;;; tramp-smb.el --- Tramp access functions for SMB servers  -*- lexical-binding:t -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2002-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

;; Author: Michael Albinus <michael.albinus@gmx.de>
;; Keywords: comm, processes
;; Package: tramp

;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.

;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.

;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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;;; Commentary:

;; Access functions for SMB servers like SAMBA or M$ Windows from Tramp.

;;; Code:

(eval-when-compile (require 'cl-lib))
(require 'tramp)

;; Define SMB method ...
(defconst tramp-smb-method "smb"
  "Method to connect SAMBA and M$ SMB servers.")

;; ... and add it to the method list.
(unless (memq system-type '(cygwin windows-nt))
   (add-to-list 'tramp-methods
                  ;; This is just a guess.  We don't know whether the share "C$"
                  ;; is available for public use, and whether the user has write
                  ;; access.
                  (tramp-tmpdir "/C$/Temp")
                  ;; Another guess.  We might implement a better check later on.
                  (tramp-case-insensitive t)))))

;; Add a default for `tramp-default-user-alist'.  Rule: For the SMB method,
;; the anonymous user is chosen.
 (add-to-list 'tramp-default-user-alist
	      `(,(tramp-compat-rx bos (literal tramp-smb-method) eos) nil nil))

 ;; Add completion function for SMB method.
  '((tramp-parse-netrc "~/.netrc"))))

(defcustom tramp-smb-program "smbclient"
  "Name of SMB client to run."
  :group 'tramp
  :type 'string)

(defcustom tramp-smb-acl-program "smbcacls"
  "Name of SMB acls to run."
  :group 'tramp
  :type 'string
  :version "24.4")

(defcustom tramp-smb-conf null-device
  "Path of the \"smb.conf\" file.
If it is nil, no \"smb.conf\" will be added to the `tramp-smb-program'
call, letting the SMB client use the default one."
  :group 'tramp
  :type '(choice (const nil) (file :must-match t)))

(defcustom tramp-smb-options nil
  "List of additional options.
They are added to the `tramp-smb-program' call via \"--option '...'\".

For example, if the deprecated SMB1 protocol shall be used, add to
this variable \"client min protocol=NT1\"."
  :group 'tramp
  :type '(repeat string)
  :version "28.1")

(defvar tramp-smb-version nil
  "Version string of the SMB client.")

(defconst tramp-smb-server-version
  (tramp-compat-rx "Domain=[" (* (not "]")) "] "
		   "OS=[" (* (not "]")) "] "
		   "Server=[" (* (not "]")) "]")
  "Regexp of SMB server identification.")

(defconst tramp-smb-prompt
  (rx bol (| (: (| "smb:" "PS") blank (+ nonl) "> ")
	     (: (+ blank) "Server"
		(+ blank) "Comment" eol)))
  "Regexp used as prompt in smbclient or powershell.")

(defconst tramp-smb-wrong-passwd-regexp
  "Regexp for login error strings of SMB servers.")

(defconst tramp-smb-errors
  (rx (| ;; Connection error / timeout / unknown command.
       (: "Connection" (? " to " (+ (not blank))) " failed")
       "Read from server failed, maybe it closed the connection"
       "Call timed out: server did not respond"
       (: (+ (not blank)) ": command not found")
       "Server doesn't support UNIX CIFS calls"
       (| ;; Samba.
	;; See /usr/include/samba-4.0/core/ntstatus.h.
	;; Windows 4.0 (Windows NT), Windows 5.0 (Windows 2000),
	;; Windows 5.1 (Windows XP), Windows 5.2 (Windows Server 2003),
	;; Windows 6.0 (Windows Vista), Windows 6.1 (Windows 7),
	;; Windows 6.3 (Windows Server 2012, Windows 10).
  "Regexp for possible error strings of SMB servers.
Used instead of analyzing error codes of commands.")

(defconst tramp-smb-actions-with-share
  '((tramp-smb-prompt tramp-action-succeed)
    (tramp-password-prompt-regexp tramp-action-password)
    (tramp-wrong-passwd-regexp tramp-action-permission-denied)
    (tramp-smb-errors tramp-action-permission-denied)
    (tramp-process-alive-regexp tramp-action-process-alive))
  "List of pattern/action pairs.
This list is used for login to SMB servers.

See `tramp-actions-before-shell' for more info.")

(defconst tramp-smb-actions-without-share
  '((tramp-password-prompt-regexp tramp-action-password)
    (tramp-wrong-passwd-regexp tramp-action-permission-denied)
    (tramp-smb-errors tramp-action-permission-denied)
    (tramp-process-alive-regexp tramp-action-out-of-band))
  "List of pattern/action pairs.
This list is used for login to SMB servers.

See `tramp-actions-before-shell' for more info.")

(defconst tramp-smb-actions-with-tar
  '((tramp-password-prompt-regexp tramp-action-password)
    (tramp-wrong-passwd-regexp tramp-action-permission-denied)
    (tramp-smb-errors tramp-action-permission-denied)
    (tramp-process-alive-regexp tramp-smb-action-with-tar))
  "List of pattern/action pairs.
This list is used for tar-like copy of directories.

See `tramp-actions-before-shell' for more info.")

(defconst tramp-smb-actions-get-acl
  '((tramp-password-prompt-regexp tramp-action-password)
    (tramp-wrong-passwd-regexp tramp-action-permission-denied)
    (tramp-smb-errors tramp-action-permission-denied)
    (tramp-process-alive-regexp tramp-smb-action-get-acl))
  "List of pattern/action pairs.
This list is used for smbcacls actions.

See `tramp-actions-before-shell' for more info.")

(defconst tramp-smb-actions-set-acl
  '((tramp-password-prompt-regexp tramp-action-password)
    (tramp-wrong-passwd-regexp tramp-action-permission-denied)
    (tramp-smb-errors tramp-action-permission-denied)
    (tramp-process-alive-regexp tramp-smb-action-set-acl))
  "List of pattern/action pairs.
This list is used for smbcacls actions.

See `tramp-actions-before-shell' for more info.")

;; New handlers should be added here.
(defconst tramp-smb-file-name-handler-alist
  '((abbreviate-file-name . tramp-handle-abbreviate-file-name)
    (access-file . tramp-handle-access-file)
    (add-name-to-file . tramp-smb-handle-add-name-to-file)
    ;; `byte-compiler-base-file-name' performed by default handler.
    (copy-directory . tramp-smb-handle-copy-directory)
    (copy-file . tramp-smb-handle-copy-file)
    (delete-directory . tramp-smb-handle-delete-directory)
    (delete-file . tramp-smb-handle-delete-file)
    ;; `diff-latest-backup-file' performed by default handler.
    (directory-file-name . tramp-handle-directory-file-name)
    (directory-files . tramp-handle-directory-files)
     . tramp-handle-directory-files-and-attributes)
    (dired-compress-file . ignore)
    (dired-uncache . tramp-handle-dired-uncache)
    (exec-path . ignore)
    (expand-file-name . tramp-smb-handle-expand-file-name)
    (file-accessible-directory-p . tramp-handle-file-accessible-directory-p)
    (file-acl . tramp-smb-handle-file-acl)
    (file-attributes . tramp-smb-handle-file-attributes)
    (file-directory-p .  tramp-handle-file-directory-p)
    (file-file-equal-p . tramp-handle-file-equal-p)
    (file-executable-p . tramp-handle-file-exists-p)
    (file-exists-p . tramp-handle-file-exists-p)
    (file-in-directory-p . tramp-handle-file-in-directory-p)
    (file-local-copy . tramp-smb-handle-file-local-copy)
    (file-locked-p . tramp-handle-file-locked-p)
    (file-modes . tramp-handle-file-modes)
    (file-name-all-completions . tramp-smb-handle-file-name-all-completions)
    (file-name-as-directory . tramp-handle-file-name-as-directory)
    (file-name-case-insensitive-p . tramp-handle-file-name-case-insensitive-p)
    (file-name-completion . tramp-handle-file-name-completion)
    (file-name-directory . tramp-handle-file-name-directory)
    (file-name-nondirectory . tramp-handle-file-name-nondirectory)
    ;; `file-name-sans-versions' performed by default handler.
    (file-newer-than-file-p . tramp-handle-file-newer-than-file-p)
    (file-notify-add-watch . tramp-handle-file-notify-add-watch)
    (file-notify-rm-watch . tramp-handle-file-notify-rm-watch)
    (file-notify-valid-p . tramp-handle-file-notify-valid-p)
    (file-ownership-preserved-p . ignore)
    (file-readable-p . tramp-handle-file-exists-p)
    (file-regular-p . tramp-handle-file-regular-p)
    (file-remote-p . tramp-handle-file-remote-p)
    (file-selinux-context . tramp-handle-file-selinux-context)
    (file-symlink-p . tramp-handle-file-symlink-p)
    (file-system-info . tramp-smb-handle-file-system-info)
    (file-truename . tramp-handle-file-truename)
    (file-writable-p . tramp-smb-handle-file-writable-p)
    (find-backup-file-name . tramp-handle-find-backup-file-name)
    ;; `get-file-buffer' performed by default handler.
    (insert-directory . tramp-smb-handle-insert-directory)
    (insert-file-contents . tramp-handle-insert-file-contents)
    (list-system-processes . ignore)
    (load . tramp-handle-load)
    (lock-file . tramp-handle-lock-file)
    (make-auto-save-file-name . tramp-handle-make-auto-save-file-name)
    (make-directory . tramp-smb-handle-make-directory)
    (make-directory-internal . ignore)
    (make-lock-file-name . tramp-handle-make-lock-file-name)
    (make-nearby-temp-file . tramp-handle-make-nearby-temp-file)
    (make-process . ignore)
    (make-symbolic-link . tramp-smb-handle-make-symbolic-link)
    (memory-info . ignore)
    (process-attributes . ignore)
    (process-file . tramp-smb-handle-process-file)
    (rename-file . tramp-smb-handle-rename-file)
    (set-file-acl . tramp-smb-handle-set-file-acl)
    (set-file-modes . tramp-smb-handle-set-file-modes)
    (set-file-selinux-context . ignore)
    (set-file-times . ignore)
    (set-visited-file-modtime . tramp-handle-set-visited-file-modtime)
    (shell-command . tramp-handle-shell-command)
    (start-file-process . tramp-smb-handle-start-file-process)
    (substitute-in-file-name . tramp-smb-handle-substitute-in-file-name)
    (temporary-file-directory . tramp-handle-temporary-file-directory)
    (tramp-get-home-directory . tramp-smb-handle-get-home-directory)
    (tramp-get-remote-gid . ignore)
    (tramp-get-remote-groups . ignore)
    (tramp-get-remote-uid . ignore)
    (tramp-set-file-uid-gid . ignore)
    (unhandled-file-name-directory . ignore)
    (unlock-file . tramp-handle-unlock-file)
    (vc-registered . ignore)
    (verify-visited-file-modtime . tramp-handle-verify-visited-file-modtime)
    (write-region . tramp-smb-handle-write-region))
  "Alist of handler functions for Tramp SMB method.
Operations not mentioned here will be handled by the default Emacs primitives.")

