;;; vc-fossil.el --- VC backend for the fossil sofware configuraiton management system  -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-

;; Author: Venkat Iyer <venkat@comit.com>
;; Maintainer: Alfred M. Szmidt <ams@gnu.org>
;; Version: 20221120
;; Package-Version: 20221120.908
;; Package-Commit: e059ca466cc8914757c6bdb26fa9cc6b0820a9c1

;; vc-fossil.el free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
;; by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
;; or (at your option) any later version.

;; vc-fossil.el is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; General Public License for more details.

;; For a copy of the license, please see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

;;; Commentary:

;; This file contains a VC backend for the fossil version control
;; system.

;;; Todo:

;; 1) Implement the rest of the vc interface.  See the comment at the
;; beginning of vc.el. The current status is:

;; * revision-granularity			OK
;; - update-on-retrieve-tag			OK
;; * registered (file)				OK
;; * state (file)				OK
;; - dir-status-files (dir files update-function) OK
;; - dir-extra-headers (dir)			OK
;; - dir-printer (fileinfo)			??
;; - status-fileinfo-extra (file)		??
;; * working-revision (file)			OK
;; * checkout-model (files)			OK
;; - mode-line-string (file)			??
;; * create-repo ()				OK
;; * register (files &optional comment)		OK
;; - responsible-p (file)			OK
;; - receive-file (file rev)			??
;; - unregister (file)				OK
;; * checkin (files comment &optional rev)	OK
;; - checkin-patch (patch-string comment)	??
;; * find-revision (file rev buffer)		OK
;; * checkout (file &optional rev)		OK
;; * revert (file &optional contents-done)	OK
;; - merge-file (file &optional rev1 rev2)	??
;; - merge-branch ()				OK
;; - merge-news (file)				??
;; - pull (prompt)				OK
;; ? push (prompt)				OK
;; - steal-lock (file &optional revision)	??
;; - modify-change-comment (files rev comment)	BROKEN
;;     This requires a different version of LOG-VIEW-EXTRACT-COMMENT
;;     and LOG-VIEW-CURRENT-FILE to work.
;;     For LOG-VIEW-CURRENT-FILE there has been a bug report filed
;;     with a fix for GNU Emacs
;;     (https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2022-05/msg00759.html).
;;     LOG-VIEW-EXTRACT-COMMENT needs to be fixed as well somehow to
;;     extract the actual log message around point.
;; - mark-resolved (files)			??
;; - find-admin-dir (file)			??
;; * print-log (files buffer &optional shortlog start-revision limit) OK
;; * log-outgoing (buffer remote-location)	??
;; * log-incoming (buffer remote-location)	??
;; - log-search (buffer pattern)		??
;; - log-view-mode ()				OK
;; - show-log-entry (revision)			??
;; - comment-history (file)			??
;; - update-changelog (files)			??
;; * diff (files &optional rev1 rev2 buffer async) OK
;; - revision-completion-table (files)		??
;; - annotate-command (file buf &optional rev)	OK
;; - annotate-time ()				OK
;; - annotate-current-time ()			??
;; - annotate-extract-revision-at-line ()	OK
;; - region-history (file buffer lfrom lto)	??
;; - region-history-mode ()			??
;; - mergebase (rev1 &optional rev2)		??
;; - create-tag (dir name branchp)		OK
;; - retrieve-tag (dir name update)		OK
;; - make-version-backups-p (file)		??
;; - root (file)				OK
;; - ignore (file &optional directory remove)	??
;; - ignore-completion-table (directory)	??
;; - find-ignore-file (file)			OK
;; - previous-revision (file rev)		OK
;; - next-revision (file rev)			OK
;; - log-edit-mode ()				??
;; - check-headers ()				??
;; - delete-file (file)				OK
;; - rename-file (old new)			OK
;; - find-file-hook ()				??
;; - extra-menu ()				??
;; - extra-dir-menu ()				??
;; - conflicted-files (dir)			??
;; - repository-url (file-or-dir &optional remote-name)	OK
;; - prepare-patch (rev)			??

