import abc
import collections
import functools
import inspect
import operator
import sys
import types as _types
import typing
import warnings
__all__ = [
PEP_560 = True
GenericMeta = type
class _Sentinel:
def __repr__(self):
return "<sentinel>"
_marker = _Sentinel()
def _check_generic(cls, parameters, elen=_marker):
if not elen:
raise TypeError(f"{cls} is not a generic class")
if elen is _marker:
if not hasattr(cls, "__parameters__") or not cls.__parameters__:
raise TypeError(f"{cls} is not a generic class")
elen = len(cls.__parameters__)
alen = len(parameters)
if alen != elen:
if hasattr(cls, "__parameters__"):
parameters = [p for p in cls.__parameters__ if not _is_unpack(p)]
num_tv_tuples = sum(isinstance(p, TypeVarTuple) for p in parameters)
if (num_tv_tuples > 0) and (alen >= elen - num_tv_tuples):
raise TypeError(f"Too {'many' if alen > elen else 'few'} parameters for {cls};"
f" actual {alen}, expected {elen}")
if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
def _should_collect_from_parameters(t):
return isinstance(
t, (typing._GenericAlias, _types.GenericAlias, _types.UnionType)
elif sys.version_info >= (3, 9):
def _should_collect_from_parameters(t):
return isinstance(t, (typing._GenericAlias, _types.GenericAlias))
def _should_collect_from_parameters(t):
return isinstance(t, typing._GenericAlias) and not t._special
def _collect_type_vars(types, typevar_types=None):
if typevar_types is None:
typevar_types = typing.TypeVar
tvars = []
for t in types:
if (
isinstance(t, typevar_types) and
t not in tvars and
not _is_unpack(t)
if _should_collect_from_parameters(t):
tvars.extend([t for t in t.__parameters__ if t not in tvars])
return tuple(tvars)
NoReturn = typing.NoReturn
T = typing.TypeVar('T') KT = typing.TypeVar('KT') VT = typing.TypeVar('VT') T_co = typing.TypeVar('T_co', covariant=True) T_contra = typing.TypeVar('T_contra', contravariant=True)
if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
from typing import Any
class _AnyMeta(type):
def __instancecheck__(self, obj):
if self is Any:
raise TypeError("typing_extensions.Any cannot be used with isinstance()")
return super().__instancecheck__(obj)
def __repr__(self):
if self is Any:
return "typing_extensions.Any"
return super().__repr__()
class Any(metaclass=_AnyMeta):
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
if cls is Any:
raise TypeError("Any cannot be instantiated")
return super().__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
ClassVar = typing.ClassVar
class _ExtensionsSpecialForm(typing._SpecialForm, _root=True):
def __repr__(self):
return 'typing_extensions.' + self._name
if hasattr(typing, 'Final') and sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 7):
Final = typing.Final
class _FinalForm(_ExtensionsSpecialForm, _root=True):
def __getitem__(self, parameters):
item = typing._type_check(parameters,
f'{self._name} accepts only a single type.')
return typing._GenericAlias(self, (item,))
Final = _FinalForm('Final',
doc="""A special typing construct to indicate that a name
cannot be re-assigned or overridden in a subclass.
For example:
MAX_SIZE: Final = 9000
MAX_SIZE += 1 # Error reported by type checker
class Connection:
TIMEOUT: Final[int] = 10
class FastConnector(Connection):
TIMEOUT = 1 # Error reported by type checker
There is no runtime checking of these properties.""")
if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
final =
def final(f):
f.__final__ = True
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
return f
def IntVar(name):
return typing.TypeVar(name)
if sys.version_info >= (3, 10, 1):
Literal = typing.Literal
def _flatten_literal_params(parameters):
params = []
for p in parameters:
if isinstance(p, _LiteralGenericAlias):
return tuple(params)
def _value_and_type_iter(params):
for p in params:
yield p, type(p)
class _LiteralGenericAlias(typing._GenericAlias, _root=True):
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, _LiteralGenericAlias):
return NotImplemented
these_args_deduped = set(_value_and_type_iter(self.__args__))
other_args_deduped = set(_value_and_type_iter(other.__args__))
return these_args_deduped == other_args_deduped
def __hash__(self):
return hash(frozenset(_value_and_type_iter(self.__args__)))
class _LiteralForm(_ExtensionsSpecialForm, _root=True):
def __init__(self, doc: str):
self._name = 'Literal'
self._doc = self.__doc__ = doc
def __getitem__(self, parameters):
if not isinstance(parameters, tuple):
parameters = (parameters,)
parameters = _flatten_literal_params(parameters)
val_type_pairs = list(_value_and_type_iter(parameters))
deduped_pairs = set(val_type_pairs)
except TypeError:
if len(deduped_pairs) < len(val_type_pairs):
new_parameters = []
for pair in val_type_pairs:
if pair in deduped_pairs:
assert not deduped_pairs, deduped_pairs
parameters = tuple(new_parameters)
return _LiteralGenericAlias(self, parameters)
Literal = _LiteralForm(doc="""\
A type that can be used to indicate to type checkers
that the corresponding value has a value literally equivalent
to the provided parameter. For example:
var: Literal[4] = 4
The type checker understands that 'var' is literally equal to
the value 4 and no other value.
Literal[...] cannot be subclassed. There is no runtime
checking verifying that the parameter is actually a value
instead of a type.""")