;; Options for remote processes via winexe.
(defcustom tramp-smb-winexe-program "winexe"
  "Name of winexe client to run.
If it isn't found in the local $PATH, the absolute path of winexe
shall be given.  This is needed for remote processes."
  :group 'tramp
  :type 'string
  :version "24.3")

(defcustom tramp-smb-winexe-shell-command "powershell.exe"
  "Shell to be used for processes on remote machines.
This must be Powershell V2 compatible."
  :group 'tramp
  :type 'string
  :version "24.3")

(defcustom tramp-smb-winexe-shell-command-switch "-file -"
  "Command switch used together with `tramp-smb-winexe-shell-command'.
This can be used to disable echo etc."
  :group 'tramp
  :type 'string
  :version "24.3")

;; It must be a `defsubst' in order to push the whole code into
;; tramp-loaddefs.el.  Otherwise, there would be recursive autoloading.
(defsubst tramp-smb-file-name-p (vec-or-filename)
  "Check if it's a VEC-OR-FILENAME for SMB servers."
  (when-let* ((vec (tramp-ensure-dissected-file-name vec-or-filename)))
    (string= (tramp-file-name-method vec) tramp-smb-method)))

(defun tramp-smb-file-name-handler (operation &rest args)
  "Invoke the SMB related OPERATION and ARGS.
First arg specifies the OPERATION, second arg is a list of
arguments to pass to the OPERATION."
  (if-let ((fn (assoc operation tramp-smb-file-name-handler-alist)))
      (save-match-data (apply (cdr fn) args))
    (tramp-run-real-handler operation args)))

(unless (memq system-type '(cygwin windows-nt))
    #'tramp-smb-file-name-p #'tramp-smb-file-name-handler)))

;; File name primitives.

(defun tramp-smb-handle-add-name-to-file
  (filename newname &optional ok-if-already-exists)
  "Like `add-name-to-file' for Tramp files."
  (unless (tramp-equal-remote filename newname)
	(if (tramp-tramp-file-p filename) filename newname) nil
       v 'file-error
       "add-name-to-file: %s"
       "only implemented for same method, same user, same host")))
  (with-parsed-tramp-file-name filename v1
    (with-parsed-tramp-file-name newname v2
      (when (file-directory-p filename)
	 v2 'file-error
	 "add-name-to-file: %s must not be a directory" filename))
      ;; Do the 'confirm if exists' thing.
      (when (file-exists-p newname)
	;; What to do?
	(if (or (null ok-if-already-exists) ; not allowed to exist
		(and (numberp ok-if-already-exists)
		     (not (yes-or-no-p
			    "File %s already exists; make it a link anyway?"
	    (tramp-error v2 'file-already-exists newname)
	  (delete-file newname)))
      ;; We must also flush the cache of the directory, because
      ;; `file-attributes' reads the values from there.
      (tramp-flush-file-properties v2 v2-localname)
      (unless (tramp-smb-send-command
		"%s %s %s"
		(if (tramp-smb-get-cifs-capabilities v1) "link" "hardlink")
		(tramp-smb-shell-quote-localname v1)
		(tramp-smb-shell-quote-localname v2)))
	 v2 'file-error
	 "error with add-name-to-file, see buffer `%s' for details"

(defun tramp-smb-action-with-tar (proc vec)
  "Untar from connection buffer."
  (if (not (process-live-p proc))
      (throw 'tramp-action 'process-died)

    (with-current-buffer (tramp-get-connection-buffer vec)
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (when (search-forward-regexp tramp-smb-server-version nil t)
	;; There might be a hidden password prompt.
	(tramp-message vec 6 (buffer-substring (point-min) (point)))
	(delete-region (point-min) (point))
	(throw 'tramp-action 'ok)))))

(defun tramp-smb-handle-copy-directory
  (dirname newname &optional keep-date parents copy-contents)
  "Like `copy-directory' for Tramp files."
      dirname newname keep-date parents copy-contents
    (let ((t1 (tramp-tramp-file-p dirname))
	  (t2 (tramp-tramp-file-p newname))
      (with-parsed-tramp-file-name (if t1 dirname newname) nil
	(unless (file-exists-p dirname)
	  (tramp-error v 'file-missing dirname))

	;; `copy-directory-create-symlink' exists since Emacs 28.1.
	(if (and (bound-and-true-p copy-directory-create-symlink)
		 (setq target (file-symlink-p dirname))
		 (tramp-equal-remote dirname newname))
	     (if (directory-name-p newname)
		 (concat newname (file-name-nondirectory dirname)) newname)

	  (if copy-contents
	      ;; We must do it file-wise.
	       (list dirname newname keep-date parents copy-contents))

	    (setq dirname (expand-file-name dirname)
		  newname (expand-file-name newname))
		v 0 (format "Copying %s to %s" dirname newname)
	      (when (and (file-directory-p newname)
			 (not (directory-name-p newname)))
		(tramp-error v 'file-already-exists newname))
	       ;; We must use a local temporary directory.
	       ((and t1 t2)
		(let ((tmpdir (tramp-compat-make-temp-name)))
			(make-directory tmpdir)
			 dirname (file-name-as-directory tmpdir)
			 keep-date 'parents)
			  (file-name-nondirectory dirname) tmpdir)
			 newname keep-date parents))
		    (delete-directory tmpdir 'recursive))))

	       ;; We can copy recursively.
	       ;; FIXME: Does not work reliably.
	       (nil ;(and (or t1 t2) (tramp-smb-get-cifs-capabilities v))
		(when (and (file-directory-p newname)
			   (not (string-equal (file-name-nondirectory dirname)
					      (file-name-nondirectory newname))))
		  (setq newname
			 (file-name-nondirectory dirname) newname))
		  (if t2 (setq v (tramp-dissect-file-name newname))))
		(if (not (file-directory-p newname))
		    (make-directory newname parents))

		(let* ((share (tramp-smb-get-share v))
		       (localname (file-name-as-directory
				    "\\" "/" (tramp-smb-get-localname v))))
		       (tmpdir    (tramp-compat-make-temp-name))
		       (args      (list (concat "//" host "/" share) "-E"))
		       (options   tramp-smb-options))

		  (if (tramp-string-empty-or-nil-p user)
		      (setq args (append args (list "-N")))
		    (setq args (append args (list "-U" user))))

		  (when domain (setq args (append args (list "-W" domain))))
		  (when port   (setq args (append args (list "-p" port))))
		  (when tramp-smb-conf
		    (setq args (append args (list "-s" tramp-smb-conf))))
		  (while options
		    (setq args
			  (append args
				  `("--option" ,(format "%s" (car options))))
			  options (cdr options)))
		  (setq args
			(if t1
			    ;; Source is remote.
			    (append args
				    (list "-D"
					   "tar qc - *")
					  "|" "tar" "xfC" "-"
			  ;; Target is remote.
			  (append (list
				   "tar" "cfC" "-"
				   (tramp-unquote-shell-quote-argument dirname)
				   "." "|")
				  (list "-D" (tramp-unquote-shell-quote-argument
					"-c" (tramp-unquote-shell-quote-argument
					      "tar qx -")))))

			  v '("process-name" "process-buffer")
			  ;; Set the transfer process properties.
			   v "process-name" (buffer-name (current-buffer)))
			   v "process-buffer" (current-buffer))

			  (when t1
			    ;; The smbclient tar command creates
			    ;; always complete paths.  We must emulate
			    ;; the directory structure, and symlink to
			    ;; the real target.
			      ".." (concat tmpdir localname))
			     (directory-file-name (concat tmpdir localname))))

			  ;; Use an asynchronous processes.  By this,
			  ;; password can be handled.
			  (let* ((default-directory tmpdir)
				 (p (apply
				     (tramp-get-connection-name v)
				     (tramp-get-connection-buffer v)
				     tramp-smb-program args)))

			     v 6 "%s" (string-join (process-command p) " "))
			    (process-put p 'vector v)
			     p 'adjust-window-size-function #'ignore)
			    (set-process-query-on-exit-flag p nil)
			     p v nil tramp-smb-actions-with-tar)

			    (while (process-live-p p)
			      (sleep-for 0.1))
			    (tramp-message v 6 "\n%s" (buffer-string)))))

		    ;; Save exit.
		    (when t1 (delete-directory tmpdir 'recursive))))

