# Copyright Jonathan Hartley 2013. BSD 3-Clause license, see LICENSE file.
This module generates ANSI character codes to printing colors to terminals.
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code
return + +
return + + +
return + +
return + +
# the subclasses declare class attributes which are numbers.
# Upon instantiation we define instance attributes, which are the same
# as the class attributes but wrapped with the ANSI escape sequence
return + +
return + +
return + +
return + +
return + + + +
= 30
= 31
= 32
= 33
= 34
= 35
= 36
= 37
= 39
# These are fairly well supported, but not part of the standard.
= 90
= 91
= 92
= 93
= 94
= 95
= 96
= 97
= 40
= 41
= 42
= 43
= 44
= 45
= 46
= 47
= 49
# These are fairly well supported, but not part of the standard.
= 100
= 101
= 102
= 103
= 104
= 105
= 106
= 107
= 1
= 2
= 22
= 0