This is, produced by makeinfo version 6.7 from evil.texi.

     Evil 1.15.0, Jan 07, 2022

     Eivind Fonn, Frank Fischer, Vegard Øye

     Copyright © 2011-2019, Eivind Fonn, Frank Fischer, Vegard Øye

* evil: ( Extensible vi layer for Emacs

   Generated by Sphinx 4.3.2.

File:,  Node: Top,  Next: Overview,  Up: (dir)

Evil documentation

     Evil 1.15.0, Jan 07, 2022

     Eivind Fonn, Frank Fischer, Vegard Øye

     Copyright © 2011-2019, Eivind Fonn, Frank Fischer, Vegard Øye

* Menu:

* Overview::
* Settings::
* Keymaps::
* Hooks::
* Extension::
* Frequently Asked Questions::
* Internals::
* The GNU Free Documentation License::
* Emacs lisp functions and variables::

 — The Detailed Node Listing —


* Installation via package.el: Installation via package el.
* Manual installation::
* Modes and states::


* The initial state::
* Keybindings and other behaviour::
* Search::
* Indentation::
* Cursor movement::
* Cursor display::
* Window management::
* Parenthesis highlighting::
* Miscellaneous::


* evil-define-key::
* Leader keys::


* Motions::
* Operators::
* Text objects::
* Range types::
* States::

Frequently Asked Questions

* Problems with the escape key in the terminal::
* Underscore is not a word character::


* Command properties::

File:,  Node: Overview,  Next: Settings,  Prev: Top,  Up: Top

1 Overview

Evil is an extensible vi layer for Emacs.  It emulates the main features
of Vim, (1) turning Emacs into a modal editor.  Like Emacs in general,
Evil is extensible in Emacs Lisp.

* Menu:

* Installation via package.el: Installation via package el.
* Manual installation::
* Modes and states::

   ---------- Footnotes ----------

   (1) (1) Vim is the most popular version of `vi', a modal text editor
with many implementations.  Vim also adds some functions of its own,
like visual selection and text objects.  For more information see the
official Vim website (

File:,  Node: Installation via package el,  Next: Manual installation,  Up: Overview

1.1 Installation via package.el

Evil is available as a package from MELPA stable, MELPA unstable and
NonGNU ELPA. This is the recommended way of installing Evil.

To set up ‘package.el’ to work with one of the MELPA repositories, you
can follow the instructions on

Alternatively you can use NonGNU ELPA. It is part of the default package
archives as of Emacs 28.  For older Emacs versions you’ll need to add it

     (add-to-list 'package-archives
                  (cons "nongnu" (format "http%s://"
                                         (if (gnutls-available-p) "s" ""))))

Once that is done, you can execute the following commands:

     M-x package-refresh-contents
     M-x package-install RET evil RET

Finally, add the following lines to your Emacs init file:

     (require 'evil)
     (evil-mode 1)

   ---------- Footnotes ----------


File:,  Node: Manual installation,  Next: Modes and states,  Prev: Installation via package el,  Up: Overview

1.2 Manual installation

First, install ‘goto-chg’ and ‘cl-lib’.  If you have an Emacs version of
24.3 or newer, you should already have ‘cl-lib’.

Evil lives in a git repository.  To download Evil, do:

     git clone --depth 1

Then add the following lines to your Emacs init file:

     (add-to-list 'load-path "path/to/evil")
     (require 'evil)
     (evil-mode 1)

Ensure that your replace ‘path/to/evil’ with the actual path to where
you cloned Evil.

File:,  Node: Modes and states,  Prev: Manual installation,  Up: Overview

1.3 Modes and states

The next time Emacs is started, it will come up in `normal state',
denoted by ‘<N>’ in the mode line.  This is where the main vi bindings
are defined.  Note that you can always disable normal state with ‘C-z’,
which switches to an “Emacs state” (denoted by ‘<E>’) in which vi keys
are completely disabled.  Press ‘C-z’ again to switch back to normal


     Evil uses the term `state' for what is called a “mode” in regular
     vi usage, because `modes' are understood in Emacs terms to mean
     something else.

Evil defines a number of states by default:

normal state (‘<N>’)

     This is the default “resting state” of Evil, in which the main body
     of vi bindings are defined.

insert state (‘<I>’)

     This is the state for insertion of text, where non-modified keys
     will insert the corresponding character in the buffer.

visual state (‘<V>’)

     A state for selecting text regions.  Motions are available for
     modifying the selected region, and operators are available for
     acting on it.

replace state (‘<R>’)

     A special state mostly similar to insert state, except it replaces
     text instead of inserting.

operator-pending state (‘<O>’)

     A special state entered after launching an operator, but before
     specifying the corresponding motion or text object.

motion state (‘<M>’)

     A special state useful for buffers that are read-only, where
     motions are available but editing operations are not.

Emacs state (‘<E>’)

     A state that as closely as possible mimics default Emacs behaviour,
     by eliminating all vi bindings, except for ‘C-z’, to re-enter
     normal state.

File:,  Node: Settings,  Next: Keymaps,  Prev: Overview,  Up: Top

2 Settings

Evil’s behaviour can be adjusted by setting some variables.  The list of
all available variables and their current values can be inspected by

     M-x customize-group RET evil RET

To change the value of a variable, you can use this interface, or add a
‘setq’ form to your Emacs init file, preferably before Evil is loaded.

     (setq evil-shift-width 0)
     ;; Load Evil
     (require 'evil)

What follows is a non-exhaustive list of the most relevant customization

* Menu:

* The initial state::
* Keybindings and other behaviour::
* Search::
* Indentation::
* Cursor movement::
* Cursor display::
* Window management::
* Parenthesis highlighting::
* Miscellaneous::

   ---------- Footnotes ----------

   (1) (1) Strictly speaking, the order only matters if the variable
affects the way Evil is loaded.  This is the case with some variables.

File:,  Node: The initial state,  Next: Keybindings and other behaviour,  Up: Settings

2.1 The initial state

The initial state of a buffer is determined by its major mode.  Evil
maintains an association between major modes and their corresponding
states, which is most easily modified using the function *note
evil-set-initial-state: 30.

 -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-set-initial-state MODE STATE)

     Set the initial state for major mode `MODE' to `STATE'. This is the
     state the buffer comes up in.

If no state can be found, Evil uses the default initial state.

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-default-state

     The default Evil state.  This is the state a buffer starts in when
     it is not otherwise configured (see *note evil-set-initial-state:
     30. and *note evil-buffer-regexps: 5.).  The value may be one of
     ‘normal’, ‘insert’, ‘visual’, ‘replace’, ‘operator’, ‘motion’ and

     Default: ‘normal’

Alternatively, it is possible to select the initial state based on the
buffer `name' rather than its major mode.  This is checked first, so it
takes precedence over the other methods for setting the state.