		;; Handle KEEP-DATE argument.
		(when keep-date
		   (file-attribute-modification-time (file-attributes dirname))
		   (unless ok-if-already-exists 'nofollow)))

		;; Set the mode.
		(unless keep-date
		  (set-file-modes newname (tramp-default-file-modes dirname)))

		;; When newname did exist, we have wrong cached values.
		(when t2
		  (with-parsed-tramp-file-name newname nil
		    (tramp-flush-file-properties v localname))))

	       ;; We must do it file-wise.
		 (list dirname newname keep-date parents)))))))))))

(defun tramp-smb-handle-copy-file
  (filename newname &optional ok-if-already-exists keep-date
   _preserve-uid-gid _preserve-extended-attributes)
  "Like `copy-file' for Tramp files.
KEEP-DATE has no effect in case NEWNAME resides on an SMB server.
  (setq filename (expand-file-name filename)
	newname (expand-file-name newname))
       (if (tramp-tramp-file-p filename) filename newname))
      0 (format "Copying %s to %s" filename newname)

    (if (file-directory-p filename)
	(copy-directory filename newname keep-date 'parents 'copy-contents)

      (unless (file-exists-p filename)
	  (if (tramp-tramp-file-p filename) filename newname))
	 'file-missing filename))

      ;; `file-local-copy' returns a file name also for a local file
      ;; with `jka-compr-handler', so we cannot trust its result as
      ;; indication for a remote file name.
      (if-let ((tmpfile
		(and (file-remote-p filename) (file-local-copy filename))))
	  ;; Remote filename.
	  (condition-case err
	      (rename-file tmpfile newname ok-if-already-exists)
	    ((error quit)
	     (delete-file tmpfile)
	     (signal (car err) (cdr err))))

	;; Remote newname.
	(when (and (file-directory-p newname)
		   (directory-name-p newname))
	  (setq newname
		(expand-file-name (file-name-nondirectory filename) newname)))

	(with-parsed-tramp-file-name newname nil
	  (when (and (not ok-if-already-exists) (file-exists-p newname))
	    (tramp-error v 'file-already-exists newname))
	  (when (and (file-directory-p newname)
		     (not (directory-name-p newname)))
	    (tramp-error v 'file-error "File is a directory %s" newname))

	  ;; We must also flush the cache of the directory, because
	  ;; `file-attributes' reads the values from there.
	  (tramp-flush-file-properties v localname)
	  (unless (tramp-smb-get-share v)
	     v 'file-error "Target `%s' must contain a share name" newname))
	  (unless (tramp-smb-send-command
		   v (format "put %s %s"
			     (tramp-smb-shell-quote-argument filename)
			     (tramp-smb-shell-quote-localname v)))
	     v 'file-error "Cannot copy `%s' to `%s'" filename newname)))))

    ;; KEEP-DATE handling.
    (when keep-date
       (file-attribute-modification-time (file-attributes filename))
       (unless ok-if-already-exists 'nofollow)))))

(defun tramp-smb-handle-delete-directory (directory &optional recursive trash)
  "Like `delete-directory' for Tramp files."
  (tramp-skeleton-delete-directory directory recursive trash
    (when (file-exists-p directory)
      (when recursive
	 (lambda (file)
	   (if (file-directory-p file)
	       (delete-directory file recursive)
	     (delete-file file)))
	 ;; We do not want to delete "." and "..".
	 (directory-files directory 'full directory-files-no-dot-files-regexp)))

      ;; We must also flush the cache of the directory, because
      ;; `file-attributes' reads the values from there.
      (tramp-flush-directory-properties v localname)
      (unless (tramp-smb-send-command
	       v (format
		  "%s %s"
		  (if (tramp-smb-get-cifs-capabilities v)
		      "posix_rmdir" "rmdir")
		  (tramp-smb-shell-quote-localname v)))
	;; Error.
	(with-current-buffer (tramp-get-connection-buffer v)
	  (goto-char (point-min))
	  (search-forward-regexp tramp-smb-errors nil t)
	  (tramp-error v 'file-error "%s `%s'" (match-string 0) directory)))

      ;; "rmdir" does not report an error.  So we check ourselves.
      (when (file-exists-p directory)
	(tramp-error v 'file-error "`%s' not removed." directory)))))

(defun tramp-smb-handle-delete-file (filename &optional trash)
  "Like `delete-file' for Tramp files."
  (setq filename (expand-file-name filename))
  (when (file-exists-p filename)
    (with-parsed-tramp-file-name filename nil
      ;; We must also flush the cache of the directory, because
      ;; `file-attributes' reads the values from there.
      (tramp-flush-file-properties v localname)
      (if (and delete-by-moving-to-trash trash)
	  (move-file-to-trash filename)
	(unless (tramp-smb-send-command
		 v (format
		    "%s %s"
		    (if (tramp-smb-get-cifs-capabilities v) "posix_unlink" "rm")
		    (tramp-smb-shell-quote-localname v)))
	  ;; Error.
	  (with-current-buffer (tramp-get-connection-buffer v)
	    (goto-char (point-min))
	    (search-forward-regexp tramp-smb-errors nil t)
	    (tramp-error v 'file-error "%s `%s'" (match-string 0) filename)))))))

(defun tramp-smb-handle-expand-file-name (name &optional dir)
  "Like `expand-file-name' for Tramp files."
  ;; If DIR is not given, use DEFAULT-DIRECTORY or "/".
  (setq dir (or dir default-directory "/"))
  ;; Handle empty NAME.
  (when (string-empty-p name)
    (setq name "."))
  ;; Unless NAME is absolute, concat DIR and NAME.
  (unless (file-name-absolute-p name)
    (setq name (tramp-compat-file-name-concat dir name)))
  ;; If NAME is not a Tramp file, run the real handler.
  (if (not (tramp-tramp-file-p name))
      (tramp-run-real-handler #'expand-file-name (list name))
    ;; Dissect NAME.
    (with-parsed-tramp-file-name name nil
      ;; Tilde expansion if necessary.
      (when (string-match
	     (tramp-compat-rx bos "~" (group (* (not "/"))) (group (* nonl)) eos)
	(let ((uname (match-string 1 localname))
	      (fname (match-string 2 localname))
	  (when (tramp-string-empty-or-nil-p uname)
	    (setq uname user))
	  (when (setq hname (tramp-get-home-directory v uname))
	    (setq localname (concat hname fname)))))
      ;; Tilde expansion is not possible.
      (when (and (not tramp-tolerate-tilde)
		 (string-prefix-p "~" localname))
	(tramp-error v 'file-error "Cannot expand tilde in file `%s'" name))
      (unless (tramp-run-real-handler #'file-name-absolute-p (list localname))
	(setq localname (concat "/" localname)))
     ;; Do not keep "/..".
      (when (string-match-p (rx bos "/" (** 1 2 ".") eos) localname)
	(setq localname "/"))
      ;; Do normal `expand-file-name' (this does "/./" and "/../"),
      ;; unless there are tilde characters in file name.
       v (if (string-prefix-p "~" localname)
	   (tramp-run-real-handler #'expand-file-name (list localname)))))))

(defun tramp-smb-remote-acl-p (_vec)
  "Check, whether ACL is enabled on the remote host."
  (and (stringp tramp-smb-acl-program) (executable-find tramp-smb-acl-program)))

(defun tramp-smb-action-get-acl (proc vec)
  "Read ACL data from connection buffer."
  (unless (process-live-p proc)
    ;; Accept pending output.
    (while (tramp-accept-process-output proc))
    (with-current-buffer (tramp-get-connection-buffer vec)
      ;; There might be a hidden password prompt.
      (tramp-message vec 10 "\n%s" (buffer-string))
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (while (and (not (eobp)) (not (looking-at-p (rx bol "REVISION:"))))
	(delete-region (point-min) (point)))
      (while (and (not (eobp)) (looking-at-p (rx bol (+ nonl) ":" (+ nonl))))
      (delete-region (point) (point-max))
      (throw 'tramp-action 'ok))))

(defun tramp-smb-handle-file-acl (filename)
  "Like `file-acl' for Tramp files."
    (with-parsed-tramp-file-name filename nil
      (with-tramp-file-property v localname "file-acl"
	(when (tramp-smb-remote-acl-p v)
	  (let* ((share     (tramp-smb-get-share v))
		 (localname (tramp-compat-string-replace
			     "\\" "/" (tramp-smb-get-localname v)))
		 (args      (list (concat "//" host "/" share) "-E"))
		 (options   tramp-smb-options))

	    (if (tramp-string-empty-or-nil-p user)
		(setq args (append args (list "-N")))
	      (setq args (append args (list "-U" user))))

	    (when domain (setq args (append args (list "-W" domain))))
	    (when port   (setq args (append args (list "-p" port))))
	    (when tramp-smb-conf
	      (setq args (append args (list "-s" tramp-smb-conf))))
	    (while options
	      (setq args
		    (append args `("--option" ,(format "%s" (car options))))
		    options (cdr options)))
	     (append args (list (tramp-unquote-shell-quote-argument localname)
				(concat "2>" (tramp-get-remote-null-device v)))))

		    v '("process-name" "process-buffer")
		    ;; Set the transfer process properties.
		     v "process-name" (buffer-name (current-buffer)))
		     v "process-buffer" (current-buffer))

		    ;; Use an asynchronous process.  By this, password
		    ;; can be handled.
		    (let ((p (apply
			      (tramp-get-connection-name v)
			      (tramp-get-connection-buffer v)
			      tramp-smb-acl-program args)))

		       v 6 "%s" (string-join (process-command p) " "))
		      (process-put p 'vector v)
		      (process-put p 'adjust-window-size-function #'ignore)
		      (set-process-query-on-exit-flag p nil)
		      (tramp-process-actions p v nil tramp-smb-actions-get-acl)
		      (when (> (point-max) (point-min))
			(substring-no-properties (buffer-string)))))))))))))

