This is, produced by makeinfo version 6.7 from

     Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Jonas Bernoulli <>

     You can redistribute this document and/or modify it under the terms
     of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
     Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
     any later version.

     This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     General Public License for more details.

* Magit-Popup: (magit-popup). Infix arguments with feedback.

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Magit-Popup User Manual

This package implements a generic interface for toggling switches and
setting options and then invoking an Emacs command that does something
with these arguments.  Usually the command calls an external process
with the specified arguments.

   This package has been superseded by Transient (*note
(transient)Top::).  No new features will be added but bugs will be

This manual is for Magit-Popup version 2.13.3.

     Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Jonas Bernoulli <>

     You can redistribute this document and/or modify it under the terms
     of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
     Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
     any later version.

     This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     General Public License for more details.

* Menu:

* Introduction::
* Usage::
* Defining Prefix and Suffix Commands::

— The Detailed Node Listing —


* Customizing Existing Popups::
* Other Options::

Defining Prefix and Suffix Commands

* Defining Prefix Commands::
* Defining Suffix Commands::

File:,  Node: Introduction,  Next: Usage,  Prev: Top,  Up: Top

1 Introduction

Taking inspiration from regular prefix commands and prefix arguments,
this library implements a similar abstraction; a new kind of prefix
command that is associated with a specific set of infix arguments and
suffix commands.

   Invoking such a prefix command displays a popup buffer which lists
the associated infix arguments and suffix commands.  In that buffer each
argument is prefixed with the key sequence that can be used to toggle it
or change its value.  Likewise each suffix command is prefixed with the
key used to invoke it.  Such a popup buffer might look like this:

     | -l Show graph (--graph)
     | -d Show refnames (--decorate)
     | =m Search messages (--grep="popup")
     | =p Search patches (-G)
     | l Show log for current branch
     | o Show log for another branch

   The user could then for example type ‘-l’ to toggle the ‘--graph’
*switch* (when it is on then it is shown in green, otherwise in gray),
or ‘=m’ to change the value of the *option* ‘--grep’.

   Once all arguments are as desired one invokes a suffix command, which
causes the popup buffer to disappear.  The suffix command should then
retrieve the infix arguments in its ‘interactive’ form like this is done
for prefix arguments.

   While such "prefix-infix-suffix" combos were inspired by regular
prefix commands and prefix arguments, they are also quite different.
This should illustrate the most basic differences:

   • A regular prefix command

                  /- command1
          prefix --- command2
                  \- command3

   • Prefix arguments

                   /- command1
          C-u ... --- command2
                   \- well any command

   • A Prefix-Infix-Suffix combo

                   /- argument1 -\ /- suffix1
          prefix----- argument2 --+-- suffix2
                 ^ \- argument3 -/
                 |        |
              (refresh buffer)

   This package has been superseded by Transient (*note
(transient)Top::).  No new features will be added but bugs will be

File:,  Node: Usage,  Next: Defining Prefix and Suffix Commands,  Prev: Introduction,  Up: Top

2 Usage

Every popup buffers created with a prefix command contains a section
named "Actions" listing the available suffix commands.  Most buffers
also contain a "Switches" and/or an "Options" section which list the two
types of infix arguments separately.

   Switches are arguments that can be toggled on or off.  When a switch
is active then it is shown in color, when it is off then it is shown in
gray (of course the details depend on the color theme in use).

   Options are arguments that have a value.  When an option has a value
then that is shown after the option itself.  Because for some options
the empty string is a valid value, options are additionally colorized
like switches to indicate whether they are active or not.

   The events bound to suffix commands are always single alphabetic
characters.  The bindings for arguments are always two events long.  For
switches the first key is always ‘-’, for options it is always ‘=’.  The
second key is always an alphabetic character.

   By default popup buffers also feature a section listing commands
common to all popups.  To avoid conflicts with suffix commands, the
bindings of these common commands are not alphabetic characters.  This
section is shown by default so that documentation-resistant users get a
chance to notice them.

