;;; which-key-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads  -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;;; Code:

(add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name
                         (or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path))))

;;;### (autoloads nil "which-key" "which-key.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from which-key.el

(defvar which-key-mode nil "\
Non-nil if Which-Key mode is enabled.
See the `which-key-mode' command
for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `which-key-mode'.")

(custom-autoload 'which-key-mode "which-key" nil)

(autoload 'which-key-mode "which-key" "\
Toggle which-key-mode.

This is a minor mode.  If called interactively, toggle the
`Which-Key mode' mode.  If the prefix argument is positive,
enable the mode, and if it is zero or negative, disable the mode.

If called from Lisp, toggle the mode if ARG is `toggle'.  Enable
the mode if ARG is nil, omitted, or is a positive number.
Disable the mode if ARG is a negative number.

To check whether the minor mode is enabled in the current buffer,
evaluate `(default-value \\='which-key-mode)'.

The mode's hook is called both when the mode is enabled and when
it is disabled.

\(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)

(autoload 'which-key-setup-side-window-right "which-key" "\
Apply suggested settings for side-window that opens on right." t nil)

(autoload 'which-key-setup-side-window-right-bottom "which-key" "\
Apply suggested settings for side-window that opens on right
if there is space and the bottom otherwise." t nil)

(autoload 'which-key-setup-side-window-bottom "which-key" "\
Apply suggested settings for side-window that opens on bottom." t nil)

(autoload 'which-key-setup-minibuffer "which-key" "\
Apply suggested settings for minibuffer.
Do not use this setup if you use the paging commands. Instead use
`which-key-setup-side-window-bottom', which is nearly identical
but more functional." t nil)

(autoload 'which-key-add-keymap-based-replacements "which-key" "\
Replace the description of KEY using REPLACEMENT in KEYMAP.
KEY should take a format suitable for use in `kbd'. REPLACEMENT
should be a cons cell of the form (STRING . COMMAND) for each
REPLACEMENT, where STRING is the replacement string and COMMAND
is a symbol corresponding to the intended command to be
replaced. COMMAND can be nil if the binding corresponds to a key
prefix. An example is

\(which-key-add-keymap-based-replacements global-map
  \"C-x w\" \\='(\"Save as\" . write-file)).

For backwards compatibility, REPLACEMENT can also be a string,
but the above format is preferred, and the option to use a string
for REPLACEMENT will eventually be removed.

\(fn KEYMAP KEY REPLACEMENT &rest MORE)" nil nil)

(autoload 'which-key-add-key-based-replacements "which-key" "\
Replace the description of KEY-SEQUENCE with REPLACEMENT.
KEY-SEQUENCE is a string suitable for use in `kbd'. REPLACEMENT
may either be a string, as in

\(which-key-add-key-based-replacements \"C-x 1\" \"maximize\")

a cons of two strings as in

\(which-key-add-key-based-replacements \"C-x 8\"
                                        \\='(\"unicode\" . \"Unicode keys\"))

or a function that takes a (KEY . BINDING) cons and returns a

In the second case, the second string is used to provide a longer
name for the keys under a prefix.

MORE allows you to specifcy additional KEY REPLACEMENT pairs.  All
replacements are added to `which-key-replacement-alist'.


(autoload 'which-key-add-major-mode-key-based-replacements "which-key" "\
Functions like `which-key-add-key-based-replacements'.
The difference is that MODE specifies the `major-mode' that must
be active for KEY-SEQUENCE and REPLACEMENT (MORE contains
addition KEY-SEQUENCE REPLACEMENT pairs) to apply.


(autoload 'which-key-reload-key-sequence "which-key" "\
Simulate entering the key sequence KEY-SEQ.
KEY-SEQ should be a list of events as produced by
`listify-key-sequence'. If nil, KEY-SEQ defaults to
`which-key--current-key-list'. Any prefix arguments that were
used are reapplied to the new key sequence.

\(fn &optional KEY-SEQ)" nil nil)

(autoload 'which-key-show-standard-help "which-key" "\
Call the command in `which-key--prefix-help-cmd-backup'.
Usually this is `describe-prefix-bindings'.

\(fn &optional _)" t nil)

(autoload 'which-key-show-next-page-no-cycle "which-key" "\
Show next page of keys unless on the last page, in which case
call `which-key-show-standard-help'." t nil)

(autoload 'which-key-show-previous-page-no-cycle "which-key" "\
Show previous page of keys unless on the first page, in which
case do nothing." t nil)

(autoload 'which-key-show-next-page-cycle "which-key" "\
Show the next page of keys, cycling from end to beginning
after last page.

\(fn &optional _)" t nil)

(autoload 'which-key-show-previous-page-cycle "which-key" "\
Show the previous page of keys, cycling from beginning to end
after first page.

\(fn &optional _)" t nil)

(autoload 'which-key-show-top-level "which-key" "\
Show top-level bindings.

\(fn &optional _)" t nil)

(autoload 'which-key-show-major-mode "which-key" "\
Show top-level bindings in the map of the current major mode.

This function will also detect evil bindings made using
`evil-define-key' in this map. These bindings will depend on the
current evil state. 

\(fn &optional ALL)" t nil)

(autoload 'which-key-show-full-major-mode "which-key" "\
Show all bindings in the map of the current major mode.

This function will also detect evil bindings made using
`evil-define-key' in this map. These bindings will depend on the
current evil state. " t nil)

(autoload 'which-key-dump-bindings "which-key" "\
Dump bindings from PREFIX into buffer named BUFFER-NAME.

PREFIX should be a string suitable for `kbd'.

\(fn PREFIX BUFFER-NAME)" t nil)

(autoload 'which-key-undo-key "which-key" "\
Undo last keypress and force which-key update.

\(fn &optional _)" t nil)

(autoload 'which-key-C-h-dispatch "which-key" "\
Dispatch C-h commands by looking up key in
`which-key-C-h-map'. This command is always accessible (from any
prefix) if `which-key-use-C-h-commands' is non nil." t nil)

(autoload 'which-key-show-keymap "which-key" "\
Show the top-level bindings in KEYMAP using which-key.
KEYMAP is selected interactively from all available keymaps.

If NO-PAGING is non-nil, which-key will not intercept subsequent
keypresses for the paging functionality.

\(fn KEYMAP &optional NO-PAGING)" t nil)

(autoload 'which-key-show-full-keymap "which-key" "\
Show all bindings in KEYMAP using which-key.
KEYMAP is selected interactively from all available keymaps.

\(fn KEYMAP)" t nil)

(autoload 'which-key-show-minor-mode-keymap "which-key" "\
Show the top-level bindings in KEYMAP using which-key.
KEYMAP is selected interactively by mode in

\(fn &optional ALL)" t nil)

(autoload 'which-key-show-full-minor-mode-keymap "which-key" "\
Show all bindings in KEYMAP using which-key.
KEYMAP is selected interactively by mode in
`minor-mode-map-alist'." t nil)

(register-definition-prefixes "which-key" '("evil-state" "which-key-"))

;; Local Variables:
;; version-control: never
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; no-update-autoloads: t
;; coding: utf-8
;; End:
;;; which-key-autoloads.el ends here