;;; ement-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads (do not edit)   -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Generated by the `loaddefs-generate' function.

;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.

;;; Code:

(add-to-list 'load-path (or (and load-file-name (directory-file-name (file-name-directory load-file-name))) (car load-path)))

;;; Generated autoloads from ement.el

(autoload 'ement-connect "ement" "\
Connect to Matrix with USER-ID and PASSWORD, or using SESSION.
Interactively, with prefix, ignore a saved session and log in
again; otherwise, use a saved session if `ement-save-sessions' is
enabled and a saved session is available, or prompt to log in if
not enabled or available.

If USERID or PASSWORD are not specified, the user will be
prompted for them.

If URI-PREFIX is specified, it should be the prefix of the
server's API URI, including protocol, hostname, and optionally
the port, e.g.


(register-definition-prefixes "ement" '("ement-"))

;;; Generated autoloads from ement-api.el

(register-definition-prefixes "ement-api" '("ement-api-error"))

;;; Generated autoloads from ement-directory.el

(autoload 'ement-directory "ement-directory" "\
View the public room directory on SERVER with SESSION.
Show up to LIMIT rooms.  Interactively, with prefix, prompt for
server and LIMIT.

SINCE may be a next-batch token.

(fn &key SERVER SESSION SINCE (LIMIT 100))" t)
(autoload 'ement-directory-search "ement-directory" "\
View public rooms on SERVER matching QUERY.
QUERY is a string used to filter results.

(autoload 'ement-view-space "ement-directory" "\
View child rooms in SPACE on SESSION.
SPACE may be a room ID or an `ement-room' struct.

(register-definition-prefixes "ement-directory" '("ement-directory-"))

;;; Generated autoloads from ement-lib.el

(register-definition-prefixes "ement-lib" '("ement-"))

;;; Generated autoloads from ement-macros.el

(register-definition-prefixes "ement-macros" '("ement-"))

;;; Generated autoloads from ement-notifications.el

(autoload 'ement-notifications "ement-notifications" "\
Show the notifications buffer for SESSION.
FROM may be a \"next_token\" token from a previous request.
LIMIT may be a maximum number of events to return.  ONLY may be
the string \"highlight\" to only return notifications that have
the highlight tweak set.  THEN and ELSE may be callbacks passed
to `ement-api', which see.

(fn SESSION &key FROM LIMIT ONLY (THEN (apply-partially #\\='ement-notifications-callback session)) ELSE)" t)
(register-definition-prefixes "ement-notifications" '("ement-notifications-"))

;;; Generated autoloads from ement-notify.el

(register-definition-prefixes "ement-notify" '("ement-notify"))

;;; Generated autoloads from ement-room.el

(register-definition-prefixes "ement-room" '("ement-"))

;;; Generated autoloads from ement-room-list.el

(autoload 'ement-room-list--after-initial-sync "ement-room-list" "\
Call `ement-room-list', ignoring arguments.
To be called from `ement-after-initial-sync-hook'.

(fn &rest IGNORE)")
(defalias 'ement-list-rooms 'ement-room-list)
(autoload 'ement-room-list "ement-room-list" "\
Show a buffer listing Ement rooms, grouped with Taxy KEYS.
After showing it, its window is selected.  The buffer is named
BUFFER-NAME and is shown with DISPLAY-BUFFER-ACTION; or if
DISPLAY-BUFFER-ACTION is nil, the buffer is not displayed.

(fn &key (BUFFER-NAME \"*Ement Room List*\") (KEYS ement-room-list-default-keys) (DISPLAY-BUFFER-ACTION \\='((display-buffer-reuse-window display-buffer-same-window))))" t)
(autoload 'ement-room-list-auto-update "ement-room-list" "\
Automatically update the Taxy room list buffer.
+Does so when variable `ement-room-list-auto-update' is non-nil.
+To be called in `ement-sync-callback-hook'.

(fn SESSION)")
(register-definition-prefixes "ement-room-list" '("ement-room-list-"))

;;; Generated autoloads from ement-tabulated-room-list.el

(autoload 'ement-tabulated-room-list "ement-tabulated-room-list" "\
Show buffer listing joined rooms.
Calls `pop-to-buffer-same-window'.  Interactively, with prefix,
call `pop-to-buffer'.

(fn &rest IGNORE)" t)
(autoload 'ement-tabulated-room-list-auto-update "ement-tabulated-room-list" "\
Automatically update the room list buffer.
Does so when variable `ement-tabulated-room-list-auto-update' is non-nil.
To be called in `ement-sync-callback-hook'.

(fn SESSION)")
(register-definition-prefixes "ement-tabulated-room-list" '("ement-tabulated-room-list-"))
;;; End of scraped data

(provide 'ement-autoloads)

;; Local Variables:
;; version-control: never
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; no-update-autoloads: t
;; no-native-compile: t
;; coding: utf-8-emacs-unix
;; End:

;;; ement-autoloads.el ends here