(defun tramp-smb-handle-file-attributes (filename &optional id-format)
  "Like `file-attributes' for Tramp files."
  ;; The result is cached in `tramp-convert-file-attributes'.
  (with-parsed-tramp-file-name filename nil
    (tramp-convert-file-attributes v localname id-format
	(if (tramp-smb-get-stat-capability v)
	    (tramp-smb-do-file-attributes-with-stat v)
	  ;; Reading just the filename entry via "dir localname" is
	  ;; not possible, because when filename is a directory, some
	  ;; smbclient versions return the content of the directory,
	  ;; and other versions don't.  Therefore, the whole content
	  ;; of the upper directory is retrieved, and the entry of the
	  ;; filename is extracted from.
	  (let* ((entries (tramp-smb-get-file-entries
			   (file-name-directory filename)))
		 (entry (assoc (file-name-nondirectory filename) entries))
		 (inode (tramp-get-inode v))
		 (device (tramp-get-device v)))

	    ;; Check result.
	    (when entry
	      (list (and (tramp-compat-string-search "d" (nth 1 entry))
			 t)              ;0 file type
		    -1                   ;1 link count
		     tramp-unknown-id-string tramp-unknown-id-integer) ;2 uid
		     tramp-unknown-id-string tramp-unknown-id-integer) ;3 gid
		    tramp-time-dont-know ;4 atime
		    (nth 3 entry)        ;5 mtime
		    tramp-time-dont-know ;6 ctime
		    (nth 2 entry)        ;7 size
		    (nth 1 entry)        ;8 mode
		    nil                  ;9 gid weird
		    inode                ;10 inode number
		    device))))))))       ;11 file system number

(defun tramp-smb-do-file-attributes-with-stat (vec)
  "Implement `file-attributes' for Tramp files using `stat' command."
   vec 5 "file attributes with stat: %s" (tramp-file-name-localname vec))
  (let* (size id link uid gid atime mtime ctime mode inode)
    (when (tramp-smb-send-command
	   vec (format "stat %s" (tramp-smb-shell-quote-localname vec)))

      ;; Loop the listing.
      (with-current-buffer (tramp-get-connection-buffer vec)
	(goto-char (point-min))
	(unless (re-search-forward tramp-smb-errors nil t)
	  (while (not (eobp))
	       (rx "Size:" (+ blank) (group (+ digit)) (+ blank)
		   "Blocks:" (+ blank) (+ digit) (+ blank) (group (+ wordchar))))
	      (setq size (string-to-number (match-string 1))
		    id (if (string-equal "directory" (match-string 2)) t
			 (if (string-equal "symbolic" (match-string 2)) ""))))
	       (rx "Inode:" (+ blank) (group (+ digit)) (+ blank)
		   "Links:" (+ blank) (group (+ digit))))
	      (setq inode (string-to-number (match-string 1))
		    link (string-to-number (match-string 2))))
	       (rx "Access:" (+ blank)
		   "(" (+ digit) "/" (group (+ (not blank))) ")" (+ blank)
		   "Uid:" (+ blank) (group (+ digit)) (+ blank)
		   "Gid:" (+ blank) (group (+ digit))))
	      (setq mode (match-string 1)
		    uid (match-string 2)
		    gid (match-string 3)))
	       (rx "Access:" (+ blank)
		   (group (+ digit)) "-" (group (+ digit)) "-"
		   (group (+ digit)) (+ blank)
		   (group (+ digit)) ":" (group (+ digit)) ":"
		   (group (+ digit))))
	      (setq atime
		     (string-to-number (match-string 6)) ;; sec
		     (string-to-number (match-string 5)) ;; min
		     (string-to-number (match-string 4)) ;; hour
		     (string-to-number (match-string 3)) ;; day
		     (string-to-number (match-string 2)) ;; month
		     (string-to-number (match-string 1))))) ;; year
	       (rx "Modify:" (+ blank)
		   (group (+ digit)) "-" (group (+ digit)) "-"
		   (group (+ digit)) (+ blank)
		   (group (+ digit)) ":" (group (+ digit)) ":"
		   (group (+ digit))))
	      (setq mtime
		     (string-to-number (match-string 6)) ;; sec
		     (string-to-number (match-string 5)) ;; min
		     (string-to-number (match-string 4)) ;; hour
		     (string-to-number (match-string 3)) ;; day
		     (string-to-number (match-string 2)) ;; month
		     (string-to-number (match-string 1))))) ;; year
	       (rx "Change:" (+ blank)
		   (group (+ digit)) "-" (group (+ digit)) "-"
		   (group (+ digit)) (+ blank)
		   (group (+ digit)) ":" (group (+ digit)) ":"
		   (group (+ digit))))
	      (setq ctime
		     (string-to-number (match-string 6)) ;; sec
		     (string-to-number (match-string 5)) ;; min
		     (string-to-number (match-string 4)) ;; hour
		     (string-to-number (match-string 3)) ;; day
		     (string-to-number (match-string 2)) ;; month
		     (string-to-number (match-string 1)))))) ;; year

	  ;; Resolve symlink.
	  (when (and (stringp id)
		       "readlink %s" (tramp-smb-shell-quote-localname vec))))
	    (goto-char (point-min))
	    (and (looking-at (rx (+ nonl) " -> " (group (+ nonl))))
		 (setq id (match-string 1))))

	  ;; Return the result.
	  (when (or id link uid gid atime mtime ctime size mode inode)
	    (list id link (cons uid (string-to-number uid))
		  (cons gid (string-to-number gid)) gid atime mtime ctime size
		  mode nil inode (tramp-get-device vec))))))))

(defun tramp-smb-handle-file-local-copy (filename)
  "Like `file-local-copy' for Tramp files."
  (tramp-skeleton-file-local-copy filename
	v 3 (format "Fetching %s to tmp file %s" filename tmpfile)
      (unless (tramp-smb-send-command
	       v (format "get %s %s"
			 (tramp-smb-shell-quote-localname v)
			 (tramp-smb-shell-quote-argument tmpfile)))
	;; Oops, an error.  We shall cleanup.
	(delete-file tmpfile)
	 v 'file-error "Cannot make local copy of file `%s'" filename)))))

;; This function should return "foo/" for directories and "bar" for
;; files.
(defun tramp-smb-handle-file-name-all-completions (filename directory)
  "Like `file-name-all-completions' for Tramp files."
   (with-parsed-tramp-file-name (expand-file-name directory) nil
     (with-tramp-file-property v localname "file-name-all-completions"
	 (lambda (x)
	    (if (tramp-compat-string-search "d" (nth 1 x))
		(file-name-as-directory (nth 0 x))
	      (nth 0 x))))
	 (tramp-smb-get-file-entries directory)))))))

(defun tramp-smb-handle-file-system-info (filename)
  "Like `file-system-info' for Tramp files."
    (unless (file-directory-p filename)
      (setq filename (file-name-directory filename)))
    (with-parsed-tramp-file-name (expand-file-name filename) nil
      (when (tramp-smb-get-share v)
	(tramp-message v 5 "file system info: %s" localname)
	 v (format "du %s/*" (tramp-smb-shell-quote-localname v)))
	(with-current-buffer (tramp-get-connection-buffer v)
	  (let (total avail blocksize)
	    (goto-char (point-min))
	    (when (looking-at
		   (rx (* blank) (group (+ digit))
		       " blocks of size " (group (+ digit))
		       ". " (group (+ digit)) " blocks available"))
	      (setq blocksize (string-to-number (match-string 2))
		    total (* blocksize (string-to-number (match-string 1)))
		    avail (* blocksize (string-to-number (match-string 3)))))
	    (when (looking-at (rx "Total number of bytes: " (group (+ digit))))
	      ;; The used number of bytes is not part of the result.
	      ;; As side effect, we store it as file property.
	       v localname "used-bytes" (string-to-number (match-string 1))))
	    ;; Result.
	    (when (and total avail)
	      (list total (- total avail) avail))))))))

(defun tramp-smb-handle-file-writable-p (filename)
  "Like `file-writable-p' for Tramp files."
  (if (file-exists-p filename)
       "w" (or (file-attribute-modes (file-attributes filename)) ""))
    (let ((dir (file-name-directory filename)))
      (and (file-exists-p dir)
	   (file-writable-p dir)))))

(defun tramp-smb-handle-insert-directory
  (filename switches &optional wildcard full-directory-p)
  "Like `insert-directory' for Tramp files."
  (setq filename (expand-file-name filename))
  (unless switches (setq switches ""))
  ;; Mark trailing "/".
  (when (and (directory-name-p filename)
	     (not full-directory-p))
    (setq switches (concat switches "F")))
  (if full-directory-p
      ;; Called from `dired-add-entry'.
      (setq filename (file-name-as-directory filename))
    (setq filename (directory-file-name filename)))
  ;; Check, whether directory is accessible.
  (unless wildcard
    (access-file filename "Reading directory"))
  (with-parsed-tramp-file-name filename nil
    (with-tramp-progress-reporter v 0 (format "Opening directory %s" filename)
	(let ((base (file-name-nondirectory filename))
	      ;; We should not destroy the cache entry.
	      (entries (copy-tree
			 (file-name-directory filename))))
	      (avail (get-free-disk-space filename))
	      ;; `get-free-disk-space' calls `file-system-info', which
	      ;; sets file property "used-bytes" as side effect.
		(/ (tramp-get-file-property v localname "used-bytes" 0) 1024))))

	  (when wildcard
	    (string-match (rx ".") base)
	    (setq base (replace-match "\\\\." nil nil base))
	    (string-match (rx "*") base)
	    (setq base (replace-match ".*" nil nil base))
	    (string-match (rx "?") base)
	    (setq base (replace-match ".?" nil nil base)))