;;; Code:

(eval-when-compile (require 'vc))
(eval-when-compile (require 'url-parse)) ;For url-user/passwd setters

(autoload 'vc-switches "vc")

(declare-function log-edit-extract-headers "log-edit" (headers string))

(autoload 'vc-setup-buffer "vc-dispatcher")
(declare-function vc-compilation-mode "vc-dispatcher" (backend))
(declare-function vc-exec-after "vc-dispatcher" (code))
(declare-function vc-set-async-update "vc-dispatcher" (process-buffer))

(declare-function vc-annotate-convert-time "vc-annotate" (time))

;; Internal Functions

(defun vc-fossil--call (buffer &rest args)
  (apply #'process-file "fossil" nil buffer nil args))

(defun vc-fossil--out-ok (&rest args)
  (zerop (apply #'vc-fossil--call '(t nil) args)))

(defun vc-fossil--run (&rest args)
  (catch 'bail
      (with-current-buffer standard-output
	(unless (apply #'vc-fossil--out-ok args)
	  (throw 'bail nil))))))

(defun vc-fossil--command (buffer okstatus file-or-list &rest flags)
  (apply #'vc-do-command (or buffer "*vc*") okstatus "fossil" file-or-list flags)
  (when (eql major-mode 'vc-dir-mode)	; Update header info.
    (revert-buffer (current-buffer))))

(defvar vc-fossil--history nil)

(defun vc-fossil--do-async-prompted-command (command &optional prompt hist-var)
  (let* ((root (vc-fossil-root default-directory))
	 (buffer (format "*vc-fossil : %s*" (expand-file-name root)))
	 (fossil-program "fossil")
	 (args '()))
    (when prompt
      (setq args (split-string
		  (read-shell-command "Run Fossil (like this): "
				      (concat fossil-program " " command)
				      (or hist-var 'vc-fossil--history))
		  " " t))
      (setq fossil-program (car args)
	    command (cadr args)
	    args (cddr args)))
    (apply #'vc-do-async-command buffer root fossil-program command args)
    (with-current-buffer buffer
      (vc-run-delayed (vc-compilation-mode 'Fossil)))
    (vc-set-async-update buffer)))

(defun vc-fossil--get-id (dir)
  (let* ((default-directory dir)
	 (info (vc-fossil--run "info"))
	 (_pos (string-match "checkout: *\\([0-9a-fA-F]+\\)" info))
	 (uid (match-string 1 info)))
    (substring uid 0 10)))

(defun vc-fossil--state-code (code)
  (cond ((not code)                 'unregistered)
	((string= code "UNKNOWN")   'unregistered)
	((string= code "UNCHANGED") 'up-to-date)
	((string= code "CONFLICT")  'conflict)
	((string= code "ADDED")     'added)
	((string= code "ADD")       'needs-update)
	((string= code "EDITED")    'edited)
	((string= code "REMOVE")    'removed)
	((string= code "UPDATE")    'needs-update)
	((string= code "UPDATED_BY_MERGE") 'needs-merge)
	((string= code "EXTRA")     'unregistered)
	((string= code "MISSING")   'missing)
	((string= code "RENAMED")   'added)
	(t             nil)))

(defvar vc-fossil--file-classifications nil
  "An alist of (filename . classification) pairs.")

(defun vc-fossil--classify-all-files (dir)
  (setq vc-fossil--file-classifications nil)
  (let* ((default-directory dir)
	 (lines (split-string (vc-fossil--run "changes" "--classify" "--all" ".") "[\n\r]+" t)))
    (dolist (line lines)
      (let* ((state-and-file (split-string-and-unquote line))
	     (state (car state-and-file))
	     (file (cadr state-and-file))
	     (pair (cons file state)))
	(push pair vc-fossil--file-classifications)))))

(defun vc-fossil--propertize-header-line (name value)
  (concat (propertize name  'face 'font-lock-type-face)
	  (propertize value 'face 'font-lock-variable-name-face)))

(defun vc-fossil--remotes ()
  (let ((remotes '()))
    (dolist (l (split-string (vc-fossil--run "remote" "list") "\n" t))
      (push (split-string l) remotes))

(defun vc-fossil--branches ()
  "Return the existing branches, as a list of strings.
The car of the list is the current branch."
    ;;;---!!! This requires that fossil is compiled with JSON support.
    (vc-fossil--call t "json" "branch" "list")
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (let* ((payload (gethash "payload" (json-parse-buffer)))
	   (current-branch (gethash "current" payload))
	   (branches (append (gethash "branches" payload) nil)))
      (cons current-branch (remove current-branch branches)))))
;; Customization

(defgroup vc-fossil nil
  "VC Fossil backend."
  :group 'vc)