_overload_dummy = typing._overload_dummy
if hasattr(typing, "get_overloads"): overload = typing.overload
get_overloads = typing.get_overloads
clear_overloads = typing.clear_overloads
_overload_registry = collections.defaultdict(
functools.partial(collections.defaultdict, dict)
def overload(func):
f = getattr(func, "__func__", func)
] = func
except AttributeError:
return _overload_dummy
def get_overloads(func):
f = getattr(func, "__func__", func)
if f.__module__ not in _overload_registry:
return []
mod_dict = _overload_registry[f.__module__]
if f.__qualname__ not in mod_dict:
return []
return list(mod_dict[f.__qualname__].values())
def clear_overloads():
Type = typing.Type
Awaitable = typing.Awaitable
Coroutine = typing.Coroutine
AsyncIterable = typing.AsyncIterable
AsyncIterator = typing.AsyncIterator
Deque = typing.Deque
ContextManager = typing.ContextManager
AsyncContextManager = typing.AsyncContextManager
DefaultDict = typing.DefaultDict
if hasattr(typing, 'OrderedDict'):
OrderedDict = typing.OrderedDict
OrderedDict = typing._alias(collections.OrderedDict, (KT, VT))
Counter = typing.Counter
ChainMap = typing.ChainMap
AsyncGenerator = typing.AsyncGenerator
Text = typing.Text
'': [
'Callable', 'Awaitable', 'Iterable', 'Iterator', 'AsyncIterable',
'Hashable', 'Sized', 'Container', 'Collection', 'Reversible', 'Buffer',
'contextlib': ['AbstractContextManager', 'AbstractAsyncContextManager'],
'typing_extensions': ['Buffer'],
"__abstractmethods__", "__annotations__", "__weakref__", "_is_protocol",
"_is_runtime_protocol", "__dict__", "__slots__", "__parameters__",
"__orig_bases__", "__module__", "_MutableMapping__marker", "__doc__",
"__subclasshook__", "__orig_class__", "__init__", "__new__",
"__protocol_attrs__", "__callable_proto_members_only__",
if sys.version_info < (3, 8):
"_gorg", "__next_in_mro__", "__extra__", "__tree_hash__", "__args__",
if sys.version_info >= (3, 9):
if sys.version_info >= (3, 12):
def _get_protocol_attrs(cls):
attrs = set()
for base in cls.__mro__[:-1]: if base.__name__ in {'Protocol', 'Generic'}:
annotations = getattr(base, '__annotations__', {})
for attr in (*base.__dict__, *annotations):
if (not attr.startswith('_abc_') and attr not in _EXCLUDED_ATTRS):
return attrs
def _maybe_adjust_parameters(cls):
tvars = []
if '__orig_bases__' in cls.__dict__:
tvars = _collect_type_vars(cls.__orig_bases__)
gvars = None
for base in cls.__orig_bases__:
if (isinstance(base, typing._GenericAlias) and
base.__origin__ in (typing.Generic, Protocol)):
the_base = base.__origin__.__name__
if gvars is not None:
raise TypeError(
"Cannot inherit from Generic[...]"
" and/or Protocol[...] multiple types.")
gvars = base.__parameters__
if gvars is None:
gvars = tvars
tvarset = set(tvars)
gvarset = set(gvars)
if not tvarset <= gvarset:
s_vars = ', '.join(str(t) for t in tvars if t not in gvarset)
s_args = ', '.join(str(g) for g in gvars)
raise TypeError(f"Some type variables ({s_vars}) are"
f" not listed in {the_base}[{s_args}]")
tvars = gvars
cls.__parameters__ = tuple(tvars)
def _caller(depth=2):
return sys._getframe(depth).f_globals.get('__name__', '__main__')
except (AttributeError, ValueError): return None
if sys.version_info >= (3, 12):
Protocol = typing.Protocol
def _allow_reckless_class_checks(depth=3):
return _caller(depth) in {'abc', 'functools', None}
def _no_init(self, *args, **kwargs):
if type(self)._is_protocol:
raise TypeError('Protocols cannot be instantiated')
if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
_typing_Protocol = typing.Protocol
_ProtocolMetaBase = type(_typing_Protocol)
_typing_Protocol = _marker
_ProtocolMetaBase = abc.ABCMeta
class _ProtocolMeta(_ProtocolMetaBase):
def __new__(mcls, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs):
if name == "Protocol" and len(bases) < 2:
elif {Protocol, _typing_Protocol} & set(bases):
for base in bases:
if not (
base in {object, typing.Generic, Protocol, _typing_Protocol}
or base.__name__ in _PROTO_ALLOWLIST.get(base.__module__, [])
or is_protocol(base)
raise TypeError(
f"Protocols can only inherit from other protocols, "
f"got {base!r}"
return abc.ABCMeta.__new__(mcls, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs)
def __init__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
abc.ABCMeta.__init__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
if getattr(cls, "_is_protocol", False):
cls.__protocol_attrs__ = _get_protocol_attrs(cls)
cls.__callable_proto_members_only__ = all(
callable(getattr(cls, attr, None)) for attr in cls.__protocol_attrs__
def __subclasscheck__(cls, other):
if cls is Protocol:
return type.__subclasscheck__(cls, other)
if (
getattr(cls, '_is_protocol', False)
and not _allow_reckless_class_checks()
if not isinstance(other, type):
raise TypeError('issubclass() arg 1 must be a class')
if (
not cls.__callable_proto_members_only__
and cls.__dict__.get("__subclasshook__") is _proto_hook
raise TypeError(
"Protocols with non-method members don't support issubclass()"
if not getattr(cls, '_is_runtime_protocol', False):
raise TypeError(
"Instance and class checks can only be used with "
"@runtime_checkable protocols"
return abc.ABCMeta.__subclasscheck__(cls, other)
def __instancecheck__(cls, instance):
if cls is Protocol:
return type.__instancecheck__(cls, instance)
if not getattr(cls, "_is_protocol", False):
return abc.ABCMeta.__instancecheck__(cls, instance)
if (
not getattr(cls, '_is_runtime_protocol', False) and
not _allow_reckless_class_checks()
raise TypeError("Instance and class checks can only be used with"
" @runtime_checkable protocols")
if abc.ABCMeta.__instancecheck__(cls, instance):
return True
for attr in cls.__protocol_attrs__:
val = inspect.getattr_static(instance, attr)
except AttributeError:
if val is None and callable(getattr(cls, attr, None)):
return True
return False
def __eq__(cls, other):
if abc.ABCMeta.__eq__(cls, other) is True:
return True
return (
cls is Protocol and other is getattr(typing, "Protocol", object())
def __hash__(cls) -> int:
return type.__hash__(cls)
def _proto_hook(cls, other):
if not cls.__dict__.get('_is_protocol', False):
return NotImplemented
for attr in cls.__protocol_attrs__:
for base in other.__mro__:
if attr in base.__dict__:
if base.__dict__[attr] is None:
return NotImplemented
annotations = getattr(base, '__annotations__', {})
if (
and attr in annotations
and is_protocol(other)
return NotImplemented
return True
if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
class Protocol(typing.Generic, metaclass=_ProtocolMeta):
__doc__ = typing.Protocol.__doc__
__slots__ = ()
_is_protocol = True
_is_runtime_protocol = False
def __init_subclass__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init_subclass__(*args, **kwargs)
if not cls.__dict__.get('_is_protocol', False):
cls._is_protocol = any(b is Protocol for b in cls.__bases__)
if '__subclasshook__' not in cls.__dict__:
cls.__subclasshook__ = _proto_hook
if cls._is_protocol and cls.__init__ is Protocol.__init__:
cls.__init__ = _no_init
class Protocol(metaclass=_ProtocolMeta):
__slots__ = ()
_is_protocol = True
_is_runtime_protocol = False
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwds):
if cls is Protocol:
raise TypeError("Type Protocol cannot be instantiated; "
"it can only be used as a base class")
return super().__new__(cls)
def __class_getitem__(cls, params):
if not isinstance(params, tuple):
params = (params,)
if not params and cls is not typing.Tuple:
raise TypeError(
f"Parameter list to {cls.__qualname__}[...] cannot be empty")
msg = "Parameters to generic types must be types."