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-buffer-regexps

     Regular expressions determining the initial state for a buffer.
     Entries have the form ‘(REGEXP . STATE)’, where `REGEXP' is a
     regular expression matching the buffer’s name and `STATE' is one of
     ‘normal’, ‘insert’, ‘visual’, ‘replace’, ‘operator’, ‘motion’,
     ‘emacs’ and ‘nil’.  If `STATE' is ‘nil’, Evil is disabled in the

     Default: ‘(("^ \\*load\\*"))’

File:,  Node: Keybindings and other behaviour,  Next: Search,  Prev: The initial state,  Up: Settings

2.2 Keybindings and other behaviour

Evil comes with a rich system for modifying its key bindings *note
Keymaps: 4f.  For the most common tweaks, the following variables are

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-toggle-key

     The key used to change to and from Emacs state.  Must be readable
     by ‘read-kbd-macro’.  For example: “C-z”.

     Default: ‘"C-z"’

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-want-C-i-jump

     Whether ‘C-i’ jumps forward in the jump list (like Vim).
     Otherwise, ‘C-i’ inserts a tab character.

     Default: ‘t’

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-want-C-u-delete

     Whether ‘C-u’ deletes back to indentation in insert state.
     Otherwise, ‘C-u’ applies a prefix argument.  The binding of ‘C-u’
     mirrors Emacs behaviour by default due to the relative ubiquity of
     prefix arguments.

     Default: ‘nil’

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-want-C-u-scroll

     Whether ‘C-u’ scrolls up (like Vim).  Otherwise, ‘C-u’ applies a
     prefix argument.  The binding of ‘C-u’ mirrors Emacs behaviour by
     default due to the relative ubiquity of prefix arguments.

     Default: ‘nil’

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-want-C-d-scroll

     Whether ‘C-d’ scrolls down (like Vim).

     Default: ‘t’

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-want-C-w-delete

     Whether ‘C-w’ deletes a word in Insert state.

     Default: ‘t’

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-want-C-w-in-emacs-state

     Whether ‘C-w’ prefixes windows commands in Emacs state.

     Default: ‘nil’

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-want-Y-yank-to-eol

     Whether ‘Y’ yanks to the end of the line.  The default behavior is
     to yank the whole line, like Vim.

     Default: ‘nil’

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-disable-insert-state-bindings

     Whether insert state bindings should be used.  Bindings for escape,
     delete and *note evil-toggle-key: 37. are always available.  If
     this is non-nil, default Emacs bindings are by and large accessible
     in insert state.

     Default: ‘nil’

File:,  Node: Search,  Next: Indentation,  Prev: Keybindings and other behaviour,  Up: Settings

2.3 Search

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-search-module

     The search module to be used.  May be either ‘isearch’, for Emacs’
     isearch module, or ‘evil-search’, for Evil’s own interactive search
     module.  N.b.  changing this will not affect keybindings.  To swap
     out relevant keybindings, see ‘evil-select-search-module’ function.

     Default: ‘isearch’

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-regexp-search

     Whether to use regular expressions for searching in ‘/’ and ‘?’.

     Default: ‘t’

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-search-wrap

     Whether search with ‘/’ and ‘?’ wraps around the buffer.  If this
     is non-nil, search stops at the buffer boundaries.

     Default: ‘t’

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-flash-delay

     Time in seconds to flash search matches after ‘n’ and ‘N’.

     Default: ‘2’

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-ex-hl-update-delay

     Time in seconds of idle before updating search highlighting.
     Setting this to a period shorter than that of keyboard’s repeat
     rate allows highlights to update while scrolling.

     Default: ‘0.02’

File:,  Node: Indentation,  Next: Cursor movement,  Prev: Search,  Up: Settings

2.4 Indentation

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-auto-indent

     Whether to auto-indent when opening lines with ‘o’ and ‘O’.

     Default: ‘t’, buffer-local

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-shift-width

     The number of columns by which a line is shifted.  This applies to
     the shifting operators ‘>’ and ‘<’.

     Default: ‘4’, buffer-local

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-shift-round

     Whether shifting rounds to the nearest multiple.  If non-nil, ‘>’
     and ‘<’ adjust line indentation to the nearest multiple of *note
     evil-shift-width: 33.

     Default: ‘t’, buffer-local

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-indent-convert-tabs

     If non-nil, the ‘=’ operator converts between leading tabs and
     spaces.  Whether tabs are converted to spaces or vice versa depends
     on the value of ‘indent-tabs-mode’.

     Default: ‘t’

File:,  Node: Cursor movement,  Next: Cursor display,  Prev: Indentation,  Up: Settings

2.5 Cursor movement

In standard Emacs terms, the cursor is generally understood to be
located between two characters.  In Vim, and therefore also Evil, this
is the case in insert state, but in other states the cursor is
understood to be `on' a character, and that this character is not a

Forcing this behaviour in Emacs is the source of some potentially
surprising results (especially for traditional Emacs users—users used to
Vim may find the default behavior to their satisfaction).  Many of them
can be tweaked using the following variables.

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-repeat-move-cursor

     Whether repeating commands with ‘.’ may move the cursor.  If nil,
     the original cursor position is preserved, even if the command
     normally would have moved the cursor.

     Default: ‘t’

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-move-cursor-back

     Whether the cursor is moved backwards when exiting insert state.
     If non-nil, the cursor moves “backwards” when exiting insert state,
     so that it ends up on the character to the left.  Otherwise it
     remains in place, on the character to the right.

     Default: ‘t’

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-move-beyond-eol

     Whether the cursor can move past the end of the line.  If non-nil,
     the cursor is allowed to move one character past the end of the
     line, as in Emacs.

     Default: ‘nil’

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-cross-lines

     Whether horizontal motions may move to other lines.  If non-nil,
     certain motions that conventionally operate in a single line may
     move the cursor to other lines.  Otherwise, they are restricted to
     the current line.  This applies to ‘h’, ‘SPC’, ‘f’, ‘F’, ‘t’, ‘T’,

     Default: ‘nil’

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-respect-visual-line-mode

     Whether movement commands respect ‘visual-line-mode’.  If non-nil,
     ‘visual-line-mode’ is generally respected when it is on.  In this
     case, motions such as ‘j’ and ‘k’ navigate by visual lines (on the
     screen) rather than “physical” lines (defined by newline
     characters).  If nil, the setting of ‘visual-line-mode’ is ignored.

     This variable must be set before Evil is loaded.

     Default: ‘nil’

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-track-eol

     Whether ‘$’ “sticks” the cursor to the end of the line.  If
     non-nil, vertical motions after ‘$’ maintain the cursor at the end
     of the line, even if the target line is longer.  This is analogous
     to ‘track-eol’, but respects Evil’s interpretation of end-of-line.

     Default: ‘t’

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-start-of-line

     Analogue of vim’s ‘startofline’.  If nil, preserve column when
     making relevant movements of the cursor.  Otherwise, move the
     cursor to the start of the line.

