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* org-outlookel::

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1 org-outlook.el

Matthew L. Fidler ## Library Information _org-outlook.el_ -- Outlook org

   * *Filename* - org-outlook.el Description:

   * *Author* - Matthew L. Fidler Maintainer:

   * *Created* - Mon May 10 09:44:59 2010 (-0500)

   * *Version* - 0.8

   * *Last-Updated* - Tue May 29 22:21:06 2012 (-0500)

   * *By* - Matthew L. Fidler

   * *Update #* - 166

   * *URL* - https:__github.com_mlf176f2_org-outlook.el

   * *Keywords* - Org-outlook Compatibility:

* Menu:

* Introduction::
* History::

File:,  Node: Introduction,  Next: History,  Up: org-outlookel

1.1 Introduction:

Org mode lets you organize your tasks. However, sometimes you may wish
to integrate org-mode with outlook since your company forces you to use
Microsoft Outlook. org-outlook.el allows: - Creating Tasks from outlook
items: - org-outlook-task. All selected items in outlook will be added
to a task-list at current point. This version requires org-protocol and
org-protocol.vbs. The org-protocol.vbs has can be generated with the
interactive function `org-outlook-create-vbs'.

   * Open Outlook Links in org-mode

   * Requires org-outlook-location to be customized when using Outlook
     2007 (this way you don't have to edit the registry).

This is based loosely on:

Note that you may also add tasks using visual basic directly. The
script below performs the following actions:

   * Move email to Personal Folders under folder "@ActionTasks"
     (changes GUID)

   * Create a org-mode task under heading "* Tasks" for the file

   * Note by replacing "@ActionTasks", "* Tasks" and
     `f:\Documents\org\' you can modify this script to your
     personal needs.

The visual basic script for outlook is:

Sub CreateTaskFromItem() Dim T As Variant Dim Outlook As New
Outlook.Application Dim orgfile As Variant Dim Pos As Integer Dim taskf
As Object
Set myNamespace = Outlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set myPersonalFolder = myNamespace.Folders.item("Personal Folders")
Set allPersonalFolders = myPersonalFolder.Folders

T = ""
For Each Folder In allPersonalFolders
    If Folder.Name = "@ActionTasks" Then
        Set taskf = Folder
        Exit For
    End If

If Outlook.Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Count > 0 Then
    For I = 1 To Outlook.Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Count
            Set objMail = Outlook.ActiveExplorer.Selection.item(I)
            Set objMail = objMail.Move(taskf)
            objMail.Save 'Maybe this will update EntryID
            T = T + "____ TODO " + objMail.Subject + " :OFFICE:" + vbCrLf
            T = T + "[[outlook:" + objMail.EntryID + "][MESSAGE: " + objMail.Subject + " (" + objMail.SenderName + ")]]"
            T = T + vbCrLf + vbCrLf
            T = T + objMail.Body
            T = T + vbCrLf + vbCrLf
    ' Now that we have the org-mode tasks, add to org-mode file
    orgfile = GetFile("f:\Documents\org\")
    Pos = InStr(1, orgfile, "* Tasks", vbTextCompare)
    orgfile = Mid(orgfile, 1, Pos + Len("__ Tasks") + 1) + vbCrLf + T + Mid(orgfile, Pos + Len("__ Tasks") + 1, Len(orgfile))
    orgfile = Replace(orgfile, vbCrLf, Chr(10)) ' Change to unix line endings.
    WriteFile "f:\Documents\org\", orgfile
    MsgBox "No Message(s) Selected"
End If

End Sub

File:,  Node: History,  Prev: Introduction,  Up: org-outlookel

1.2 History

   * *12-Dec-2012* - Updated Visual Basic Script to be more robust, and
     have more options. (Matthew L. Fidler)

   * *07-Dec-2012* - Should fix Issue #1. Also added
     org-outlook-create-vbs to create the VBS code based on a user's
     setup. (Matthew L. Fidler)

   * *26-May-2012* - Added (require 'cl), Thanks Robert Pluim (Matthew
     L. Fidler)

   * *21-Feb-2012* - Bug fix for opening files. (Matthew L. Fidler)

   * *21-Feb-2012* - Bug fix. (Matthew L. Fidler)

   * *13-Dec-2011* - Added more autoload cookies. (Matthew L. Fidler)

   * *08-Apr-2011* - Added some autoload cookies. (US041375)

   * *15-Feb-2011* - Changed outlook-org to org-outlook.el (Matthew L.

   * *11-Jan-2011* - Finalized interface with org-protocol (Matthew L.

   * *05-Jan-2011* - Removed outlook copy. I only use from outlook now.
     (Matthew L. Fidler)

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Node: org-outlookel318
Node: Introduction916
Node: History3827

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