params = tuple(typing._type_check(p, msg) for p in params)
if cls is Protocol:
if not all(isinstance(p, typing.TypeVar) for p in params):
i = 0
while isinstance(params[i], typing.TypeVar):
i += 1
raise TypeError(
"Parameters to Protocol[...] must all be type variables."
f" Parameter {i + 1} is {params[i]}")
if len(set(params)) != len(params):
raise TypeError(
"Parameters to Protocol[...] must all be unique")
_check_generic(cls, params, len(cls.__parameters__))
return typing._GenericAlias(cls, params)
def __init_subclass__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
if '__orig_bases__' in cls.__dict__:
error = typing.Generic in cls.__orig_bases__
error = typing.Generic in cls.__bases__
if error:
raise TypeError("Cannot inherit from plain Generic")
if not cls.__dict__.get('_is_protocol', None):
cls._is_protocol = any(b is Protocol for b in cls.__bases__)
if '__subclasshook__' not in cls.__dict__:
cls.__subclasshook__ = _proto_hook
if cls._is_protocol and cls.__init__ is Protocol.__init__:
cls.__init__ = _no_init
if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
runtime_checkable = typing.runtime_checkable
def runtime_checkable(cls):
if not (
(isinstance(cls, _ProtocolMeta) or issubclass(cls, typing.Generic))
and getattr(cls, "_is_protocol", False)
raise TypeError('@runtime_checkable can be only applied to protocol classes,'
f' got {cls!r}')
cls._is_runtime_protocol = True
return cls
runtime = runtime_checkable
if sys.version_info >= (3, 12):
SupportsInt = typing.SupportsInt
SupportsFloat = typing.SupportsFloat
SupportsComplex = typing.SupportsComplex
SupportsBytes = typing.SupportsBytes
SupportsIndex = typing.SupportsIndex
SupportsAbs = typing.SupportsAbs
SupportsRound = typing.SupportsRound
class SupportsInt(Protocol):
__slots__ = ()
def __int__(self) -> int:
class SupportsFloat(Protocol):
__slots__ = ()
def __float__(self) -> float:
class SupportsComplex(Protocol):
__slots__ = ()
def __complex__(self) -> complex:
class SupportsBytes(Protocol):
__slots__ = ()
def __bytes__(self) -> bytes:
class SupportsIndex(Protocol):
__slots__ = ()
def __index__(self) -> int:
class SupportsAbs(Protocol[T_co]):
__slots__ = ()
def __abs__(self) -> T_co:
class SupportsRound(Protocol[T_co]):
__slots__ = ()
def __round__(self, ndigits: int = 0) -> T_co:
def _ensure_subclassable(mro_entries):
def inner(func):
if == "pypy" and sys.version_info < (3, 9):
cls_dict = {
"__call__": staticmethod(func),
"__mro_entries__": staticmethod(mro_entries)
t = type(func.__name__, (), cls_dict)
return functools.update_wrapper(t(), func)
func.__mro_entries__ = mro_entries
return func
return inner
if sys.version_info >= (3, 13):
TypedDict = typing.TypedDict
_TypedDictMeta = typing._TypedDictMeta
is_typeddict = typing.is_typeddict
_TAKES_MODULE = "module" in inspect.signature(typing._type_check).parameters
if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
_fake_name = "Protocol"
_fake_name = "_Protocol"
class _TypedDictMeta(type):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, ns, total=True):
for base in bases:
if type(base) is not _TypedDictMeta and base is not typing.Generic:
raise TypeError('cannot inherit from both a TypedDict type '
'and a non-TypedDict base class')
if any(issubclass(b, typing.Generic) for b in bases):
generic_base = (typing.Generic,)
generic_base = ()
tp_dict = type.__new__(_TypedDictMeta, _fake_name, (*generic_base, dict), ns)
tp_dict.__name__ = name
if tp_dict.__qualname__ == _fake_name:
tp_dict.__qualname__ = name
if not hasattr(tp_dict, '__orig_bases__'):
tp_dict.__orig_bases__ = bases
annotations = {}
own_annotations = ns.get('__annotations__', {})
msg = "TypedDict('Name', {f0: t0, f1: t1, ...}); each t must be a type"
own_annotations = {
n: typing._type_check(tp, msg, module=tp_dict.__module__)
for n, tp in own_annotations.items()
own_annotations = {
n: typing._type_check(tp, msg)
for n, tp in own_annotations.items()
required_keys = set()
optional_keys = set()
for base in bases:
annotations.update(base.__dict__.get('__annotations__', {}))
required_keys.update(base.__dict__.get('__required_keys__', ()))
optional_keys.update(base.__dict__.get('__optional_keys__', ()))
for annotation_key, annotation_type in own_annotations.items():
annotation_origin = get_origin(annotation_type)
if annotation_origin is Annotated:
annotation_args = get_args(annotation_type)
if annotation_args:
annotation_type = annotation_args[0]
annotation_origin = get_origin(annotation_type)
if annotation_origin is Required:
elif annotation_origin is NotRequired:
elif total:
tp_dict.__annotations__ = annotations
tp_dict.__required_keys__ = frozenset(required_keys)
tp_dict.__optional_keys__ = frozenset(optional_keys)
if not hasattr(tp_dict, '__total__'):
tp_dict.__total__ = total
return tp_dict
__call__ = dict
def __subclasscheck__(cls, other):
raise TypeError('TypedDict does not support instance and class checks')
__instancecheck__ = __subclasscheck__
_TypedDict = type.__new__(_TypedDictMeta, 'TypedDict', (), {})
@_ensure_subclassable(lambda bases: (_TypedDict,))
def TypedDict(__typename, __fields=_marker, *, total=True, **kwargs):
if __fields is _marker or __fields is None:
if __fields is _marker:
deprecated_thing = "Failing to pass a value for the 'fields' parameter"
deprecated_thing = "Passing `None` as the 'fields' parameter"
example = f"`{__typename} = TypedDict({__typename!r}, {{}})`"
deprecation_msg = (
f"{deprecated_thing} is deprecated and will be disallowed in "
"Python 3.15. To create a TypedDict class with 0 fields "
"using the functional syntax, pass an empty dictionary, e.g. "
) + example + "."