(defcustom vc-fossil-diff-switches t
  "String or list of strings specifying switches for Fossil diff under VC.
If nil, use the value of `vc-diff-switches'.  If t, use no switches."
  :type '(choice (const :tag "Unspecified" nil)
		 (const :tag "None" t)
		 (string :tag "Argument String")
		 (repeat :tag "Argument List" :value ("") string)))

(defcustom vc-fossil-extra-header-fields (list :repository :remote-url :checkout :tags)
  "A list of keywords denoting extra header fields to show in the vc-dir buffer."
  :type '(set (const :repository) (const :remote-url) (const :synchro)
	      (const :checkout) (const :comment) (const :tags)))


(defun vc-fossil-revision-granularity () 'repository)

(defun vc-fossil-update-on-retrieve-tag () nil)


;;;###autoload (defun vc-fossil-registered (file)
;;;###autoload   "Return non-nil if FILE is registered with Fossil."
;;;###autoload   (if (vc-find-root file ".fslckout")       ; Short cut.
;;;###autoload       (progn
;;;###autoload         (load "vc-fossil" nil t)
;;;###autoload         (vc-fossil-registered file))))
(defun vc-fossil-registered (file)
    (let* ((str (ignore-errors
		  (vc-fossil--out-ok "finfo" "-s" (file-truename file))
      (and str
	   (> (length str) 7)
	   (not (string= (substring str 0 7) "unknown"))))))

(defun vc-fossil-state (file)
  (let* ((line (vc-fossil--run "changes" "--classify" "--all" (file-truename file)))
	 (state (vc-fossil--state-code (car (split-string line)))))
    ;; ---!!! Does 'fossil update' and 'fossil changes' have different
    ;; ---!!!    semantics here?
    ;; If 'fossil update' says file is UNCHANGED check to see if it
    ;; has been RENAMED.
    (when (or (not state) (eql state 'up-to-date))
      (let ((line (vc-fossil--run "changes" "--classify" "--unchanged" "--renamed"
				  (file-truename file))))
	(setq state (and line (vc-fossil--state-code (car (split-string line)))))))

(defun vc-fossil-dir-status-files (dir files update-function)
  (vc-fossil--classify-all-files dir)
  (insert (apply #'vc-fossil--run "changes" "--classify" "--all"
		 (or files (list dir))))
  (let ((result '()))
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (while (not (eobp))
      (let* ((line (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (line-end-position)))
	     (status-word (car (split-string line))))
	(if (string-match "-----" status-word)
	    (goto-char (point-max))
	  (let ((file (cadr (split-string line)))
		(state (vc-fossil--state-code status-word)))
	    ;; If 'fossil update' says file is UNCHANGED check to see
	    ;; if it has been RENAMED.
	    (when (or (not state) (eql state 'up-to-date))
	      (setq state (vc-fossil--state-code
			   (cdr (assoc file vc-fossil--file-classifications)))))
	    (when (not (eq state 'up-to-date))
	      (push (list file state) result))))
    ;; Now collect untracked files.
    (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
    (insert (apply #'vc-fossil--run "extras" "--dotfiles" (list dir)))
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (while (not (eobp))
      (let ((file (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (line-end-position))))
	(push (list file (vc-fossil--state-code nil)) result)
    (funcall update-function result nil)))

