(defconst almost-mono-themes-colors
'((white . ((background . "#ffffff")
(foreground . "#000000")
(weak . "#888888")
(weaker . "#dddddd")
(weakest . "#efefef")
(highlight . "#fda50f")
(warning . "#ff0000")
(success . "#00ff00")
(string . "#3c5e2b")))
(black . ((background . "#000000")
(foreground . "#ffffff")
(weak . "#aaaaaa")
(weaker . "#666666")
(weakest . "#222222")
(highlight . "#fda50f")
(warning . "#ff0000")
(success . "#00ff00")
(string . "#a7bca4")))
(gray . ((background . "#2b2b2b")
(foreground . "#ffffff")
(weak . "#aaaaaa")
(weaker . "#666666")
(weakest . "#222222")
(highlight . "#fda50f")
(warning . "#ff0000")
(success . "#00ff00")
(string . "#a7bca4")))
(cream . ((background . "#f0e5da")
(foreground . "#000000")
(weak . "#7d7165")
(weaker . "#c4baaf")
(weakest . "#dbd0c5")
(highlight . "#fda50f")
(warning . "#ff0000")
(success . "#00ff00")
(string . "#3c5e2b")))))
(defmacro almost-mono-themes--variant-with-colors (variant &rest body)
"Execute BODY in a scope where the different colors for given VARIANT is bound."
`(let* ((colors (or (cdr (assoc ,variant almost-mono-themes-colors))
(error "No such theme variant")))
(background (cdr (assoc 'background colors)))
(foreground (cdr (assoc 'foreground colors)))
(weak (cdr (assoc 'weak colors)))
(weaker (cdr (assoc 'weaker colors)))
(weakest (cdr (assoc 'weakest colors)))
(highlight (cdr (assoc 'highlight colors)))
(warning (cdr (assoc 'warning colors)))
(success (cdr (assoc 'success colors)))
(string (cdr (assoc 'string colors))))
(defmacro almost-mono-themes--faces-spec ()
"Provide the faces specification."
(lambda (entry) (list (car entry) `((t ,@(cdr entry)))))
(default (:background ,background :foreground ,foreground))
(fringe (:background ,background))
(region (:background ,highlight :foreground ,foreground))
(show-paren-match (:background ,background :foreground ,success :bold t))
(show-paren-mismatch (:background ,background :foreground ,warning :bold t))
(minibuffer-prompt (:weight bold :foreground ,foreground))
(isearch (:background ,weak :foreground ,foreground :bold t))
(lazy-highlight (:background ,weaker :foreground ,foreground))
(link (:underline t))
(mode-line (:box (:line-width -1 :color ,weaker)
:background ,weakest :foreground ,foreground))
(mode-line-inactive (:box (:line-width -1 :color ,weaker)
:background ,background :foreground ,weaker))
(font-lock-keyword-face (:bold t))
(font-lock-function-name-face (:bold t))
(font-lock-variable-name-face (:foreground ,foreground))
(font-lock-warning-face (:foreground ,foreground :underline (:color ,warning :style wave)))
(font-lock-builtin-face (:bold t))
(font-lock-variable-name-face (:foreground ,foreground :italic t))
(font-lock-constant-face (:bold t :italic t))
(font-lock-type-face (:italic t))
(font-lock-preprocessor-face (:italic t))
(font-lock-comment-face (:foreground ,weak :italic t))
(font-lock-string-face (:foreground ,string))
(font-lock-doc-face (:inherit font-lock-comment-face))
(line-number (:foreground ,weaker))
(linum (:inherit line-number))
(vertical-border (:foreground ,weaker))
(eshell-prompt (:foreground ,foreground :bold t))
(eshell-ls-directory (:foreground ,foreground :bold t))
(eshell-ls-archive (:inherit eshell-ls-unreadable))
(eshell-ls-backup (:inherit eshell-ls-unreadable))
(eshell-ls-clutter (:inherit eshell-ls-unreadable))
(eshell-ls-executable (:inherit eshell-ls-unreadable))
(eshell-ls-missing (:inherit eshell-ls-unreadable))
(eshell-ls-product (:inherit eshell-ls-unreadable))
(eshell-ls-readonly (:inherit eshell-ls-unreadable))
(eshell-ls-special (:inherit eshell-ls-unreadable))
(eshell-ls-symlink (:inherit eshell-ls-unreadable))
(company-tooltip (:background ,weakest :foreground ,foreground))
(company-tooltip-selection (:background ,weaker :foreground ,foreground))
(company-tooltip-common (:bold t))
(company-tooltip-common-selection (:bold t))
(company-scrollbar-bg (:background ,weaker))
(company-scrollbar-fg (:background ,weak))
(company-tooltip-annotation-selection (:background ,weaker :foreground ,foreground :italic t))
(company-tooltip-annotation (:background ,weakest :foreground ,weak :italic t))
(git-gutter:modified (:background ,highlight :foreground ,highlight))
(git-gutter:added (:background ,success :foreground ,success))
(git-gutter:deleted (:background ,warning :foreground ,warning))
(diff-hl-change (:background ,highlight :foreground ,highlight))
(diff-hl-insert (:background ,success :foreground ,success))
(diff-hl-delete (:background ,warning :foreground ,warning))
(hl-line (:background ,weakest))
(highlight-current-line-face (:inherit hl-line))
(ido-first-match (:bold t))
(ido-only-match (:bold t))
(ido-subdir (:italic t))
(ido-virtual (:foreground ,weak))
(ido-vertical-match-face (:bold t :italic nil))
(org-table (:foreground ,weak))
(defun almost-mono-themes--variant-name (variant)
"Create symbol for color theme variant VARIANT."
(intern (format "almost-mono-%s" (symbol-name variant))))
(defmacro almost-mono-themes--define-theme (variant)
"Define a theme for the almost-mono variant VARIANT."
(let ((name (almost-mono-themes--variant-name variant))
(doc (format "almost mono theme (%s version)" variant)))
(deftheme ,name ,doc)
(put ',name 'theme-immediate t)
(apply 'custom-theme-set-faces ',name
(provide-theme ',name))))
(when (and (boundp 'custom-theme-load-path) load-file-name)
(add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path
(file-name-as-directory (file-name-directory load-file-name))))
(provide 'almost-mono-themes)