warnings.warn(deprecation_msg, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
__fields = kwargs
elif kwargs:
raise TypeError("TypedDict takes either a dict or keyword arguments,"
" but not both")
if kwargs:
"The kwargs-based syntax for TypedDict definitions is deprecated "
"in Python 3.11, will be removed in Python 3.13, and may not be "
"understood by third-party type checkers.",
ns = {'__annotations__': dict(__fields)}
module = _caller()
if module is not None:
ns['__module__'] = module
td = _TypedDictMeta(__typename, (), ns, total=total)
td.__orig_bases__ = (TypedDict,)
return td
if hasattr(typing, "_TypedDictMeta"):
_TYPEDDICT_TYPES = (typing._TypedDictMeta, _TypedDictMeta)
_TYPEDDICT_TYPES = (_TypedDictMeta,)
def is_typeddict(tp):
if hasattr(typing, "TypedDict") and tp is typing.TypedDict:
return False
return isinstance(tp, _TYPEDDICT_TYPES)
if hasattr(typing, "assert_type"):
assert_type = typing.assert_type
def assert_type(__val, __typ):
return __val
if hasattr(typing, "Required"):
get_type_hints = typing.get_type_hints
def _strip_extras(t):
if isinstance(t, _AnnotatedAlias):
return _strip_extras(t.__origin__)
if hasattr(t, "__origin__") and t.__origin__ in (Required, NotRequired):
return _strip_extras(t.__args__[0])
if isinstance(t, typing._GenericAlias):
stripped_args = tuple(_strip_extras(a) for a in t.__args__)
if stripped_args == t.__args__:
return t
return t.copy_with(stripped_args)
if hasattr(_types, "GenericAlias") and isinstance(t, _types.GenericAlias):
stripped_args = tuple(_strip_extras(a) for a in t.__args__)
if stripped_args == t.__args__:
return t
return _types.GenericAlias(t.__origin__, stripped_args)
if hasattr(_types, "UnionType") and isinstance(t, _types.UnionType):
stripped_args = tuple(_strip_extras(a) for a in t.__args__)
if stripped_args == t.__args__:
return t
return functools.reduce(operator.or_, stripped_args)
return t
def get_type_hints(obj, globalns=None, localns=None, include_extras=False):
if hasattr(typing, "Annotated"):
hint = typing.get_type_hints(
obj, globalns=globalns, localns=localns, include_extras=True
hint = typing.get_type_hints(obj, globalns=globalns, localns=localns)
if include_extras:
return hint
return {k: _strip_extras(t) for k, t in hint.items()}
if hasattr(typing, 'Annotated'):
Annotated = typing.Annotated
_AnnotatedAlias = typing._AnnotatedAlias
class _AnnotatedAlias(typing._GenericAlias, _root=True):
def __init__(self, origin, metadata):
if isinstance(origin, _AnnotatedAlias):
metadata = origin.__metadata__ + metadata
origin = origin.__origin__
super().__init__(origin, origin)
self.__metadata__ = metadata
def copy_with(self, params):
assert len(params) == 1
new_type = params[0]
return _AnnotatedAlias(new_type, self.__metadata__)
def __repr__(self):
return (f"typing_extensions.Annotated[{typing._type_repr(self.__origin__)}, "
f"{', '.join(repr(a) for a in self.__metadata__)}]")
def __reduce__(self):
return operator.getitem, (
Annotated, (self.__origin__,) + self.__metadata__
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, _AnnotatedAlias):
return NotImplemented
if self.__origin__ != other.__origin__:
return False
return self.__metadata__ == other.__metadata__
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.__origin__, self.__metadata__))
class Annotated:
__slots__ = ()
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
raise TypeError("Type Annotated cannot be instantiated.")
def __class_getitem__(cls, params):
if not isinstance(params, tuple) or len(params) < 2:
raise TypeError("Annotated[...] should be used "
"with at least two arguments (a type and an "
allowed_special_forms = (ClassVar, Final)
if get_origin(params[0]) in allowed_special_forms:
origin = params[0]
msg = "Annotated[t, ...]: t must be a type."
origin = typing._type_check(params[0], msg)
metadata = tuple(params[1:])
return _AnnotatedAlias(origin, metadata)
def __init_subclass__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
raise TypeError(
f"Cannot subclass {cls.__module__}.Annotated"
if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 10):
get_origin = typing.get_origin
get_args = typing.get_args
from typing import _BaseGenericAlias
except ImportError:
_BaseGenericAlias = typing._GenericAlias
from typing import GenericAlias as _typing_GenericAlias
except ImportError:
_typing_GenericAlias = typing._GenericAlias
def get_origin(tp):
if isinstance(tp, _AnnotatedAlias):
return Annotated
if isinstance(tp, (typing._GenericAlias, _typing_GenericAlias, _BaseGenericAlias,
ParamSpecArgs, ParamSpecKwargs)):
return tp.__origin__
if tp is typing.Generic:
return typing.Generic
return None
def get_args(tp):
if isinstance(tp, _AnnotatedAlias):
return (tp.__origin__,) + tp.__metadata__
if isinstance(tp, (typing._GenericAlias, _typing_GenericAlias)):
if getattr(tp, "_special", False):
return ()
res = tp.__args__
if get_origin(tp) is and res[0] is not Ellipsis:
res = (list(res[:-1]), res[-1])
return res
return ()
if hasattr(typing, 'TypeAlias'):
TypeAlias = typing.TypeAlias
elif sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 9):
def TypeAlias(self, parameters):
raise TypeError(f"{self} is not subscriptable")
TypeAlias = _ExtensionsSpecialForm(
doc="""Special marker indicating that an assignment should
be recognized as a proper type alias definition by type
For example::
Predicate: TypeAlias = Callable[..., bool]
It's invalid when used anywhere except as in the example
def _set_default(type_param, default):
if isinstance(default, (tuple, list)):
type_param.__default__ = tuple((typing._type_check(d, "Default must be a type")
for d in default))
elif default != _marker:
type_param.__default__ = typing._type_check(default, "Default must be a type")
type_param.__default__ = None
def _set_module(typevarlike):
def_mod = _caller(depth=3)
if def_mod != 'typing_extensions':
typevarlike.__module__ = def_mod
class _DefaultMixin:
__slots__ = ()
__init__ = _set_default
class _TypeVarLikeMeta(type):
def __instancecheck__(cls, __instance: Any) -> bool:
return isinstance(__instance, cls._backported_typevarlike)
class TypeVar(metaclass=_TypeVarLikeMeta):
_backported_typevarlike = typing.TypeVar
def __new__(cls, name, *constraints, bound=None,
covariant=False, contravariant=False,
default=_marker, infer_variance=False):
if hasattr(typing, "TypeAliasType"):
typevar = typing.TypeVar(name, *constraints, bound=bound,
covariant=covariant, contravariant=contravariant,
typevar = typing.TypeVar(name, *constraints, bound=bound,
covariant=covariant, contravariant=contravariant)
if infer_variance and (covariant or contravariant):
raise ValueError("Variance cannot be specified with infer_variance.")