 -- User Option: magit-popup-show-common-commands

     This option controls whether the section that lists the commands
     that are common to all popups is initially shown.

     By default this is not the case, but note that you can temporarily
     show this section using ‘C-t’, which therefore is the only common
     command you actually have to memorize.

‘C-t’     (‘magit-popup-toggle-show-common-commands’)

     Show or hide the section listing the commands shared by all popups.

‘C-g’     (‘magit-popup-quit’)

     Quit popup buffer without invoking a suffix command.

   Without further action, setting arguments only affects the next
suffix command.  Invoking the same prefix command again resets the
arguments to their default value, but the defaults can be changed
directly from the popup buffer itself.  For a prefix command named
‘NAME-popup’ the default values are stored as the value of the custom
option named ‘NAME-arguments’.  While this option can be customized
using the Custom interface, it is better to do so directly from the
popup buffer.

‘C-c C-c’     (‘magit-popup-set-default-arguments’)

     This sets the default value for the arguments for the current

     Then the popup buffer is closed without invoking a suffix command;
     unless a prefix argument is used in which case the popup remains

‘C-x C-s’     (‘magit-popup-save-default-arguments’)

     This sets the default value for the arguments for the current popup
     and saves it for future Emacs sessions.

     Then the popup buffer is closed without invoking an action; unless
     a prefix argument is used in which case the popup remains open.

   It is also possible to add additional arguments and commands to an
existing popup, but that cannot be done directly from the popup (or the
Custom interface).  See *note Customizing Existing Popups::.

   Documentation about a popup’s arguments and commands can be shown
directly from the popup.

‘C-h i’     (‘magit-popup-info’)

     Show this manual.

‘?’     (‘magit-popup-help’)

     This command reads a key sequence and then shows the documentation
     of the argument or command that sequence is bound to.  In other
     words type the same keys that you would use to invoke the argument
     or command, but prefix the sequence with ‘?’.

     For suffix commands this shows the doc-string.  For arguments this
     command can only show something for popups that have an associated
     man-page.  If the man-page is set, then this command displays it in
     a separate buffer and puts point on the entry about the argument in

     The buffer which is used to display the documentation is selected.
     Simply press ‘q’ to leave that buffer and restore the old window

   While it isn’t very useful, it is possible to move around in a popup
buffer using ‘C-p’ and ‘C-n’, and to invoke the argument or command at
point using ‘RET’.  But it is much more efficient to use the dedicated
key bindings instead, so these commands are not listed in popup buffers
along with the other common commands.

* Menu:

* Customizing Existing Popups::
* Other Options::

File:,  Node: Customizing Existing Popups,  Next: Other Options,  Up: Usage

2.1 Customizing Existing Popups

It is possible to define additional infix arguments and suffix commands
to an existing popup using the following functions.

   You can find some examples which use the below commands at

 -- Function: magit-define-popup-switch popup key desc switch &optional
          enable at prepend

     In POPUP, define KEY as SWITCH.

     POPUP is a popup command defined using ‘magit-define-popup’.
     SWITCH is a string representing an argument that takes no value.
     KEY is a character representing the second event in the sequence of
     keystrokes used to toggle the argument.  (The first event, the
     prefix, is shared among all switches, defaults to ‘-’, and can be
     changed in ‘magit-popup-mode-keymap’).

     DESC is a string describing the purpose of the argument, it is
     displayed in the popup.

     If optional ENABLE is non-nil then the switch is on by default.

     SWITCH is inserted after all other switches already defined for
     POPUP, unless optional PREPEND is non-nil, in which case it is
     placed first.  If optional AT is non-nil then it should be the KEY
     of another switch already defined for POPUP, the argument is then
     placed before or after AT, depending on PREPEND.

 -- Function: magit-define-popup-option popup key desc option &optional
          reader value at prepend

     In POPUP, define KEY as OPTION.