(defun vc-fossil-dir-extra-headers (_dir)
  (let ((info (vc-fossil--run "info"))
	(settings (vc-fossil--run "settings"))
	(lines nil))
    (dolist (field vc-fossil-extra-header-fields)
      (unless (null lines)
	(push "\n" lines))
      (cond ((eql field :repository)
	     (string-match "repository: *\\(.*\\)$" info)
	     (let ((repo (match-string 1 info)))
	       (push (vc-fossil--propertize-header-line "Repository : " repo) lines)))
	    ((eql field :remote-url)
	     (let ((remote-url (car (split-string (vc-fossil--run "remote-url")))))
	       (unless (string= "off" remote-url)
		 (push (vc-fossil--propertize-header-line "Remote     : " remote-url) lines))))
	    ((eql field :synchro)
	     (let* ((as-match (string-match "^autosync +.+ +\\([[:graph:]]+\\)$" settings))
		    (autosync (and as-match (match-string 1 settings)))
		    (dp-match (string-match "^dont-push +.+ +\\([[:graph:]]+\\)$" settings))
		    (dontpush (and dp-match (match-string 1 settings))))
	       (push (vc-fossil--propertize-header-line
		      "Synchro    : "
		      (concat (and autosync "autosync=") autosync
			      (and dontpush " dont-push=") dontpush))
	    ((eql field :checkout)
	     (let* ((_posco (string-match "checkout: *\\([0-9a-fA-F]+\\) \\([-0-9: ]+ UTC\\)" info))
		    (coid (substring (match-string 1 info) 0 10))
		    (cots (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z"
					      (safe-date-to-time (match-string 2 info))))
		    (child-match (string-match "child: *\\(.*\\)$" info))
		    (leaf (if child-match "non-leaf" "leaf")))
	       (push (vc-fossil--propertize-header-line "Checkout   : "
							(concat coid " " cots
								(concat " (" leaf ")")))
	    ((eql field :comment)
	     (string-match "comment: *\\(.*\\)$" info)
	     (let ((msg (match-string 1 info)))
	       (push (vc-fossil--propertize-header-line "Comment    : " msg) lines)))
	    ((eql field :tags)
	     (string-match "tags: *\\(.*\\)" info)
	     (let ((tags (match-string 1 info)))
	       (push (vc-fossil--propertize-header-line "Tags       : " tags) lines)))))
    (apply #'concat (nreverse lines))))

;; - dir-printer (fileinfo)

;; - status-fileinfo-extra (file)

(defun vc-fossil-working-revision (file)
  (let ((line (vc-fossil--run "finfo" "-s" (file-truename file))))
    (and line
	 (cadr (split-string line)))))

(defun vc-fossil-checkout-model (_files) 'implicit)

;; - mode-line-string (file)


(defun vc-fossil-create-repo ()
  (vc-fossil--command nil 0 nil "new"))

(defun vc-fossil-register (files &optional _rev _comment)
  ;; We ignore the comment.  There's no comment on add.
  (vc-fossil--command nil 0 files "add"))

(defun vc-fossil-responsible-p (file)
  (vc-fossil-root file))

;; - receive-file (file rev)

(defun vc-fossil-unregister (file)
  (vc-fossil--command nil 0 file "rm"))

(defun vc-fossil-checkin (files comment &optional _rev)
  (apply #'vc-fossil--command nil 0 files
	 (nconc (list "commit" "-m")
		 `(("Author" . "--user-override")
		   ("Date" . "--date-override"))
		(vc-switches 'Fossil 'checkin))))

;; - checkin-patch (patch-string comment)

(defun vc-fossil-find-revision (file rev buffer)
  (apply #'vc-fossil--command buffer 0 file
	  (unless (zerop (length rev)) (list "-r" rev))
	  (vc-switches 'Fossil 'checkout))))

(defun vc-fossil-checkout (file &optional _editable rev)
  (apply #'vc-fossil--command nil 0 file
	   ((eq rev t) (list "current"))
	   ((equal rev "") (list "trunk"))
	   ((stringp rev) (list rev)))
	  (vc-switches 'Fossil 'checkout))))

(defun vc-fossil-revert (file &optional contents-done)
  (if contents-done
    (vc-fossil--command nil 0 file "revert")))

;; - merge-file (file &optional rev1 rev2)

(defun vc-fossil-merge-branch ()
  "Merge changes into the current branch.
This prompts for a branch to merge from."
  (let* ((root (vc-fossil-root default-directory))
	 (buffer (format "*vc-fossil : %s*" (expand-file-name root)))
	 (branches (cdr (vc-fossil--branches)))
	 (merge-source (completing-read "Merge from branch: " branches nil t)))
    (apply #'vc-do-async-command buffer root "fossil" "merge" (list merge-source))
    (with-current-buffer buffer (vc-run-delayed (vc-compilation-mode 'Fossil)))
    (vc-set-async-update buffer)))

;; - merge-news (file)

(defvar vc-fossil--pull-history nil)
(defvar vc-fossil--push-history nil)

(defun vc-fossil-pull (prompt)
  (interactive "P")
  (vc-fossil--do-async-prompted-command "update" prompt 'vc-fossil--pull-history))

(defun vc-fossil-push (prompt)
  (interactive "P")
  (vc-fossil--do-async-prompted-command "push" prompt 'vc-fossil-push-history))

;; - steal-lock (file &optional revision)

(defun vc-fossil-modify-change-comment (_files rev comment)
  (vc-fossil--call t "amend" rev "-m" comment))