     Default: ‘nil’

File:,  Node: Cursor display,  Next: Window management,  Prev: Cursor movement,  Up: Settings

2.6 Cursor display

A state may change the appearance of the cursor.  Use the variable *note
evil-default-cursor: c. to set the default cursor, and the variables
‘evil-normal-state-cursor’, ‘evil-insert-state-cursor’ etc.  to set the
cursors for specific states.  The acceptable values for all of them are
the same.

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-default-cursor

     The default cursor.  May be a cursor type as per ‘cursor-type’, a
     color string as passed to ‘set-cursor-color’, a zero-argument
     function for changing the cursor, or a list of the above.

     Default: ‘t’

File:,  Node: Window management,  Next: Parenthesis highlighting,  Prev: Cursor display,  Up: Settings

2.7 Window management

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-auto-balance-windows

     If non-nil window creation and deletion trigger rebalancing.

     Default: ‘t’

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-split-window-below

     If non-nil split windows are created below.

     Default: ‘nil’

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-vsplit-window-right

     If non-nil vertically split windows with are created to the right.

     Default: ‘nil’

File:,  Node: Parenthesis highlighting,  Next: Miscellaneous,  Prev: Window management,  Up: Settings

2.8 Parenthesis highlighting

These settings concern the integration between Evil and
‘show-paren-mode’.  They take no effect if this mode is not enabled.

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-show-paren-range

     The minimal distance between point and a parenthesis which causes
     the parenthesis to be highlighted.

     Default: ‘0’

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable:

     The states in which the closing parenthesis at point should be
     highlighted.  All states listed here highlight the closing
     parenthesis at point (which is Vim’s default behavior).  All others
     highlight the parenthesis before point (which is Emacs default
     behavior).  If this list contains the symbol ‘not’ then its meaning
     is inverted, i.e.  all states listed here highlight the closing
     parenthesis before point.

     Default: ‘(not emacs insert replace)’

File:,  Node: Miscellaneous,  Prev: Parenthesis highlighting,  Up: Settings

2.9 Miscellaneous

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-want-fine-undo

     Whether actions are undone in several steps.  There are two
     possible choices: nil (“no”) means that all changes made during
     insert state, including a possible delete after a change operation,
     are collected in a single undo step.  Non-nil (“yes”) means that
     undo steps are determined according to Emacs heuristics, and no
     attempt is made to aggregate changes.

     For backward compatibility purposes, the value ‘fine’ is
     interpreted as ‘nil’.  This option was removed because it did not
     work consistently.

     Default: ‘nil’

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-undo-system

     Undo system Evil should use.  If equal to ‘undo-tree’ or ‘undo-fu’,
     those packages must be installed.  If equal to ‘undo-tree’,
     ‘undo-tree-mode’ must also be activated.  If equal to ‘undo-redo’,
     Evil uses commands natively available in Emacs 28.

     Default: ‘nil’

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-backspace-join-lines

     Whether backward delete in insert state may join lines.

     Default: ‘t’

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-kbd-macro-suppress-motion-error

     Whether left/right motions signal errors in keyboard macros.  This
     variable only affects beginning-of-line or end-of-line errors
     regarding the motions ‘h’ and ‘SPC’ respectively.  This may be
     desired since such errors cause macro definition or execution to be
     terminated.  There are four possibilities:

        - ‘record’: errors are suppressed when recording macros, but not
          when replaying them.

        - ‘replay’: errors are suppressed when replaying macros, but not
          when recording them.

        - ‘t’: errors are suppressed in both cases.

        - ‘nil’: errors are never suppressed.

     Default: ‘nil’

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-mode-line-format

     The position of the state tag in the mode line.  If set to ‘before’
     or ‘after’, the tag is placed at the beginning or the end of the
     mode-line, respectively.  If nil, there is no tag.  Otherwise it
     should be a cons cell ‘(WHERE . WHICH)’, where `WHERE' is either
     ‘before’ or ‘after’, and `WHICH' is a symbol in ‘mode-line-format’.
     The tag is then placed before or after that symbol, respectively.

     Default: ‘before’

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-mouse-word

     The `thing-at-point' symbol for double click selection.  The
     double-click starts visual state in a special word selection mode.
     This symbol is used to determine the words to be selected.
     Possible values are ‘evil-word’ or ‘evil-WORD’.

     Default: ‘evil-word’

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-bigword

     The set of characters to be interpreted as WORD boundaries.  This
     is enclosed with square brackets and used as a regular expression.
     By default, whitespace characters are considered WORD boundaries.

     Default: ‘"^ \t\r\n"’, buffer-local

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-esc-delay

     The time, in seconds, to wait for another key after escape.  If no
     further event arrives during this time, the event is translated to
     ‘ESC’.  Otherwise, it is translated according to
     ‘input-decode-map’.  This does not apply in Emacs state, and may
     also be inhibited by setting ‘evil-inhibit-esc’.

     Default: ‘0.01’

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-intercept-esc

     Whether Evil should intercept the escape key.  In the terminal,
     escape and a meta key sequence both generate the same event.  In
     order to distingush these, Evil uses ‘input-decode-map’.  It is not
     necessary to do this in a graphical Emacs session.  However, if you
     prefer to use ‘C-[’ as escape (which is identical to the terminal
     escape key code), this interception must also happen in graphical
     Emacs sessions.  Set this variable to ‘always’, t (only in the
     terminal) or nil (never intercept).

     Default: ‘always’

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-kill-on-visual-paste

     Whether pasting in visual state adds the replaced text to the kill
     ring, making it the default for the next paste.  The default,
     replicates the default Vim behavior.

     Default: ‘t’

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-echo-state

     Whether to signal the current state in the echo area.

     Default: ‘t’

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-complete-all-buffers

     Whether completion looks for matches in all buffers.  This applies
     to ‘C-n’ and ‘C-p’ in insert state.

     Default: ‘t’

 -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-want-empty-ex-last-command

     Whether to default to evil-ex-previous-command at empty ex prompt.

     Default: ‘t’

File:,  Node: Keymaps,  Next: Hooks,  Prev: Settings,  Up: Top

3 Keymaps

Evil’s key bindings are stored in a number of different keymaps.  Each
state has a `global keymap', where the default bindings for that state
are stored.  They are named ‘evil-normal-state-map’,
‘evil-insert-state-map’, and so on.  The bindings in these maps are
visible in all buffers currently in the corresponding state.

These keymaps function like ordinary Emacs keymaps and may be modified
using the Emacs function ‘define-key’:

     (define-key evil-normal-state-map (kbd "w") 'some-function)

This binds the key ‘w’ to the command ‘some-function’ in normal state.
The use of ‘kbd’ is optional for simple key sequences, like this one,
but recommended in general.

Most of Evil’s bindings are defined in the file ‘evil-maps.el’.

To facilitate shared keybindings between states, some states may
activate keybindings from other states as well.  For example, motion
state bindings are visible in normal and visual state, and normal state
bindings are also visible in visual state.

