import importlib
from collections import namedtuple
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional
from pip._internal.cli.base_command import Command
CommandInfo = namedtuple("CommandInfo", "module_path, class_name, summary")
commands_dict: Dict[str, CommandInfo] = {
"install": CommandInfo(
"Install packages.",
"download": CommandInfo(
"Download packages.",
"uninstall": CommandInfo(
"Uninstall packages.",
"freeze": CommandInfo(
"Output installed packages in requirements format.",
"inspect": CommandInfo(
"Inspect the python environment.",
"list": CommandInfo(
"List installed packages.",
"show": CommandInfo(
"Show information about installed packages.",
"check": CommandInfo(
"Verify installed packages have compatible dependencies.",
"config": CommandInfo(
"Manage local and global configuration.",
"search": CommandInfo(
"Search PyPI for packages.",
"cache": CommandInfo(
"Inspect and manage pip's wheel cache.",
"index": CommandInfo(
"Inspect information available from package indexes.",
"wheel": CommandInfo(
"Build wheels from your requirements.",
"hash": CommandInfo(
"Compute hashes of package archives.",
"completion": CommandInfo(
"A helper command used for command completion.",
"debug": CommandInfo(
"Show information useful for debugging.",
"help": CommandInfo(
"Show help for commands.",
def create_command(name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Command:
module_path, class_name, summary = commands_dict[name]
module = importlib.import_module(module_path)
command_class = getattr(module, class_name)
command = command_class(name=name, summary=summary, **kwargs)
return command
def get_similar_commands(name: str) -> Optional[str]:
from difflib import get_close_matches
name = name.lower()
close_commands = get_close_matches(name, commands_dict.keys())
if close_commands:
return close_commands[0]
return None