from typing import Any, Dict, Sequence
from pip._vendor.packaging.markers import default_environment
from pip import __version__
from pip._internal.req.req_install import InstallRequirement
class InstallationReport:
def __init__(self, install_requirements: Sequence[InstallRequirement]):
self._install_requirements = install_requirements
def _install_req_to_dict(cls, ireq: InstallRequirement) -> Dict[str, Any]:
assert ireq.download_info, f"No download_info for {ireq}"
res = {
# PEP 610 json for the download URL. download_info.archive_info.hashes may
# be absent when the requirement was installed from the wheel cache
# and the cache entry was populated by an older pip version that did not
# record origin.json.
"download_info": ireq.download_info.to_dict(),
# is_direct is true if the requirement was a direct URL reference (which
# includes editable requirements), and false if the requirement was
# downloaded from a PEP 503 index or --find-links.
"is_direct": ireq.is_direct,
# is_yanked is true if the requirement was yanked from the index, but
# was still selected by pip to conform to PEP 592.
"is_yanked": if else False,
# requested is true if the requirement was specified by the user (aka
# top level requirement), and false if it was installed as a dependency of a
# requirement.
"requested": ireq.user_supplied,
# PEP 566 json encoding for metadata
"metadata": ireq.get_dist().metadata_dict,
if ireq.user_supplied and ireq.extras:
# For top level requirements, the list of requested extras, if any.
res["requested_extras"] = sorted(ireq.extras)
return res
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {
"version": "1",
"pip_version": __version__,
"install": [
self._install_req_to_dict(ireq) for ireq in self._install_requirements
# TODO: currently, the resolver uses the default environment to evaluate
# environment markers, so that is what we report here. In the future, it
# should also take into account options such as --python-version or
# --platform, perhaps under the form of an environment_override field?
"environment": default_environment(),