Each state also has a `buffer-local keymap' which is specific to the
current buffer, and which takes precedence over the global keymap.
These maps are most suitably modified by a mode hook.  They are named
‘evil-normal-state-local-map’, ‘evil-insert-state-local-map’, and so on.

     (add-hook 'some-mode-hook
               (lambda ()
                 (define-key evil-normal-state-local-map
                             (kbd "w") 'some-function)))

For convenience, the functions *note evil-global-set-key: 1c. and *note
evil-local-set-key: 22. are available for setting global and local state

 -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-global-set-key STATE KEY DEF)

     Bind `KEY' to `DEF' in `STATE'.

 -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-local-set-key STATE KEY DEF)

     Bind `KEY' to `DEF' in `STATE' in the current buffer.

The above examples could therefore have been written as follows:

     (evil-global-set-key 'normal (kbd "w") 'some-function)

     (add-hook 'some-mode-hook
               (lambda ()
                 (evil-local-set-key 'normal (kbd "w") 'some-function)))

* Menu:

* evil-define-key::
* Leader keys::

File:,  Node: evil-define-key,  Next: Leader keys,  Up: Keymaps

3.1 evil-define-key

Evil provides the macro *note evil-define-key: f. for adding state
bindings to ordinary keymaps.  It is quite powerful, and is the
preferred method for fine-tuning bindings to activate in specific

 -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-define-key STATE KEYMAP KEY DEF

     Create a `STATE' binding from `KEY' to `DEF' for `KEYMAP'. `STATE'
     is one of ‘normal’, ‘insert’, ‘visual’, ‘replace’, ‘operator’,
     ‘motion’, ‘emacs’, or a list of one or more of these.  Omitting a
     state by using ‘nil’ corresponds to a standard Emacs binding using
     ‘define-key’.  The remaining arguments are like those of
     ‘define-key’.  For example:

          (evil-define-key 'normal foo-map "a" 'bar)

     This creates a binding from ‘a’ to ‘bar’ in normal state, which is
     active whenever ‘foo-map’ is active.  Using nil for the state, the
     following lead to identical bindings:

          (evil-define-key nil foo-map "a" 'bar)
          (define-key foo-map "a" 'bar)

     It is possible to specify multiple states and/or bindings at once:

          (evil-define-key '(normal visual) foo-map
            "a" 'bar
            "b" 'foo)

     If ‘foo-map’ has not been initialized yet, this macro adds an entry
     to ‘after-load-functions’, delaying execution as necessary.

     `KEYMAP' may also be a quoted symbol.  If the symbol is ‘global’,
     the global evil keymap corresponding to the state(s) is used,
     meaning the following lead to identical bindings:

          (evil-define-key 'normal 'global "a" 'bar)
          (evil-global-set-key 'normal "a" 'bar)

     The symbol ‘local’ may also be used, which corresponds to using
     *note evil-local-set-key: 22.  If a quoted symbol is used that is
     not ‘global’ or ‘local’, it is assumed to be the name of a minor
     mode, in which case ‘evil-define-minor-mode-key’ is used.

There follows a brief overview of the main functions of this macro.

   - Define a binding in a given state

          (evil-define-key 'state 'global (kbd "key") 'target)

   - Define a binding in a given state in the current buffer

          (evil-define-key 'state 'local (kbd "key") 'target)

   - Define a binding in a given state under the `foo-mode' major mode.

          (evil-define-key 'state foo-mode-map (kbd "key") 'target)

     Note that ‘foo-mode-map’ is unquoted, and that this form is safe
     before ‘foo-mode-map’ is loaded.

   - Define a binding in a given state under the `bar-mode' minor mode.

          (evil-define-key 'state 'bar-mode (kbd "key") 'target)

     Note that ‘bar-mode’ is quoted, and that this form is safe before
     ‘bar-mode’ is loaded.

The macro *note evil-define-key: f. can be used to augment existing
modes with state bindings, as well as creating packages with custom
bindings.  For example, the following will create a minor mode
‘foo-mode’ with normal state bindings for the keys ‘w’ and ‘e’:

     (define-minor-mode foo-mode
       "Foo mode."
       :keymap (make-sparse-keymap))

     (evil-define-key 'normal 'foo-mode "w" 'bar)
     (evil-define-key 'normal 'foo-mode "e" 'baz)

This minor mode can then be enabled in any buffers where the custom
bindings are desired:

     (add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'foo-mode)  ; enable alongside text-mode

File:,  Node: Leader keys,  Prev: evil-define-key,  Up: Keymaps

3.2 Leader keys

Evil supports a simple implementation of Vim’s `leader' keys.  To bind a
function to a leader key you can use the expression ‘<leader>’ in a key
mapping, e.g.

     (evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader>fs") 'save-buffer)

Likewise, you can use the expression ‘<localleader>’ to mimic Vim’s
local leader, which is designed for mode-specific key bindings.

You can use the function *note evil-set-leader: 31. to designate which
key acts as the leader and the local leader.

 -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-set-leader STATE KEY [LOCALLEADER])

     Set `KEY' to trigger leader bindings in `STATE'. `KEY' should be in
     the form produced by ‘kbd’.  `STATE' is one of ‘normal’, ‘insert’,
     ‘visual’, ‘replace’, ‘operator’, ‘motion’, ‘emacs’, a list of one
     or more of these, or ‘nil’, which means all of the above.  If
     `LOCALLEADER' is non-nil, set the local leader instead.

File:,  Node: Hooks,  Next: Extension,  Prev: Keymaps,  Up: Top

4 Hooks

A `hook' is a list of functions that are executed when certain events
happen.  Hooks are modified with the Emacs function ‘add-hook’.  Evil
provides entry and exit hooks for all its states.  For example, when
switching from normal state to insert state, all functions in
‘evil-normal-state-exit-hook’ and ‘evil-insert-state-entry-hook’ are

It is guaranteed that the exit hook will be executed before the entry
hook on all state switches.

During the hook execution, the variables ‘evil-next-state’ and
‘evil-previous-state’ contain information about the states being
switched to and from, respectively.

File:,  Node: Extension,  Next: Frequently Asked Questions,  Prev: Hooks,  Up: Top

5 Extension

The main functionality of Evil is implemented in terms of reusable
macros.  Package writers can use these to define new commands.

* Menu:

* Motions::
* Operators::
* Text objects::
* Range types::
* States::

File:,  Node: Motions,  Next: Operators,  Up: Extension

5.1 Motions

A `motion' is a command which moves the cursor, such as ‘w’ or ‘e’.
Motions are defined with the macro *note evil-define-motion: 10.
Motions not defined in this way should be declared with *note
evil-declare-motion: 9.

 -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-declare-motion COMMAND)

     Declare `COMMAND' to be a movement function.  This ensures that it
     behaves correctly in visual state.

 -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-define-motion MOTION (COUNT ARGS...)
          DOC [[KEY VALUE]...] BODY...)

     Define a motion command `MOTION'. `ARGS' is a list of arguments.
     Motions can have any number of arguments, but the first (if any)
     has the predefined meaning of count.  `BODY' must execute the
     motion by moving point.