typevar.__infer_variance__ = infer_variance
_set_default(typevar, default)
return typevar
def __init_subclass__(cls) -> None:
raise TypeError(f"type '{__name__}.TypeVar' is not an acceptable base type")
if hasattr(typing, 'ParamSpecArgs'):
ParamSpecArgs = typing.ParamSpecArgs
ParamSpecKwargs = typing.ParamSpecKwargs
class _Immutable:
__slots__ = ()
def __copy__(self):
return self
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
return self
class ParamSpecArgs(_Immutable):
def __init__(self, origin):
self.__origin__ = origin
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.__origin__.__name__}.args"
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, ParamSpecArgs):
return NotImplemented
return self.__origin__ == other.__origin__
class ParamSpecKwargs(_Immutable):
def __init__(self, origin):
self.__origin__ = origin
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.__origin__.__name__}.kwargs"
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, ParamSpecKwargs):
return NotImplemented
return self.__origin__ == other.__origin__
if hasattr(typing, 'ParamSpec'):
class ParamSpec(metaclass=_TypeVarLikeMeta):
_backported_typevarlike = typing.ParamSpec
def __new__(cls, name, *, bound=None,
covariant=False, contravariant=False,
infer_variance=False, default=_marker):
if hasattr(typing, "TypeAliasType"):
paramspec = typing.ParamSpec(name, bound=bound,
paramspec = typing.ParamSpec(name, bound=bound,
paramspec.__infer_variance__ = infer_variance
_set_default(paramspec, default)
return paramspec
def __init_subclass__(cls) -> None:
raise TypeError(f"type '{__name__}.ParamSpec' is not an acceptable base type")
class ParamSpec(list, _DefaultMixin):
__class__ = typing.TypeVar
def args(self):
return ParamSpecArgs(self)
def kwargs(self):
return ParamSpecKwargs(self)
def __init__(self, name, *, bound=None, covariant=False, contravariant=False,
infer_variance=False, default=_marker):
self.__name__ = name
self.__covariant__ = bool(covariant)
self.__contravariant__ = bool(contravariant)
self.__infer_variance__ = bool(infer_variance)
if bound:
self.__bound__ = typing._type_check(bound, 'Bound must be a type.')
self.__bound__ = None
_DefaultMixin.__init__(self, default)
def_mod = _caller()
if def_mod != 'typing_extensions':
self.__module__ = def_mod
def __repr__(self):
if self.__infer_variance__:
prefix = ''
elif self.__covariant__:
prefix = '+'
elif self.__contravariant__:
prefix = '-'
prefix = '~'
return prefix + self.__name__
def __hash__(self):
return object.__hash__(self)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self is other
def __reduce__(self):
return self.__name__
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not hasattr(typing, 'Concatenate'):
class _ConcatenateGenericAlias(list):
__class__ = typing._GenericAlias
_special = False
def __init__(self, origin, args):
self.__origin__ = origin
self.__args__ = args
def __repr__(self):
_type_repr = typing._type_repr
return (f'{_type_repr(self.__origin__)}'
f'[{", ".join(_type_repr(arg) for arg in self.__args__)}]')
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.__origin__, self.__args__))
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
def __parameters__(self):
return tuple(
tp for tp in self.__args__ if isinstance(tp, (typing.TypeVar, ParamSpec))
def _concatenate_getitem(self, parameters):
if parameters == ():
raise TypeError("Cannot take a Concatenate of no types.")
if not isinstance(parameters, tuple):
parameters = (parameters,)
if not isinstance(parameters[-1], ParamSpec):
raise TypeError("The last parameter to Concatenate should be a "
"ParamSpec variable.")
msg = "Concatenate[arg, ...]: each arg must be a type."
parameters = tuple(typing._type_check(p, msg) for p in parameters)
return _ConcatenateGenericAlias(self, parameters)
if hasattr(typing, 'Concatenate'):
Concatenate = typing.Concatenate
_ConcatenateGenericAlias = typing._ConcatenateGenericAlias elif sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 9):
def Concatenate(self, parameters):
return _concatenate_getitem(self, parameters)
class _ConcatenateForm(_ExtensionsSpecialForm, _root=True):
def __getitem__(self, parameters):
return _concatenate_getitem(self, parameters)
Concatenate = _ConcatenateForm(
doc="""Used in conjunction with ``ParamSpec`` and ``Callable`` to represent a
higher order function which adds, removes or transforms parameters of a
For example::
Callable[Concatenate[int, P], int]
See PEP 612 for detailed information.
if hasattr(typing, 'TypeGuard'):
TypeGuard = typing.TypeGuard
elif sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 9):
def TypeGuard(self, parameters):
item = typing._type_check(parameters, f'{self} accepts only a single type.')
return typing._GenericAlias(self, (item,))
class _TypeGuardForm(_ExtensionsSpecialForm, _root=True):
def __getitem__(self, parameters):
item = typing._type_check(parameters,
f'{self._name} accepts only a single type')
return typing._GenericAlias(self, (item,))
TypeGuard = _TypeGuardForm(
doc="""Special typing form used to annotate the return type of a user-defined
type guard function. ``TypeGuard`` only accepts a single type argument.
At runtime, functions marked this way should return a boolean.
``TypeGuard`` aims to benefit *type narrowing* -- a technique used by static
type checkers to determine a more precise type of an expression within a
program's code flow. Usually type narrowing is done by analyzing
conditional code flow and applying the narrowing to a block of code. The
conditional expression here is sometimes referred to as a "type guard".