     POPUP is a popup command defined using ‘magit-define-popup’.
     OPTION is a string representing an argument that takes a value.
     KEY is a character representing the second event in the sequence of
     keystrokes used to set the argument’s value.  (The first event, the
     prefix, is shared among all options, defaults to ‘=’, and can be
     changed in ‘magit-popup-mode-keymap’).

     DESC is a string describing the purpose of the argument, it is
     displayed in the popup.

     If optional VALUE is non-nil then the option is on by default, and
     VALUE is its default value.

     READER is used to read a value from the user when the option is
     invoked and does not currently have a value.  (When the option has
     a value, then invoking the option causes it to be unset.)  This
     function must take two arguments but may choose to ignore them.
     The first argument is the name of the option (with ": \" appended,
     unless it ends with "=") and can be used as the prompt.  The second
     argument is nil or the value that was in effect before the option
     was unset, which may be suitable as initial completion input.  If
     no reader is specified, then ‘read-from-minibuffer’ is used.

     OPTION is inserted after all other options already defined for
     POPUP, unless optional PREPEND is non-nil, in which case it is
     placed first.  If optional AT is non-nil then it should be the KEY
     of another option already defined for POPUP, the argument is then
     placed before or after AT, depending on PREPEND.

 -- Function: magit-define-popup-action popup key desc command &optional
          at prepend

     In POPUP, define KEY as COMMAND.

     POPUP is a popup command defined using ‘magit-define-popup’.
     COMMAND can be any command but should usually consume the popup
     arguments in its ‘interactive’ form.  KEY is a character
     representing the event used invoke the action, i.e.  to
     interactively call the COMMAND.

     DESC is a string describing the purpose of the action, it is
     displayed in the popup.

     COMMAND is inserted after all other commands already defined for
     POPUP, unless optional PREPEND is non-nil, in which case it is
     placed first.  If optional AT is non-nil then it should be the KEY
     of another command already defined for POPUP, the command is then
     placed before or after AT, depending on PREPEND.

 -- Function: magit-define-popup-sequence-action popup key desc command
          &optional at prepend

     Like ‘magit-define-popup-action’, but modifies the value of the
     ‘:sequence-actions’ property instead of ‘:actions’.

 -- Function: magit-define-popup-variable popup key desc command
          formatter &optional at prepend

     In POPUP, define KEY as COMMAND.

     POPUP is a popup command defined using ‘magit-define-popup’.
     COMMAND is a command which calls ‘magit-popup-set-variable’.
     FORMATTER is a function which calls ‘magit-popup-format-variable’.
     These two functions have to be called with the same arguments.

     KEY is a character representing the event used interactively call
     the COMMAND.

     DESC is the variable or a representation thereof.  It’s not
     actually used for anything.

     COMMAND is inserted after all other commands already defined for
     POPUP, unless optional PREPEND is non-nil, in which case it is
     placed first.  If optional AT is non-nil then it should be the KEY
     of another command already defined for POPUP, the command is then
     placed before or after AT, depending on PREPEND."

 -- Function: magit-change-popup-key popup type from to

     In POPUP, bind TO to what FROM was bound to.  TYPE is one of
     ‘:action’, ‘:sequence-action’, ‘:switch’, or ‘:option’.  Bind TO
     and unbind FROM, both are characters.

 -- Function: magit-remove-popup-key popup type key

     In POPUP, remove KEY’s binding of TYPE.  POPUP is a popup command
     defined using ‘magit-define-popup’.  TYPE is one of ‘:action’,
     ‘:sequence-action’, ‘:switch’, or ‘:option’.  KEY is the character
     which is to be unbound.

   It is also possible to change other aspects of a popup by setting a
property using ‘plist-put’.  See *note Defining Prefix Commands:: for
valid properties.  The most likely change Magit users might want to make

     (plist-put magit-show-refs-popup :use-prefix nil)

File:,  Node: Other Options,  Prev: Customizing Existing Popups,  Up: Usage

2.2 Other Options

 -- User Option: magit-popup-use-prefix-argument

     This option controls the effect that the use of a prefix argument
     before entering a popup has.

