;;; uuid.el --- UUID's for EmacsLisp

;; Copyright (C) 2012  Nic Ferrier

;; Author: James Mastros
;; Maintainer: Nic Ferrier <nferrier@ferrier.me.uk>
;; Keywords: lisp
;; Package-Version: 20120910.851
;; Package-Commit: 1519bfeb0e31602b840bc8dd35d7c7e732c159fe
;; Created: 5th September 2008
;; Version: 0.0.3

;; This file is free software

;; It is Copyright 2005 James Mastros, and may be used under your
;; choice of the GNU General Public License (version 2 or later),
;; or the Artistic License, as promolgated by Perl.

;;; Commentary:

;; UUID's are useful for all sorts of things.

;; Create, parse, and manipulate UUIDs/GUIDs, as specified in
;; http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-mealling-uuid-urn-05.txt

;;; Code:

(require 'cl)
(require 'calc-comb)

(defun uuid-create ()
  "Create a new UUID object.

Using version 4 (random) because it's likely easiest to
implement, plus it satisifies the privicy concerns of
  (let ((bits 
	 (apply           ; Note: Could use bit-vector under xemacs,
	  'vector 	  ; but gnuemacs doesn't have it.
	  (loop for i upto 127 collect (uuid-random-bit)))))
    ;; Version field: byte 7, bits 7-4
    (aset bits 60 0)
    (aset bits 61 1)
    (aset bits 62 0)
    (aset bits 63 0)
    ;; byte 9, bits 7-6
    (aset bits 69 0)
    (aset bits 70 1)
    ;; byte 10, bit 0
    (aset bits 71 1)

(defun uuid-random-bit ()
  (logand (math-random-digits 1) 1))

(defun uuid-get-byte (uuid bytenum)
  (let* ((lsb (* bytenum 8))
		 (msb (+ lsb 7))
		 (val 0))
	(loop for bitnum from lsb to msb do
	      (let ((bit (aref uuid bitnum)))
		(setq val (+ bit (lsh val 1)))))

(defun uuid-to-stringy (uuid)
  "Convert UUID to a string"
  (format "%02x%02x%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x"
	  ;; time-low
	  (uuid-get-byte uuid 0)
	  (uuid-get-byte uuid 1)
	  (uuid-get-byte uuid 2)
	  (uuid-get-byte uuid 3)
	  ;; time-mid
	  (uuid-get-byte uuid 4)
	  (uuid-get-byte uuid 5)
	  ;; time-high-and-version
	  (uuid-get-byte uuid 6)
	  (uuid-get-byte uuid 7)
	  ;; clock-seq-and-reserved
	  (uuid-get-byte uuid 9)
	  ;; clock-seq-low
	  (uuid-get-byte uuid 8)
	  ;; node
	  (uuid-get-byte uuid 10)
	  (uuid-get-byte uuid 11)
	  (uuid-get-byte uuid 12)
	  (uuid-get-byte uuid 13)
	  (uuid-get-byte uuid 14)
	  (uuid-get-byte uuid 15)))

(defun uuid-string ()
  "Make a string form of a UUID directly."
  (uuid-to-stringy (uuid-create)))

(defun uuid-to-win32 (uuid)
  (format "{%s}" (uuid-to-stringy uuid)))

(defalias 'uuid-to-w32       'uuid-to-win32)
(defalias 'uuid-to-win-nt    'uuid-to-win32)
(defalias 'uuid-to-mswindows 'uuid-to-win32)

(provide 'uuid)

;;; uuid.el ends here