Sometimes it would be convenient to use a user-defined boolean function
as a type guard. Such a function should use ``TypeGuard[...]`` as its
return type to alert static type checkers to this intention.
Using ``-> TypeGuard`` tells the static type checker that for a given
1. The return value is a boolean.
2. If the return value is ``True``, the type of its argument
is the type inside ``TypeGuard``.
For example::
def is_str(val: Union[str, float]):
# "isinstance" type guard
if isinstance(val, str):
# Type of ``val`` is narrowed to ``str``
# Else, type of ``val`` is narrowed to ``float``.
Strict type narrowing is not enforced -- ``TypeB`` need not be a narrower
form of ``TypeA`` (it can even be a wider form) and this may lead to
type-unsafe results. The main reason is to allow for things like
narrowing ``List[object]`` to ``List[str]`` even though the latter is not
a subtype of the former, since ``List`` is invariant. The responsibility of
writing type-safe type guards is left to the user.
``TypeGuard`` also works with type variables. For more information, see
PEP 647 (User-Defined Type Guards).
class _SpecialForm(typing._Final, _root=True):
__slots__ = ('_name', '__doc__', '_getitem')
def __init__(self, getitem):
self._getitem = getitem
self._name = getitem.__name__
self.__doc__ = getitem.__doc__
def __getattr__(self, item):
if item in {'__name__', '__qualname__'}:
return self._name
raise AttributeError(item)
def __mro_entries__(self, bases):
raise TypeError(f"Cannot subclass {self!r}")
def __repr__(self):
return f'typing_extensions.{self._name}'
def __reduce__(self):
return self._name
def __call__(self, *args, **kwds):
raise TypeError(f"Cannot instantiate {self!r}")
def __or__(self, other):
return typing.Union[self, other]
def __ror__(self, other):
return typing.Union[other, self]
def __instancecheck__(self, obj):
raise TypeError(f"{self} cannot be used with isinstance()")
def __subclasscheck__(self, cls):
raise TypeError(f"{self} cannot be used with issubclass()")
def __getitem__(self, parameters):
return self._getitem(self, parameters)
if hasattr(typing, "LiteralString"):
LiteralString = typing.LiteralString
def LiteralString(self, params):
raise TypeError(f"{self} is not subscriptable")
if hasattr(typing, "Self"):
Self = typing.Self
def Self(self, params):
raise TypeError(f"{self} is not subscriptable")
if hasattr(typing, "Never"):
Never = typing.Never
def Never(self, params):
raise TypeError(f"{self} is not subscriptable")
if hasattr(typing, 'Required'):
Required = typing.Required
NotRequired = typing.NotRequired
elif sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 9):
def Required(self, parameters):
item = typing._type_check(parameters, f'{self._name} accepts only a single type.')
return typing._GenericAlias(self, (item,))
def NotRequired(self, parameters):
item = typing._type_check(parameters, f'{self._name} accepts only a single type.')
return typing._GenericAlias(self, (item,))
class _RequiredForm(_ExtensionsSpecialForm, _root=True):
def __getitem__(self, parameters):
item = typing._type_check(parameters,
f'{self._name} accepts only a single type.')
return typing._GenericAlias(self, (item,))
Required = _RequiredForm(
doc="""A special typing construct to mark a key of a total=False TypedDict
as required. For example:
class Movie(TypedDict, total=False):
title: Required[str]
year: int
m = Movie(
title='The Matrix', # typechecker error if key is omitted
There is no runtime checking that a required key is actually provided
when instantiating a related TypedDict.
NotRequired = _RequiredForm(
doc="""A special typing construct to mark a key of a TypedDict as
potentially missing. For example:
class Movie(TypedDict):
title: str
year: NotRequired[int]
m = Movie(
title='The Matrix', # typechecker error if key is omitted
_UNPACK_DOC = """\
Type unpack operator.
The type unpack operator takes the child types from some container type,
such as `tuple[int, str]` or a `TypeVarTuple`, and 'pulls them out'. For
# For some generic class `Foo`:
Foo[Unpack[tuple[int, str]]] # Equivalent to Foo[int, str]
Ts = TypeVarTuple('Ts')
# Specifies that `Bar` is generic in an arbitrary number of types.
# (Think of `Ts` as a tuple of an arbitrary number of individual
# `TypeVar`s, which the `Unpack` is 'pulling out' directly into the
# `Generic[]`.)
class Bar(Generic[Unpack[Ts]]): ...
Bar[int] # Valid
Bar[int, str] # Also valid
From Python 3.11, this can also be done using the `*` operator:
Foo[*tuple[int, str]]
class Bar(Generic[*Ts]): ...
The operator can also be used along with a `TypedDict` to annotate
`**kwargs` in a function signature. For instance:
class Movie(TypedDict):
name: str
year: int
# This function expects two keyword arguments - *name* of type `str` and
# *year* of type `int`.
def foo(**kwargs: Unpack[Movie]): ...
Note that there is only some runtime checking of this operator. Not
everything the runtime allows may be accepted by static type checkers.
For more information, see PEP 646 and PEP 692.
if sys.version_info >= (3, 12): Unpack = typing.Unpack
def _is_unpack(obj):
return get_origin(obj) is Unpack
elif sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 9):
class _UnpackSpecialForm(_ExtensionsSpecialForm, _root=True):
def __init__(self, getitem):
self.__doc__ = _UNPACK_DOC
class _UnpackAlias(typing._GenericAlias, _root=True):
__class__ = typing.TypeVar
def Unpack(self, parameters):
item = typing._type_check(parameters, f'{self._name} accepts only a single type.')
return _UnpackAlias(self, (item,))
def _is_unpack(obj):
return isinstance(obj, _UnpackAlias)
class _UnpackAlias(typing._GenericAlias, _root=True):
__class__ = typing.TypeVar
class _UnpackForm(_ExtensionsSpecialForm, _root=True):
def __getitem__(self, parameters):
item = typing._type_check(parameters,
f'{self._name} accepts only a single type.')