     Optional keyword arguments are:

        - ‘:type’ - determines how the motion works after an operator
          (one of ‘inclusive’, ‘line’, ‘block’ and ‘exclusive’, or a
          self-defined motion type)

        - ‘:jump’ - if non-nil, the previous position is stored in the
          jump list, so that it can be restored with ‘C-o’

For example, this is a motion that moves the cursor forward by a number
of characters:

     (evil-define-motion foo-forward (count)
       "Move to the right by COUNT characters."
       :type inclusive
       (forward-char (or count 1)))

The `type' of a motion determines how it works when used together with
an operator.  Inclusive motions include the endpoint in the range being
operated on, while exclusive motions do not.  Line motions extend the
whole range to linewise positions, effectively behaving as if the
endpoint were really at the end of the line.  Blockwise ranges behave as
a “rectangle” on screen rather than a contiguous range of characters.

File:,  Node: Operators,  Next: Text objects,  Prev: Motions,  Up: Extension

5.2 Operators

An operator is a command that acts on the text moved over by a motion,
such as ‘c’ (change), ‘d’ (delete) or ‘y’ (yank or copy, not to be
confused with “yank” in Emacs terminology which means `paste').

 -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-define-operator OPERATOR (BEG END
          ARGS...) DOC [[KEY VALUE]...] BODY...)

     Define an operator command `OPERATOR'. The operator acts on the
     range of characters `BEG' through `END'. `BODY' must execute the
     operator by potentially manipulating the buffer contents, or
     otherwise causing side effects to happen.

     Optional keyword arguments are:

        - ‘:type’ - force the input range to be of a given type
          (‘inclusive’, ‘line’, ‘block’, and ‘exclusive’, or a
          self-defined motion type).

        - ‘:motion’ - use a predetermined motion instead of waiting for
          one from the keyboard.  This does not affect the behavior in
          visual state, where selection boundaries are always used.

        - ‘:repeat’ - if non-nil (default), then ‘.’ will repeat the

        - ‘:move-point’ - if non-nil (default), the cursor will be moved
          to the beginning of the range before the body executes

        - ‘:keep-visual’ - if non-nil, the selection is not disabled
          when the operator is executed in visual state.  By default,
          visual state is exited automatically.

For example, this is an operator that performs ROT13 encryption on the
text under consideration:

     (evil-define-operator evil-rot13 (beg end)
       "ROT13 encrypt text."
       (rot13-region beg end))

Binding this to ‘g?’ (where it is by default) will cause a key sequence
such as ‘g?w’ to encrypt from the current cursor to the end of the word.

File:,  Node: Text objects,  Next: Range types,  Prev: Operators,  Up: Extension

5.3 Text objects

Text objects are like motions in that they define a range over which an
operator may act.  Unlike motions, text objects can set both a beginning
and an endpoint.  In visual state, text objects alter both ends of the

Text objects are not directly usable in normal state.  Instead, they are
bound in the two keymaps ‘evil-inner-text-ojects-map’ and
‘evil-outer-text-objects-map’, which are available in visual and
operator-pending state under the keys ‘i’ and ‘a’ respectively.

 -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-define-text-object OBJECT (COUNT) DOC
          [[KEY VALUE]...] BODY...)

     Define a text object command `OBJECT'. `BODY' should return a range
     ‘(BEG END)’ to the right of point if `COUNT' is positive, and to
     the left of it if negative.

     Optional keyword arguments:

        - ‘:type’ - determines how the range applies after an operator
          (‘inclusive’, ‘line’, ‘block’, and ‘exclusive’, or a
          self-defined motion type).

        - ‘:extend-selection’ - if non-nil (default), the text object
          always enlarges the current selection.  Otherwise, it replaces
          the current selection.

For eample, this is a text object which selects the next three
characters after the current location:

     (evil-define-text-object foo (count)
       "Select three characters."
       (list (point) (+ 3 (point))))

For convenience, Evil provides several functions returning a list of
positions which can be used for defining text objects.  All of them
follow the convention that a positive `count' selects text after the
current location, while negative `count' selects text before it.

     Note: The `thingatpt' library is used quite extensively in Evil to
     define text objects, and this dependency leaks through in the
     following functions.  A `thing' in this context is any symbol for
     which there is a function called ‘forward-THING’ (1) which moves
     past a number of `things'.

 -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-select-inner-object THING BEG END
          TYPE [COUNT LINE])

     Return an inner text object range of `COUNT' objects.  If `COUNT'
     is positive, return objects following point; if `COUNT' is
     negative, return objects preceding point.  If one is unspecified,
     the other is used with a negative argument.  `THING' is a symbol
     understood by `thing-at-point'.  `BEG', `END' and `TYPE' specify
     the current selection.  If `LINE' is non-nil, the text object
     should be linewise, otherwise it is character wise.

 -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-select-an-object THING BEG END TYPE
          COUNT [LINE])

     Return an outer text object range of `COUNT' objects.  If `COUNT'
     is positive, return objects following point; if `COUNT' is
     negative, return objects preceding point.  If one is unspecified,
     the other is used with a negative argument.  `THING' is a symbol
     understood by `thing-at-point'.  `BEG', `END' and `TYPE' specify
     the current selection.  If `LINE' is non-nil, the text object
     should be linewise, otherwise it is character wise.

 -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-select-paren OPEN CLOSE BEG END TYPE
          COUNT [INCLUSIVE])

     Return a range ‘(BEG END)’ of `COUNT' delimited text objects.
     `OPEN' and `CLOSE' specify the opening and closing delimiter,
     respectively.  `BEG' `END' `TYPE' are the currently selected
     (visual) range.  If `INCLUSIVE' is non-nil, `OPEN' and `CLOSE' are
     included in the range; otherwise they are excluded.

     The types of `OPEN' and `CLOSE' specify which kind of THING is used
     for parsing with ‘evil-select-block’.  If `OPEN' and `CLOSE' are
     characters ‘evil-up-paren’ is used.  Otherwise `OPEN' and `CLOSE'
     must be regular expressions and ‘evil-up-block’ is used.

     If the selection is exclusive, whitespace at the end or at the
     beginning of the selection until the end-of-line or
     beginning-of-line is ignored.

   ---------- Footnotes ----------

   (1) (1) There are many more ways that a `thing' can be defined, but
the definition of ‘forward-THING’ is perhaps the most straightforward
way to go about it.

File:,  Node: Range types,  Next: States,  Prev: Text objects,  Up: Extension

5.4 Range types

A `type' is a transformation acting on a pair of buffer positions.  Evil
defines the types ‘inclusive’, ‘line’, ‘block’ and ‘exclusive’, which
are used for motion ranges and visual selection.  New types may be
defined with the macro `evil-define-type'.

 -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-define-type TYPE DOC [[KEY FUNC]...])

     Define type `TYPE'. `DOC' is a general description and shows up in
     all docstrings.

