import sys
import logging
import distutils.log
from . import monkey

def _not_warning(record):
    return record.levelno < logging.WARNING

def configure():
    Configure logging to emit warning and above to stderr
    and everything else to stdout. This behavior is provided
    for compatibility with distutils.log but may change in
    the future.
    err_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
    out_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
    handlers = err_handler, out_handler
        format="{message}", style='{', handlers=handlers, level=logging.DEBUG)
    if hasattr(distutils.log, 'Log'):
        monkey.patch_func(set_threshold, distutils.log, 'set_threshold')
        # For some reason `distutils.log` module is getting cached in `distutils.dist`
        # and then loaded again when patched,
        # implying: id(distutils.log) != id(distutils.dist.log).
        # Make sure the same module object is used everywhere:
        distutils.dist.log = distutils.log

def set_threshold(level):
    return set_threshold.unpatched(level)