"""Stuff that differs in different Python versions and platform
# noqa: F401 # ignore unused
return True
Return path's uid.
Does not follow symlinks:
Placed this function in compat due to differences on AIX and
Jython, that should eventually go away.
:raises OSError: When path is a symlink or can't be read.
= .
# AIX and Jython
# WARNING: time of check vulnerability, but best we can do w/o NOFOLLOW
# older versions of Jython don't have `os.fstat`
= .
# raise OSError for parity with os.O_NOFOLLOW above
# packages in the stdlib that may have installation metadata, but should not be
# considered 'installed'. this theoretically could be determined based on
# dist.location (py27:`sysconfig.get_paths()['stdlib']`,
# py26:sysconfig.get_config_vars('LIBDEST')), but fear platform variation may
# make this ineffective, so hard-coding
# windows detection, covers cpython and ironpython
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