        • ‘default’

          With a prefix argument directly invoke the popup’s default
          action (an Emacs command), instead of bringing up the popup.

        • ‘popup’

          With a prefix argument bring up the popup, otherwise directly
          invoke the popup’s default action.

        • ‘nil’

          Ignore prefix arguments.

     This option can be overridden for individual popups.
     ‘magit-show-refs-popup’ for example defaults to invoking the
     default action directly.  It only shows the popup buffer when a
     prefix argument is used.  See *note Customizing Existing Popups::.

 -- User Option: magit-popup-manpage-package

     The Emacs package used to display man-pages, one of ‘man’ or

 -- User Option: magit-popup-display-buffer-action

     The option controls how the window used to display a popup buffer
     is created.  Popup buffers are displayed using ‘display-buffer’
     with the value of this option as ACTION argument.  You can also set
     this to nil and instead add an entry to ‘display-buffer-alist’.

   To emphasize the default action by making it bold use this:

     (button-type-put 'magit-popup-action-button 'format " %k %D")

File:,  Node: Defining Prefix and Suffix Commands,  Prev: Usage,  Up: Top

3 Defining Prefix and Suffix Commands

If you write an extension for Magit then you should use this library now
and later when ‘transient’ is released port to that.

   If you are considering using this library to define popups for
packages not related to Magit, then keep in mind that it will be
superseded eventually.  Once ‘transient’ has been released I will only
fix bugs in ‘magit-popup’ but not implement any new features.

   Also consider using ‘hydra’ instead.  To some extend ‘magit-popup’
and ‘hydra’ are similar but have a different focus.  The main purpose of
‘magit-popup’ is to pass infix arguments to suffix commands.  If all you
need is a command dispatcher then you are better of using ‘hydra’.  Of
course ‘hydra’ may also be a better fit not only because of the features
it lacks, but also because of the features it provides, which are in
turn missing from ‘magit-popup’.

   Here is an example of how one defines a prefix command along with its
infix arguments, and then also one of its suffix commands.

     ;;;###autoload (autoload 'magit-tag-popup "magit" nil t)
     (magit-define-popup magit-tag-popup
       "Show popup buffer featuring tagging commands."
       :man-page "git-tag"
       :switches '((?a "Annotate" "--annotate")
                   (?s "Sign"     "--sign")
                   (?f "Force"    "--force"))
       :actions  '((?t "Create"   magit-tag)
                   (?k "Delete"   magit-tag-delete)
                   (?p "Prune"    magit-tag-prune))
       :default-action 'magit-tag)

     (defun magit-tag (name rev &optional args)
       "Create a new tag with the given NAME at REV."
       (interactive (list (magit-read-tag "Tag name")
                          (magit-read-branch-or-commit "Place tag on")
       (magit-run-git-with-editor "tag" args name rev))

* Menu:

* Defining Prefix Commands::
* Defining Suffix Commands::

File:,  Node: Defining Prefix Commands,  Next: Defining Suffix Commands,  Up: Defining Prefix and Suffix Commands

3.1 Defining Prefix Commands

Prefix commands and their infix arguments are defined using the macro
‘magit-define-popup’.  The key bindings and descriptions of suffix
commands are also defined using that macro, but the actual interactive
commands have to be defined separately using plain ‘defun’.

 -- Macro: magit-define-popup name doc [group [mode [option]]] :keyword

     This macro defines a popup named NAME.  The NAME should begin with
     the package prefix and by convention end with ‘-popup’, it is used
     as the name of the command which shows the popup and for an
     internal variable (whose value is used to store information about
     the popup and should not be accessed directly).  DOC is the
     doc-string of the popup command.