return _UnpackAlias(self, (item,))
Unpack = _UnpackForm('Unpack', doc=_UNPACK_DOC)
def _is_unpack(obj):
return isinstance(obj, _UnpackAlias)
if hasattr(typing, "TypeVarTuple"):
class TypeVarTuple(metaclass=_TypeVarLikeMeta):
_backported_typevarlike = typing.TypeVarTuple
def __new__(cls, name, *, default=_marker):
tvt = typing.TypeVarTuple(name)
_set_default(tvt, default)
return tvt
def __init_subclass__(self, *args, **kwds):
raise TypeError("Cannot subclass special typing classes")
class TypeVarTuple(_DefaultMixin):
__class__ = typing.TypeVar
def __iter__(self):
yield self.__unpacked__
def __init__(self, name, *, default=_marker):
self.__name__ = name
_DefaultMixin.__init__(self, default)
def_mod = _caller()
if def_mod != 'typing_extensions':
self.__module__ = def_mod
self.__unpacked__ = Unpack[self]
def __repr__(self):
return self.__name__
def __hash__(self):
return object.__hash__(self)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self is other
def __reduce__(self):
return self.__name__
def __init_subclass__(self, *args, **kwds):
if '_root' not in kwds:
raise TypeError("Cannot subclass special typing classes")
if hasattr(typing, "reveal_type"):
reveal_type = typing.reveal_type
def reveal_type(__obj: T) -> T:
print(f"Runtime type is {type(__obj).__name__!r}", file=sys.stderr)
return __obj
if hasattr(typing, "assert_never"):
assert_never = typing.assert_never
def assert_never(__arg: Never) -> Never:
raise AssertionError("Expected code to be unreachable")
if sys.version_info >= (3, 12):
dataclass_transform = typing.dataclass_transform
def dataclass_transform(
eq_default: bool = True,
order_default: bool = False,
kw_only_default: bool = False,
frozen_default: bool = False,
field_specifiers: typing.Tuple[
typing.Union[typing.Type[typing.Any], typing.Callable[..., typing.Any]],
] = (),
**kwargs: typing.Any,
) -> typing.Callable[[T], T]:
def decorator(cls_or_fn):
cls_or_fn.__dataclass_transform__ = {
"eq_default": eq_default,
"order_default": order_default,
"kw_only_default": kw_only_default,
"frozen_default": frozen_default,
"field_specifiers": field_specifiers,
"kwargs": kwargs,
return cls_or_fn
return decorator
if hasattr(typing, "override"):
override = typing.override
_F = typing.TypeVar("_F", bound=typing.Callable[..., typing.Any])
def override(__arg: _F) -> _F:
__arg.__override__ = True
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
return __arg
if hasattr(typing, "deprecated"):
deprecated = typing.deprecated
_T = typing.TypeVar("_T")
def deprecated(
__msg: str,
category: typing.Optional[typing.Type[Warning]] = DeprecationWarning,
stacklevel: int = 1,
) -> typing.Callable[[_T], _T]:
def decorator(__arg: _T) -> _T:
if category is None:
__arg.__deprecated__ = __msg
return __arg
elif isinstance(__arg, type):
original_new = __arg.__new__
has_init = __arg.__init__ is not object.__init__
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
warnings.warn(__msg, category=category, stacklevel=stacklevel + 1)
if original_new is not object.__new__:
return original_new(cls, *args, **kwargs)
elif not has_init and (args or kwargs):
raise TypeError(f"{cls.__name__}() takes no arguments")
return original_new(cls)
__arg.__new__ = staticmethod(__new__)
__arg.__deprecated__ = __new__.__deprecated__ = __msg
return __arg
elif callable(__arg):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
warnings.warn(__msg, category=category, stacklevel=stacklevel + 1)
return __arg(*args, **kwargs)
__arg.__deprecated__ = wrapper.__deprecated__ = __msg
return wrapper
raise TypeError(
"@deprecated decorator with non-None category must be applied to "
f"a class or callable, not {__arg!r}"
return decorator
if not hasattr(typing, "TypeVarTuple"):
typing._collect_type_vars = _collect_type_vars
typing._check_generic = _check_generic
if sys.version_info >= (3, 13):
NamedTuple = typing.NamedTuple
def _make_nmtuple(name, types, module, defaults=()):
fields = [n for n, t in types]
annotations = {n: typing._type_check(t, f"field {n} annotation must be a type")
for n, t in types}
nm_tpl = collections.namedtuple(name, fields,
defaults=defaults, module=module)
nm_tpl.__annotations__ = nm_tpl.__new__.__annotations__ = annotations
if sys.version_info < (3, 9):
nm_tpl._field_types = annotations
return nm_tpl
_prohibited_namedtuple_fields = typing._prohibited
_special_namedtuple_fields = frozenset({'__module__', '__name__', '__annotations__'})
class _NamedTupleMeta(type):
def __new__(cls, typename, bases, ns):
assert _NamedTuple in bases
for base in bases:
if base is not _NamedTuple and base is not typing.Generic:
raise TypeError(
'can only inherit from a NamedTuple type and Generic')
bases = tuple(tuple if base is _NamedTuple else base for base in bases)
types = ns.get('__annotations__', {})
default_names = []
for field_name in types:
if field_name in ns:
elif default_names:
raise TypeError(f"Non-default namedtuple field {field_name} "
f"cannot follow default field"
f"{'s' if len(default_names) > 1 else ''} "
f"{', '.join(default_names)}")
nm_tpl = _make_nmtuple(
typename, types.items(),
defaults=[ns[n] for n in default_names],
nm_tpl.__bases__ = bases
if typing.Generic in bases:
if hasattr(typing, '_generic_class_getitem'): nm_tpl.__class_getitem__ = classmethod(typing._generic_class_getitem)
class_getitem = typing.Generic.__class_getitem__.__func__
nm_tpl.__class_getitem__ = classmethod(class_getitem)
for key in ns:
if key in _prohibited_namedtuple_fields:
raise AttributeError("Cannot overwrite NamedTuple attribute " + key)
elif key not in _special_namedtuple_fields and key not in nm_tpl._fields:
setattr(nm_tpl, key, ns[key])
if typing.Generic in bases:
return nm_tpl
_NamedTuple = type.__new__(_NamedTupleMeta, 'NamedTuple', (), {})
def _namedtuple_mro_entries(bases):
assert NamedTuple in bases
return (_NamedTuple,)
def NamedTuple(__typename, __fields=_marker, **kwargs):
if __fields is _marker:
if kwargs:
deprecated_thing = "Creating NamedTuple classes using keyword arguments"
deprecation_msg = (
"{name} is deprecated and will be disallowed in Python {remove}. "
"Use the class-based or functional syntax instead."
deprecated_thing = "Failing to pass a value for the 'fields' parameter"
example = f"`{__typename} = NamedTuple({__typename!r}, [])`"
deprecation_msg = (
"{name} is deprecated and will be disallowed in Python {remove}. "
"To create a NamedTuple class with 0 fields "
"using the functional syntax, "
"pass an empty list, e.g. "
) + example + "."