     Optional keyword arguments:

        - ‘:expand’ - expansion function.  This function should accept
          two positions in the current buffer, BEG and END,and return a
          pair of expanded buffer positions.

        - ‘:contract’ - the opposite of ‘:expand’.  Optional.

        - ‘:one-to-one’ - non-nil if expansion is one-to-one.  This
          means that ‘:expand’ followed by ‘:contract’ always return the
          original range.

        - ‘:normalize’ - normalization function.  This function should
          accept two unexpanded positions and adjust them before
          expansion.  May be used to deal with buffer boundaries.

        - ‘:string’ - description function.  Takes two buffer positions
          and returns a human-readable string.  For example “2 lines”

     If further keywords and functions are specified, they are assumed
     to be transformations on buffer positions, like ‘:expand’ and

File:,  Node: States,  Prev: Range types,  Up: Extension

5.5 States

States are defined with the macro *note evil-define-state: 12, which
takes care to define the necessary hooks, keymaps and variables, as well
as a toggle function ‘evil-NAME-state’ and a predicate function
‘evil-NAME-state-p’ for checking whether the state is active.

 -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-define-state STATE DOC [[KEY VAL]...]

     Define an Evil state `STATE'. `DOC' is a general description and
     shows up in all docstrings; the first line of the string should be
     the full name of the state.

     `BODY' is executed each time the state is enabled or disabled.

     Optional keyword arguments:

        - ‘:tag’ - the mode line indicator, e.g.  “<T>”.

        - ‘:message’ - string shown in the echo area when the state is

        - ‘:cursor’ - default cursor specification.

        - ‘:enable’ - list of other state keymaps to enable when in this

        - ‘:entry-hook’ - list of functions to run when entering this

        - ‘:exit-hook’ - list of functions to run when exiting this

        - ‘:suppress-keymap’ - if non-nil, effectively disables bindings
          to ‘self-insert-command’ by making ‘evil-suppress-map’ the
          parent of the global state keymap.

     The global keymap of this state will be ‘evil-test-state-map’, the
     local keymap will be ‘evil-test-state-local-map’, and so on.

For example:

     (evil-define-state test
       "Test state."
       :tag " <T> "
       (message (if (evil-test-state-p)
                    "Enabling test state."
                  "Disabling test state.")))

File:,  Node: Frequently Asked Questions,  Next: Internals,  Prev: Extension,  Up: Top

6 Frequently Asked Questions

* Menu:

* Problems with the escape key in the terminal::
* Underscore is not a word character::

File:,  Node: Problems with the escape key in the terminal,  Next: Underscore is not a word character,  Up: Frequently Asked Questions

6.1 Problems with the escape key in the terminal

A common problem when using Evil in terminal mode is a certain delay
after pressing the escape key.  Even more, when pressing the escape key
followed quickly by another key the command is recognized as ‘M-<key>’
instead of two separate keys: ‘ESC’ followed by ‘<key>’.  In fact, it is
perfectly valid to simulate ‘M-<key>’ by pressing ‘ESC <key>’ quickly
(but see below).

The reason for this is that in terminal mode a key sequence involving
the meta key (or alt key) always generates a so called “escape
sequence”, i.e.  a sequence of two events sent to Emacs, the first being
‘ESC’ and the second the key pressed simultaneously.  The problem is
that pressing the escape key itself also generates the ‘ESC’ event.
Thus, if Emacs (and therefore Evil) receives an ‘ESC’ event there is no
way to tell whether the escape key has been pressed (and no further
event will arrive) or a ‘M-<key>’ combination has been pressed (and the
‘<key>’ event will arrive soon).  In order to distinguish both
situations Evil does the following.  After receiving an ‘ESC’ event Evil
waits for a short time period (specified by the variable *note
evil-esc-delay: 17. which defaults to 0.01 seconds) for another event.
If no other event arrives Evil assumes that the plain escape key has
been pressed, otherwise it assumes a ‘M-<key>’ combination has been
pressed and combines the ‘ESC’ event with the second one.  Because a
‘M-<key>’ sequence usually generates both events in very quick
succession, 0.01 seconds are usually enough and the delay is hardly
noticeable by the user.

If you use a terminal multiplexer like `tmux' or `screen' the situation
may be worse.  These multiplexers have exactly the same problem
recognizing ‘M-<key>’ sequences and often introduce their own delay for
the ‘ESC’ key.  There is no way for Evil to influence this delay.  In
order to reduce it you must reconfigure your terminal multiplexer.

Note that this problem should not arise when using Evil in graphical
mode.  The reason is that in this case the escape key itself generates a
different command, namely ‘escape’ (a symbol) and hence Evil can
distinguish whether the escape key or a ‘M-<key>’ combination has been
pressed.  But this also implies that pressing ‘ESC’ followed by <key>
cannot be used to simulate ‘M-<key>’ in graphical mode!

File:,  Node: Underscore is not a word character,  Prev: Problems with the escape key in the terminal,  Up: Frequently Asked Questions

6.2 Underscore is not a word character

An underscore ‘_’ is a word character in Vim.  This means that word
motions like ‘w’ skip over underlines in a sequence of letters as if it
was a letter itself.  In contrast, in Evil the underscore is often a
non-word character like operators, e.g.  ‘+’.

The reason is that Evil uses Emacs’ definition of a word and this
definition does often not include the underscore.  In Emacs word
characters are determined by the syntax-class of the buffer.  The
syntax-class usually depends on the major-mode of this buffer.  This has
the advantage that the definition of a “word” may be adapted to the
particular type of document being edited.  Evil uses Emacs’ definition
and does not simply use Vim’s definition in order to be consistent with
other Emacs functions.  For example, word characters are exactly those
characters that are matched by the regular expression character class

If you would be satisfied by having the ‘*’ and ‘#’ searches use symbols
instead of words, this can be achieved by setting the
‘evil-symbol-word-search’ variable to ‘t’.

If you want the underscore to be recognised as word character for other
motions, you can modify its entry in the syntax-table:

     (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "w")

This gives the underscore the ‘word’ syntax class.  You can use a
mode-hook to modify the syntax-table in all buffers of some mode, e.g.:

     (add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook
               (lambda () (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "w")))

This gives the underscore the word syntax-class in all C-like buffers.

Similarly to Emacs’ definition of a word, the definition of a “symbol”
is also dependent on the syntax-class of the buffer, which often
includes the underscore.  The default text objects keymap associates
kbd::‘o’ with the symbol object, making kbd::‘cio’ a good alternative to
Vim’s kbd::‘ciw’, for example.  The following will swap between the word
and symbol objects in the keymap:

     (define-key evil-outer-text-objects-map "w" 'evil-a-symbol)
     (define-key evil-inner-text-objects-map "w" 'evil-inner-symbol)
     (define-key evil-outer-text-objects-map "o" 'evil-a-word)
     (define-key evil-inner-text-objects-map "o" 'evil-inner-word)

This will not change the motion keys, however.  One way to make word
motions operate as symbol motions is to alias the ‘evil-word’ `thing'
(1) to the ‘evil-symbol’ thing:

     (defalias 'forward-evil-word 'forward-evil-symbol)

   ---------- Footnotes ----------

   (1) (1) Many of Evil’s text objects and motions are defined in terms
of the `thingatpt' library, which in this case are defined entirely in
terms of ‘forward-THING’ functions.  Thus aliasing one to another should
make all motions and text objects implemented in terms of that `thing'
behave the same.