     This macro also defines an option and a function both named
     ‘SHORTNAME-arguments’, where SHORTNAME is NAME with the trailing
     ‘-popup’ removed.  The name of this option and this function can be
     overwritten using the optional argument OPTION, but that is rarely
     advisable.  As a special case if OPTION is specified but ‘nil’,
     then this option and this function are not defined at all, which is
     useful for popups that are used as simple dispatchers that offer no

     The option ‘SHORTNAME-arguments’ holds the value for the popup
     arguments.  It can be customized from within the popup or using the
     Custom interface.  It can also have a buffer local value in any
     non-popup buffer.  The local value for the buffer from which the
     popup command was invoked, can be set from within the popup buffer.

     The function ‘SHORTNAME-arguments’ returns the currently effective
     value of the variable by the same name.  See below for more

     Optional argument GROUP specifies the Custom group into which the
     option is placed.  If omitted then the option is placed into some
     group the same way it is done when directly using ‘defcustom’ and
     omitting the group, except when NAME begins with "magit-", in which
     case the group ‘magit-git-arguments’ is used.

     The optional argument MODE specifies the mode used by the popup
     buffer.  If it is omitted or ‘nil’ then ‘magit-popup-mode’ is used.

     The remaining arguments should have the form ‘[KEYWORD VALUE]...’.

     The following keywords are meaningful (and by convention are
     usually specified in that order):

        • ‘:actions’

          The actions which can be invoked from the popup.  VALUE is a
          list whose members have the form (KEY DESC COMMAND), see
          ‘magit-define-popup-action’ for details.

          Actions are regular Emacs commands, which usually have an
          ‘interactive’ form setup to consume the values of the popup
          ‘:switches’ and ‘:options’ when invoked from the corresponding
          popup, else when invoked as the default action or directly
          without using the popup, the default value of the variable
          ‘SHORTNAME-arguments’.  This is usually done by calling the
          function ‘SHORTNAME-arguments’.

          Members of VALUE may also be strings and functions, assuming
          the first member is a string or function.  In that case the
          members are split into sections and these special elements are
          used as headings.  If such an element is a function then it is
          called with no arguments and must return either a string,
          which is used as the heading, or nil, in which case the
          section is not inserted.

          Members of VALUE may also be nil.  This should only be used
          together with ‘:max-action-columns’ and allows having gaps in
          the action grid, which can help arranging actions sensibly.

        • ‘:default-action’

          The default action of the popup which is used directly instead
          of displaying the popup buffer, when the popup is invoked with
          a prefix argument.  Also see ‘magit-popup-use-prefix-argument’
          and ‘:use-prefix’, which can be used to inverse the meaning of
          the prefix argument.

        • ‘:use-prefix’

          Controls when to display the popup buffer and when to invoke
          the default action (if any) directly.  This overrides the
          global default set using ‘magit-popup-use-prefix-argument’.
          The value, if specified, should be one of ‘default’ or
          ‘prefix’, or a function that is called with no arguments and
          returns one of these symbols.

        • ‘:max-action-columns’

          The maximum number of actions to display on a single line, a
          number or a function that return a number and takes the name
          of the section currently being inserted as argument.  If there
          isn’t enough room to display as many columns as specified
          here, then fewer are used.

        • ‘:switches’

          The popup arguments which can be toggled on and off.  VALUE is
          a list whose members have the form ‘(KEY DESC SWITCH)’, see
          ‘magit-define-popup-switch’ for details.

          Members of VALUE may also be strings and functions, assuming
          the first member is a string or function.  In that case the
          members are split into sections and these special elements are
          used as headings.  If such an element is a function then it is
          called with no arguments and must return either a string,
          which is used as the heading, or nil, in which case the
          section is not inserted.

        • ‘:options’

          The popup arguments which take a value, as in "–opt~OPTVAL".
          VALUE is a list whose members have the form ‘(KEY DESC OPTION
          READER)’, see ‘magit-define-popup-option’ for details.

          Members of VALUE may also be strings and functions, assuming
          the first member is a string or function.  In that case the
          members are split into sections and these special elements are
          used as headings.  If such an element is a function then it is
          called with no arguments and must return either a string,
          which is used as the heading, or nil, in which case the
          section is not inserted.

