-all-names'.

When optional PROGRESS is true, show progress feedback in the
echo area.

When optional REGENERATE is true, always rebuild from
  (when (display-multi-font-p)
    (let* ((cache-id (format "w:%s-h:%s-e:%s-l:%s"
                             (get 'font-utils 'custom-version)))
           (checksum-key   (intern (format "checksum-%s"   cache-id)))
           (font-names-key (intern (format "font-names-%s" cache-id)))
           (store-place font-utils-use-persistent-storage))
      (when regenerate
        (setq font-utils-all-names nil)
        (persistent-softest-store checksum-key
        (persistent-softest-store font-names-key
        (persistent-softest-flush store-place))
      (unless (or (hash-table-p font-utils-all-names)
                  (not font-utils-use-memory-cache))
        (when progress
          (message "Font cache ... checking"))
        (let* ((old-checksum (persistent-softest-fetch checksum-key
               (listing (font-utils-list-names))
               (new-checksum (md5 (mapconcat 'identity (sort listing 'string<) "") nil nil 'utf-8))
               (dupes nil))
          (when (equal old-checksum new-checksum)
            (setq font-utils-all-names (persistent-softest-fetch font-names-key
          (unless (hash-table-p font-utils-all-names)
            (when progress
              (message "Font cache ... rebuilding"))
            (setq font-utils-all-names (make-hash-table :size (* 5 (length listing)) :test 'equal))
            (dolist (font-name listing)
              (dolist (fuzzy-name (font-utils-create-fuzzy-matches font-name))
                (cl-callf upcase fuzzy-name)
                (when (and (gethash fuzzy-name font-utils-all-names)
                           (not (equal (gethash fuzzy-name font-utils-all-names) font-name)))
                  (push fuzzy-name dupes))
                (puthash (upcase fuzzy-name) font-name font-utils-all-names)))
            (delete-dups dupes)
            (dolist (fuzzy-name dupes)
              (remhash fuzzy-name font-utils-all-names))
            (persistent-softest-store checksum-key
            (let ((persistent-soft-inhibit-sanity-checks t))
              (persistent-softest-store font-names-key
            (persistent-softest-flush store-place)))
        (when progress
          (message "Font cache ... done"))))))

(defun font-utils-read-name (&optional ido)
  "Read a font name using `completing-read'.

Underscores are removed from the return value.

Uses `ido-completing-read' if optional IDO is set."
    (let ((prompt "Font: ")
          (reader (if ido 'ido-completing-read 'completing-read))
          (font-names (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
                                   (replace-regexp-in-string " " "_" x))
      (replace-regexp-in-string "_" " "
         (funcall reader prompt font-names nil nil nil 'font-name-history)))))

(defun font-utils-exists-p (font-name &optional point-size strict scope)
  "Test whether FONT-NAME (a string or font object) exists.

FONT-NAME is a string, typically in Fontconfig font-name format.
A font-spec, font-vector, or font-object are accepted, though
the behavior for the latter two is not well defined.

Returns a matching font vector.

When POINT-SIZE is set, check for a specific font size.  Size may
also be given at the end of a string FONT-NAME, eg \"Monaco-12\".

When optional STRICT is given, FONT-NAME must will not be
leniently modified before passing to `font-info'.

Optional SCOPE is a list of font names, within which FONT-NAME
must \(leniently\) match."
  (when (display-multi-font-p)
    (let ((args (list font-name point-size strict scope)))
      (or (gethash args font-utils-exists-p-mem)
            (when (fontp font-name 'font-spec)
              (when (and (floatp (font-get font-name :size))
                         (not point-size))
                (setq point-size (font-get font-name :size)))
              (setq font-name (or (font-get font-name :name) (font-get font-name :family))))
            (puthash args
                       ((fontp font-name 'font-entity)
                        (font-info font-name))
                       ((vectorp font-name)
                        (let ((font-name-list        nil)
                              (fontconfig-params     ""))

                          ;; read all fonts if possible
                          (font-utils-load-names (not font-utils-less-feedback))

                          ;; clean up name and set point-size.  Priority
                          ;;    argument to function
                          ;;    font-spec property
                          ;;    fontconfig-style parameter
                          ;;    fontconfig-style trailing size
                          (when (string-match "\\(:.*\\)\\'" font-name)
                            (setq fontconfig-params (match-string 1 font-name))
                            (setq font-name (replace-match "" t t font-name))
                            (when (string-match "\\<size=\\([0-9.]+\\)" fontconfig-params)
                              (cl-callf or point-size (string-to-number (match-string 1 fontconfig-params)))
                              (setq fontconfig-params (replace-match "" t t fontconfig-params))))
                          (when (string-match "-\\([0-9.]+\\)\\'" font-name)
                            (cl-callf or point-size (string-to-number (match-string 1 font-name)))
                            (setq font-name (replace-match "" t t font-name)))
                          (when (stringp point-size)
                            (cl-callf string-to-number point-size))
                          (when (numberp point-size)
                            (cl-callf concat fontconfig-params (format ":size=%s" (round point-size))))
                          (setq fontconfig-params (replace-regexp-in-string "::+" ":" fontconfig-params))

                          ;; generate list of font names to try
                          (setq font-name-list (if strict
                                                   (list font-name)
                                                 (font-utils-create-fuzzy-matches font-name)))

                          ;; constrain font list to scope requested
                          (when scope
                            (cl-callf2 cl-intersection scope font-name-list :test 'font-utils-lenient-name-equal))

                          ;; if the font cache is available, use it to constrain the
                          ;; font list and canonicalize the name
                          (when (and font-utils-use-memory-cache
                                     (hash-table-p font-utils-all-names))
                            (setq font-name-list (delq nil (mapcar #'(lambda (key)
                                                                       (gethash (upcase key)

                          ;; find the font
                          (catch 'font
                            (dolist (name font-name-list)
                              ;; trailing colon disambiguates eg font names ending with "Italic"
                              (let* ((query-name (concat name fontconfig-params ":"))
                                     (font-vec (with-local-quit (ignore-errors (font-info query-name)))))
                                (when (and font-vec
                                           (or (find-font (font-spec :name name))    ; verify - some systems return the
                                               (find-font (font-spec :family name))) ; default face on font-info failure
                                           (or (not (numberp point-size))
                                               (= point-size (aref font-vec 2))))
                                  (throw 'font font-vec))))))))

(defun font-utils-first-existing-font (font-names &optional no-normalize)
  "Return the (normalized) first existing font name from FONT-NAMES.

FONT-NAMES is a list, with each element typically in Fontconfig
font-name format.

The font existence-check is lazy; fonts after the first hit are
not checked.

If NO-NORMALIZE is given, the return value is exactly as the
member of FONT-NAMES.  Otherwise, the family name is extracted
from the XLFD returned by `font-info'."
  (when (display-multi-font-p)
    (catch 'name
      (dolist (name font-names)
        (let ((font (font-utils-exists-p name)))
          (when font
            (when no-normalize
              (throw 'name name))
              ((vectorp font)
               (throw 'name (font-utils-name-from-xlfd (aref font 0))))
              ((fontp font)
               (throw 'name (or (font-get font :name) (font-get font :family))))
               (error "Unknown type")))))))))

(provide 'font-utils)

;; Emacs
;; Local Variables:
;; indent-tabs-mode: nil
;; mangle-whitespace: t
;; require-final-newline: t
;; coding: utf-8
;; byte-compile-warnings: (not cl-functions redefine)
;; End:
;; LocalWords: FontUtils ARGS alist utils pcache XLFD demi fontconfig callf

;;; font-utils.el ends here