;; - mark-resolved (files)

;; - find-admin-dir (file)


(defun vc-fossil-print-log (files buffer &optional _shortlog start-revision limit)
  ;; TODO: We actually already have short, start and limit, need to
  ;; add it into the code.
  (vc-setup-buffer buffer)
  (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
    (with-current-buffer buffer
      (dolist (file files)
	(apply #'vc-fossil--command buffer 0 nil "timeline"
		(when start-revision (list "before" start-revision))
		(when (numberp limit) (list "-n" (number-to-string limit)))
		(list "-p" (file-relative-name (expand-file-name file))))))
      (goto-char (point-min)))))

;; * log-outgoing (buffer remote-location)

;; * log-incoming (buffer remote-location)

;; - log-search (buffer pattern)

(defvar log-view-message-re)
(defvar log-view-file-re)
(defvar log-view-font-lock-keywords)
(defvar log-view-per-file-logs)

(define-derived-mode vc-fossil-log-view-mode log-view-mode "Fossil-Log-View"
  (setq word-wrap t)
  (setq-local wrap-prefix "                      ")
  (setq-local log-view-file-re "\\`a\\`")
  (setq-local log-view-per-file-logs nil)
  (setq-local log-view-message-re
	      "^[0-9:]+ \\[\\([0-9a-fA-F]*\\)\\] \\(?:\\*[^*]*\\*\\)? ?\\(.*\\)")
  (setq-local log-view-font-lock-keywords
		 ("^\\([0-9:]*\\) \\(\\[[[:alnum:]]*\\]\\) \\(\\(?:\\*[[:word:]]*\\*\\)?\\) ?\\(.*?\\) (user: \\([[:word:]]*\\) tags: \\(.*\\))"
		  (1 'change-log-date)
		  (2 'change-log-name)
		  (3 'highlight)
		  (4 'log-view-message)
		  (5 'change-log-name)
		  (6 'highlight))
		 ("^=== \\(.*\\) ==="
		  (1 'change-log-date))))))

;; - show-log-entry (revision)

;; - comment-history (file)

;; - update-changelog (files)

(defun vc-fossil-diff (files &optional rev1 rev2 buffer _async)
  ;; TODO: Implement diff for directories.
  (let ((buf (or buffer "*vc-diff*"))
	(root (and files (expand-file-name (vc-fossil-root (car files))))))
    ;; If we diff the root directory, do not specify a file.
    (if (or (null files)
	    (and (null (cdr files))
		 (equal root (expand-file-name (car files)))))
	(setq files nil))
    (apply #'vc-fossil--command
	   buf 0 files "diff" "-i"
	     (rev2 (list "--from" (or rev1 "current") "--to" rev2))
	     (rev1 (list "--from" rev1)))
	    (vc-switches 'Fossil 'diff)))))

(defun vc-fossil-revision-completion-table (_files)

(defconst vc-fossil-annotate-re
  "\\([[:word:]]+\\)\\s-+\\([-0-9]+\\)\\s-+[0-9]+: ")

(defun vc-fossil-annotate-command (file buffer &optional rev)
  (vc-fossil--command buffer 0 file "annotate" "-r" (or rev "trunk")))

(defun vc-fossil-annotate-time ()
  ;; TODO: Currently only the date is used, not the time.
  (when (looking-at vc-fossil-annotate-re)
    (goto-char (match-end 0))
     (date-to-time (format "%s 00:00:00" (match-string-no-properties 2))))))

;; - annotate-current-time ()

(defun vc-fossil-annotate-extract-revision-at-line ()
    (when (looking-at vc-fossil-annotate-re)
      (goto-char (match-end 0))
      (match-string-no-properties 1))))

;; - region-history (file buffer lfrom lto)

;; - region-history-mode ()

(defun vc-fossil-mergebase (rev1 &optional rev2)
  (unless rev2 (setq rev2 "trunk"))
  (let* ((pivot (vc-fossil--run "test-find-pivot" rev1 rev2))
	 (_pos (string-match "pivot=\\([0-9a-fA-F]+\\)" pivot))
	 (base (match-string 1 pivot)))
    (if base
      (error "No common ancestor for merge base"))))


(defun vc-fossil-create-tag (file name branchp)
  (let* ((dir (if (file-directory-p file) file (file-name-directory file)))
	 (default-directory dir))
    (apply #'vc-fossil--command nil 0 nil `(,@(if branchp
						  '("branch" "new")
						'("tag" "add"))
					    ,name ,(vc-fossil--get-id dir)))))

