#+TITLE: Taxy Examples

Some example applcations using ~taxy~.

* Bookmarky

=bookmarky= shows Emacs bookmarks grouped in a customizeable way:


* Deffy

=deffy= shows definitions and top-level forms in an Elisp project or file.


* Diredy

[[file:diredy.el][Diredy]] rearranges a Dired buffer, grouping files and directories by their size and MIME type.  Use it like:

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
  (require 'diredy)

Then open a Dired buffer and =M-x diredy RET=, and it will be rearranged like so:


* Musicy

[[file:musicy.el][Musicy]] displays a music library in a ~magit-section~ buffer.  Use it like:

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
  (require 'musicy)

  (musicy "~/Music")

Since it calls the =mediainfo= program on every file, it can be slow on large music libraries, so you might want to test it on only a subset of them, like:

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
   (seq-take (directory-files-recursively
              "~/Music" (rx "." (or "mp3" "ogg") eos))

The resulting buffer shows tracks organized by genre, then artist, then year, then album, then track name:
