;;; skewer-bower.el --- dynamic library loading -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
;;; Commentary:
;; This package loads libraries into the current page using the bower
;; infrastructure. Note: bower is not actually used by this package
;; and so does *not* need to be installed. Only git is required (see
;; `skewer-bower-git-executable'). It will try to learn how to run git
;; from Magit if available.
;; The interactive command for loading libraries is
;; `skewer-bower-load'. It will prompt for a library and a version,
;; automatically fetching it from the bower infrastructure if needed.
;; For example, I often find it handy to load some version of jQuery
;; when poking around at a page that doesn't already have it loaded.
;; Caveat: unfortunately the bower infrastructure is a mess; many
;; packages are in some sort of broken state -- missing dependencies,
;; missing metadata, broken metadata, or an invalid repository URL.
;; Some of this is due to under-specification of the metadata by the
;; bower project. Broken packages are unlikely to be loadable by
;; skewer-bower.
;;; Code:
; optional
; Try to match Magit's configuration if available
;; Git functions
;; Bower functions
;; Serving the library
;;; skewer-bower.el ends here