
Provides the PyPIRCCommand class, the base class for the command classes
that uses .pypirc in the distutils.command package.
import os
from configparser import RawConfigParser

from distutils.cmd import Command

index-servers =


class PyPIRCCommand(Command):
    """Base command that knows how to handle the .pypirc file"""

    DEFAULT_REPOSITORY = 'https://upload.pypi.org/legacy/'
    DEFAULT_REALM = 'pypi'
    repository = None
    realm = None

    user_options = [
        ('repository=', 'r', "url of repository [default: %s]" % DEFAULT_REPOSITORY),
        ('show-response', None, 'display full response text from server'),

    boolean_options = ['show-response']

    def _get_rc_file(self):
        """Returns rc file path."""
        return os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.pypirc')

    def _store_pypirc(self, username, password):
        """Creates a default .pypirc file."""
        rc = self._get_rc_file()
        with os.fdopen(os.open(rc, os.O_CREAT | os.O_WRONLY, 0o600), 'w') as f:
            f.write(DEFAULT_PYPIRC % (username, password))

    def _read_pypirc(self):  # noqa: C901
        """Reads the .pypirc file."""
        rc = self._get_rc_file()
        if os.path.exists(rc):
            self.announce('Using PyPI login from %s' % rc)
            repository = self.repository or self.DEFAULT_REPOSITORY

            config = RawConfigParser()
            sections = config.sections()
            if 'distutils' in sections:
                # let's get the list of servers
                index_servers = config.get('distutils', 'index-servers')
                _servers = [
                    for server in index_servers.split('\n')
                    if server.strip() != ''
                if _servers == []:
                    # nothing set, let's try to get the default pypi
                    if 'pypi' in sections:
                        _servers = ['pypi']
                        # the file is not properly defined, returning
                        # an empty dict
                        return {}
                for server in _servers:
                    current = {'server': server}
                    current['username'] = config.get(server, 'username')

                    # optional params
                    for key, default in (
                        ('repository', self.DEFAULT_REPOSITORY),
                        ('realm', self.DEFAULT_REALM),
                        ('password', None),
                        if config.has_option(server, key):
                            current[key] = config.get(server, key)
                            current[key] = default

                    # work around people having "repository" for the "pypi"
                    # section of their config set to the HTTP (rather than
                    # HTTPS) URL
                    if server == 'pypi' and repository in (
                        current['repository'] = self.DEFAULT_REPOSITORY
                        return current

                    if (
                        current['server'] == repository
                        or current['repository'] == repository
                        return current
            elif 'server-login' in sections:
                # old format
                server = 'server-login'
                if config.has_option(server, 'repository'):
                    repository = config.get(server, 'repository')
                    repository = self.DEFAULT_REPOSITORY
                return {
                    'username': config.get(server, 'username'),
                    'password': config.get(server, 'password'),
                    'repository': repository,
                    'server': server,
                    'realm': self.DEFAULT_REALM,

        return {}

    def _read_pypi_response(self, response):
        """Read and decode a PyPI HTTP response."""
        import cgi

        content_type = response.getheader('content-type', 'text/plain')
        encoding = cgi.parse_header(content_type)[1].get('charset', 'ascii')
        return response.read().decode(encoding)

    def initialize_options(self):
        """Initialize options."""
        self.repository = None
        self.realm = None
        self.show_response = 0

    def finalize_options(self):
        """Finalizes options."""
        if self.repository is None:
            self.repository = self.DEFAULT_REPOSITORY
        if self.realm is None:
            self.realm = self.DEFAULT_REALM