File:,  Node: Internals,  Next: The GNU Free Documentation License,  Prev: Frequently Asked Questions,  Up: Top

7 Internals

* Menu:

* Command properties::

File:,  Node: Command properties,  Up: Internals

7.1 Command properties

Evil defines `command properties' to store information about commands
(1), such as whether they should be repeated.  A command property is a
‘:keyword’ with an associated value, e.g.  ‘:repeat nil’.

 -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-add-command-properties COMMAND

     Add `PROPERTIES' to `COMMAND'. `PROPERTIES' should be a property
     list.  To replace all properties at once, use *note
     evil-set-command-properties: 2f.

 -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-set-command-properties COMMAND

     Replace all of `COMMAND'’s properties with `PROPERTIES'.
     `PROPERTIES' should be a property list.  This erases all previous
     properties; to only add properties, use

 -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-get-command-properties COMMAND)

     Return all Evil properties of `COMMAND'. See also *note
     evil-get-command-property: 1b.

 -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-get-command-property COMMAND PROPERTY

     Return the value of Evil `PROPERTY' of `COMMAND'. If the command
     does not have the property, return `DEFAULT'. See also *note
     evil-get-command-properties: 1a.

 -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-define-command COMMAND (ARGS...) DOC
          [[KEY VALUE]...] BODY...)

     Define a command `COMMAND'.

For setting repeat properties, use the following functions:

 -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-declare-repeat COMMAND)

     Declare `COMMAND' to be repeatable.

 -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-declare-not-repeat COMMAND)

     Declare `COMMAND' to be nonrepeatable.

 -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-declare-change-repeat COMMAND)

     Declare `COMMAND' to be repeatable by buffer changes rather than

   ---------- Footnotes ----------

   (1) (1) In this context, a `command' may mean any Evil motion, text
object, operator or indeed other Emacs commands, which have not been
defined through the Evil machinery.

File:,  Node: The GNU Free Documentation License,  Next: Emacs lisp functions and variables,  Prev: Internals,  Up: Top

8 The GNU Free Documentation License

Version 1.3, 3 November 2008

     Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2007, 2008 Free Software
     Foundation, Inc.  ‘’

     Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of
     this license document, but changing it is not allowed.


     The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other
     functional and useful document `free' in the sense of freedom: to
     assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it,
     with or without modifying it, either commercially or
     noncommercially.  Secondarily, this License preserves for the
     author and publisher a way to get credit for their work, while not
     being considered responsible for modifications made by others.

     This License is a kind of “copyleft”, which means that derivative
     works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense.
     It complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft
     license designed for free software.

     We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for
     free software, because free software needs free documentation: a
     free program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms
     that the software does.  But this License is not limited to
     software manuals; it can be used for any textual work, regardless
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     This License applies to any manual or other work, in any medium,
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     2009, provided the MMC is eligible for relicensing.

File:,  Node: Emacs lisp functions and variables,  Prev: The GNU Free Documentation License,  Up: Top

Emacs lisp functions and variables

* Menu:

* evil-add-command-properties: 0.
* evil-auto-balance-windows: 1.
* evil-auto-indent: 2.
* evil-backspace-join-lines: 3.
* evil-bigword: 4.
* evil-buffer-regexps: 5.
* evil-complete-all-buffers: 6.
* evil-cross-lines: 7.
* evil-declare-change-repeat: 8.
* evil-declare-motion: 9.
* evil-declare-not-repeat: a.
* evil-declare-repeat: b.
* evil-default-cursor: c.
* evil-default-state: d.
* evil-define-command: e.
* evil-define-key: f.
* evil-define-motion: 10.
* evil-define-operator: 11.
* evil-define-state: 12.
* evil-define-text-object: 13.
* evil-define-type: 14.
* evil-disable-insert-state-bindings: 15.
* evil-echo-state: 16.
* evil-esc-delay: 17.
* evil-ex-hl-update-delay: 18.
* evil-flash-delay: 19.
* evil-get-command-properties: 1a.
* evil-get-command-property: 1b.
* evil-global-set-key: 1c.
* evil-highlight-closing-paren-at-point-states: 1d.
* evil-indent-convert-tabs: 1e.
* evil-intercept-esc: 1f.
* evil-kbd-macro-suppress-motion-error: 20.
* evil-kill-on-visual-paste: 21.
* evil-local-set-key: 22.
* evil-mode-line-format: 23.
* evil-mouse-word: 24.
* evil-move-beyond-eol: 25.
* evil-move-cursor-back: 26.
* evil-regexp-search: 27.
* evil-repeat-move-cursor: 28.
* evil-respect-visual-line-mode: 29.
* evil-search-module: 2a.
* evil-search-wrap: 2b.
* evil-select-an-object: 2c.
* evil-select-inner-object: 2d.
* evil-select-paren: 2e.
* evil-set-command-properties: 2f.
* evil-set-initial-state: 30.
* evil-set-leader: 31.
* evil-shift-round: 32.
* evil-shift-width: 33.
* evil-show-paren-range: 34.
* evil-split-window-below: 35.
* evil-start-of-line: 36.
* evil-toggle-key: 37.
* evil-track-eol: 38.
* evil-undo-system: 39.
* evil-vsplit-window-right: 3a.
* evil-want-C-d-scroll: 3b.
* evil-want-C-i-jump: 3c.
* evil-want-C-u-delete: 3d.
* evil-want-C-u-scroll: 3e.
* evil-want-C-w-delete: 3f.
* evil-want-C-w-in-emacs-state: 40.
* evil-want-empty-ex-last-command: 41.
* evil-want-fine-undo: 42.
* evil-want-Y-yank-to-eol: 43.