elif __fields is None:
if kwargs:
raise TypeError(
"Cannot pass `None` as the 'fields' parameter "
"and also specify fields using keyword arguments"
deprecated_thing = "Passing `None` as the 'fields' parameter"
example = f"`{__typename} = NamedTuple({__typename!r}, [])`"
deprecation_msg = (
"{name} is deprecated and will be disallowed in Python {remove}. "
"To create a NamedTuple class with 0 fields "
"using the functional syntax, "
"pass an empty list, e.g. "
) + example + "."
elif kwargs:
raise TypeError("Either list of fields or keywords"
" can be provided to NamedTuple, not both")
if __fields is _marker or __fields is None:
deprecation_msg.format(name=deprecated_thing, remove="3.15"),
__fields = kwargs.items()
nt = _make_nmtuple(__typename, __fields, module=_caller())
nt.__orig_bases__ = (NamedTuple,)
return nt
if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
_new_signature = '(typename, fields=None, /, **kwargs)'
if isinstance(NamedTuple, _types.FunctionType):
NamedTuple.__text_signature__ = _new_signature
NamedTuple.__call__.__text_signature__ = _new_signature
if hasattr(, "Buffer"):
Buffer =
class Buffer(abc.ABC):
if hasattr(_types, "get_original_bases"):
get_original_bases = _types.get_original_bases
def get_original_bases(__cls):
return __cls.__orig_bases__
except AttributeError:
return __cls.__bases__
except AttributeError:
raise TypeError(
f'Expected an instance of type, not {type(__cls).__name__!r}'
) from None
if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
NewType = typing.NewType
class NewType:
def __call__(self, obj):
return obj
def __init__(self, name, tp):
self.__qualname__ = name
if '.' in name:
name = name.rpartition('.')[-1]
self.__name__ = name
self.__supertype__ = tp
def_mod = _caller()
if def_mod != 'typing_extensions':
self.__module__ = def_mod
def __mro_entries__(self, bases):
supercls_name = self.__name__
class Dummy:
def __init_subclass__(cls):
subcls_name = cls.__name__
raise TypeError(
f"Cannot subclass an instance of NewType. "
f"Perhaps you were looking for: "
f"`{subcls_name} = NewType({subcls_name!r}, {supercls_name})`"
return (Dummy,)
def __repr__(self):
return f'{self.__module__}.{self.__qualname__}'
def __reduce__(self):
return self.__qualname__
if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
def __or__(self, other):
return typing.Union[self, other]
def __ror__(self, other):
return typing.Union[other, self]
if hasattr(typing, "TypeAliasType"):
TypeAliasType = typing.TypeAliasType
def _is_unionable(obj):
return obj is None or isinstance(obj, (
class TypeAliasType:
def __init__(self, name: str, value, *, type_params=()):
if not isinstance(name, str):
raise TypeError("TypeAliasType name must be a string")
self.__value__ = value
self.__type_params__ = type_params
parameters = []
for type_param in type_params:
if isinstance(type_param, TypeVarTuple):
self.__parameters__ = tuple(parameters)
def_mod = _caller()
if def_mod != 'typing_extensions':
self.__module__ = def_mod
self.__name__ = name
def __setattr__(self, __name: str, __value: object) -> None:
if hasattr(self, "__name__"):
super().__setattr__(__name, __value)
def __delattr__(self, __name: str) -> Never:
def _raise_attribute_error(self, name: str) -> Never:
if name == "__name__":
raise AttributeError("readonly attribute")
elif name in {"__value__", "__type_params__", "__parameters__", "__module__"}:
raise AttributeError(
f"attribute '{name}' of 'typing.TypeAliasType' objects "
"is not writable"
raise AttributeError(
f"'typing.TypeAliasType' object has no attribute '{name}'"
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return self.__name__
def __getitem__(self, parameters):
if not isinstance(parameters, tuple):
parameters = (parameters,)
parameters = [
item, f'Subscripting {self.__name__} requires a type.'
for item in parameters
return typing._GenericAlias(self, tuple(parameters))
def __reduce__(self):
return self.__name__
def __init_subclass__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
raise TypeError(
"type 'typing_extensions.TypeAliasType' is not an acceptable base type"
def __call__(self):
raise TypeError("Type alias is not callable")
if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
def __or__(self, right):
if not _is_unionable(right):
return NotImplemented
return typing.Union[self, right]
def __ror__(self, left):
if not _is_unionable(left):
return NotImplemented
return typing.Union[left, self]
if hasattr(typing, "is_protocol"):
is_protocol = typing.is_protocol
get_protocol_members = typing.get_protocol_members
def is_protocol(__tp: type) -> bool:
return (
isinstance(__tp, type)
and getattr(__tp, '_is_protocol', False)
and __tp is not Protocol
and __tp is not getattr(typing, "Protocol", object())
def get_protocol_members(__tp: type) -> typing.FrozenSet[str]:
if not is_protocol(__tp):
raise TypeError(f'{__tp!r} is not a Protocol')
if hasattr(__tp, '__protocol_attrs__'):
return frozenset(__tp.__protocol_attrs__)
return frozenset(_get_protocol_attrs(__tp))
AbstractSet = typing.AbstractSet
AnyStr = typing.AnyStr
BinaryIO = typing.BinaryIO
Callable = typing.Callable
Collection = typing.Collection
Container = typing.Container
Dict = typing.Dict
ForwardRef = typing.ForwardRef
FrozenSet = typing.FrozenSet
Generator = typing.Generator
Generic = typing.Generic
Hashable = typing.Hashable
IO = typing.IO
ItemsView = typing.ItemsView
Iterable = typing.Iterable
Iterator = typing.Iterator
KeysView = typing.KeysView
List = typing.List
Mapping = typing.Mapping
MappingView = typing.MappingView
Match = typing.Match
MutableMapping = typing.MutableMapping
MutableSequence = typing.MutableSequence
MutableSet = typing.MutableSet
Optional = typing.Optional
Pattern = typing.Pattern
Reversible = typing.Reversible
Sequence = typing.Sequence
Set = typing.Set
Sized = typing.Sized
TextIO = typing.TextIO
Tuple = typing.Tuple
Union = typing.Union
ValuesView = typing.ValuesView
cast = typing.cast
no_type_check = typing.no_type_check
no_type_check_decorator = typing.no_type_check_decorator