(defun vc-fossil-retrieve-tag (dir name _update)
  (let ((default-directory dir))
    (vc-fossil--command nil 0 nil "checkout" name)))


;; - make-version-backups-p (file)

(defun vc-fossil-root (file)
  (or (vc-find-root file ".fslckout")
      (vc-find-root file "_FOSSIL_")))

;; - ignore (file &optional directory)

;; - ignore-completion-table

(defun vc-fossil-find-ignore-file (file)
  (expand-file-name ".fossil-settings/ignore-glob"
		    (vc-fossil-root file)))

(defun vc-fossil-previous-revision (file rev)
      (vc-fossil--command t 0 (file-truename file) "finfo" "-l" "-b")
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (and (re-search-forward (concat "^" (regexp-quote rev)) nil t)
	   (zerop (forward-line))
	   (looking-at "^\\([0-9a-zA-Z]+\\)")
	   (match-string 1)))
      (vc-fossil--command t 0 nil "info" rev)
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (and (re-search-forward "parent: *\\([0-9a-fA-F]+\\)" nil t)
	   (match-string 1))))))

(defun vc-fossil-next-revision (file rev)
      (vc-fossil--command t 0 (file-truename file) "finfo" "-l" "-b")
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (and (re-search-forward (concat "^" (regexp-quote rev)) nil t)
	   (zerop (forward-line -1))
	   (looking-at "^\\([0-9a-zA-Z]+\\)")
	   (match-string 1)))
      (vc-fossil--command t 0 nil "info" rev)
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (and (re-search-forward "child: *\\([0-9a-fA-F]+\\)" nil t)
	   (match-string 1))))))

;; - log-edit-mode ()

;; - check-headers ()

(defun vc-fossil-delete-file (file)
  (vc-fossil--command nil 0 (file-truename file) "rm" "--hard"))

(defun vc-fossil-rename-file (old new)
  (vc-fossil--command nil 0 (list (file-truename old) (file-truename new)) "mv" "--hard"))

;; - find-file-hook ()

;; - extra-menu ()

;; - extra-dir-menu ()

;; - conflicted-files (dir)

(defun vc-fossil-repository-url (file-or-dir &optional remote-name)
  (let ((default-directory (vc-fossil-root file-or-dir)))
    (cadr (assoc (or remote-name "default") (vc-fossil--remotes)))))

;; - prepare-patch (rev)
;; Useful functions for interacting with Fossil

(defun vc-fossil--url-without-authinfo (url)
  (let ((parsed (url-generic-parse-url url)))
    (setf (url-user parsed) nil)
    (setf (url-password parsed) nil)
    (url-recreate-url parsed)))

(defun vc-fossil--relative-file-name (file)
  (let ((l0 (car (split-string (vc-fossil--run "finfo" file) "\n" t))))
      (and (string-match "^History for \\(.*\\)$" l0)
	   (setq file (match-string 1 l0)))

(defun vc-fossil-link (_start _end)
  "Put the current URL to a file in the kill ring."
  (interactive "r")
  (let ((default-directory (file-name-directory (buffer-file-name (current-buffer)))))
    (unless (vc-fossil-registered (buffer-file-name))
      (error "%s: file is not registerd in vc" (buffer-file-name)))
    (let* ((repository-url (vc-fossil--url-without-authinfo
			    (vc-fossil-repository-url (buffer-file-name))))
	   (file (vc-fossil--relative-file-name (buffer-file-name)))
	   (tag (vc-fossil-working-revision (buffer-file-name (current-buffer))))
   	   (start (line-number-at-pos (region-beginning)))
   	   (end (line-number-at-pos (region-end)))
            (if (= start end)
                (format "%s/file?ci=%s&name=%s&ln=%s"
 			repository-url tag file start)
              (format "%s/file?ci=%s&name=%s&ln=%s-%s"
 		      repository-url tag file start end))))
      (kill-new link)
      (message "%s" link))))
;; This snippet enables the Fossil VC backend so it will work once
;; this file is loaded.  By also marking it for inclusion in the
;; autoloads file, installing packaged versions of this should work
;; without users having to monkey with their init files.

(add-to-list 'vc-handled-backends 'Fossil t)

(provide 'vc-fossil)

;;; vc-fossil.el ends here