	  ;; Filter entries.
	  (setq entries
		 (if (or wildcard (string-empty-p base))
		     ;; Check for matching entries.
		      (lambda (x)
			(when (string-match-p
			       (tramp-compat-rx bol (literal base)) (nth 0 x))
		   ;; We just need the only and only entry FILENAME.
		   (list (assoc base entries)))))

	  ;; Sort entries.
	  (setq entries
		 (lambda (x y)
		   (if (tramp-compat-string-search "t" switches)
		       ;; Sort by date.
		       (time-less-p (nth 3 y) (nth 3 x))
		     ;; Sort by name.
		     (string-lessp (nth 0 x) (nth 0 y))))))

	  ;; Handle "-F" switch.
	  (when (tramp-compat-string-search "F" switches)
	     (lambda (x)
	       (unless (string-empty-p (car x))
		  ((char-equal ?d (string-to-char (nth 1 x)))
		   (setcar x (concat (car x) "/")))
		  ((char-equal ?x (string-to-char (nth 1 x)))
		   (setcar x (concat (car x) "*"))))))

	  ;; Insert size information.
	  (when full-directory-p
	     (if (and avail
		      ;; Emacs 29.1 or later.
		      (not (fboundp 'dired--insert-disk-space)))
		 (format "total used in directory %s available %s\n" used avail)
	       (format "total %s\n" used))))

	  ;; Print entries.
	   (lambda (x)
	     (unless (string-empty-p (nth 0 x))
	       (let ((attr
		      (when (tramp-smb-get-stat-capability v)
			    (nth 0 x) (file-name-directory filename))
		 (when (tramp-compat-string-search "l" switches)
		     "%10s %3d %-8s %-8s %8s %s "
		     (or (file-attribute-modes attr) (nth 1 x))
		     (or (file-attribute-link-number attr) 1)
		     (or (file-attribute-user-id attr) "nobody")
		     (or (file-attribute-group-id attr) "nogroup")
		     (or (file-attribute-size attr) (nth 2 x))
		      (if (time-less-p
			   ;; Half a year.
			   (time-since (nth 3 x)) (days-to-time 183))
			  "%b %e %R"
			"%b %e %Y")
		      (nth 3 x))))) ; date

		 ;; We mark the file name.  The inserted name could be
		 ;; from somewhere else, so we use the relative file name
		 ;; of `default-directory'.
		 (let ((start (point)))
		      (nth 0 x) (file-name-directory filename))
		     (when full-directory-p (file-name-directory filename))))
		   (put-text-property start (point) 'dired-filename t))

		 ;; Insert symlink.
		 (when (and (tramp-compat-string-search "l" switches)
			    (stringp (file-attribute-type attr)))
		   (insert " -> " (file-attribute-type attr))))

	       (insert "\n")

(defun tramp-smb-handle-make-directory (dir &optional parents)
  "Like `make-directory' for Tramp files."
  (setq dir (directory-file-name (expand-file-name dir)))
  (unless (file-name-absolute-p dir)
    (setq dir (expand-file-name dir default-directory)))
  (with-parsed-tramp-file-name dir nil
    (when (and (null parents) (file-exists-p dir))
      (tramp-error v 'file-already-exists dir))
    (let* ((ldir (file-name-directory dir)))
      ;; Make missing directory parts.
      (when (and parents
		 (tramp-smb-get-share v)
		 (not (file-directory-p ldir)))
	(make-directory ldir parents))
      ;; Just do it.
      (when (file-directory-p ldir)
	 v (if (tramp-smb-get-cifs-capabilities v)
	       (format "posix_mkdir %s %o"
		       (tramp-smb-shell-quote-localname v) (default-file-modes))
	     (format "mkdir %s" (tramp-smb-shell-quote-localname v))))
	;; We must also flush the cache of the directory, because
	;; `file-attributes' reads the values from there.
	(tramp-flush-file-properties v localname))
      (unless (file-directory-p dir)
	(tramp-error v 'file-error "Couldn't make directory %s" dir)))))

;; This is not used anymore.
(defun tramp-smb-handle-make-directory-internal (directory)
  "Like `make-directory-internal' for Tramp files."
  (declare (obsolete nil "29.1"))
  (setq directory (directory-file-name (expand-file-name directory)))
  (unless (file-name-absolute-p directory)
    (setq directory (expand-file-name directory default-directory)))
  (with-parsed-tramp-file-name directory nil
    (when (file-directory-p (file-name-directory directory))
       v (if (tramp-smb-get-cifs-capabilities v)
	     (format "posix_mkdir %s %o"
		     (tramp-smb-shell-quote-localname v) (default-file-modes))
	   (format "mkdir %s" (tramp-smb-shell-quote-localname v))))
      ;; We must also flush the cache of the directory, because
      ;; `file-attributes' reads the values from there.
      (tramp-flush-file-properties v localname))
    (unless (file-directory-p directory)
      (tramp-error v 'file-error "Couldn't make directory %s" directory))))

(defun tramp-smb-handle-make-symbolic-link
  (target linkname &optional ok-if-already-exists)
  "Like `make-symbolic-link' for Tramp files.
If TARGET is a non-Tramp file, it is used verbatim as the target
of the symlink.  If TARGET is a Tramp file, only the localname
component is used as the target of the symlink."
  (with-parsed-tramp-file-name linkname nil
    ;; If TARGET is a Tramp name, use just the localname component.
    ;; Don't check for a proper method.
    (let ((non-essential t))
      (when (and (tramp-tramp-file-p target)
		 (tramp-file-name-equal-p v (tramp-dissect-file-name target)))
	(setq target (tramp-file-local-name (expand-file-name target))))
      ;; There could be a cyclic link.
       v (expand-file-name target (tramp-file-local-name default-directory))))

    ;; If TARGET is still remote, quote it.
    (if (tramp-tramp-file-p target)
	 (tramp-compat-file-name-quote target 'top)
	 linkname ok-if-already-exists)

      ;; Do the 'confirm if exists' thing.
      (when (file-exists-p linkname)
	;; What to do?
	(if (or (null ok-if-already-exists) ; not allowed to exist
		(and (numberp ok-if-already-exists)
		     (not (yes-or-no-p
			    "File %s already exists; make it a link anyway?"
	    (tramp-error v 'file-already-exists localname)
	  (delete-file linkname)))

      (unless (tramp-smb-get-cifs-capabilities v)
	(tramp-error v 'file-error "make-symbolic-link not supported"))

      ;; We must also flush the cache of the directory, because
      ;; `file-attributes' reads the values from there.
      (tramp-flush-file-properties v localname)

      (unless (tramp-smb-send-command
	       v (format "symlink %s %s"
			 (tramp-smb-shell-quote-argument target)
			 (tramp-smb-shell-quote-localname v)))
	 v 'file-error
	 "error with make-symbolic-link, see buffer `%s' for details"
	 (tramp-get-connection-buffer v))))))

(defun tramp-smb-handle-process-file
  (program &optional infile destination display &rest args)
  "Like `process-file' for Tramp files."
  ;; The implementation is not complete yet.
  (when (and (numberp destination) (zerop destination))
    (error "Implementation does not handle immediate return"))

  (with-parsed-tramp-file-name (expand-file-name default-directory) nil
    (let* ((name (file-name-nondirectory program))
	   (name1 name)
	   (i 0)
	   input tmpinput outbuf command ret)

      ;; Determine input.
      (when infile
	(setq infile (tramp-compat-file-name-unquote (expand-file-name infile)))
	(if (tramp-equal-remote default-directory infile)
	    ;; INFILE is on the same remote host.
	    (setq input (tramp-unquote-file-local-name infile))
	  ;; INFILE must be copied to remote host.
	  (setq input (tramp-make-tramp-temp-file v)
		tmpinput (tramp-make-tramp-file-name v input))
	  (copy-file infile tmpinput t))
	;; Transform input into a filename powershell does understand.
	(setq input (format "//%s%s" host input)))

      ;; Determine output.
       ;; Just a buffer.
       ((bufferp destination)
	(setq outbuf destination))
       ;; A buffer name.
       ((stringp destination)
	(setq outbuf (get-buffer-create destination)))
       ((consp destination)
	;; output.
	 ((bufferp (car destination))
	  (setq outbuf (car destination)))
	 ((stringp (car destination))
	  (setq outbuf (get-buffer-create (car destination))))
	 ((car destination)
	  (setq outbuf (current-buffer))))
	;; stderr.
	(tramp-message v 2 "%s" "STDERR not supported"))
       ;; 't
	(setq outbuf (current-buffer))))

      ;; Construct command.
      (setq command (string-join (cons program args) " ")
	    command (if input
			 "get-content %s | & %s"
			 (tramp-smb-shell-quote-argument input) command)
		      (format "& %s" command)))

      (while (get-process name1)
	;; NAME must be unique as process name.
	(setq i (1+ i)
	      name1 (format "%s<%d>" name i)))

      ;; Call it.
      (condition-case nil
	      v '("process-name" "process-buffer")
	    ;; Set the new process properties.
	    (tramp-set-connection-property v "process-name" name1)
	     v "process-buffer"
	     (or outbuf (generate-new-buffer tramp-temp-buffer-name)))
	    (with-current-buffer (tramp-get-connection-buffer v)
	      ;; Preserve buffer contents.
	      (narrow-to-region (point-max) (point-max))
	      (tramp-smb-call-winexe v)
	      (when (tramp-smb-get-share v)
		 v (format "cd //%s%s" host
			    (file-name-directory localname)))))
	      (tramp-smb-send-command v command)
	      ;; Preserve command output.
	      (narrow-to-region (point-max) (point-max))
	      (let ((p (tramp-get-connection-process v)))
		(tramp-smb-send-command v "exit $lasterrorcode")
		(while (process-live-p p)
		  (sleep-for 0.1)
		  (setq ret (process-exit-status p))))
	      (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))

