;;; request-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads  -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;;; Code:

(add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name
                         (or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path))))

;;;### (autoloads nil "request" "request.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from request.el

(autoload 'request-response-header "request" "\
Fetch the values of RESPONSE header field named FIELD-NAME.

It returns comma separated values when the header has multiple
field with the same name, as :RFC:`2616` specifies.


  (request-response-header response
                           \"content-type\") ; => \"text/html; charset=utf-8\"
  (request-response-header response
                           \"unknown-field\") ; => nil

\(fn RESPONSE FIELD-NAME)" nil nil)

(autoload 'request-response-headers "request" "\
Return RESPONSE headers as an alist.
I would have chosen a function name that wasn't so suggestive that
`headers` is a member of the `request-response` struct, but
as there's already precedent with `request-response-header', I
hew to consistency.

\(fn RESPONSE)" nil nil)

(autoload 'request "request" "\
Main entry requesting URL with property list SETTINGS as follow.

==================== ========================================================
Keyword argument      Explanation
==================== ========================================================
TYPE          (string)   type of request to make: POST/GET/PUT/DELETE
PARAMS         (alist)   set \"?key=val\" part in URL
DATA    (string/alist)   data to be sent to the server
FILES          (alist)   files to be sent to the server (see below)
PARSER        (symbol)   a function that reads current buffer and return data
HEADERS        (alist)   additional headers to send with the request
ENCODING      (symbol)   encoding for request body (utf-8 by default)
SUCCESS     (function)   called on success
ERROR       (function)   called on error
COMPLETE    (function)   called on both success and error
TIMEOUT       (number)   timeout in second
STATUS-CODE    (alist)   map status code (int) to callback
SYNC            (bool)   If non-nil, wait until request is done. Default is nil.
==================== ========================================================

* Callback functions

Callback functions STATUS, ERROR, COMPLETE and `cdr\\='s in element of
the alist STATUS-CODE take same keyword arguments listed below.  For
forward compatibility, these functions must ignore unused keyword
arguments (i.e., it\\='s better to use `&allow-other-keys\\=' [#]_).::

     :data          data           ; whatever PARSER function returns, or nil
     :error-thrown  error-thrown   ; (ERROR-SYMBOL . DATA), or nil
     :symbol-status symbol-status  ; success/error/timeout/abort/parse-error
     :response      response       ; request-response object

.. [#] `&allow-other-keys\\=' is a special \"markers\" available in macros
   in the CL library for function definition such as `cl-defun\\=' and
   `cl-function\\='.  Without this marker, you need to specify all arguments
   to be passed.  This becomes problem when request.el adds new arguments
   when calling callback functions.  If you use `&allow-other-keys\\='
   (or manually ignore other arguments), your code is free from this
   problem.  See info node `(cl) Argument Lists\\=' for more information.

Arguments data, error-thrown, symbol-status can be accessed by
`request-response-data\\=', `request-response-error-thrown\\=',
`request-response-symbol-status\\=' accessors, i.e.::

    (request-response-data RESPONSE)  ; same as data

Response object holds other information which can be accessed by
the following accessors:
`request-response-url\\=' and

* STATUS-CODE callback

STATUS-CODE is an alist of the following format::

    ((N-1 . CALLBACK-1)
     (N-2 . CALLBACK-2)

Here, N-1, N-2,... are integer status codes such as 200.


FILES is an alist of the following format::

    ((NAME-1 . FILE-1)
     (NAME-2 . FILE-2)

where FILE-N is a list of the form::


FILE-N can also be a string (path to the file) or a buffer object.
In that case, FILENAME is set to the file name or buffer name.

Example FILES argument::

    `((\"passwd\"   . \"/etc/passwd\")                ; filename = passwd
      (\"scratch\"  . ,(get-buffer \"*scratch*\"))    ; filename = *scratch*
      (\"passwd2\"  . (\"password.txt\" :file \"/etc/passwd\"))
      (\"scratch2\" . (\"scratch.txt\"  :buffer ,(get-buffer \"*scratch*\")))
      (\"data\"     . (\"data.csv\"     :data \"1,2,3\\n4,5,6\\n\")))

.. note:: FILES is implemented only for curl backend for now.
   As furl.el_ supports multipart POST, it should be possible to
   support FILES in pure elisp by making furl.el_ another backend.
   Contributions are welcome.

   .. _furl.el: https://code.google.com/p/furl-el/

* PARSER function

PARSER function takes no argument and it is executed in the
buffer with HTTP response body.  The current position in the HTTP
response buffer is at the beginning of the buffer.  As the HTTP
header is stripped off, the cursor is actually at the beginning
of the response body.  So, for example, you can pass `json-read\\='
to parse JSON object in the buffer.  To fetch whole response as a
string, pass `buffer-string\\='.

When using `json-read\\=', it is useful to know that the returned
type can be modified by `json-object-type\\=', `json-array-type\\=',
`json-key-type\\=', `json-false\\=' and `json-null\\='.  See docstring of
each function for what it does.  For example, to convert JSON
objects to plist instead of alist, wrap `json-read\\=' by `lambda\\='
like this.::

     :parser (lambda ()
               (let ((json-object-type \\='plist))

This is analogous to the `dataType\\=' argument of jQuery.ajax_.
Only this function can access to the process buffer, which
is killed immediately after the execution of this function.


Synchronous request is functional, but *please* don\\='t use it
other than testing or debugging.  Emacs users have better things
to do rather than waiting for HTTP request.  If you want a better
way to write callback chains, use `request-deferred\\='.

If you can\\='t avoid using it (e.g., you are inside of some hook
which must return some value), make sure to set TIMEOUT to
relatively small value.

Due to limitation of `url-retrieve-synchronously\\=', response slots
`request-response-error-thrown\\=', `request-response-history\\=' and
`request-response-url\\=' are unknown (always nil) when using
synchronous request with `url-retrieve\\=' backend.

* Note

API of `request\\=' is somewhat mixture of jQuery.ajax_ (Javascript)
and requests.request_ (Python).

.. _jQuery.ajax: https://api.jquery.com/jQuery.ajax/
.. _requests.request: https://docs.python-requests.org

\(fn URL &rest SETTINGS &key (PARAMS nil) (DATA nil) (HEADERS nil) (ENCODING \\='utf-8) (ERROR nil) (SYNC nil) (RESPONSE (make-request-response)) &allow-other-keys)" nil nil)

(function-put 'request 'lisp-indent-function 'defun)

(autoload 'request-untrampify-filename "request" "\
Return FILE as the local file name.

\(fn FILE)" nil nil)

(autoload 'request-abort "request" "\
Abort request for RESPONSE (the object returned by `request').
Note that this function invoke ERROR and COMPLETE callbacks.
Callbacks may not be called immediately but called later when
associated process is exited.

\(fn RESPONSE)" nil nil)

(register-definition-prefixes "request" '("request-"))

;; Local Variables:
;; version-control: never
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; no-update-autoloads: t
;; coding: utf-8
;; End:
;;; request-autoloads.el ends here