;;; meow-face.el --- Faces for Meow -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
;;; Commentary:
;; Faces for Meow.
;;; Code:
(require 'meow-var)
(declare-function meow--mix-color "meow-util")
(defface meow-normal-indicator
'((((class color) (background dark))
(((class color) (background light))
"Normal state indicator."
:group 'meow)
(defface meow-beacon-indicator
'((((class color) (background dark))
(((class color) (background light))
"Cursor state indicator."
:group 'meow)
(defface meow-keypad-indicator
'((((class color) (background dark))
(((class color) (background light))
"Keypad state indicator."
:group 'meow)
(defface meow-insert-indicator
'((((class color) (background dark))
(((class color) (background light))
"Insert state indicator."
:group 'meow)
(defface meow-motion-indicator
'((((class color) (background dark))
(((class color) (background light))
"Motion state indicator."
:group 'meow)
(defface meow-normal-cursor
'((((class color) (background dark))
(:inherit cursor))
(((class color) (background light))
(:inherit cursor)))
"Normal state cursor."
:group 'meow)
(defface meow-insert-cursor
'((((class color) (background dark))
(:inherit cursor))
(((class color) (background light))
(:inherit cursor)))
"Insert state cursor."
:group 'meow)
(defface meow-motion-cursor
'((((class color) (background dark))
(:inherit cursor))
(((class color) (background light))
(:inherit cursor)))
"Motion state cursor."
:group 'meow)
(defface meow-keypad-cursor
'((((class color) (background dark))
(:inherit cursor))
(((class color) (background light))
(:inherit cursor)))
"Keypad state cursor."
:group 'meow)
(defface meow-keypad-cannot-display
'((((class color) (background dark))
(:height 0.7 :foreground "grey90"))
(((class color) (background light))
(:height 0.7 :foreground "grey10")))
"Face for Meow keypad message when cannot display popup."
:group 'meow)
(defface meow-beacon-cursor
'((((class color) (background dark))
(:inherit cursor))
(((class color) (background light))
(:inherit cursor)))
"Keypad state cursor."
:group 'meow)
(defface meow-beacon-cursor
'((t (:inherit cursor)))
"BEACON cursor face."
:group 'meow)
(defface meow-beacon-fake-selection
'((t (:inherit region)))
"BEACON selection face."
:group 'meow)
(defface meow-beacon-fake-cursor
'((t (:inherit region :extend nil)))
"BEACON selection face."
:group 'meow)
(defface meow-unknown-cursor
'((((class color) (background dark))
(:inherit cursor))
(((class color) (background light))
(:inherit cursor)))
"Unknown state cursor."
:group 'meow)
(defface meow-region-cursor-1
`((((class color) (background dark)))
(((class color) (background light))))
"Indicator for region direction."
:group 'meow)
(defface meow-region-cursor-2
`((((class color) (background dark)))
(((class color) (background light))))
"Indicator for region direction."
:group 'meow)
(defface meow-region-cursor-3
`((((class color) (background dark)))
(((class color) (background light))))
"Indicator for region direction."
:group 'meow)
(defface meow-kmacro-cursor
`((t (:underline t)))
"Indicator for region direction."
:group 'meow)
(defface meow-search-highlight
'((t (:inherit lazy-highlight)))
"Search target highlight."
:group 'meow)
(defface meow-position-highlight-number
'((((class color) (background dark))
(:inherit default))
(((class color) (background light))
(:inherit default)))
"Num position highlight."
:group 'meow)
(defface meow-position-highlight-number-1
'((t (:inherit meow-position-highlight-number)))
"Num position highlight."
:group 'meow)
(defface meow-position-highlight-number-2
'((t (:inherit meow-position-highlight-number)))
"Num position highlight."
:group 'meow)
(defface meow-position-highlight-number-3
'((t (:inherit meow-position-highlight-number)))
"Num position highlight."
:group 'meow)
(defface meow-position-highlight-reverse-number-1
'((t (:inherit meow-position-highlight-number-1)))
"Num position highlight."
:group 'meow)
(defface meow-position-highlight-reverse-number-2
'((t (:inherit meow-position-highlight-number-2)))
"Num position highlight."
:group 'meow)
(defface meow-position-highlight-reverse-number-3
'((t (:inherit meow-position-highlight-number-3)))
"Num position highlight."
:group 'meow)
(defface meow-search-indicator
'((((class color) (background dark))
(:foreground "grey40"))
(((class color) (background light))
(:foreground "grey60")))
"Face for search indicator."
:group 'meow)
(defface meow-cheatsheet-command
'((t (:inherit fixed-pitch :height 90)))
"Face for Meow cheatsheet command."
:group 'meow)
(defface meow-cheatsheet-highlight
'((((class color) (background dark))
(:foreground "grey90" :inherit meow-cheatsheet-command))
(((class color) (background light))
(:foreground "grey10" :inherit meow-cheatsheet-command)))
"Face for Meow cheatsheet highlight text."
:group 'meow)
(defun meow--prepare-face (&rest _ignore)
"Calculate faces based on current theme dynamically.
This function will be called after each time the theme changed."
(when meow-use-dynamic-face-color
(when-let ((r (face-background 'region nil t))
(c (face-background 'cursor nil t))
(s (face-background 'secondary-selection nil t))
(b (face-background 'default nil t))
(f (face-foreground 'default nil t))
(bc (face-background 'meow-beacon-cursor nil t)))
(when (and (color-defined-p r)
(color-defined-p c))
(let* ((clrs (meow--mix-color c r 3))
(c1 (car clrs))
(c2 (cadr clrs))
(c3 (caddr clrs)))
(set-face-attribute 'meow-region-cursor-1 nil :background c1 :foreground f :distant-foreground b)
(set-face-attribute 'meow-region-cursor-2 nil :background c2 :foreground f :distant-foreground b)
(set-face-attribute 'meow-region-cursor-3 nil :background c3 :foreground f :distant-foreground b)))
(set-face-attribute 'meow-position-highlight-number nil :foreground b :distant-foreground f)
(when (and (color-defined-p c)
(color-defined-p b))
(let ((c-b-3 (meow--mix-color c b 3)))
(set-face-background 'meow-position-highlight-number-1 (car c-b-3))
(set-face-background 'meow-position-highlight-number-2 (cadr c-b-3))
(set-face-background 'meow-position-highlight-number-3 (caddr c-b-3))))
(when (and (color-defined-p r)
(color-defined-p s))
(set-face-attribute 'meow-beacon-fake-selection
:foreground b
:distant-foreground f
:background (car (meow--mix-color r s 1))))
(when (and (color-defined-p bc)
(color-defined-p s))
(set-face-attribute 'meow-beacon-fake-cursor
:foreground b
:distant-foreground f
:extend nil
:background (car (meow--mix-color bc s 1)))))))
(provide 'meow-face)
;;; meow-face.el ends here