	;; When the user did interrupt, we should do it also.  We use
	;; return code -1 as marker.
	 (setq ret -1))
	;; Handle errors.
	 (setq ret 1)))

      ;; We should redisplay the output.
      (when (and display outbuf (get-buffer-window outbuf t)) (redisplay))

      ;; Cleanup.  We remove all file cache values for the connection,
      ;; because the remote process could have changed them.
      (when tmpinput (delete-file tmpinput))
      ;; FIXME: Does connection-property "process-buffer" still exist?
      (unless outbuf
	(kill-buffer (tramp-get-connection-property v "process-buffer")))
      (when process-file-side-effects
	(tramp-flush-directory-properties v "/"))

      ;; Return exit status.
      (if (equal ret -1)

(defun tramp-smb-handle-rename-file
  (filename newname &optional ok-if-already-exists)
  "Like `rename-file' for Tramp files."
  (setq filename (expand-file-name filename)
	newname (expand-file-name newname))

      (if (tramp-tramp-file-p filename) filename newname) nil
    (unless (file-exists-p filename)
      (tramp-error v 'file-missing filename))
    (when (and (not ok-if-already-exists) (file-exists-p newname))
      (tramp-error v 'file-already-exists newname))
    (when (and (file-directory-p newname)
	       (not (directory-name-p newname)))
      (tramp-error v 'file-error "File is a directory %s" newname))

	v 0 (format "Renaming %s to %s" filename newname)

      (if (and (not (file-exists-p newname))
	       (tramp-equal-remote filename newname)
		(tramp-smb-get-share (tramp-dissect-file-name filename))
		(tramp-smb-get-share (tramp-dissect-file-name newname))))
	  ;; We can rename directly.
	  (with-parsed-tramp-file-name filename v1
	    (with-parsed-tramp-file-name newname v2

	      ;; We must also flush the cache of the directory, because
	      ;; `file-attributes' reads the values from there.
	      (tramp-flush-file-properties v1 v1-localname)
	      (tramp-flush-file-properties v2 v2-localname)
	      (unless (tramp-smb-get-share v2)
		 v2 'file-error
		 "Target `%s' must contain a share name" newname))
	      (unless (tramp-smb-send-command
		       v2 (format "rename %s %s"
				  (tramp-smb-shell-quote-localname v1)
				  (tramp-smb-shell-quote-localname v2)))
		(tramp-error v2 'file-error "Cannot rename `%s'" filename))))

	;; We must rename via copy.
	 filename newname ok-if-already-exists 'keep-time 'preserve-uid-gid)
	(if (file-directory-p filename)
	    (delete-directory filename 'recursive)
	  (delete-file filename))))))

(defun tramp-smb-action-set-acl (proc vec)
  "Set ACL data."
  (unless (process-live-p proc)
    ;; Accept pending output.
    (while (tramp-accept-process-output proc))
     vec 10 "\n%s" (tramp-get-buffer-string (tramp-get-connection-buffer vec)))
    (throw 'tramp-action 'ok)))

(defun tramp-smb-handle-set-file-acl (filename acl-string)
  "Like `set-file-acl' for Tramp files."
    (with-parsed-tramp-file-name filename nil
      (tramp-flush-file-property v localname "file-acl")

      (when (and (stringp acl-string) (tramp-smb-remote-acl-p v))
	(let* ((share     (tramp-smb-get-share v))
	       (localname (tramp-compat-string-replace
			   "\\" "/" (tramp-smb-get-localname v)))
	       (args      (list (concat "//" host "/" share) "-E" "-S"
				 "\n" "," acl-string)))
	       (options   tramp-smb-options))

	  (if (tramp-string-empty-or-nil-p user)
	      (setq args (append args (list "-N")))
	    (setq args (append args (list "-U" user))))

	  (when domain (setq args (append args (list "-W" domain))))
	  (when port   (setq args (append args (list "-p" port))))
	  (when tramp-smb-conf
	    (setq args (append args (list "-s" tramp-smb-conf))))
	  (while options
	    (setq args
		  (append args `("--option" ,(format "%s" (car options))))
		  options (cdr options)))
	   (append args (list (tramp-unquote-shell-quote-argument localname)
			      "&&" "echo" "tramp_exit_status" "0"
			      "||" "echo" "tramp_exit_status" "1")))

		  v '("process-name" "process-buffer")
		  ;; Set the transfer process properties.
		   v "process-name" (buffer-name (current-buffer)))
		   v "process-buffer" (current-buffer))

		  ;; Use an asynchronous process.  By this, password
		  ;; can be handled.
		  (let ((p (apply
			    (tramp-get-connection-name v)
			    (tramp-get-connection-buffer v)
			    tramp-smb-acl-program args)))

		     v 6 "%s" (string-join (process-command p) " "))
		    (process-put p 'vector v)
		    (process-put p 'adjust-window-size-function #'ignore)
		    (set-process-query-on-exit-flag p nil)
		    (tramp-process-actions p v nil tramp-smb-actions-set-acl)
		    ;; This is meant for traces, and returning from
		    ;; the function.  No error is propagated outside,
		    ;; due to the `ignore-errors' closure.
			(tramp-search-regexp (rx "tramp_exit_status " (+ digit)))
		       v 'file-error
		       "Couldn't find exit status of `%s'"
		    (skip-chars-forward "^ ")
		    (when (zerop (read (current-buffer)))
		      ;; Success.
		      (tramp-set-file-property v localname "file-acl" acl-string)

(defun tramp-smb-handle-set-file-modes (filename mode &optional flag)
  "Like `set-file-modes' for Tramp files."
  ;; smbclient chmod does not support nofollow.
  (unless (and (eq flag 'nofollow) (file-symlink-p filename))
    (tramp-skeleton-set-file-modes-times-uid-gid filename
      (when (tramp-smb-get-cifs-capabilities v)
	(unless (tramp-smb-send-command
		 (format "chmod %s %o" (tramp-smb-shell-quote-localname v) mode))
	   v 'file-error "Error while changing file's mode %s" filename))))))

;; We use BUFFER also as connection buffer during setup.  Because of
;; this, its original contents must be saved, and restored once
;; connection has been setup.
(defun tramp-smb-handle-start-file-process (name buffer program &rest args)
  "Like `start-file-process' for Tramp files."
  (with-parsed-tramp-file-name default-directory nil
    (let* ((buffer
	    (if buffer
		(get-buffer-create buffer)
	      ;; BUFFER can be nil.  We use a temporary buffer.
	      (generate-new-buffer tramp-temp-buffer-name)))
	   (command (string-join (cons program args) " "))
	   (bmp (and (buffer-live-p buffer) (buffer-modified-p buffer)))
	   (name1 name)
	   (i 0)
	      v '("process-name" "process-buffer")
		(while (get-process name1)
		  ;; NAME must be unique as process name.
		  (setq i (1+ i)
			name1 (format "%s<%d>" name i)))
		;; Set the new process properties.
		(tramp-set-connection-property v "process-name" name1)
		(tramp-set-connection-property v "process-buffer" buffer)
		;; Activate narrowing in order to save BUFFER contents.
		(with-current-buffer (tramp-get-connection-buffer v)
		  (let ((buffer-undo-list t))
		    (narrow-to-region (point-max) (point-max))
		    (tramp-smb-call-winexe v)
		    (when (tramp-smb-get-share v)
		       v (format
			  "cd //%s%s"
			   (file-name-directory localname)))))
		    (tramp-message v 6 "(%s); exit" command)
		    (tramp-send-string v command)))
		(setq p (tramp-get-connection-process v))
		(when program
		  (process-put p 'remote-command (cons program args))
		   p "remote-command" (cons program args)))
		;; Return value.

	;; Save exit.
	;; FIXME: Does `tramp-get-connection-buffer' return the proper value?
	(with-current-buffer (tramp-get-connection-buffer v)
	  (if (tramp-compat-string-search tramp-temp-buffer-name (buffer-name))
		(set-process-buffer (tramp-get-connection-process v) nil)
		(kill-buffer (current-buffer)))
	    (set-buffer-modified-p bmp)))))))

(defun tramp-smb-handle-substitute-in-file-name (filename)
  "Like `substitute-in-file-name' for Tramp files.
\"//\" substitutes only in the local filename part.  Catches
errors for shares like \"C$/\", which are common in Microsoft Windows."
  ;; Check, whether the local part is a quoted file name.
  (if (tramp-compat-file-name-quoted-p filename)
    (with-parsed-tramp-file-name filename nil
      ;; Ignore in LOCALNAME everything before "//".
      (when (and (stringp localname)
		 (string-match (rx (+? nonl) "/" (group (| "/" "~"))) localname))
	(setq filename
	      (concat (file-remote-p filename)
		      (replace-match "\\1" nil nil localname)))))
    (condition-case nil
	(tramp-run-real-handler #'substitute-in-file-name (list filename))
      (error filename))))

(defun tramp-smb-handle-get-home-directory (vec &optional user)
  "The remote home directory for connection VEC as local file name.
If USER is a string, return its home directory instead of the
user identified by VEC.  If there is no user specified in either
VEC or USER, or if there is no home directory, return nil."
  (let ((user (or user (tramp-file-name-user vec))))
    (unless (tramp-string-empty-or-nil-p user)
      (concat "/" user))))

(defun tramp-smb-handle-write-region
  (start end filename &optional append visit lockname mustbenew)
  "Like `write-region' for Tramp files."
  (tramp-skeleton-write-region start end filename append visit lockname mustbenew
    (let ((tmpfile (tramp-compat-make-temp-file filename)))
      (when (and append (file-exists-p filename))
	(copy-file filename tmpfile 'ok))
      ;; We say `no-message' here because we don't want the visited file
      ;; modtime data to be clobbered from the temp file.  We call
      ;; `set-visited-file-modtime' ourselves later on.
      (let (create-lockfiles)
        (write-region start end tmpfile append 'no-message))

	  v 3 (format "Moving tmp file %s to %s" tmpfile filename)
	    (unless (tramp-smb-send-command
		     v (format "put %s %s"
			       (tramp-smb-shell-quote-argument tmpfile)
			       (tramp-smb-shell-quote-localname v)))
	      (tramp-error v 'file-error "Cannot write `%s'" filename))
	  (delete-file tmpfile))))))

;; Internal file name functions.