        • ‘:default-arguments’

          The default arguments, a list of switches (which are then
          enabled by default) and options with there default values, as
          in ‘"--OPT=OPTVAL"’.

        • ‘:variables’

          Variables which can be set from the popup.  VALUE is a list
          whose members have the form ‘(KEY DESC COMMAND FORMATTER)’,
          see ‘magit-define-popup-variable’ for details.

          Members of VALUE may also be strings and functions, assuming
          the first member is a string or function.  In that case the
          members are split into sections and these special elements are
          used as headings.  If such an element is a function then it is
          called with no arguments and must return either a string,
          which is used as the heading, or nil, in which case the
          section is not inserted.

          Members of VALUE may also be actions as described above for

          VALUE may also be a function that returns a list as describe

        • ‘:sequence-predicate’

          When this function returns non-nil, then the popup uses
          ‘:sequence-actions’ instead of ‘:actions’, and does not show
          the ‘:switches’ and ‘:options’.

        • ‘:sequence-actions’

          The actions which can be invoked from the popup, when
          ‘:sequence-predicate’ returns non-nil.

        • ‘:setup-function’

          When this function is specified, then it is used instead of

        • ‘:refresh-function’

          When this function is specified, then it is used instead of
          calling ‘magit-popup-insert-section’ three times with symbols
          ‘magit-popup-switch-button’, ‘magit-popup-option-button’, and
          finally ‘magit-popup-action-button’ as argument.

        • ‘:man-page’

          The name of the manpage to be displayed when the user requests
          help for an argument.

File:,  Node: Defining Suffix Commands,  Prev: Defining Prefix Commands,  Up: Defining Prefix and Suffix Commands

3.2 Defining Suffix Commands

Commands intended to be invoked from a particular popup should determine
the currently effective arguments by calling the function
‘SHORTNAME-arguments’ inside their ‘interactive’ form.  This function is
created by the ‘magit-define-popup’ macro.  For a popup named
‘prefix-foo-popup’ the name of this function is ‘prefix-foo-arguments’.

   When the command was invoked as an action in the respective popup,
then this function returns the arguments that were set in the popup.
Otherwise when the command was invoked as the default of the popup (by
calling the popup command with a prefix argument), or without using the
popup command at all, then this function returns the buffer-local or
global value of the variable ‘SHORTNAME-arguments’.

   Internally arguments are handled as a list of strings.  This might
not be appropriate for the intended use inside commands, or it might be
necessary to manipulate that list somehow, i.e.  to split "–ARG=VAL"
into "–ARG""VAL". This should be done by advising or redefining the
function ‘SHORTNAME-arguments’.

   Internally ‘SHORNAME-arguments’ used following variables and
function.  Except when redefining the former, you should not use these

 -- Variable: magit-current-popup

     The popup from which this editing command was invoked.

 -- Variable: magit-current-popup-args

     The value of the popup arguments for this editing command.

     If the current command was invoked from a popup, then this is a
     list of strings of all the set switches and options.  This includes
     arguments which are set by default not only those explicitly set
     during this invocation.

     When the value is nil, then that can be because no argument is set,
     or because the current command wasn’t invoked from a popup at all.

 -- Function: magit-current-popup-args &rest args

     This function returns the value of the popup arguments for this
     editing command.  The value is the same as that of the variable by
     the same name, except that FILTER is applied.  FILTER is a list of
     regexps; only arguments that match one of them are returned.  The
     first element of FILTER may also be ‘:not’ in which case only
     arguments that don’t match any of the regexps are returned, or
     ‘:only’ which doesn’t change the behavior.

Tag Table:
Node: Top770
Node: Introduction2139
Node: Usage4478
Node: Customizing Existing Popups9175
Node: Other Options15316
Node: Defining Prefix and Suffix Commands16859
Node: Defining Prefix Commands19011
Node: Defining Suffix Commands27706

End Tag Table

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