Tag Table:
Node: Top364
Ref: index doc611
Ref: 44611
Node: Overview1443
Ref: overview doc1518
Ref: 451518
Ref: overview evil1518
Ref: 461518
Ref: overview overview1518
Ref: 471518
Ref: Overview-Footnote-11871
Node: Installation via package el2123
Ref: overview installation-via-package-el2221
Ref: 482221
Ref: Installation via package el-Footnote-13156
Node: Manual installation3200
Ref: overview manual-installation3323
Ref: 493323
Node: Modes and states3861
Ref: overview modes-and-states3948
Ref: 4a3948
Node: Settings5699
Ref: settings doc5778
Ref: 4b5778
Ref: settings settings5778
Ref: 4c5778
Ref: Settings-Footnote-16537
Node: The initial state6678
Ref: settings the-initial-state6778
Ref: 4d6778
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-set-initial-state7053
Ref: 307053
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-default-state7292
Ref: d7292
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-buffer-regexps7903
Ref: 57903
Node: Keybindings and other behaviour8396
Ref: settings keybindings-and-other-behaviour8511
Ref: 4e8511
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-toggle-key8733
Ref: 378733
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-want-C-i-jump8933
Ref: 3c8933
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-want-C-u-delete9123
Ref: 3d9123
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-want-C-u-scroll9442
Ref: 3e9442
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-want-C-d-scroll9735
Ref: 3b9735
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-want-C-w-delete9858
Ref: 3f9858
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-want-C-w-in-emacs-state9988
Ref: 409988
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-want-Y-yank-to-eol10138
Ref: 4310138
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-disable-insert-state-bindings10333
Ref: 1510333
Node: Search10661
Ref: settings search10770
Ref: 5010770
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-search-module10793
Ref: 2a10793
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-regexp-search11178
Ref: 2711178
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-search-wrap11329
Ref: 2b11329
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-flash-delay11535
Ref: 1911535
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-ex-hl-update-delay11678
Ref: 1811678
Node: Indentation11951
Ref: settings indentation12044
Ref: 5112044
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-auto-indent12077
Ref: 212077
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-shift-width12235
Ref: 3312235
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-shift-round12441
Ref: 3212441
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-indent-convert-tabs12702
Ref: 1e12702
Node: Cursor movement12971
Ref: settings cursor-movement13072
Ref: 5213072
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-repeat-move-cursor13651
Ref: 2813651
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-move-cursor-back13915
Ref: 2613915
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-move-beyond-eol14260
Ref: 2514260
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-cross-lines14502
Ref: 714502
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-respect-visual-line-mode14897
Ref: 2914897
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-track-eol15412
Ref: 3815412
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-start-of-line15780
Ref: 3615780
Node: Cursor display16034
Ref: settings cursor-display16141
Ref: 5316141
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-default-cursor16485
Ref: c16485
Node: Window management16768
Ref: settings window-management16884
Ref: 5416884
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-auto-balance-windows16929
Ref: 116929
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-split-window-below17075
Ref: 3517075
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-vsplit-window-right17204
Ref: 3a17204
Node: Parenthesis highlighting17357
Ref: settings parenthesis-highlighting17472
Ref: 5517472
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-show-paren-range17661
Ref: 3417661
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-highlight-closing-paren-at-point-states17848
Ref: 1d17848
Node: Miscellaneous18434
Ref: settings miscellaneous18523
Ref: 5618523
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-want-fine-undo18560
Ref: 4218560
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-undo-system19199
Ref: 3919199
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-backspace-join-lines19558
Ref: 319558
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-kbd-macro-suppress-motion-error19699
Ref: 2019699
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-mode-line-format20454
Ref: 2320454
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-mouse-word20986
Ref: 2420986
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-bigword21327
Ref: 421327
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-esc-delay21631
Ref: 1721631
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-intercept-esc22037
Ref: 1f22037
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-kill-on-visual-paste22663
Ref: 2122663
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-echo-state22924
Ref: 1622924
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-complete-all-buffers23053
Ref: 623053
Ref: settings elispobj-evil-want-empty-ex-last-command23254
Ref: 4123254
Node: Keymaps23412
Ref: keymaps doc23488
Ref: 5723488
Ref: keymaps chapter-keymaps23488
Ref: 4f23488
Ref: keymaps keymaps23488
Ref: 5823488
Ref: keymaps elispobj-evil-global-set-key25140
Ref: 1c25140
Ref: keymaps elispobj-evil-local-set-key25244
Ref: 2225244
Node: evil-define-key25673
Ref: keymaps evil-define-key25750
Ref: 5925750
Ref: keymaps elispobj-evil-define-key26004
Ref: f26004
Node: Leader keys29201
Ref: keymaps leader-keys29278
Ref: 5a29278
Ref: keymaps elispobj-evil-set-leader29805
Ref: 3129805
Node: Hooks30258
Ref: hooks doc30335
Ref: 5b30335
Ref: hooks hooks30335
Ref: 5c30335
Node: Extension30987
Ref: extension doc31083
Ref: 5d31083
Ref: extension extension31083
Ref: 5e31083
Node: Motions31319
Ref: extension motions31388
Ref: 5f31388
Ref: extension elispobj-evil-declare-motion31641
Ref: 931641
Ref: extension elispobj-evil-define-motion31814
Ref: 1031814
Node: Operators33205
Ref: extension operators33295
Ref: 6033295
Ref: extension elispobj-evil-define-operator33543
Ref: 1133543
Node: Text objects35148
Ref: extension text-objects35242
Ref: 6135242
Ref: extension elispobj-evil-define-text-object35782
Ref: 1335782
Ref: extension elispobj-evil-select-inner-object37286
Ref: 2d37286
Ref: extension elispobj-evil-select-an-object37856
Ref: 2c37856
Ref: extension elispobj-evil-select-paren38423
Ref: 2e38423
Ref: Text objects-Footnote-139345
Node: Range types39511
Ref: extension range-types39602
Ref: 6239602
Ref: extension elispobj-evil-define-type39905
Ref: 1439905
Node: States41074
Ref: extension states41144
Ref: 6341144
Ref: extension elispobj-evil-define-state41444
Ref: 1241444
Node: Frequently Asked Questions42873
Ref: faq doc42973
Ref: 6442973
Ref: faq frequently-asked-questions42973
Ref: 6542973
Node: Problems with the escape key in the terminal43130
Ref: faq problems-with-the-escape-key-in-the-terminal43278
Ref: 6643278
Node: Underscore is not a word character45772
Ref: faq underscore-is-not-a-word-character45920
Ref: 6745920
Ref: Underscore is not a word character-Footnote-148518
Node: Internals48829
Ref: internals doc48954
Ref: 6848954
Ref: internals internals48954
Ref: 6948954
Node: Command properties49012
Ref: internals command-properties49074
Ref: 6a49074
Ref: internals elispobj-evil-add-command-properties49329
Ref: 049329
Ref: internals elispobj-evil-set-command-properties49589
Ref: 2f49589
Ref: internals elispobj-evil-get-command-properties49902
Ref: 1a49902
Ref: internals elispobj-evil-get-command-property50068
Ref: 1b50068
Ref: internals elispobj-evil-define-command50338
Ref: e50338
Ref: internals elispobj-evil-declare-repeat50542
Ref: b50542
Ref: internals elispobj-evil-declare-not-repeat50644
Ref: a50644
Ref: internals elispobj-evil-declare-change-repeat50753
Ref: 850753
Ref: Command properties-Footnote-150944
Node: The GNU Free Documentation License51121
Ref: license doc51254
Ref: 6b51254
Ref: license the-gnu-free-documentation-license51254
Ref: 6c51254
Node: Emacs lisp functions and variables75062

End Tag Table

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