# spacious-padding for GNU Emacs

This package provides a global minor mode to increase the
spacing/padding of Emacs windows and frames.  The idea is to make
editing and reading feel more comfortable.  Enable the mode with `M-x
spacious-padding-mode`.  Adjust the exact spacing values by modifying
the user option `spacious-padding-widths`.

Inspiration for this package comes from [Nicolas Rougier's impressive
designs](https://github.com/rougier) and [Daniel Mendler's
`org-modern` package](https://github.com/minad/org-modern).

+ Package name (GNU ELPA): `spacious-padding`
+ Git repo on SourceHut: <https://git.sr.ht/~protesilaos/spacious-padding>
  - Mirrors:
    + GitHub: <https://github.com/protesilaos/spacious-padding>
    + GitLab: <https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/spacious-padding>
+ Mailing list: <https://lists.sr.ht/~protesilaos/general-issues>
+ Backronyms: Space Perception Adjusted Consistently Impacts Overall
  Usability State ... padding; Spacious ... Precise Adjustments to
  Desktop Divider Internals Neatly Generated.