(defun tramp-smb-get-share (vec)
  "Return the share name of LOCALNAME."
    (let ((localname (tramp-file-name-unquote-localname vec)))
      (when (string-match
	     (tramp-compat-rx bol (? "/") (group (+ (not "/"))) "/") localname)
	(match-string 1 localname)))))

(defun tramp-smb-get-localname (vec)
  "Return the file name of LOCALNAME.
If VEC has no cifs capabilities, exchange \"/\" by \"\\\\\"."
    (let ((localname (tramp-file-name-unquote-localname vec)))
       (if (string-match
	    (tramp-compat-rx bol (? "/") (+ (not "/")) (group "/" (* nonl)))
	   ;; There is a share, separated by "/".
	   (if (not (tramp-smb-get-cifs-capabilities vec))
		(lambda (x) (if (equal x ?/) "\\" (char-to-string x)))
		(match-string 1 localname) "")
	     (match-string 1 localname))
	 ;; There is just a share.
	 (if (string-match
	      (tramp-compat-rx bol (? "/") (group (+ (not "/"))) eol) localname)
	     (match-string 1 localname)

      ;; Sometimes we have discarded `substitute-in-file-name'.
      (when (string-match (rx (group "$$") (| "/" eol)) localname)
	(setq localname (replace-match "$" nil nil localname 1)))

      ;; A trailing space is not supported.
      (when (string-match-p (rx blank eol) localname)
	 vec 'file-error
	 "Invalid file name %s" (tramp-make-tramp-file-name vec localname)))


;; Share names of a host are cached.  It is very unlikely that the
;; shares do change during connection.
(defun tramp-smb-get-file-entries (directory)
  "Read entries which match DIRECTORY.
Either the shares are listed, or the `dir' command is executed.
  ;; If CIFS capabilities are enabled, symlinks are not listed
  ;; by `dir'.  This is a consequence of
  ;; <https://www.samba.org/samba/news/symlink_attack.html>.  See also
  ;; <https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5116>.
  (with-parsed-tramp-file-name (file-name-as-directory directory) nil
    (setq localname (or localname "/"))
    (with-tramp-file-property v localname "file-entries"
      (let* ((share (tramp-smb-get-share v))
	     (cache (tramp-get-connection-property v "share-cache"))
	     res entry)

	(if (and (not share) cache)
	    ;; Return cached shares.
	    (setq res cache)

	  ;; Read entries.
	  (if share
	       v (format "dir %s*" (tramp-smb-shell-quote-localname v)))
	    ;; `tramp-smb-maybe-open-connection' lists also the share names.
	    (tramp-smb-maybe-open-connection v))

	  ;; Loop the listing.
	  (with-current-buffer (tramp-get-connection-buffer v)
	    (goto-char (point-min))
	    (if (re-search-forward tramp-smb-errors nil t)
		(tramp-error v 'file-error "%s `%s'" (match-string 0) directory)
	      (while (not (eobp))
		(setq entry (tramp-smb-read-file-entry share))
		(when entry (push entry res)))))

	  ;; Cache share entries.
	  (unless share
	    (tramp-set-connection-property v "share-cache" res)))

	;; Add directory itself.
	(push '("" "drwxrwxrwx" 0 (0 0)) res)

	;; Return entries.
	(delq nil res)))))

;; Return either a share name (if SHARE is nil), or a file name.
;; If shares are listed, the following format is expected:
;; Disk|                                  - leading spaces
;; [^|]+|                                 - share name, 14 char
;; .*                                     - comment
;; Entries provided by smbclient DIR aren't fully regular.
;; They should have the format
;; \s-\{2,2\}                             - leading spaces
;; \S-\(.*\S-\)\s-*                       - file name, 30 chars, left bound
;; \s-+[ADHRSV]*                          - permissions, 7 chars, right bound
;; \s-                                    - space delimiter
;; \s-+[[:digit:]]+                       - size, 8 chars, right bound
;; \s-\{2,2\}                             - space delimiter
;; \w\{3,3\}                              - weekday
;; \s-                                    - space delimiter
;; \w\{3,3\}                              - month
;; \s-                                    - space delimiter
;; [ 12][[:digit:]]                       - day
;; \s-                                    - space delimiter
;; [[:digit:]]\{2,2\}:[[:digit:]]\{2,2\}:[[:digit:]]\{2,2\} - time
;; \s-                                    - space delimiter
;; [[:digit:]]\{4,4\}                     - year
;; samba/src/client.c (http://samba.org/doxygen/samba/client_8c-source.html)
;; has function display_finfo:
;;   d_printf("  %-30s%7.7s %8.0f  %s",
;;            finfo->name,
;;            attrib_string(finfo->mode),
;;            (double)finfo->size,
;;            asctime(LocalTime(&t)));
;; in Samba 1.9, there's the following code:
;;   DEBUG(0,("  %-30s%7.7s%10d  %s",
;;  	   CNV_LANG(finfo->name),
;;	   attrib_string(finfo->mode),
;;	   finfo->size,
;;	   asctime(LocalTime(&t))));
;; Problems:
;; * Modern regexp constructs, like spy groups and counted repetitions, aren't
;;   available in older versions of Emacs.
;; * The length of constructs (file name, size) might exceed the default.
;; * File names might contain spaces.
;; * Permissions might be empty.
;; So we try to analyze backwards.
(defun tramp-smb-read-file-entry (share)
  "Parse entry in SMB output buffer.
If SHARE is result, entries are of type dir.  Otherwise, shares
are listed.  Result is the list (LOCALNAME MODE SIZE MTIME)."
;; We are called from `tramp-smb-get-file-entries', which sets the
;; current buffer.
  (let ((line (buffer-substring (point) (line-end-position)))
	localname mode size month day hour min sec year mtime)

    (if (not share)

	;; Read share entries.
	(when (string-match
	       (tramp-compat-rx bol "Disk|" (group (+ (not "|"))) "|") line)
	  (setq localname (match-string 1 line)
		mode "dr-xr-xr-x"
		size 0))

      ;; Real listing.
      (cl-block nil

	;; year.
	(if (string-match (rx (group (+ digit)) eol) line)
	    (setq year (string-to-number (match-string 1 line))
		  line (substring line 0 -5))

	;; time.
	(if (string-match
	     (rx (group (+ digit)) ":"
		 (group (+ digit)) ":"
		 (group (+ digit)) eol)
	    (setq hour (string-to-number (match-string 1 line))
		  min  (string-to-number (match-string 2 line))
		  sec  (string-to-number (match-string 3 line))
		  line (substring line 0 -9))

	;; day.
	(if (string-match (rx (group (+ digit)) eol) line)
	    (setq day  (string-to-number (match-string 1 line))
		  line (substring line 0 -3))

	;; month.
	(if (string-match (rx (group (+ wordchar)) eol) line)
	    (setq month (match-string 1 line)
		  line  (substring line 0 -4))

	;; weekday.
	(if (string-match-p (rx (+ wordchar) eol) line)
	    (setq line (substring line 0 -5))

	;; size.
	(if (string-match (rx (group (+ digit)) eol) line)
	    (let ((length (- (max 10 (1+ (length (match-string 1 line)))))))
	      (setq size (string-to-number (match-string 1 line)))
	      (when (string-match
		     (rx (+ (any "ACDEHNORSTVrs"))) (substring line length))
		(setq length (+ length (match-end 0))))
	      (setq line (substring line 0 length)))


	(if (string-match (rx (? (group (+ (any "ACDEHNORSTVrs")))) eol) line)
	     mode (or (match-string 1 line) "")
	     mode (format
		    (if (tramp-compat-string-search "D" mode) "d" "-")
		     (lambda (_x) "") "    "
		      (if (tramp-compat-string-search "R" mode) "-" "w"))))
	     line (substring line 0 -6))

	;; localname.
	(if (string-match
	     (rx bol (+ blank)
		 (group (not blank) (? (* nonl) (not blank)))
		 (* blank) eol)
	    (setq localname (match-string 1 line))

    (when (and localname mode size)
      (setq mtime
	    (if (and sec min hour day month year)
		 sec min hour day
		 ;; `parse-time-months' could be customized by the
		 ;; user, so we take its default value.
		   (downcase month)
		   (default-toplevel-value 'parse-time-months)))
      (list localname mode size mtime))))

(defun tramp-smb-get-cifs-capabilities (vec)
  "Check whether the SMB server supports POSIX commands."
  ;; When we are not logged in yet, we return nil.  The
  ;; connection-local property "posix" is not set explicitly; it is
  ;; just checked in order to let a user configure it to nil on hosts
  ;; which return cifs properties, but lack a proper implementation.
  ;; Very old Samba implementations, for example.
  (if (and (process-live-p (tramp-get-connection-process vec))
	   (tramp-get-connection-property vec "posix" t))
	  (tramp-get-process vec) "cifs-capabilities"
	  (when (tramp-smb-send-command vec "posix")
	    (with-current-buffer (tramp-get-connection-buffer vec)
	      (goto-char (point-min))
		  (re-search-forward "Server supports CIFS capabilities" nil t)
		  (buffer-substring (point) (line-end-position))
		  nil 'omit)))))))))

(defun tramp-smb-get-stat-capability (vec)
  "Check whether the SMB server supports the `stat' command."
  ;; When we are not logged in yet, we return nil.
  (if (and (tramp-smb-get-share vec)
	   (process-live-p (tramp-get-connection-process vec)))
      (with-tramp-connection-property (tramp-get-process vec) "stat-capability"
	(tramp-smb-send-command vec "stat /"))))

;; Connection functions.

(defun tramp-smb-send-command (vec command)
  "Send the COMMAND to connection VEC.
Returns nil if there has been an error message from smbclient."
  (tramp-smb-maybe-open-connection vec)
  (tramp-message vec 6 "%s" command)
  (tramp-send-string vec command)
  (tramp-smb-wait-for-output vec))

(defun tramp-smb-maybe-open-connection (vec &optional argument)
  "Maybe open a connection to HOST, log in as USER, using `tramp-smb-program'.
Does not do anything if a connection is already open, but re-opens the
connection if a previous connection has died for some reason.
If ARGUMENT is non-nil, use it as argument for
`tramp-smb-winexe-program', and suppress any checks."
  ;; During completion, don't reopen a new connection.
  (unless (tramp-connectable-p vec)
    (throw 'non-essential 'non-essential))

  (let* ((share (tramp-smb-get-share vec))
	 (buf (tramp-get-connection-buffer vec))
	 (p (get-buffer-process buf)))

    ;; Check whether we still have the same smbclient version.
    ;; Otherwise, we must delete the connection cache, because
    ;; capabilities might have changed.
    (unless (or argument (processp p))
      (let ((default-directory tramp-compat-temporary-file-directory)
	    (command (concat tramp-smb-program " -V")))

	(unless tramp-smb-version
	  (unless (executable-find tramp-smb-program)
	     vec 'file-error
	     "Cannot find command %s in %s" tramp-smb-program exec-path))
	  (setq tramp-smb-version (shell-command-to-string command))
	  (tramp-message vec 6 command)
	  (tramp-message vec 6 "\n%s" tramp-smb-version)
	  (if (string-match (rx (+ (any " \t\r\n")) eos) tramp-smb-version)
	      (setq tramp-smb-version
		    (replace-match "" nil nil tramp-smb-version))))

	(unless (string-equal
		  vec "smbclient-version" tramp-smb-version))
	  (tramp-flush-directory-properties vec "/")
	  (tramp-flush-connection-properties vec))

	 vec "smbclient-version" tramp-smb-version)))

    ;; If too much time has passed since last command was sent, look
    ;; whether there has been an error message; maybe due to
    ;; connection timeout.
    (with-current-buffer buf
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (when (and (time-less-p
		  60 (time-since
		      (tramp-get-connection-property p "last-cmd-time" 0)))
		 (process-live-p p)
		 (re-search-forward tramp-smb-errors nil t))
	(delete-process p)
	(setq p nil)))

    ;; Check whether it is still the same share.
    (unless (and (process-live-p p)
		 (or argument
		      (tramp-get-connection-property p "smb-share" ""))))
	;; There might be unread output from checking for share names.
	(when buf (with-current-buffer buf (erase-buffer)))
	(when (and p (processp p)) (delete-process p))

	(let* ((user   (tramp-file-name-user vec))
	       (host   (tramp-file-name-host vec))
	       (domain (tramp-file-name-domain vec))
	       (port   (tramp-file-name-port vec))
	       (options tramp-smb-options)

	    (setq args (list (concat "//" host))))
	    (setq args (list (concat "//" host "/" share))))
	    (setq args (list "-g" "-L" host ))))

	  (if (tramp-string-empty-or-nil-p user)
	      (setq args (append args (list "-N")))
	    (setq args (append args (list "-U" user))))

	  (when domain (setq args (append args (list "-W" domain))))
	  (when port   (setq args (append args (list "-p" port))))
	  (when tramp-smb-conf
	    (setq args (append args (list "-s" tramp-smb-conf))))
	  (dolist (option options)
	    (setq args (append args (list "--option" option))))
	  (when argument
	    (setq args (append args (list argument))))

	  ;; OK, let's go.
	      vec 3
	      (format "Opening connection for //%s%s/%s"
		      (if (tramp-string-empty-or-nil-p user)
			  "" (concat user "@"))
		      host (or share ""))

	    (let* (coding-system-for-read
		   (process-connection-type tramp-process-connection-type)
		   (p (let ((default-directory
			     (cons (concat "TERM=" tramp-terminal-type)
			(apply #'start-process
			       (tramp-get-connection-name vec)
			       (tramp-get-connection-buffer vec)
			       (if argument
				   tramp-smb-winexe-program tramp-smb-program)

	      (tramp-message vec 6 "%s" (string-join (process-command p) " "))
	      (process-put p 'vector vec)
	      (process-put p 'adjust-window-size-function #'ignore)
	      (set-process-query-on-exit-flag p nil)

	      ;; Set connection-local variables.
	      (tramp-set-connection-local-variables vec)

	      (condition-case err
		  (let ((inhibit-message t))
		    ;; Play login scenario.
		     p vec nil
		     (if (or argument share)

		    ;; Set chunksize to 1.  smbclient reads its input
		    ;; character by character; if we send the string
		    ;; at once, it is read painfully slow.
		    (tramp-set-connection-property p "smb-share" share)
		    (tramp-set-connection-property p "chunksize" 1)

		    ;; Mark it as connected.
		    (tramp-set-connection-property p "connected" t))

		;; Check for the error reason.  If it was due to wrong
		;; password, reestablish the connection.  We cannot
		;; handle this in `tramp-process-actions', because
		;; smbclient does not ask for the password, again.
		 (with-current-buffer (tramp-get-connection-buffer vec)
		   (goto-char (point-min))
		   (if (and (bound-and-true-p auth-sources)
			     tramp-smb-wrong-passwd-regexp nil t))
		       ;; Disable `auth-source' and `password-cache'.
		       (let (auth-sources)
			  vec 3 "Retry connection with new password")
			 (tramp-cleanup-connection vec t)
			 (tramp-smb-maybe-open-connection vec argument))
		     ;; Propagate the error.
		     (signal (car err) (cdr err)))))))))))))

;; We don't use timeouts.  If needed, the caller shall wrap around.
(defun tramp-smb-wait-for-output (vec)
  "Wait for output from smbclient command.
Removes smb prompt.  Returns nil if an error message has appeared."
  (with-current-buffer (tramp-get-connection-buffer vec)
    (let ((p (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))
	  (inhibit-read-only t))

      ;; Read pending output.
      (while (not (re-search-forward tramp-smb-prompt nil t))
	(while (tramp-accept-process-output p 0))
	(goto-char (point-min)))
      (tramp-message vec 6 "\n%s" (buffer-string))

      ;; Remove prompt.
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (when (re-search-forward tramp-smb-prompt nil t)
	(goto-char (point-max))
	(re-search-backward tramp-smb-prompt nil t)
	(delete-region (point) (point-max)))

      ;; Return value is whether no error message has appeared.
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (not (re-search-forward tramp-smb-errors nil t)))))

(defun tramp-smb-kill-winexe-function ()
  "Send SIGKILL to the winexe process."
    (let ((p (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))))
      (when (process-live-p p)
	(signal-process (process-id p) 'SIGINT)))))

(defun tramp-smb-call-winexe (vec)
  "Apply a remote command, if possible, using `tramp-smb-winexe-program'."
  ;; Check for program.
  (unless (executable-find tramp-smb-winexe-program)
     vec 'file-error "Cannot find program: %s" tramp-smb-winexe-program))

  ;; winexe does not supports ports.
  (when (tramp-file-name-port vec)
    (tramp-error vec 'file-error "Port not supported for remote processes"))

    "%s %s"
    tramp-smb-winexe-shell-command tramp-smb-winexe-shell-command-switch))

  (add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook #'tramp-smb-kill-winexe-function nil t)

  ;; Suppress "^M".  Shouldn't we specify utf8?
  (set-process-coding-system (tramp-get-connection-process vec) 'raw-text-dos)

  ;; Set width to 128.  This avoids mixing prompt and long error messages.
  (tramp-smb-send-command vec "$rawui = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI")
  (tramp-smb-send-command vec "$bufsize = $rawui.BufferSize")
  (tramp-smb-send-command vec "$winsize = $rawui.WindowSize")
  (tramp-smb-send-command vec "$bufsize.Width = 128")
  (tramp-smb-send-command vec "$winsize.Width = 128")
  (tramp-smb-send-command vec "$rawui.BufferSize = $bufsize")
  (tramp-smb-send-command vec "$rawui.WindowSize = $winsize"))

(defun tramp-smb-shell-quote-argument (s)
  "Similar to `shell-quote-argument', but uses Windows cmd syntax."
  (let ((system-type 'ms-dos))
    (tramp-unquote-shell-quote-argument s)))

(defun tramp-smb-shell-quote-localname (vec)
  "Call `tramp-smb-shell-quote-argument' on localname of VEC."
  (tramp-smb-shell-quote-argument (tramp-smb-get-localname vec)))

(add-hook 'tramp-unload-hook
	  (lambda ()
	    (unload-feature 'tramp-smb 'force)))

(provide 'tramp-smb)

;;; TODO:

;; * Return more comprehensive file permission string.
;; * Try to remove the inclusion of dummy "" directory.  Seems to be at
;;   several places, especially in `tramp-smb-handle-insert-directory'.
;; * Keep a separate connection process per share.

;;; tramp-smb.el ends here